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The Staff of Power

Page 49

by D E Boske

  Then Darian had done something none of them had expected. Right in front of the whole elven kingdom, the Mage asked for the Monarch’s blessing to be with Tynuviel. Asa knew that hurt Gayla, but she was so strong! So unlike his past human lovers.

  He woke her, kissing her softly, running his hands over her body. Much later, as they lay in each other’s arms, she spoke.

  “Asa, will you go with me to pick up my things?”

  “Of course,” he said, running his fingers through her hair.

  “Though, I do not know where I’ll go.”

  “I thought that was settled. I want you to stay here with me.”

  “Asa, are you sure? I don’t want to be a burden. I don’t want you to think you have to. I’ll be okay.”

  “Gayla, I love you. You’ll stay with me because I want you to.” He kissed her. “Unless, Takasha! I’m sorry. I never gave you a chance to tell me how you felt. Do you want to stay with me?”

  “I’d like that more than anything. I just didn’t want you to feel forced into it.” She kissed him, sliding into his lap.

  Asa had no idea what he’d been in for with her. She was insatiable! And he loved it. He liked making love to her. She made it so easy. She moaned softly, tilting her head back. His lips caressed her neck as he laid her down.

  They waited until after supper to collect her things. When they knocked on Darian’s door, she hoped he wasn’t there as much as she hoped he was. He was fresh from a bath. His long hair hung in wet strands and he wore only loose-fitting breeches.

  “Gayla, Asa, come in.” He held the door open.

  “I just came to pick up my things,” she stammered.

  “Here, let me help you.” He took her into the other room. Asa knew he wanted a few moments alone so he stayed in the outer rooms.

  “Gayla, I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I honestly meant to take care of you always. But because I care for you, I wanted you to be with someone who really loves you. Please don’t hate me. I know I didn’t go about it in the right way, but I had the very best of intentions. I had your best interest at heart. You know I’d never return you to Mogan Dar. Asa is a good elf and he loves you.”

  “I know,” she wailed. She couldn’t hold it in anymore. She burst into tears as he held her close. She cried so hard her shoulders shook. He felt like such an ass.

  “I know why you did what you did. I know you care for me; else, you’d never have taken me in. You were always good to me. I’m going to miss you. I love you so much. But I know you don’t love me. You love Tynuviel. You deserve happiness, too, Darian. When you’re with her… you’re a totally different person. The Order should not be able to take that away from anyone.” Her tiny form was wracked with sobs.

  “Shhh,” he held her, stroking her hair. “I’m going to miss you, too. I’m giving you a chance at a real life, real happiness. But I cannot love you the way you need me to, the way you deserve to be. Asa can be everything you need. I really did put a lot of thought and effort into making this happen.”

  He helped her pack, making sure she forgot nothing. When they were finished, he told her to close her eyes. He put a moonstone necklace around her neck.

  “Oh Darian, it’s beautiful!” He kissed her softly, tenderly as she clung to him.

  “If ever you need me, touch this necklace and call my name. I’ll be there for you always.” He kissed her again, leading her back to Asa.

  “Darian, thank you for entrusting her to me. I will always love her and take care of her.”

  “That was never my concern, Asa. I know you will. That’s why I chose you.”

  “Lini A’ Chua. La Ran’ Ti Tira makhal,” he said in elvish.

  “O come now. Stop that drivel. Don’t you have something better to do than stand around kissing my ass?” Asa only laughed.

  When they were out in the hall Asa said, “He doesn’t take compliments too well does he?”

  “No, not at all. What did you say?”

  “I told him I was honored, that I was blessed to call him friend.”

  “No wonder he looked like he could chew nails,” she laughed.

  “Where did he learn to speak elvish? Do you know?” he asked her.

  “Piri-Tuma I guess. Though I am not sure. He never spoke of his teaching or training.”

  “Do you realize how difficult our language is to learn? Maybe a handful of scholars can speak and understand it. But they all have one thing in common. Their inflection is oft times incorrect along with their accent.

