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The Final Prophecy (The Oracle Series Book 3)

Page 4

by N. J. Cooper

  “C’mon grumpy. We’re going to dance.” Wyatt teased with a smirk. Kyla shook her head.

  “Not in these heels, I’m not.” She said. Wyatt laughed and pulled her up.

  “I’ll hold you up. Trust me, you’ll like this dance. We get to switch partners.” He wiggled his eyebrows at the dancefloor where everyone was spinning to the next partner. Kyla smirked and followed Wyatt to the dancefloor.

  “Best wingman ever.” Kyla whispered in his ear as she pressed herself against him and clasped his hand in hers and his hand went to her waist. He chuckled.

  “I’m trying to make up for being a dick the last week. I am sorry.” He admitted. Kyla smiled and swayed with him.

  “It’s okay, Wyatt. Forget it.” She whispered, her eyes watching Zarek over Wyatt’s shoulder. Zarek was already watching her. He grinned as the song built and they both new what was coming. The switch. Kyla’s stomach fluttered and her hands prickled in anticipation.

  “I can feel your heart against my ribcage, Kyla. Don’t have a heart attack on me.” Wyatt chuckled. Kyla blushed, her heart pounding. But she couldn’t help it. Her bodies reaction to Zarek, was soul deep and she had no control over it. The music crested and Wyatt swung her away with a wink.

  “Have fun.” Wyatt smirked and caught Elanor’s hands in his as Kyla came face to face with Zarek, his body pulling her in against him. Kyla sighed as he did and linked her fingers through his, the heat of his arm around her seeping through her skin. His eyes closed momentarily as they moved together with the music. When they opened, they were filled with heat that matched the burning inside her. She wished they were alone.

  ‘You’re beautiful.” He said softly. Kyla smiled.

  “I missed you.” She whispered back. He smirked and spun her then brought her back in, his hand searing the skin of her back. She gasped as his hard body held her tighter than her dress.

  “Nine.” He whispered in her ear. Kyla’s eyes fluttered closed as his voice sent a shiver through her body.

  “I have a lot to tell you, Zarek. It’s been so hard not talking to you. You didn’t even tell me about my mom.” Kyla trembled. Zarek pulled back slightly and frowned.

  “I thought you would like that. Your mom staying was for you as a gift.” He asked. Kyla frowned.

  “No, not that. That was beautiful. It was the scroll later that kind of made it suck.” Kyla admitted. He twirled her again and when he bought her back, it wasn’t as committed to the dance.

  “What scroll?” He demanded.

  “My mother has three weeks to find out what her ancestry is and how she fits in our world, before she is being sent home. It was a royal scroll that said it was sent on behalf of you by the Queen.” Kyla explained. Zarek’s hand tightened in hers as a scowl fell over his face.

  “I never sent that. I made it clear that she was a part of the realm now. It’s my mother, she’s been interfering a lot while she’s technically calling the shots, well training me,” He shook his head, then looked back at her, “I’ll fix it.” He said as the song finished, and they stopped dancing. Everyone cheered and clapped as Zarek stepped back.

  “I’ll see you soon.” She whispered then curtseyed to the Prince and left the dancefloor. When she sat back down, she let out a tense breath. Wyatt came over and grinned.

  “Damn, Elanor is hot as hell when she stops being a bitch for two seconds.” Wyatt breathed as he came over. Kyla smiled half-heartedly and looked over at the huge clock. Quarter of an hour. Elanor was going back to her seat next to Zarek, who was whispering furiously at his mother and she of course, was glaring at Kyla. Kyla glared back. She knew what the Queen was up to behind closed doors and she wasn’t going to back down. Elanor sat down and if Kyla could see right, she would say she was blushing-a flustered look that Elanor Dior did not get. She turned back to Wyatt with a grin.

  “What did you do to Queen Bee? She’s blushing.” Kyla asked. Wyatt looked over and grinned. He winked at Elanor who was staring, then she quickly looked away. Kyla’s jaw dropped.

  “I just reminded her that there are other guys out there other than Zarek that will show her how much of a catch she is.” He chuckled, taking a sip of water.

  “And how did you do that?” She wondered.

