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The Staff of Power

Page 44

by D E Boske

  When the young Mage had been his prisoner, he wanted badly to end his misery. He wanted Darian dead more than he wanted anything. But without the Staff of Power… He hated to let him and the elves go, but what choice did he have? A dead Darian, though it would bring immense pleasure, would not lead him to the staff. And he must have that staff! How he wondered, had Darian partitioned his brain like that? For that was the only answer. How else would he not know the answers to the questions asked?

  The seer! Damn it! That’s how he did it. He sent her all his knowledge, his very being. It was dangerous. It involved too many risks. So many had tried to do it in the past only to lose their very identity in the end. They would be forever linked now. Hmmm, interesting. It had to have worked. How had he pulled it off? Darian was far more clever than he’d given him credit for.

  He dared to imagine what he could accomplish with the staff. With the Staff of Power in hand, yes, he’d been present at the ceremony; he could bring down the accursed Order. To have that come to fruition he must first locate Darian. Which was becoming increasingly more difficult.


  Darian awoke, limbs entwined with Gayla’s. He rose, washed, dressed, and then began to pack their things. Gayla rose soon after, quickly washing and dressing.

  “Good morning, Darian,” she said, grinning.

  “Morning,” he replied smoothly.

  “I’m sorry I woke you. I don’t know what came over me. It was like I heard someone whispering in my dreams. It felt like you were touching me, begging me. Anyway, I’m sorry about yesterday. The whole thing was just so dumb. No reason to get so upset about it.”

  “You were very… convincing. What made you change your mind? I tried to apologize but you wouldn’t even listen to me. Let me get this straight, you wake up from some hot wet dream to ride me into the ground and everything is as good as new? Gayla, what’s going on? Be honest.”

  “I’ve never known you to complain before, Darian. I mean, sometimes you give me a real workout.”

  “I’m not complaining. I’m ready anytime, but last night… That just wasn’t you…” Then he knew. He politely excused himself to go find Kyler.

  “So, you think the demon did… what?” Kyler did not know what to think. “Is that even

  possible? Darian? What are you doing?” the elf sounded alarmed.

  “Not to worry. He is under my command now.” He replied, summoning the demon.

  “This had better be good Mage. You’re interrupting my extra-curricular activities. I’m even using some of your moves. The ladies love it.” Sigorna grinned.

  “That is utterly repulsive. Do not ever spy on me again unless I specifically request it.”

  “What are you so pissed for? I got you laid, didn’t I? Not that you needed my help. You’ve always had a way with the ladies. Size really does matter. And you, you have the whole package, you bastard. You have everything a woman wants. She was so mad at you,” he chuckled. “I whispered to her as she slept, coaxed her a little. Hey, I did you a favor. I wouldn’t mind a little of that action myself.” The demon put up his hands to forestall the Mage’s ire.

  “Don’t,” the Mage warned.

  “All right, all right. I’ve got three very horny ladies to get back to. Unless you care to join in?”

  “Too much information,” Darian released him as he was still talking.

  “You didn’t want to take him up on his offer?” asked the elf, amused. The Mage only glared in response.

  The company assembled by the larder. Already, there were many dwarves gathered there.

  “Thank you for your hospitality. Our people have been friends for a long time and I only see our relationship strengthening after all this,” said Kyler.

  “I would like fer ye to take some o’ me boys with ye,” said Branson, not quite asking.

  “Of course,” said Kyler.

  “I will be comin’ along as well. I’d like to meet yer father face to face an be present fer the council meetin’,” announced Branson.

  “As you wish,” Kyler said, bowing low.

  “No need fer all that. Ye hear?” said Branson, slightly annoyed.

  “Sorry,” Kyler said, smiling unapologetically.

  “About how many dwarves, Branson?” asked Darian.

  “I’m guessin’ forty to be enough. Can ye hold the durn thing open fer that long?”

  “You wound me,” the Mage retorted mildly, putting a hand to his chest.

