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Claiming Their Village Bride

Page 6

by Abby Aaron

  Jemina allowed herself to be jealous of her new sister-in-law for a moment or two. What would it be like to have three men stand before the Creator and village to proclaim her worth? Oh, being a village bride made Jemina a jewel, but she wanted to be recognized for her inner traits, not her place of birth.

  Then she noticed the expression on Giannis’ face. The poor girl was shaking, clearly ill at ease with being gawked at by so many strangers. Jemina had heard rumors that city brides were unaware they would be offered up as payment for a village’s protection at the wall, and supplies of fuel and meat. If such was true, Jael’s bride was no doubt terrified of all the upheaval taking place around her. How horrible it must be, to be pulled away from life as you know it, and thrust into a village of outsiders, an existence foreign to all you understand?

  Jemina was determined to befriend the girl and help her adjust. She knew her brother and his triad would do their best to help the city bride feel welcomed, but sometimes it took one frightened bride to understand the uncertainties of another.

  Without warning Jemina realized all eyes were on her. Alistrair was gesturing for her to join him on the platform. Her fathers were already at the elder’s side, her mother beaming next to them. The elder’s loud voice hushed the crowd. “The beginning of this cycle marks a monumental event. I believe Ellias has an important announcement to make concerning his family unit.”

  Ellias waited until Ellena, Darnish and Leodon gave him approving nods before speaking. “Our family is twice blessed. Our oldest son and his triad have brought home a lovely bride. May they gift us with many grandchildren to spoil.” He paused to allow the clapping to subside. “We have put off making this next announcement for as long as possible, waiting a few years past the customary age of seventeen cycles, but the time has finally arrived. It is with honor, and a good bit of sadness, that we proclaim our beautiful daughter, Jemina is ready to become a bride herself.”

  The crowd gained their feet and cheered deafeningly. “Long live the descendants of Urijah,” they chanted in unison over and over again until Alistrair motioned for them to regain their seats.

  Darnish spoke next. “The official announcement of her availability was spread through the neighboring villages. We traveled to the walls of the city at both the regions patrolled by Konrad and that of Finn as well. All interested suitors were instructed to present themselves for consideration to compete for Jemina’s hand in marriage by this date.”

  Leodon’s voice cracked as he started to speak, and he took a moment to regain his composure. His wife Ellena held his hand to lend him some of her strength. “Our triad has been busy since returning from making this announcement. No less than ten sets of warriors appeared at our border in hopes of being allowed inside.”

  Gulping, Jemina marveled at the news. Ten groups? Thirty men were interested in seeking her as their bride? She was awestruck more by that fact, than seeing her generally emotionless father, Leodon being close to breaking down before witnesses.

  Alistrair spoke, no doubt to give the fathers a chance to gain their composure. “Thirty outsiders running amok in our village?” he quipped, giving a mock shudder. “Thank the Creator, we had the wisdom to limit the number of triads allowed to compete.”

  Ellias spoke again, saving Leodon from the task. “After speaking with each group, listening to their reasons for seeking the pleasure of wedding our daughter, and discussing in great detail how they would care for her and the children she blessed their village with, we selected three of the worthiest triads. Please help us in welcoming them. Would the triad from Finn please rise and state your intention to our citizens?”

  Jemina could not believe her eyes when she saw Crosby among the strange men who stood up. The other members of his triad were not at his side. Instead a harsh looking man with small eyes stood beside him. Another man boldly regarded those around him with a slight sneer, as if he was judging their value and found it questionable. The beady-eyed man spoke in a loud, clear voice. “I am Hendrix. My brother Johan and friend Crosby and I seek to prove our superiority by competing for the beautiful Jemina. Having her as our bride would be an honor and the Village of Finn would do all in its power to make her feel at home.”

  Jemina felt her skin crawl. While she could stomach spending her life lying beside the attractive Crosby, despite his uselessness in battle, she did not trust the man named Hendrix. Something about him made her uncomfortable. His announcement did little to soothe her concern. He spoke of being superior, winning her as an honor and his village making her feel welcome. She was but a trophy his triad hoped to bring home.