  “Told her to look in my mind.” He wiggled his eyebrows. Kyla laughed.

  “And she didn’t slap you?”

  “No. Even better, I think she enjoyed it. At the moment she is getting ignored, she is technically going to be Queen but the one guy she wants is giving all his attention to someone else, so I just showed her what a guy would do if they devoted all their attention to her the way she wants.” Wyatt smiled. Kyla grinned and looked back at Elanor who was drinking water. Kyla smiled then glanced at the clock again as another song started and everyone kept dancing and talking. Five minutes. She stood and excused herself from Wyatt.

  “I’m just heading to the bathroom.” Kyla said louder than she needed to. Wyatt grinned.

  “Okay, Oracle.” He winked then went back onto the dancefloor with the next person he found. Kyla left the room and followed Elanor’s instructions down the hall and to the first room on the left. It was dark inside with only a small lamp on the desk, lighting her way. Shelves of books lined the room and the bay window was slightly open. Kyla closed the door behind her and blew out a breath, waiting and pacing the room until there was finally a click from the door and Zarek came in.

  ~ 4 ~

  Kyla knew she was meant to use her five minutes with Zarek wisely but that meant nothing to her heart or the way her body went to his. She went into his arms as he strode forward, wrapping her in his embrace as his lips crushed down on hers. Her hands fisted in his hair as he moved his mouth over hers, tightening his arms around her. Kyla sighed against him as he let her go and rested his forehead against hers, his breath coming harshly between them as her chest rose and fell with the effort of catching her breath. She closed her eyes and bit her swollen lip.

  “We don’t have long.” He whispered. She nodded and pulled back.

  “I had to see you. I know it’s against the rules.” She apologized.

  “The rule that says I can’t be with you is stupid. If my mother would get off my case for two seconds, I’d hold off this wedding and change the law as soon as I am King. I’d make it you in a heartbeat Kyla.” He admitted. Kyla’s lip trembled as her heart swelled.

  “I wish it could be but that’s not what I’m here for Zarek. I wasn’t lying to Elanor. I needed to see you because I had more visions. Ones about Onyx and I couldn’t get a hold of you, to tell you.” Kyla admitted walking away from him to lean against the desk. He folded his arms with a frown.

  “What did you see? Onyx is in prison, the centaurs report back every half hour with updates and nothing has come up.” He explained. Kyla pointed to her chest.

  “What’s missing, Zarek?” She asked. Zarek scrutinized her and shook his head. She was about to give him the punchline when he figured it out and gasped.

  “He has your amulet. How the hell did he get that?” Zarek demanded.

  Kyla shrugged, “I’m guessing it was when he tore through my throat. But it doesn’t matter how, what matters is that he has it and he is going to use it to get out.” Kyla revealed. Zarek ran a hand over his slicked back hair and let out a heavy breath.

  “This can’t be possible. He can’t use the amulet over there. It shouldn’t have any power, the Oracle is a part of you now, not in the necklace. What did you see? How did he use it?” Zarek asked. Kyla thought back to her vision.

  “I didn’t see how he used it. I was in the Outlands and his prison was crumbling and burning. The creatures that are loyal to him that are over there, were attacking the centaurs and Onyx was able to walk right out clutching my amulet and it was glowing Zarek. It had power.” Kyla remembered. Zarek rubbed his hands over his face.

  “Hold on, I have to call Orion. He can ask the centaurs over there and get them to check if it’s there.” Zarek said b
ut Kyla stopped him, her hand resting over his before he could pull his phone out.

  “Zarek, I know what to do but you’re not going to like it.” Kyla admitted. He looked her in the eyes and guessed her plan before shaking his head.

  “You’re not going over there, Kyla.” He bit. Kyla smiled.

  “Yes, I am. I have to. The vision was the future, I know that much but how far in the future? I have no idea and if you have the centaurs go in there and search, he’ll know I’m on to him. If I go over there before he knows, I might be able to get the jump on him and search the place before he knows that I’m there looking for it.” Kyla explained. Zarek grabbed the sides of her face, pressing his lips harshly on hers before pulling back to look in her eyes.

