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The Final Prophecy (The Oracle Series Book 3)

Page 15

by N. J. Cooper

  “I guess we’ll find out tomorrow.” She smiled and pulled the IV from her arm.

  “That was clever by the way. Spinning your little tale to my son about whoever put my name in that draw, being for my benefit. He is now very reluctant to catch the culprit. But when I pass these tests tomorrow, I will be on the High Council and I will make sure they are caught and bought to justice.” The Queen spat vehemently. Kyla shook her head with a grin.

  “Your Highness, if things go to plan tomorrow, then you will be brought to justice and that is all I care about,” Kyla moved in closer, “Traitor.” She whispered the last word before pulling away and turning to leave the room. She had just left when she bumped right into Zarek. He grinned and steadied her, before looking around to make sure no one else was looking and pressing his lips into hers with a quick, soft kiss that had her melting against him.

  “Hey, you okay?” He asked, pulling away. Kyla nodded.

  “Yeah, better now. What are you doing?” She asked, trying to ignore how much she wanted to tell him everything.

  “Going to check on my mother. She came out of the tests pretty quickly and that’s not really a good sign. I can’t talk to her about what she saw but I can hopefully help her feel better.” he shrugged; his voice quiet as if he didn’t believe what he was saying.

  “Oh. Look I need to talk to you about something when you’re finished okay? It’s kind of important so can you meet me upstairs in my room?” She asked deciding she had to tell him about the kiss with Wyatt. He nodded but his brows drew together.

  “Yeah sure, is everything okay?” He asked, his voice lower. Kyla shook her head.

  “I’ll talk to you later about it. See you soon.” She said, tip toed to kiss his cheek then left him, walking down the hall and up to her room. When she got there, the first thing she wanted to do was shower. She always felt gross after the serum had been through her, even though it was flushed out afterwards, it just creeped her out how much it wound through her. She had her shower, came out and ate her food that was waiting for her and waited impatiently for Zarek. It was getting later, the night had grown dark and the moon was out, shining into her room as she waited on the couch for Z. He never came. Sighing, Kyla stood up and grabbed her phone, messaging him but there was no answer. Frowning, Kyla threw her phone on the bed and paced the room. Another half hour passed and that was the end of it, she couldn’t wait any longer. She wanted to know what was keeping him because her instincts were telling her that he needed her and she wasn’t sure whether that was because she was nervous about what she had to tell him or it was something else but she wasn’t willing to sit around and wait to find out which. Kyla tucked her phone into the back of her jeans pocket, pulled on her shoes then left the room. She jogged to Zarek’s room and tapped quickly on the door, frowning at the fact that there were no guards outside his door, nobody answered the door and it had the bubbling in her stomach rising. Finally, Shemar came galloping down the hall. He stopped in front of Kyla.

  “The King has asked for you.” Shemar breathed with a narrowed gaze. Kyla frowned.

  “Where is he?” she asked. Shemar stepped forward, leaning down to her.

  “He is with his mother. What did you do Kyla? You’ve taken it too far.” Shemar whispered harshly. Kyla stepped back, her eyes widening.

  “What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything. What happened?” She demanded. Shemar shook his head and pulled out a pair of onyx cuffs.

  “I’m sorry Kyla. I have to. Kings orders.” Shemar admitted gruffly, grabbing her arm and latching the cuff on her wrist. Kyla let him cuff her then walked with him to wherever the King was.

  “What happened, Shemar? Is he okay?” She demanded. He shook his head.

  “No. His mother is dying, of course he’s not okay.” Shemar bit. Kyla gasped and stopped, turning to Shemar.

  “Wait, what? Dying? As in actually going to die?” Kyla asked. Shemar nodded once.

  “She collapsed after the flushing treatment and has only woken to talk to Zarek about what happened.” Shemar explained. Kyla frowned.

  “What did she say happened?” Kyla growled, already knowing the answer considering she was in cuffs.

  “She said you poisoned her. That she saw you put something in her IV line but was too weak to say anything.” Shemar revealed. Kyla narrowed her eyes. Cunning Queen strikes again. Kyla huffed and chewed on her lip. How was she meant to get out of that kind of accusation without proof?

