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Consumed by the Cyborg (Cyborg Protectors Romance Book 1)

Page 6

by Alyse Anders

  Rykal glanced over at where Lena lay sleeping, oblivious to the horrors that were coming for them. “I won’t let you take her.”

  The mask that Aidric so carefully wore to keep his emotions hidden from the world slipped ever so slightly. His lips turned down and Rykal could hear a quiver of distress in his voice. “Why this woman? You’ve never responded to anyone like this before. Past or present. Brother, why is she worth throwing your second chance at life away?”

  “A life I never asked for. One that you forced on me.”

  “Please, ‘Kal.” Aidric swallowed, using the nickname he’d given him when they were children. “This goes against everything in your code, everything you were programmed to do.”

  He didn’t have an answer, not one that his far too emotionally distant brother would understand. “She fills a void in me that I hadn’t realized was there.”

  A beeping off screen grabbed Aidric’s attention. “We’re scanning for your communication feed. It won’t be long before they’re able to determine the location you’re broadcasting from.”

  That was why Aidric had been so talkative. Without saying another word, Rykal ended the communication, reached down and yanked the coms control center from the panel, destroying the machine. Lena was still blissfully asleep, which meant he still had time to reach out to Darrick and move her before the Grus security forces found them. He folded her space suit and placed in on the console and found an old Grus uniform that looked like it might fit her. They wouldn’t have a lot of time once he contacted Darrick. He should wake her, tell her what was happening and get her ready to go. But one look at her sleeping face and he couldn’t do it. Not yet at least. Better for her to sleep because he didn’t know when they’d have time to rest again.

  Grabbing his pants and boots, he stepped out into the raging storm in search of a secondary and secure communication network. Because he’d rather die again that let anything bad happen to Lena. Even if that meant killing his own brother in the process.

  Chapter Seven

  Lena woke to find herself alone in the bed with the blanket covering her body and her feet tucked in. It took her a moment to reorient herself, temporarily forgetting what had happened to her since the Kraken woke her up. The late resuscitation protocols, the Grus, being kidnapped and then having the best sex of her life – all of it had happened in such rapid sucession she had no idea how long it had been since those first moments when she opened her eyes. Checking the small chromometer on her wrist, she gave it a shake when the time she saw didn’t initially register in her brain.

  Shit, had it only been hours?

  Things had changed so rapidly in such a short period of time they could hardly be real. She hadn’t even had the chance to reconcile the fact that they’d actually made it out of Earth’s solar system and to their destination without getting attacked or having suffered some sort of computer malfunction. Lena rolled onto her back and chuckled softly. God, everyone back on Earth wouldn’t believe it either, that was if any of them were still alive. Maybe things had improved in the years since she’d put her passengers into cryo sleep and they’d left.

  Doubtful, but she’d always been accused of being an optimist.

  Now they had an opportunity at a new life with new people and a planet that sure, wasn’t necessarily the easiest to live on at first glance, but it was a far sight better than the political insanity they’d left behind. At least she hoped it was.

  Turning her head, she looked to see where Rykal was in the room, but she couldn’t find him. Strange, given how small the place was. The winds were still howling outside and the temperature of the room had dropped by a few degrees, but it wasn’t bad seeing as how she was cocooned in the blanket. Her body was still sensitive from the raw sex they’d had; achy in that wow you got fucked hard kind of way that the simple memory had the ability to curl her toes. Rykal seemed to know exactly where to touch her, how to make her body heat with desire. It shouldn’t be possible given they’d only just met and weren’t even the same species.

  The universe giveth…

  Lena sat up in bed and looked around the room to see if there was any indication of where he would have gone. “Rykal?”


  Her space suit was sitting on top of the computer console folded neatly and clearly far dryer than it had been when she’d taken it off. Beside it was another set of clothing – dark green with what looked to be brown patches on the sleeves – clearly meant for her to try on. Getting up and shivering when her feet hit the cold floor, she walked over and held up what appeared to be a uniform. It was going to be big on her, but the cloth appeared flexible and would make moving around on the planet easier than walking in her tight-fitting space suit.

  “When on Earth, dress like an Earthling.”

  It only took her a few minutes to put the uniform on, and as she’d suspected it was a bit large on her frame. She did keep her space suit jacket, hoping the extra layer would give her some additional protection. It felt odd and yet comforting to know that he’d thought of her, and went in search of fresh clothes for her to wear.

  The door opened, startling Lena as Rykal marched inside from the storm. Unlike her, he was still mostly naked, having only put on his pants and a pair of boots. His bare torso was as broad and muscular as she’d remembered. He looked at her and nodded as the door locked shut behind him. “They fit.”

  “Thank you, yes.” She couldn’t stop from biting down on her bottom lip. “You don’t have any clothing yourself?”

  “My body doesn’t damage the way yours would.” He crossed over to her, reached up and kissed her hard. “You need to be protected.”

  Lena ignored the way her chest tightened, and her heart fluttered. “I’m more than capable of looking after myself and others.” With difficulty, she stepped back needing the space so she could think straight. “What is happening here?”