  “But Darian, he speaks as one of us. If you were to close your eyes, you’d never know that he was not an elf. He can write it fluently as well. I’ve seen him do it. His elvish script is very fine indeed.”

  “I… I never realized that it was so difficult a task. I guess I’m a lost cause, then.”

  “You would like to learn?” he asked, mildly shocked.

  “Yes, I would. If I am to spend my life with you, I would like to learn your native tongue. Would you teach me?” she asked.

  “I can try, but it isn’t easy.” They returned to Asa’s quarters and he began to teach her the basics.

  Kyler was about to knock a second time, when the door was yanked open. When he saw who his visitor was, he was quickly apologetic.

  “Kyler, I’m sorry. Come in.”

  “Darian, what the hell is going on? I’ve been looking everywhere for you. For once, can’t you let me in on the plan instead of using me like some dirty dishcloth?”

  “I’m sorry. I was afraid it wouldn’t be totally believable if you knew.” Darian poured

  Nykessa for them both. “I know I should have told you. I’m so used to not confiding in anyone

  that sometimes, old habits die hard.”

  “What happened with Tynuviel?” he queried.

  “She agreed to give me the time I need,” Darian said, holding back.

  “That’s great! What about Gayla?”

  “Well, I promised Ty that I would not be with anyone else but her. Gayla…” he trailed off, draining his glass and pouring more. “Gayla, of course I hurt her. She came earlier with Asa to pick up her things. I tried to explain why I did what I did and she actually understood. Asa said he would take care of her and I know he will. It’s why I chose him. She needs someone who will really love her. Not like my pathetic attempt.”

  “Like I said before, in your own way you do love her, else you just wouldn’t bother.”

  “Kyler, I need to talk to you about something,” he said, ignoring the elf’s remark. He sounded so serious it caught the elf off guard.

  “What is it Darian?”

  “I don’t want you to get angry with me. Last night after the party, I was in bed alone. Two beautiful elves came by offering themselves to me. They said they were offering themselves to me for everything I’d done. I sent them away.” The Mage responded to the elf’s raised eyebrows.

  “This morning, Tynuviel and I went to see your father to ask if he knew anything. Of course, he grilled me like a piece of meat. He told me I’m to court Ty as befits the princess of Kiri A’ Nouell.” Kyler chuckled. “But your mother was not so nice. She never gave me her blessing. She wants to make sure I’m faithful to Ty. I can understand their misgivings. It’s no less than I deserve, but your mother is behind the attempted seduction. She issued me a challenge, spoken vaguely of course. I do not think Galavad has any idea.”

  “That’s absurd! You think my mother is sending elves to seduce you to ruin your chances with my sister? Do you know how that sounds?”

  “I know, but I’m sure it’s her. Stay here with me for a while and I guarantee she’ll send someone else. This one’s bound to be more insistent.”

  “I don’t believe what I’m hearing.”

  “Kyler, if you’d been there, seen the way she looked at me. You’d be as certain as I am.”

  “If I stay, she’s bound to see me.”

  “Not if you’re invisible she won’t.” The elf agreed to stay w
ith his friend and try to find the underlying cause of it.

  “So did you spend any time with her?”

  “Yes, but your father interrupted us.”

  “What?” Kyler was aghast.

  “He told me in no uncertain terms that I was not to touch her until I have control of The


  “He can’t… Why?”

  “I asked him if he harassed the shit out of Tireniel the way he was me.”

  “What? What did he say?” asked the shocked elf prince.

  “He said Tireniel is not a Mage of The Order. He is right and I told Tynuviel that it really wasn’t a good idea and that it would be best if we wait.”

  “Why don’t we all do something together tomorrow? Maybe it will be easier.”

  “Thanks, my friend.” They sat drinking and talking long into the night. Kyler was beginning to believe no one was coming. The soft knock on the door had the Mage quickly casting the spell. Kyler stood where he would be able to see clearly.

  Darian opened the door to see another beautiful elf standing there. This one wasted no time. She pushed past him into his room. She took off her cloak and he was not surprised to see that she was completely naked underneath.