  The Gor Li’ Khan exchanged looks and Shaz did not miss a thing. Nor did the thief and the bard. If Darian could hold the gate for forty dwarves plus their party… Well, that would be a serious drain on any Mage, if they were even able to do it.

  Darian commanded the gate to activate. The elven council chamber became visible in the doorway. He motioned for Kyler to go first, but the elven prince declined, sending Asa instead. After Asa came the Gor Li’ Khan, then the forest elves, Shaz, Mordinian and Torgyn Ro. Then Darian turned to the dwarves, who looked very nervous. Dwarves did not like magic at all. They mistrusted it completely. If it was not clerical in nature, then they avoided it. The fact that they were willing to go through it at all spoke volumes. They trusted Kyler and Darian. Though they’d been witness to the Mage’s prowess, it did not mean the first few weren’t shoved through. Finally, it was only Nephraete, Kyler, Calisha, and Darian left. Calisha went first, then Nephraete, Kyler and Darian last.

  The elven council chamber was full to bursting. The Monarch and his consort greeted everyone that came through. They embraced their children and Nephraete. The Monarch winked at her and smiled before they took their seats.

  “We welcome King Branson Thundershield and the dwarves to our forest home. It has been far too long, friends. I wish we were meeting under happier circumstances.”

  “Aye,” responded Branson. Branson took over, telling their tale. When it came to the battle, he told it in a unique way as only a dwarf could.

  “If not fer yer kin n’ Darian, we’d have lost many more. Me n’ me kin’s thanks,” he said in conclusion.

  Galavad’s eyes were warm and bright. He was very proud of his children. He motioned for Kyler.

  The elven prince took a long time to tell their tale. He told of the rescue of Darian, about their doubts and misgivings of why it’d been so easy. He told of how they found Tryllia and about the appearance of the Gor Li’ Khan as all eyes went to the legendary elven assassins.

  Kyler relayed the battle at Al-Dan-Tir with Morphindinaetlus and explained how they finally located the dwarves. He told nearly every detail except for personal things about the company. Galavad’s eyes turned to the thief and the bard.

  “What is your purpose here? What business do you have with the elves and Darian?”

  For the first time, Mordinian seemed to be at a loss for words. He looked at everyone present, wondering how much they already knew and how much he should tell them.

  “I was contacted over a year ago by a journeyman of The Order whose name is Mortin. He told me they had a dangerous rogue Mage that they were desperate to find. They gave me his description and his name and said that the reward would be great when I found him. They told me not to engage in conversation with him, as it could prove fatal.

  “Mortin listed the atrocities that the rogue was supposedly guilty of. Told me he was border-line crazy or insane. The more he told me about this rogue Mage, the more I began to suspect that what Mortin told me wasn’t the truth. Why would The Order resort to letting that jackass oversee anything?

  “I may not be a Mage, but I’m no fool. Mortin is not Mage material. He is incompetent. I began to do some digging of my own. I watched Mortin and where he would go, but it never led to anything,” he explained to Darian quickly. “I tried to get in to see someone named Aganor, but I was told he’s a very busy man.

  “I became incredibly curious as to this Mage they tried so hard to find. I promised myself that I would find him for my own reasons to satisfy my own curiosity. Mortin
gave me an enchanted necklace that betrayed my location at all times and allowed me to communicate with them.

  “Finally, in Al-Dan-Tir, I had a sliver of hope. I overheard a few Knights talking about a group of dwarves that entered the city. The dwarves asked if an elf named Kyler entered the city. Then the guards spoke of a Mage who traveled with Kyler of Kiri A’ Nouell. I located an inn with room to spare. When I met up with them, they were less than enthusiastic. It took some convincing and an enchanted amulet, but here we are.”

  “Darian, what say you? For it is obvious the Mage in Mordinian’s story is you.” Galavad said, keeping his face expressionless.

  “Indeed,” said Darian, tersely. He was not happy that the story should once more focus on him. He did not want any of them to know his personal business and he was profoundly relieved that he’d sent Gayla back to the tower until after the meeting was over.