  Rykal winced, but made no move to close the distance between them. “The communication array…isn’t working. I had to go outside to effect repairs to the backup. Darrick has now received my message and will send a shuttle the moment the storm eases.”

  “Darrick is a friend of yours?”

  “Another cyborg. My second in command during the war, though we hold no such ranks currently.”

  She looked at his body once more, noting that many of his cybernetics related to strength; enhanced arms and chest and clearly the ability to heal himself from minor damage. She reached out and placed her hand once more on the ridge where his skin disappeared into circuitry. “Did you choose these or were they provided to you?”

  His gaze slipped away from hers. “I was the first of my people to receive them.”

  Oh, she didn’t like the sound of that. “What does that mean? Did you volunteer?”

  “I died.”

  Lena’s hand fell away. “What do you mean you died? You’re standing right in front of me, clearly not dead.”

  The spark of passion that had been in his gaze before she’d fallen asleep was gone. “The Sholle have been the enemy of the Grus for as long as our two people have been alive. They’ve consumed all the natural resources on their planet and it didn’t take long for them to set their sights on ours. The last great war between our people saw our forces fall and the Sholle invaded our world. They used their machines to strip the soil, to pull all life from it to be transformed into energy for their ships.”

  Lena’s heart ached for a people she barely knew. “Earth is like that, though we can’t blame outside forces for the damage done to our world. We’re more than capable of being our own monsters.”

  “We were dying. But my brother had one final idea that if it worked could save us all. Reanimating the dead, bringing us back to life with cybernetics and coding that allowed us to coordinate attacks. We were stronger, less prone to harm. We had no fear of dying because that was something we’d already experienced.” He moved her hand to the center of the cybernetic implant on his chest. “I was shot
here. The killing blow that ended one life and gave me another.”

  Lena looked up into the crystal blue cybernetic eyes of the man who’d brought such passion to her only hours before. “You’re the most alive man I’ve ever met. No matter what happened to you in the past, or the changes they made to you then, you’re here now. Here with me.”

  His mouth trembled, before he reached up and took her hand in his. “We’ll have to discuss these things later.”

  She couldn’t explain why, but she knew something terrible had happened while she’d rested. “What’s wrong?”

  “Aidric and the Grus soldiers are on their way for us. I’ve had to destroy our communications array here and use a secondary beacon to reach Darrick. He’s flying a shuttle to get us now, though we’ll have to walk out in the storm to find a place where he’ll be able to set down safely.”

  “You destroyed the array?” She gave her head a shake. “You told me it wasn’t working.”

  He ran his thumb across her cheek before pulling back. “I didn’t want to worry you needlessly.”

  “I’m the captain of a ship that’s traveled across the galaxy. I’m more than capable of determining what I should and shouldn’t worry about.” Lena’s stomach bottomed out on her. “Is my ship still safe? Are my passengers? I need to get back there to check on them.”

  “You can’t.” He grabbed her by the shoulders when she tried to bolt for the door. “Lena, you have to trust me.”

  “Trust you? I don’t even know you. You kidnapped me and now the lives of everyone on my ship are in danger because you felt the need to possess me?” God, she’d never been this much of a fool, putting her own desires ahead of everyone else. “I can’t believe this.”

  He squeezed her shoulders hard enough to force her to look him in the eyes. “I know my brother. He won’t do anything to your ship or your people while I’m out here causing him problems. He’ll leave them alone and come for us. The longer it takes for that to happen, the safer they will be.”

  Lena didn’t know if she wanted to slap Rykal or kiss him. “Fine. But the minute I’m able to get back to the station and get my people free, then I’m going to take it.”

  He let go and stepped away from with in a single motion. The spark she’d gotten used to seeing in his eyes dulled ever so slightly. “As you wish. We need to leave now.” He turned and marched to the door.

  Lena’s chest tightened and she knew she’d screwed that up, but things had been happening far to quickly for her. Between the hangover from the cryo sleep and the fucking amazing sex, she didn’t exactly have a lot of time to get everything set in her brain while making sure not to hurt the feelings of the cyborg who’d kidnapped her. She pulled her jacket tighter around her and realized that he was still standing there half naked. Turning from him, she found his clothing still in the pile on the floor where he’d left it and picked up his shirt.

  “If we’re going to be on the run from your brother, then I think at the very least you should have a shirt to wear. We wouldn’t want you to get cold while we’re out there.”

  With great care, she reached up and held out his shirt, waiting for him to take it from her. Instead, he ducked his head and let her slide it over and onto his shoulders. It shouldn’t feel as easy or right doing these domestic kindnesses for him, and yet Lena couldn’t deny that they did.

  With his cybernetics covered, Rykal looked similar to many of the human men she’d left behind. Maybe two people from different planets really could be meant for one another.

  All they had to do was survive.

  Chapter Eight

  The storm had begun to ease as Rykal led Lena over the hill toward the clearing where Darrick would land and shuttle them off to safety. The city that the cyborgs had built wasn’t as grand as what life had been before the Sholle attacked and destroyed everything, but it was the best they could manage with the few resources the Grus provided them. But the break in the weather meant it would be easier for Aidric to find them as well.