  “Why are you here? I told the others and I’m telling you, I have no interest in this.”

  “Your body betrays you,” she said, stroking him. He removed her hands.

  “Tis a simple matter of chemical stimulation in the brain. It has nothing to do with your hand on my dick. Tell the queen that you failed. I love Tynuviel and I will not betray her. Tell the queen to stop this foolishness.”

  “The queen?” she asked, laughing. “What are you talking about?” she said innocently.

  “I am no fool.”

  “And neither am I,” said Kyler, as Darian dismissed the spell. She ran to cover herself up, then bowed to Kyler.

  “It appears that you are right Darian. This is one of my mother’s handmaidens. How could you do this Valdeira?”

  “I’m sorry. The queen commanded me to. She told me to do whatever it took to seduce you. Though in truth, this was something I really wanted to do. I’ve been watching you for some time Darian. Takasha! You’re so handsome. I’m sorry. I never wanted to anger you. I’m sorry Kyler.”

  “You tell my mother that her plan failed miserably. Tell her I’ll be by to speak with her tomorrow. Good-night Valdeira.” Kyler ushered her out into the hall.

  “Takasha! Darian I’m sorry. I should never have doubted you. I will speak to her tomorrow.”

  “Do not be too harsh on her. This pregnancy is troubling her.”

  “What do you mean? Is the baby alright?” Kyler asked concernedly.

  “The twins are fine. It’s her hormones. They’re raging out of control right now.”

  “Twins?” asked Kyler.

  “Yes. You know, two babies at once? A boy and a girl,” Darian explained as if Kyler were slow-witted.

  “But even the Shak Ta’ Ru could not tell her this.”

  “What is it with you Brighton’s? I am a Mage of The Order. I command magic more powerful than the Shak Ta’ Ru. One look at her and I knew.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Get some rest. It’s late.”

  “About the twins. Are you going to tell her?” Kyler replied exasperated.

  “No, why would I? I’m no Shak Ta’ Ru. Besides, she didn’t ask for my lowly Mage’s opinion. Oh and she keeps sending women to ride me into the ground.” Wow. He sounded perturbed.

  Kyler stayed a little while longer to try to calm the Mage down. Then he returned to his room where he found Nephraete deep in Ru Nay’ Sha. He kissed her forehead then held her close, her back nestled closely against his chest. He slipped quickly into the meditative state with sensual thoughts inspired by Nephraete’s bottom resting on his groin.

  In the morning, Kyler rose early, going directly to see his mother. Dyvana did not try to stop him. The steely look in the elf prince’s eyes had the guards quick stepping out of his way.

  “What is it son? What’s happened?” asked Galavad, alarmed. Kyler had never burst in on them like this before.

  “Where is mother? I must speak with her,” responded the elf prince.

  “You will tell me what this is concerning,” said Galavad, stopping his son in his tracks. Kyler let out a breath.

  “I was hoping to discuss this in private with her.”

  “You will discuss it with me… now.”

  “She’s sending elves to try and seduce Darian to ruin his chances with Tynuviel.”

  “How dare you! Darian has told me of this and it’s only happened once…”

  Kyler cut him off. “It happened again last night. I was there. This time she sent Valdeira. She admitted that the queen commanded her to do it. What is this madness? Why are you trying to make them suffer? Haven’t they suffered enough already? Finally, they can both know happiness. Why would you try to destroy that?” Kyler was visibly angry. Angrier than the Monarch ever remembered. He tried to calm him down.

  “There must be some mistake…” Galavad began, not wanting to believe his wife would do such a thing.

  “You must understand she is my daughter. He’s hurt her so deeply already. Do you really

  think that’ll change? I just had to be sure he would not be tempted. I had to put my mind at ease,” said Tiriel, coming toward them, holding her swelling belly.

  “This pregnancy is raging war with my emotions. I’m sorry, I did not mean for anyone to be hurt. He just doesn’t seem like the type of man who would be satisfied with only her. I don’t want to see her cry anymore.” She hugged Kyler, then Galavad.