  “And Zarek believed her?” Kyla assumed. Shemar nodded.

  “Of course. She is lying on her death bed Kyla and there has been no attempt at hiding the animosity you have towards each other. Not to mention that you had her name put in the draw, which she claims was you. Now it seems more plausible. And I’m beginning to wonder how much you actually hate her Kyla. Did you do what she said?” Shemar demanded, huffing with anger. Kyla’s eyes snapped to him.

  “I would never poison anyone. No matter how much I hated them. Everything I have done to get to this point has been because I want her to be exposed to everyone, so they all know that Onyx wasn’t the only one playing this game. Without that proof my accusations are worthless,” Kyla snapped, “And she knows that. Let me guess, she is being excused from the Elder Trials? No one will see the serum’s findings?” Kyla guessed. Shemar looked down ashamed.

  “No. They won’t. And I’m sorry I can’t help you anymore with this. It’s gone too far, and I can’t be caught up in it. I have to follow the King’s orders and he wants you brought to him in cuffs. I do wish you luck Kyla, but I think you’re in over your head with this.” Shemar admitted and urged her on.

  “It’s okay, I understand Shemar. Thank you for what you have done for me. And I think you’re right. I underestimated her highness by a lot. I guess I’ll pay the price for that though.” Kyla muttered then followed him through to the infirmary where the Queen was lying on a cot bed and the King was next to her, holding her hands. She did look sick, but she was meant to because she was failing the tests. So, this was how she was going to cover that up, Kyla had to admit it was clever.

  Shemar led her over to the guard surrounding the Queen who were all centaurs that had accepted her into their clan only days ago but now looked like they wanted her head on a spike.

  “Miss Kyla Rhodes, your Majesty.” Shemar introduced. Zarek’s head snapped to her, his eyes narrowing as he stood from his mother’s bed side. She was asleep or acting it very well but either way, she was sure the bitch would smirk if she could at the position, she had put Kyla in.

  “Why? I just want to know why?” Zarek demanded. Kyla frowned; wow, he really did believe it. And she had foolishly believed that he had more trust in her than that.

  “I know I can’t prove it, and I know that you have already chosen what to believe but I didn’t do this, Zarek. It would serve me no purpose.” Kyla tried but he glared harder.

  “Don’t lie. You are the only one with a reason to do it. She stood in the way of us. Everyone knew you hated her. And now she is poisoned. Did you put her name in the draw?” He demanded. Kyla knew she should deny that part, but she had to get the truth out and it looked like she was going to have to go head on rather than the sidestepping she had been trying.

  “Technically no, I didn’t put her name in. But it was my idea.” Kyla admitted. Zarek’s eyes grew wider at the revelation. So maybe he hadn’t believed the Queen as much as he acted, well he did now.

  “Why?” He demanded stepping forward, his lean muscular body leaning over hers.

  “Because it was the only way to tell you what you needed to know. Something I’m pretty sure your father knew, since he told me to look closer and figure out the secrets that you would need help with. I did what I thought was the best thing to do, to get the proof I needed. Zarek, your mother isn’t who you think and although I did try to expose that, I would never do something like poison her.” Kyla explained. Zarek looked back at his mother then back at Kyla, his eyes cold and dark.

  “How do I believe anything that comes out of your mouth now, Kyla? Everything that has been making this whole King thing that much harder, has been because you have been working against me this entire time, how do I look passed that and believe you now?” He asked. Kyla shrugged.

  “I wasn’t working against you, I was working for you, you just didn’t know it. Look, do what you have to do because nothing I say, is going to prove I didn’t do this. Your mother is cunning and manipulative, and I know everything that could ruin her, she wants me silenced and thinks this will do that. I promise on everything we have that I didn’t do this to her by poisoning, only by putting her name in the draw because I bet that is why she is this sick. She’s using me as a cover to hide the fact that she is not going to pass the tests.” Kyla revealed and before she had finished her sentence, the centaurs had their swords pointed at her.