  “Kyla. This isn’t like the human realm. It’s not this one. It’s the Outlands. Created to punish those who have betrayed us. It’s dangerous.” Zarek urged. Kyla shrugged with a half-hearted chuckle.

  “I know that, Z. But I have to, if I don’t then who else will? If I don’t and he uses it to get out, then whatever blood he spills will be on my hands because I knew what he was going to do and did nothing. I don’t get these visions to do nothing.” Kyla reminded. He held her chin in his hand, pulling her body in against his as he looked over her face with a frown and wavering eyes.

  “If you go, I go.” He whispered. Kyla’s eyes widened.

  “No, Zarek. No,” She bit, refusing to let him put himself in that much danger, it was her destiny not his, “You’re going to be King. You can’t leave.” Kyla forced through a shaking voice, her chest tightening at the idea of him being hurt again. He chuckled lightly.

  “I’m not King yet. Plus, the centaurs are more likely to be co-operative if I am there, and then we can take Orion and Shemar with as many of their pack as we need. It’ll be safer, for both of us.” He said kissing her. It was a deep, slow kiss that had her forgetting her argument the instant his lips touched hers. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he arched her against him, his arms tight around her waist. When he pulled back, she was short of breath and couldn’t remember what she had been about to argue, which she was guessing was his plan. She sighed and looked him over.

  “What if I get the future King killed? Your mother will kill me.” Kyla tried. Zarek laughed.

  “Then I won’t die. Kyla I’m coming, okay? I tell my mother about this and she’ll agree.” Zarek said but Kyla tensed.

  “No!” She said quickly but it had Zarek raising his eyebrows in question at her, she tried to figure out how to tell him not to tell his mother the truth, “Um, look I know it’s probably not protocol but maybe we should just keep this between us? I don’t want anyone knowing that he took the amulet, or they’ll blame me, and your mother already hates me. Why don’t you just say that the centaurs reported some strange activity and have asked for an inspection? Please?” Kyla urged trying not to sound pleading but desperate for him to agree. Zarek looked over her with a furrowed brow and she wasn’t sure whether he was considering what she had said or whether he was trying to figure out whether she was lying, either way, her body sagged in relief when he finally nodded.

  “Okay. We’ll leave in two days. We can’t tomorrow since it’s the end of this whole nominating ceremony and the Elders will be leaving, then we leave. Nobody should know I am even gone, that way.” He admitted. Kyla processed his words, trusting her instincts to pick up whether that was a good idea or not. There was no tightening or warning signs inside her that said that waiting hat long wouldn’t work, so she agreed.

  “Okay, that gives me time to go say goodbye to my mom before I go.” She said, wincing as she remembered her mother’s deadline. She had to find something to help her mom as soon as she got back but she was hoping that Zarek would fix it like he had said and then they wouldn’t have to worry. Or they would die in the Outlands and in that case, she wanted her mother out of the realm. Kyla shook her head from her thoughts and turned her head to Zarek. He looked over her shoulder at the clock, with a smirk.

  “How long do you think it’s been? I’m thinking we push our luck and try sneak another few minutes before going back to the real world.” Zarek teased, moving into her body, pressing her between him and the desk. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled up at him.

  “It’d be worth whatever punishment we had for being caught.” She whispered as his lips lowered to hers. She kissed him deeply, her eyes clenching shut as she savoured every second, he was against her. Zarek lifted her against the desk, moving between her legs, running his hand up her thigh, his skin on her burning up the slit of her dress. Kyla sighed against his mouth on hers, scrunching his hair in her hands.

  “I’m so sorry.” he whispered against her lips before taking them again. She pulled back as he kissed down her neck.

  “For what?” She breathed. He nipped her lip before looking into her eyes.

  “For leaving. For letting what happened between us happen and then disappearing on you.” He apologized. Kyla smiled, pulling him into her again, kissing him softly.

  “I knew what I was doing, Zarek. I knew things weren’t going to be a fairy-tale. I wanted it to happen, regardless of what came afterwards, I just wanted it to be you. Just like now.” She said back as he took her words and swallowed them with more kisses. Kyla pulled herself against him and her mind swirled, her stomach tightening as his hands slid over her skin. She wasn’t sure how far she should let things go but she didn’t want to stop. The choice was taken from them though, when heels clicked against the floor and an irritated cough interrupted them. Zarek released her as Kyla stood from the desk, her lips throbbing as she looked towards the noise. Elanor.

