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Claiming Their Village Bride

Page 4

by Abby Aaron

  The elder who had been overseeing the announcement intervened between them, but not before giving Loinbard a stern glare. “He is the second born son of his family unit. His older brother spent many years trying to form a triad with Loinbard without success. They trained together, and truth be known, both are among the finest warriors our village has ever boasted. But Loinbard refuses to service three years of commitment at the city in order to gain a wife. Instead, he has always sworn to wait until a suitable village born bride becomes available.”

  As the elder’s proclamation slowly filtered through her brain, Jemina found herself becoming outraged. Climbing down from the platform was not as easy for her, as she was barely five-foot-tall, but she refused the helping hand of those around her. Slipping between the frames of her imposing fathers, she came to stand toe to toe with Loinbard.

  “How dare you try to convince me you were captivated by my ‘rare’ beauty. You’ve been waiting for a village bride to become available, and she could be a hideous creature as far as you were concerned.”

  He dared to chuckle at her outrage. “Your inner fire pleases me, lovely Jemina. Too many women from my village are afraid to stand up for themselves. Know that if I have the honor of winning your hand, I respect strong women. My mother, Attie is much the same way as you are. She keeps my fathers on their toes. There are foolish men who prefer meek wives. I am not one of them.”

  Was she doomed to see the third dream lover from her fantasies eliminated from the competition already? First Aras proved unsuitable, now Loinbard’s lack of a triad eradicated his chances. Maybe the Creator was punishing her for coming along on this mission? Then again, there were countless sins from her past the heavens might be paying her back for now. “Without a triad, you have little chance of winning my hand,” she said, pretending not to be thrilled by his earlier words of praise.

  “If being part of a triad is required, sweet Jemina, I must set out at haste to align myself with one immediately.” Loinbard reached up to run his finger down her cheek before Darnish shoved him aside.

  Jemina saw his hair first. It was a glorious mass of golden silk. Her fathers beckoned her to the center of the Village of Finn’s gathering area, but she was reluctant to move on. The first two men of her dream lovers had been snatched away from her so soon. First Aras, the bleached blond gentle lover turned judgmental brute. Then Loinbard, the caramel-headed, sky blue-eyed seducer had been revealed as only a desperate man searching a rare prize. How would this dream mate stray from perfection?

  Women, young and old, jostled about in an effort to get close to where the man she sought stood. Cast-offs, Jemina decided. No village born woman would be allowed to show such public affection. Certainly, no mated wife would get away with such open admiration of another male, she reasoned.

  Two other men, likely the admired man’s triad sat quietly a row in front of him. They carried satchels and a few weapons with them. Nodding to herself, Jemina concluded the three were off to begin their first year of serving on the walls of the city. A ray of hope shined in her heart. Going to the city meant the golden hair man was old enough and brave enough to challenge for her hand in marriage. Before allowing herself to get overly excited, Jemina decided to get a better look at the man’s features.

  Waiting anxiously, she positioned herself carefully and waited for the women surrounding him to part so she might have a better look. In her dreams, his face was always cast in shadows as he moved his tongue along her body, suckling, nipping and kissing various sensitive areas. Just recalling the sensations had her growing damp. Please, oh great Creator, don’t let me be disappointed yet again.

  At the center of the gathering area, a man, no doubt the more powerful of the village elders, spoke. Finally, the women reluctantly moved aside to take their seats, and Jemina got her first peek at the man she observed. She gasped. He was indeed glorious. In old earth time, surely this would be one of the beautiful people whose only task was to pose for great artists. His chiseled features were perfection. She would do her best not to disqualify this candidate.

  When the time came to depart for the portion of the wall where the Village of Finn’s men guarded the city, Jemina convinced her fathers to travel with the elder and triad ready to begin their service on the wall. No women were allowed away from the safety of the community boundaries, and she finally had time alone with the handsome man named Crosby.

  He did not converse much, spending most of the time smiling down at her. At first his silence irked Jemina but then she recalled speaking had led to the first two dream mates eliminating themselves as possible husbands. Grabbing Crosby’s large hand in her own, she allowed herself to enjoy his beauty. She chatted away happily, telling him about her village and her skills with a sword.

  While distracted with this potential husband, she did not notice the others in their party were on full alert. Two vanished, one to the west and one to the east, as they traveled along. A terrifying growl split the air, and Jemina searched for its source, freeing her weapon. A tawny, lean creature, bigger than any hound the Healer of Urijah owned, was perched on a boulder a few yards ahead of them. For a moment, she wished she had brought her own pet on this journey. Smiley would chase off any threats. Then the magnificent animal before her flexed the muscles along its broad shoulders, and she longed to get a closer look. The yellow teeth on display when it roared again gave her pause. Could this creature be tamed? Might she be able to lure it back to her village and spend time observing its behavior and winning its trust? Dalia, the healer from her village claimed Jemina had a talent with all manner of beasts. Then again, she tried to convince the village daughter that she had some special gift called The Sight. The only glimpse into the future Jemina had ever seen involved her three husbands. Apparently, her gift of sight needed adjustments.