  “Your Majesty, these allegations are treasonous. Give us the order.” One of the centaurs growled. Zarek was contemplating though and she had hoped to avoid the confrontation until she had proof to back it up, but the Queen had forced her hand and she had no choice.

  “Why won’t she pass? What do you know? Or think you know?” He asked through a clenched jaw. Kyla shook her head. She couldn’t be the one to tell him. He had to see it.

  “Watch the tests, Z. It’ll reveal everything. And if not, then I will tell you but not before you have seen what I’m hoping that serum will explain.” Kyla pleaded. Zarek chewed his lip and looked over to Shemar.

  “She couldn’t have got my mother’s name into the draw without help from the guard. Did you help? Did you believe her accusations?” Zarek asked of Shemar who didn’t hesitate.

  “I wouldn’t have accepted her into the clan if I didn’t believe her your Majesty. But if it turns out she is lying then I will accept the consequences.” He admitted. Zarek chewed on his lip before looking back at her.

  “Fine. I’m calling everyone to the stadium. We are going over these tests tonight and finding out what the hell is going on. Shemar take Kyla to the stands, but don’t let her out of the cuffs. And I want guards on my mother the whole time. Nobody but me goes in or out.” He ordered. Shemar nodded and led Kyla away as Zarek walked behind them, taking half his guard with him and leaving half behind with his mother. By the time they made it to the stadium it was filled with creatures waiting to hear their new High Council members with all their nominees waiting in a line on the stage. It was time to expose the Queen and her lies and Kyla couldn’t wait.

  ~ 17 ~

  “Velatem. Today we will be reviewing the serum’s findings and revealing the Elder’s that are being promoted to the High Council. Two vampires, two goblins, two giants and two sorcerers. The findings will be viewed in that order and we will see each nominee’s entire test, practical and theory in humanity, loyalty and morality. After each creature’s tests have been viewed, I will announce their results and choose their successors before moving on to the next creatures,” Zarek explained as he looked out over the full stadium of creatures, from the stage and podium that he was on. Kyla sat at the front, to the side of the stage as Shemar stood rigidly next to her. She fidgeted nervously, trying to hide her wrists that were bound in onyx but there was no point because Zarek had to explain what was happening and why she wasn’t up on stage with the other nominee’s. She watched him take a deep breath before continuing his speech.

  “Before we begin the viewings though, I do have to bring some things to light. As you can see, the Queen Regent is not with the other nominees and neither is the Oracle. The Queen Regent is sick, very sick and is unable to leave her hospital bed, therefore she has been withdrawn from the trials and normally that would mean her tests are not included in today’s viewings, however there have been some accusations. It is believed that the Oracle may have been the cause of Queen Regent’s illness however the Oracle denies the claims, accusing her Highness of covering up the truth; that she will fail the tests. We must get to the bottom of this so we can clear names and apply appropriate consequences to those involved, this means that although both of them have been removed from the trials, we are still going to be viewing their tests.” Zarek explained, his voice tight and clipped as the crowd in the stadium grew restless with whispers and gasps. Kyla set her mouth in a grim line before she looked up at Shemar.

  “What will happen to the Queen if she fails the tests?” Kyla asked.

  “It depends how badly she fails. She might not fail on anything illegal and then nothing will happen, but if it is big stuff like you think, then she will be arrested and put on trial, or possibly immediate banishment.” Shemar replied. Kyla nodded slowly, taking in the answer before asking another one.

  “Will she get better? Assuming that she is sick from the serum and not anything I did since I didn’t actually do anything.” Kyla asked. He nodded.

  “Assuming you are telling the truth, she should get better.” He admitted. Kyla smiled. So, all she had to do was wait, the Queen would get better, not worse and Kyla’s name would be cleared even if the trials weren’t passed. Kyla let out a sigh of relief then looked back at Zarek who had announced the start of the viewings and the first vampire nominee stepped up onto the podium, that was surrounded in onyx crystals in a pentagram. The vampire stepped inside as a huge screen dropped down on the stage. Zarek sat with the other members of the High Council, right in front of the screen as another lady came forward with a cup of serum. It was a swirling silver that had a shiver running down Kyla’s spine.