  “Okay, that’s enough of that. I gave you ten minutes, now I have to take my fiancée back.” Elanor huffed, folding her arms as she looked between them. Zarek stepped forward, presumably to apologize but Elanor stepped back and held out her hand.

  “Don’t, Prince. Look I’m not an idiot. I know you’re not in love with me. I know you are marrying me out of duty, and I’ve come to terms with that which is why I have let this happen. I might seem like a bitch sometimes, but I truly want you to be happy Zarek and you’ve never been like that with me. So, I don’t care what you do when it’s safe, but it’s been too long, and the Queen is going to be suspicious so times up.” Elanor explained. Kyla’s eyebrows shot up at Elanor’s admission.

  “You knew what was going to happen between us and you let it happen? Why are you marrying him then?” Kyla asked. Elanor shrugged.

  “Because that’s what is expected of me. Of course, Zarek I like you. Every girl sees their fairy-tale in you, but I am not doing this because I think we will be a loving, happy couple. Plus, I wasn’t going to be as nice about this if you hadn’t been telling the truth, Oracle. If you had tricked me into seeing Zarek just to suck face, then this would have gone very differently.” Elanor said. Kyla frowned harder.

  “You heard what I told Zarek? You were listening?” Kyla demanded; she wasn’t meant to know. Nobody was.

  “Well if I went back then it would look even more suspicious, so I stayed hidden so it would seem like Zarek and I snuck away for some time alone, then no one would come looking either. That is until the Queen realises that you have been missing for just as long but hey, we can plead ignorance. Anyway, I hid to make sure you were telling the truth and the deal was that you tell me afterwards anyway. I just saved you the explanation.” Elanor shrugged. Kyla sighed then nodded.

  “Okay, but please don’t say anything.” Kyla asked. Elanor nodded in agreement.

  “Sure. On a couple of conditions.” She smirked. Kyla scoffed.

  “And there she is. The Elanor I remember. Blackmail, how fun. What do you want?” Kyla asked. Elanor shrugged and walked forward.

  “Not much. First thing; Zarek, you have to wipe off at least some of that lipstick from your face because I’m not messing up mine to match. Secondly, I’m coming to the Outlands with you two.” Elanor grinned. Kyla shook her he

  “Definitely not. I can’t go after Onyx if I am looking after you.” Kyla bit. Elanor pressed her lips together.

  “I can hold my own Oracle. Ever since I was helpless against Byron, I have been training. I don’t want to feel like that again and I made sure I wouldn’t. So, I’m coming. Especially since the Queen is more likely to let this whole thing happen if I am tagging along. She’ll think I am keeping you two apart, but that’s my sweetener. I don’t care what you two do. Do whatever you need, to get it out of your system because things change when we are married, got it?” Elanor bargained and damn she was good at it. Kyla and Zarek looked at each other then back at Elanor who was smiling. She knew what they were going to say.


  ~ 5 ~

  Kyla went back to Wyatt with a determined stride. She sat down and fidgeted impatiently. She just wanted to get back, say goodbye to her mom and leave but she had to wait. Which meant she should be training and instead she was pretending to be interested in the dancing and drinking of the Elders who weren’t as old as they sounded. They were all ages, but she knew they were wiser and stronger than they looked.

  Kyla was about to sit down when a hand grabbed her wrist. Her attention snapped to the touch. It was a dark, thick hand. She looked up to the glaring eyes of a pissed centaur. He tugged gently and indicated towards the door outside. Kyla sighed and knew she had been snapped. She let Orion and Shemar lead her out the door.

  “I’m not telling you what’s going on while we’re here, so you are wasting your breath.” Kyla said. Orion rolled his eyes as Shemar smirked from behind him.

  “We’re not about to grill you, Kyla. We felt the Prince’s emotions and know that we are probably about to go headfirst into something that needs to be done for the realm. We have faith in both of you in regard to that, but I do want to make sure you still have what it takes, before I let the Prince go.” Orion eyed her. Kyla scoffed.


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