  The creature prepared to pounce as she walked closer. Her fathers yanked her behind them, and she protested loudly. Time seemed to slow down suddenly. She watched in horror as the creature leapt into the air, sharp claws ready to tear flesh from bone. Her fathers would surely be killed. But before the animal could land, two figures rushed from the sides and launched themselves up to pierce the animal’s neck and belly. It screamed in anger and pain.

  Pushing past her fathers, she rushed to where the creature now lay, the other members of Crosby’s triad at its sides, still on high alert in case the animal tried to attack again. Jemina’s eyes sought Crosby’s briefly. He seemed as startled by the course of events as she had been. Returning her attention to the animal, she noted it was probably one of the feline creatures her brother Jael had spoken of. Fresh blood stained its coat as it’s life slowly slipped away.


  Anders: Freed Without a Voice

  The journey to the wall where the Finn warriors guarded was far enough to require one night of rest outside in the forbidden territories between villages and city. Jemina rested in a small tent erected by her fathers, wrapped in soft blankets they had brought along for her comfort. Outside the tent, her fathers formed a protective triangle, using their supine bodies to block anyone from getting inside. Next to them, Enoch, the village elder from Finn and the triad traveling with him formed another defending barrier. Safe from worry, Jemina fell into a deep sleep. Her dream lovers visited her again, mocking her with visions of a life she would never gain.

  “Spread your legs wider, wife. We wish to view your treasures.” The command came from Aras. He had a hint of a smile touching his lips. Jemina longed to find a way to make him let down his guard.

  “It is unfair for you three to gawk at my naked form while you stand their fully clad,” she protested. Being married was still new to her. True, she understood much of the details associated with making love now, but she was still shy about being naked in front of three men.

  “Our bride wants us to undress,” Loinbard teased, slowly pulling off his clothing. The auburn-haired husband and Aras followed his lead. Soon, three very aroused men were standing before her,
waiting for her to spread her legs. A mixture of emotions washed through her body. Her pale skin was flushed with embarrassment. Her heart was beating quickly, yet her breathing was slow and steady. How could something so immodest feel right?

  Slowly her slender legs fell open, and she thrilled when the three men moved a bit closer so they could gain a better view. Their words added to her heightened awareness of how sensitive every nerve ending on her body felt at this very moment.

  “So small and delicate,” Aras noted. “How does she manage to accommodate each of us, yet remain so tight?”

  “I haven’t even gotten to the part of her which welcomes our seed,” Loinbard muttered. “My eyes can’t get past the tight patch of curls just above. It’s the same shade of red as the beautiful hair framing her face. I long to inhale her sweet scent.”

  Her second husband’s auburn mane hung over his face as he stepped forward, boldly reaching to pull her closer to the edge of bed. He positioned her knees until they helped lay her most private region wide and ready for access. “Soon you will relish more than her wonderful smell. If you follow my instructions properly, you will hear her soft moans of pleasure, see her fingers tear at the sheets, feel her clit swell, and taste her response to your efforts.”

  Hunching on his knees, he found a position that suited his requirements. His upper body leaned forward, yet he was still not pleased with his ability to reach her body. Strong arms reached under her shaky legs and yanked her closer to the foot of the bed. This warrior offered a deep groan signaling his contentment when he was finished.

  Jemina flinched with surprise as his thick fingers started moving around her skin. He carefully explained various facts to his fellow husbands. He exposed what lay shielded within the sensitive folds below. His finger dipped ever so slightly into her wet channel. “While we may think this is the area to concentrate our efforts since it is what we associate with making love, the true heart of her enjoyment is just here.”

  He pulled back the hood of her clit and the cool air made Jemina clutch the sheets tightly. “The bud itself is extremely sensitive, so use a gentle, light touch to begin with.” Each of her husbands took turns locating the delicate area, first removing its delicate covering, then barely exploring the nub.

  Aras, ever the conscious learner, asked for more information. “Do we use our finger or tongue to initiate the first contact?”

  “Both,” the teacher explained, “but this section is our final goal, not where we will start our efforts to please her. In my experience, women prefer the subtle buildup of a thorough lover. We want our beautiful wife to have time to enjoy the sensations our efforts create. Don’t rush the experience, and you will be rewarded with a more intense reaction from her by the end.”

  He carefully detailed a step by step guide, first telling, then showing with his actions. “Her inner thighs are a good place to start. Use your fingers to run across the smooth skin. Explore one side completely before moving to the next. Watch her face and make note of any indication of areas that invoke the strongest response. We want to learn her pleasure triggers.”

  Jemina enjoyed discovering secrets about her own body and the instruction continued. “Our tongues provide a different sensation. The texture is different and even the temperature. Use the knowledge of what you learned from stroking with your hand to focus your attention when you explore with your mouth.”

  “Must we always apply a gentle touch?” Loinbard bent down to watch Anders gentle teasing. “I have noticed our sweet Jem moans after a playful nip on her neck or even an aggressive tug at her pert little nipples.”

  Jemina watched her auburn-haired lover move aside, indicating for the younger husband to take his place. “Let’s find out. Show us your technique. Aras and I will keep a close eye on our wife’s reaction. Between the three of us, we will understand how her body responds better than even she does.”