  “I do not know how many of you present can truly appreciate my predicament. For yes, The Order looks for me. They will never give up until I am back inside Piri-Tuma. A place I do not intend to return to. For if I am returned there…” He seemed extremely uncomfortable. “I will surely die…” he trailed off.

  The council chamber erupted in a tidal wave of conversation. Everyone was talking at once. They all began asking questions and with all the noise, it made it too difficult to understand anything.

  Galavad stood, shouting to be heard. “Quiet please. Let us hear more.”

  The confusion ensued for several moments before the Monarch was able to gain control once more.

  “Please, let us hear what he has to say. Darian, what do you mean? Why is The Order really after you? Why have you not told us before?” asked the Monarch.

  “Because I was not sure who I could trust. I’m still not. Trust is hard to come by with me. However, I believe no one in this room means me any harm. Well, almost no one,” he remarked, looking to Shaz, Mordinian and Torgyn Ro. “The Order is after me because I left abruptly, telling no one where I would be. There are very few of them that I trust. Most are useless drunk-

  ards and are nothing like the Mages who founded The Order. I intend to make some changes.

  There is one Mage in particular who searches for me. He is the one who held me prisoner.

  “Kyler, I’m sorry. I tried to find out myself. I never wanted any of you involved. Never wanted anyone else hurt, but that seems all I’m able to do. Anyone who’s close to me seems to either get hurt or worse.”

  “Darian, who is this Mage that’s after you and why?” asked Galavad compassionately.

  “I do not know his identity, but it is a Dark Mage…” he wasn’t able to finish as the council room erupted in sheer madness. This time the elves were on their feet, shouting angrily. The dwarves were aghast, talking amongst themselves. Shaz sat back in shock. He now understood why Darian had been behaving so erratically.

  Mordinian and Torgyn Ro shared a look and the thief sighed heavily in relief. He was glad the Mage knew as there had not been an opportunity to tell him. Once the battle was over, he’d gone right back to work on the gate. And no one was allowed around him but the elves with their horrid Gor Li’ Khan. Damn Kryndale never missed a thing. He tried several times to get close to Darian. But the Gor Li’ Khan leader caught him every time.

  Galavad was simply stunned. He looked at everyone present, gauging their reactions. Well this explained much. Darian had always been cagey. Friendly, yet he kept you at arms-length.

  Especially with Tynuviel. The Monarch knew Darian loved her and she him. He hated to see his daughter in such pain. He’d almost stepped in a time or two on her behalf. Now much became clear to the elven ruler. His respect for the young Mage grew. He’d sacrificed much to keep the elves safe. That was something the elves would never forget. He hoped they’d all stand with him to protect Darian.

  Galavad watched the commotion unfold before him. He could see the worry etched in his daughter’s face, the love she still felt for the Mage plain to see. What’s this? He saw Tireniel holding her hand under the table. Could it be? What else had happened on their journey that he was unaware of?

  He quickly gathered his thoughts and prepared to restore order, but the Crebellan beat him to it. Putting his fingers to his lips, he blew loudly. Everyone was shocked into silence.

  “I think what we all mean to say, Darian, is what does this Dark Mage want with you and what can we do to help?” His gaze swept the entire room. “For I know that I am not alone when I say you are a great and valued friend. I have traveled with you. I’ve been a witness to your generosity and loyalty. In Al-Dan-Tir at the market, you purchased mistress Nephraete a fur-lined cloak and gloves to match. I know what you paid for them, as I was there. You also bought her fresh juices because you know how she loathes ale.

  “The sacrifices you make do not go unnoticed by me. Though most of us are unaware

  of them. Every day I watch as you suffer. This is not right. It is unfair. You deserve happiness just as we all do. I will stand by your side and fight ‘til my last breath if need be. I am honored to call you friend.”

  “Calisha, you honor us with your presence cousin. Indeed, Calisha is right. Darian has been a friend to us all. Now he needs our help. Darian, what does this Dark Mage want with you?” asked Galavad.

  “My staff.” He withdrew it, silently commanding it to full height. At its appearance, the room went silent. The Staff of Power was a breathtaking sight. The elven rune glowed brightly, its white light pure and strong.