  “What is that one?” Kyla whispered as everyone watched the vampire chug back the liquid in silence.

  “It basically reads everything the other serums found and transmits it back to the screen so we can see exactly what we are meant to.” He whispered back. Kyla nodded and watched as the vampire dropped to his knees, his body frozen as his eyes rolled back in his head. He stood straight and empty in the pentagram before the screen flickered to life and the viewings began.

  It took ages to get through each test. They were about half an hour long for each nominee and they had only just got through the vampires by the time her stomach was growling for sustenance and her bladder was bursting. She fidgeted restlessly as everyone waited for the verdict on what they had seen. All of them had passed, so now Zarek had to choose between the four nominees and decide which two were going to be the best fit for the realm. Kyla chewed her lip; she knew he was going to struggle to make the decision. He had chosen wrong last time and that pressure was going to crush him. She wished she could just go to him and help him make the decision, but she was stuck in cuffs and wasn’t allowed near him. She pursed her lips then stood up, Shemar glared and leaned in.

  “Sit down.” He seethed. Kyla turned to him.

  “Take me to Zarek.” She bit back in a hushed voice.

  “I can’t” He sighed exasperated.

  “You can but if you won’t, then you go to him. He chose the wrong elders last time and these tests were meant to help him choose this time, but since they all passed, he has to make a decision on his own choice, something that is going to kill him. Please, don’t let him make it on his own.” Kyla begged. Shemar looked over, maybe reading her emotions, maybe deciding whether to believe her but either way, he finally nodded. He narrowed his eyes on her.

  “Stay here, don’t move. If you do, I’ll send you through the portal to banishment myself, got it?” He bit. She nodded with a sigh of relief then sat back down as Shemar went to check on Zarek who had gone through to the room behind the stadium, where they were trying to come up with a verdict. Kyla sat and waited with a shaking knee and fidgeting hands until Shemar finally came back through. He stood next to her without even a word of what had happened, which he must have known would frustrate her.

  “What happened?” She demanded eventually. He looked straight ahead, rather than at her as he talked.

  “He was grateful for the concern.” Shemar admitted. Kyla breathed a sigh of relief.

�Did he pick the Elders?” Kyla asked. Shemar nodded.

  “You’re as impatient as a toddler. Yes, he did which you will find out when everyone else does.” Shemar snapped. Kyla rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair with a huff. That’s when she remembered her more pressing problem that was making her cross her legs.

  “Can I at least use the bathroom? I’ve been sitting here for hours and I don’t have your crazy bladder control.” Kyla said as he huffed, looking down at her with an exasperated sigh.

  “Hurry up, the King will be announcing the new vampire Elders any second.” He said and led her out of the stadium and down the hall to where the bathrooms were. She hurried in, did her business and came out to wash her hands. She was just washing them when Wyatt and Sky came out of the stalls beside her. Ignoring the fact that Wyatt was in the girl’s bathroom, Kyla scowled and turned to her friends.

  “What the hell are you two doing here? You’re meant to be up in the stands. They’ll think I planned this if they catch us.” Kyla growled. Sky folded her arms with a defiant glare as Wyatt had the decency to blush, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Sorry, Kyla.” Wyatt admitted but Sky scoffed.

  “I’m not. You didn’t do anything and I’m not going to sneak around as if you did.” She huffed. Kyla raised an eyebrow, looking at the stalls they just came out of.

  “Oh yeah, and that’s why you were hiding in the bathroom? How did you even know I would come here?” She asked.

  “We’ve been waiting a while.” Wyatt admitted. Kyla laughed and leaned against the bench, her hands still in cuffs in front of her.

  “So, why are you here?” She demanded.

  “We wanted to check on you. Was Zarek telling the truth? Did the Queen really accuse you?” Sky asked. Kyla nodded.

  “Yeah. She said I made her sick and there is no proof that I didn’t, so everything is riding on these tests proving me innocent.” Kyla sighed.


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