  She did indeed enjoy a hint of rough play, tensing and moaning when it was delivered at moments she least expected it. Each worked on the skill of using their hands and mouths to please her. It had been Aras who had brought her to completion as the auburn-haired husband urged him to suckle, then dart his hot tongue across her clit. Basking in the glow of her desire, she found herself lifted back on the bed carefully. Each husband waited his turn to lie between her legs and spill seed deep inside her womb.

  Morning arrived too quickly. Jemina longed to enjoy a few moments more of her sweet dream. Why would the Creator tease her with visions of Aras and Loinbard, two men no longer available to her as husband? It did not surprise her that Crosby’s face was lacking from the dream. After spending time with the Finn warrior, Jemina was sure he was not the third man of her dreams. He lacked the experience and power she associated with the person.

  Word reached the fledglings of Finn before Jemina’s party reached the wall. A village bride was seeking triads to compete for the honor of winning her as a wife. Those along the wall were clustered by triads, discussing the situation.

  Anders tried to reason with the others in his group, but as usual, they were set on doing things their own way. “You are willing to walk away after three years of service, with the promise of a bride only hours away, for the mere chance of winning the hand of a village bride?”

  Hendrix, who considered himself leader of their triad despite Anders’ rightful position as such, spoke with disdain. “Why would we settle for a mere city bride when a rare, more valued village bride is available? As for having to compete for her, are we not the best warriors from the whole region?”

  Exhaling deeply, Anders tried to maintain his already frayed patience. “We have yet to see the entire region. As skilled as we are, we have yet to be put to the test.” The ginger-headed leader of the triad could not help but to again question why he had allowed himself to be pressured into forming a union with Hendrix and Johan. As fledglings, the two brothers had proved themselves to be talented with all manner of weapons, but they were self-serving and lacked real discipline. No third fledgling would agree to bond with them.

  The village elders approached Anders, begging him to take on the leading position of the pair. In truth, none of the other groups of men trying to form triads felt like a proper fit for Anders so he allowed himself to be talked into taking on the two loners. He assumed, with time and maturity, the two would learn to look beyond superficial gains and work toward more long-term goals. He was wrong.

  “Soon the city wall will open and three ladies will appear. From them, we can select which is best suited for life as our wife. I, myself, seek to find a woman who might be an asset to our village, one who would want the adventure of living outside of the city walls and want to start a life with us, raising strong, happy children,” Anders reasoned.

  Johan broke his silence. “The thrill of having our pick of mates is not lost on us. Hendrix and I already discussed what kind of wife we would select. I want the one with the biggest breasts. He wants a full backside. Both qualities matter not, now. No matter what she looks like, a village born bride is worth the sacrifice. We can always seek pleasure from the cast-offs if our new bride does not satisfy our needs.”

  The mere suggestion appalled Anders. To seek pleasure from a cast-off after a wedding was unfair to all involved. It was an insult to a wife, would bring shame to a family unit and was a misuse of the women tasked with instructing the men on ways to please a wife. He would never break a commitment for personal gain or self-pleasure.

  Hendrix nodded showing his approval with his blood brother’s logic. “Even if she is head strong, between the three of us, we can control one woman. It is worth the sacrifice. Our children will know exactly where their lineage comes from. The house of Finn will boast pure blood descendants from our family unit. That fact alone will make all the difference when it is time for a new group of elders to take control. We will gain respect and prestige with a wife born of a village.”

  Rarely did Anders use his ultimate authority as leader of their triad,
but he was set to do so now. “We are in no position to seek status as village elders. As for controlling a wife, we are claiming a mate, not a servant. I will not support your ridiculous position.”

  “The numbers are not in your favor, my friend,” Johan sneered.

  As soon as Jemina came into view later that day, Anders was smitten. Everything about her thrilled him, from the way she walked, to the gentle swells of her slender frame. He longed to expose the pale skin covered by the warrior cloak she wore, and run his face along each inch, inhaling her scent and tasting her essence. He grew hard just imagining the treasures he would unveil. He would gladly give up the promise of a city bride for the mere chance to win this beauty’s hand.

  She graced him with a smile as her fathers introduced her and explained details of the competition. Hendrix and Johan barely listened to the older men, instead pressing the new set of fledglings from their village for information about the visitors from Urijah. Shaking his head, Anders listened attentively to her guardians. He would fill his triad in on what was expected when the time came. There was no doubt in his mind now. He would abandon the city bride whom they could rightfully claim in the morning, for a chance to win Jemina as a wife.

  All too soon, Jemina and her fathers departed, giving the Village of Finn time to prepare for the morning ceremony. Anders sought out his triad so they could approach Enoch, the Finn elder present, as one to request leave of their position. He found them talking to the elder. The elder’s stance was stiff. He was troubled by what was being said. Anders cursed, wishing his foolish triad had waited for him before discussing departing the city wall. He would have found a way to get Enoch to see the logic in such a bold move. But Hendrix and Johan had already wreaked havoc on the situation. It was up to him to smooth things over again.


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