  Time was of the essence.

  Rykal was running a beacon on the cyborg network that he and the others had created during the war, a means of stealth communication that had helped them win. Darrick would pick it up the moment he came into range, but it was modified so that it would be difficult for Aidric to track their precise location. Their window of opportunity was small, but Rykal had trust in his brethren that once they made it to the city, they’d be safe.

  Then he’d be able to set about the task of winning Lena’s heart.

  She was far stronger now, surer footed since their walk to the shelter. Lena kept pace with him, and he was able to see the strong woman who’d managed to keep her passengers safe while she flew blind across space in a ship that had little business being in space. This Lena was the leader, the captain that brought women to safety. She would be good in a fight, if it ever came to that.

  The gods better help Aidric if any harm comes to her. Brother or not, Rykal would snap his neck.

  “Is it much farther?” Lena’s words were whipped around by the wind. “Have you made contact?”

  Rykal sent another burst communication, and this time he received Darrick’s response. “He’ll be on the ground by the time we clear that hill.”

  “Thank God.”

  True to his word, the shuttle was already there and waiting by the time Rykal crested the hill. Looking back at Lena, he couldn’t miss the relief on her face. Her muscles would still be weak from being in cryogenic sleep and he’d put her through much in the short time since waking up. He paused long enough to scoop her up into his arms and carried her the rest of the way down the hill. She really must have been tired, because she didn’t protest at all.

  The shuttle door lowered, giving them access to the ramp and the safety that waited inside. Rykal set Lena down and let her walk, not wanting her to feel incapable of managing on her own.

  “Rykal?” Darrick stood just inside the small shuttle, his gaze locked on Lena, who in turn hadn’t moved far beyond the ramp. “Who’s this?”

  As large as Rykal was, Darrick was taller and broader. His cybernetic eyes shone green in the low light of the shuttle, casting odd shadows across his cheeks. His brown hair was cut so short hardly any showed, giving him a menacing look that had often played to their advantage out on the battlefield. Darrick’s cybernetics comprised half of his neck and left shoulder, repairing the damage he’d taken when he’d jumped in front of blaster fire that would have killed a fellow soldier. Rykal had made sure his friend was the second person to receive Aidric’s implants, a thing Rykal had spent the following years trying to make up for.

  Lena stood still even as Rykal retracted the ramp and closed the door. “This is Lena. She’s a human from a distant planet called Earth who traveled here in a ship with other women. They’re refugees and are looking for a new home. She’s also my mate and I’ll kill you if you hurt her.”

  Darrick cocked a single eyebrow in a manner that spoke volumes. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  Lena nodded, her eyes widened as she looked between them. “Likewise.”

  “We’ll have to carry on this conversation in the air. Aidric is trying to track us and if we don’t get back to the city quickly, we’re all going to have a very bad day.”

  “Right.” Darrick reclaimed his seat and set about starting the shuttle. “You’re going to need the restraints. The shuttle’s stabilizers can only do so much in this weather.”

  Lena looked away from Rykal long enough to secure herself in the passenger chair, only to stare at him once more. He could feel her confusion and more than a little trepidation at his declaration; he couldn’t exactly blame her though, even if it was the truth. She was now a part of his life, a vital part. If anything happened to her, he knew deep down in what remained of his soul that he’d go insane. His life would be over and so would the lives of anyone who’d hurt her.

  He slid into the seat beside Darrick and checked the co-pilot command center. “We
have a window opening up in the storm.”

  “I see it.” Darrick pressed the control drive. “Hold on.”

  Rykal focused his attention on the storm, on the shuttle and getting them all to safety, even if what he really wanted was to move to the back of the ship and pull Lena into his arms to reassure her that everything would be alright. She’d be safe and cared for, her people would be released and provided for, and Aidric would eventually leave them all to go about their lives. But he knew he would never be able to outright lie to her, so he focused on what he could control.

  Stage one – getting her back to the city.

  The opening in the weather didn’t last for long, but it was enough to allow them to fly full throttle to Cimacha, the city that the surviving cyborgs had claimed as their home. The moment they got into range Rykal felt Darrick reach out to him through their cybernetic link.

  What’s going on with this human?

  Rykal didn’t want to have to explain everything, but he knew if they were going to have a chance of stopping Aidric from escalating this into a full-blown war, he’d need Darrick and everyone else on his side. I don’t know why, but I was aware of her the moment she entered the sector. She fills a gap in my brain, and my soul that I never thought would be whole again.

  Darrick kept his gaze on the controls, but Rykal could tell something that he’d said had struck a nerve with his friend. Darrick’s hand balled into a fist for a moment before he stretched it out flat. Was it like an itching in the back of your brain?

  Yes. Rage flared inside him. She’s not yours.

  No, she isn’t. She’s not the source, but it feels close. I thought my cybernetics were failing.

  If Darrick was experiencing the same things, then there was a chance that another human back on Lena’s shuttle was meant for him. Perhaps all the humans had cyborg mates waiting for them here. The implications of that were far too great for him to dwell on right now.

  My friend, we’ll find her for you. As soon as I put Aidric in his place.


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