  “I think maybe you should talk to him, mother. He knows why this pregnancy is so hard on you. If you would only trust him as I do, you would see. I know he’s done things that none of us agrees with, but he doesn’t deserve this treatment. He really loves her. He will not hurt her again.”

  Tiriel’s face softened. “Alright Kyler. Please go get him so that I might apologize and beg for his forgiveness and counsel.”

  Half an hour later, Kyler returned with Darian in tow. He looked every bit of the powerful Mage that he was. He wore his Shryvven open to reveal his shirt underneath of which the first three buttons were undone. His Mage ring he wore on his right index finger.

  The sight of him took Tiriel’s breath away. She’d never seen him looking so sexy. His hair was growing long and it only added to his allure. He had a thick chain around his neck, which held some sort of small stone. It’s black and amber colors looked inviting on his tan chest.

  Takasha, what was she thinking? She’d never looked at him in such a way before. She had no doubt it was because of her hormones. Seeing him now, she understood why her daughter was in love with him, why so many women fell prey to Darian Brade. Right now, she wanted to be one of them.

  Galavad and Kyler left to give them some privacy.

  “You asked to see me, Tiriel? What is it that I can do for you?” he said with less respect than her station deserved, but it had been a long two days and he was tired of the games. He plopped down into a chair without being asked to sit.

  “Darian, I’m sorry. I just want what every mother wants for her daughter. I just needed to be sure you wouldn’t hurt her again. I went about it in the wrong way. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?”

  Darian sat back. He’d not been expecting that. Kyler hadn’t mentioned what she wanted, only that she wanted to see him right away.

  “As you wish, Tiriel. It’s forgotten. I understand why you feel the way you do. I haven’t exactly given you a reason to trust me with your daughter. But I promise, I will take care of her and love her for all my days,” he said, his tone softening.

  “Darian, this pregnancy is trying my patience, toying with my emotions. I’ve never felt this way before. Will you please check to see that my baby is okay?”

  “If you wish it,” he replied, disinterestedly.

>   “I do.”

  He stood, coming over to her. He was easily a foot taller than she was, maybe one and a half feet. He had such beautiful eyes. His lips… She really must control herself. What was wrong with her?

  He put his left hand on her back for stability, his right hand he laid gently on her swollen belly. His touch seemed to burn her alive. She became intensely aroused. His hands, he had nice hands with long slender fingers. Good for magic she supposed, but she knew something else they would be good for as well.

  She knew she should feel ashamed to be thinking the things she was but she wasn’t. She put her hand on top of his. His eyes were closed, so deep in concentration was he. That is, until her lips found his. He jerked away, breaking all contact with her.

  “Tiriel, what are you doing?” he asked, befuddled.

  “I’m sorry Darian. I don’t know what came over me.” All the shame she should have felt before found her now, wrapping her in a tight embrace. She swayed on her feet and he caught her as she fell.

  When she awoke, she was in her bed. She opened her eyes slowly. Darian sat in a chair by her bedside, writing in a leather-bound tome. When he saw she was awake, he put the book away, coming to stand by her.

  “Tiriel, are you alright? How are you feeling?” he asked, worry etched on his handsome face.

  “Embarrassed and ashamed. Darian, I am so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. When you put your hand on my belly, I became aroused. I’ve no idea why. Most days I’m afraid of contact with anyone. I never know how I’ll feel. Sometimes, I’m so terribly mean. Sometimes I’m alright and sometimes I weep uncontrollably. The Shak Ta’ Ru have not been able to help me. Their herb teas have not helped at all to ease these feelings. Now this… I’m sorry.” She struggled to sit up. He put his arms around her, helping her up.

  “It’s alright Tiriel. It’s perfectly normal, these things you feel. You’re feeling them more intensely because you carry twins.”

  “Twins! Are you sure?” she asked shakily.

  “Aye, one boy one girl. Their separate heartbeats are very distinct. Not to worry, they are healthy and strong. I will leave you with some herbs to drink in your tea at night. It should help with your mood swings. I’ll show Galavad how to prepare it for you.”


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