  The rune had multiple meanings: strength, sensuality, power and loyalty. After several long moments, Galavad finally spoke.

  “Darian, I know you do not like to reveal your personal affairs, but I’m afraid if we do not fully understand, we will be unable to help you. Unless you are honest with us, our efforts may prove fruitless. Please, you and my son have a strong friendship. I know this makes you uncomfortable, but you have many friends here.”

  Darian was quiet for long moments before he spoke and when he did, it was barely audible. Only the elves heard him clearly.

  “You must understand I am not used to this. Kyler is the first friend… The only true friend I ever had. I’m not used to people caring about me. My world is full of terror and bloodshed. My fellow Mages would stop at nothing to kill me if they thought they could get away with it. They fear me and my power. It is the only reason they haven’t tried again.

  “I have always been different from them and they know it. Hate it. Hate me. I do not think as they do and this frightens them. They do not understand me; therefore, I must be a threat. I tried so hard to make sure none of you would be involved. Tried not to hurt anyone.”

  Darian did not look at her as he spoke. He put his head down, looking meek and ashamed, two characteristics that did not describe Darian. “Especially you Tynuviel. Everyone present knows how I feel about you. It is no secret. I am sorry for everything; all the pain I’ve caused you. I am unworthy of your love. Tireniel is a better man by far than me.” His gaze turned back to Galavad.

  “With the Staff of Power, the Dark Mage will be virtually unstoppable. We must not let this happen. The consequences would be dire. Not just for me, but for all of Corillia. He controls Morphindinaetlus, who will stop at nothing to consume my magic. If the Dark Mage wins, he will throw me to the dragon and I will be no more.”

  This was the most they ever heard the Mage speak. Those that heard his speech knew that he’d been completely honest and humble. Two things the strong Darian Brade had never

  been before.

  After the council meeting, Tynuviel caught up to Darian in the hall. “Hey,” she said lightly, touching his arm. The emotion that flooded his face was unreadable. As quickly as it had come through, it was gone.

  “Ty, there’s so much I want to say to you. So much has been lost. I hope you can forgive me. I truly never meant to hurt you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and I handled everything poorly. It’s just… I couldn’t stand
the thought of any harm coming to you. Being my lover… you’d be in constant danger and if something happened to you because of me… I guess I did everything in my power to push you away. I never took into consideration that it’s your body, your life. It should be as much your choice as mine. You’re so beautiful. When I’m with you, I know this is what love is.” He took her small hand in his and lightly brushed his lips against her skin.

  “Come back to my room for a drink? We can talk in private.”

  Without waiting for a response, she led him back to her chambers. He did not hesitate, following her in and locking the door behind him. She could hardly believe it. He actually came inside! His hair had grown to touch the top of his shoulders. To her, it made him look wildly handsome.

  His features were perfect in every way and his grey eyes watched her every move. She poured two glasses of Nykessa and handed him one.

  “I forgive you, Darian. I understand now fully, why you did the things you did. In your place, I’d probably have done the same.”

  “You don’t know how hard all this has been on me,” he said quietly.

  “Yes. I think I do. For the first time, I believe I do.”

  He was so tired of doing what was right and sacrificing everything. He gulped down the wine and turned to go, knowing she would stop him.

  “Darian? Please don’t go.” She grabbed his wrist, turning him about.

  “Ty, what about Tireniel?”

  She laughed. “Oh please. You know it’s always been you.”

  She leaned into him, he felt so good to her. His scent drove her wild. She pushed his hair out of the way. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him closer. She was fairly certain he would not fight. And she was rewarded moments later as he brushed her lips with his, soft and warm. The way he kissed her made her weak in the knees.

  He dropped his Shryvven on the floor, taking her in his arms. He kissed her lips again, kissed her neck, and then back to her lips. He used his magic to open her shirt, exposing her breasts. His hands went right to them, followed closely by his lips. She moaned softly as she undid his shirt, flinging it somewhere behind her. She undid his breeches, sliding her hands inside as he groaned in pleasure.


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