  Darnish stepped forward and spoke after the Finn triad finally sat down. “Would the triad from Konrad please rise and state your intentions to our citizens?”

  A cluster of three men stepped into the light, and Jemina felt a bit more at ease at the sight of them. They were younger than the men from Finn, probably fledglings new to the wall of the city or a set ready to start their duty there.

  A dark man with rich brown curls and scruffy whiskers acted as spokesman for the group. “Thank you for allowing us entrance to your village. I am Tyler. My blood brothers Sage and Riley joined me in the journey here to your impressive community in hopes of seeking the honor of competing for your beautiful village daughter. We served the city for one cycle, but decided to forgo our second year there in hopes of winning Jemina’s hand in marriage. We promise, should we prove ourselves worthy of winning the competition, to spend the rest of our lives protecting the precious gift your village offers.”

  Ellena smiled brightly at the warriors from Konrad. Her approval gave Jemina hope. Her mother, along with her fathers, would come up with the challenges each triad faced. Ellena would find a way to make sure Jemina wed the best group of men.

  Leodon found his voice when the Konrad group sat down. “It is challenging to announce the final triad. This third group of men chosen to compete is unlike any other triad we have ever encountered or even heard of existing. I believe a short explanation is necessary before I ask them to stand. Three individual men chose to travel here alone, in hopes to be considered, though each had no triad to represent him.” Even the elders turned to stare at the third set of men. The crowd was eager for more news. Jemina stood in the very center of the platform, and light from torches made seeing into the crowd difficult. She squinted her eyes to no avail.

  “As they made the journey, the three men chanced upon one another. Two of the three were blood brothers from the Village of Konrad, who had not aligned themselves in the past, each taking a different path in life. The third man comes from the Village of Finn. He was once a member of Hendrix and Johan’s triad, but was replaced by Crosby at the last minute. Since he had already decided to try for Jemina’s hand, this Finn warrior gave up the right to select a city bride this very day to travel to our home, knowing he would likely not even make it past the village border.

  “The individual warriors continued their journey here, discussing their intent to seek our daughter’s hand, and bonding in a common goal decided to become a new triad. Their remarkable tale intrigued us, and their determination pleased Ellias, Darnish and me. We also knew, if our wife heard of their grit, and we failed to allow them to compete, Ellena would have kicked us out of her bed for cycles to come.” Laughter erupted, those present shocked at the generally solemn man’s gibe. Ellena playfully slapped his arm, but Leodon’s somber demeanor returned. His voice was strong now. “Would the new triad of Konrad and Finn please rise and state your intent to our citizens?”

  Jemina gasped when their faces finally came into view. She blinked a few times, to make sure she was not dreaming. Aras, the warrior from the wall stood there, his bleached hair tucked behind his ears. Beside him was the Konrad flirt called Loinbard, his piercing sky-blue eyes locking on hers before he dared to give her a playful wink. Studying the third man, Jemina was shocked to find his long, thick hair clasped tightly behind his head in a leather strap. His lips were hidde
n behind a full beard and groomed mustache, but she could almost feel them tasting various parts of her body.

  As she had suspected last night, Crosby wasn’t the third man from her dreams. She had been naïve to think he was, for her dream lover was strong and attentive, not self-absorbed and useless. The Creator had not abandoned her as she had feared. The three men he filled her dreams with did exist, a perfect triad, one formed for the sole intent of winning her hand in marriage. A smile filled her face as she listened to the men speak.

  “Our villages of Konrad and Finn would surely be pleased to know you accepted us within your number. They would likely be surprised, too, as none of this could have been foreseen. The unlikely forming of our unique triad will come as a shock to them when we return, but I know the rightness of our union will cast aside any objections the elders might have. I am Aras. This is my blood brother Loinbard. We hail from the village of Konrad.

  “I chose to represent our village at the city walls, as was my duty as a first-born son. Loinbard was determined to pursue the rarest of opportunities, the chance to compete for a village born bride. Forming a triad was out of the question given such different quests. But the Creator had his own plans and our paths crossed on our journey here.

  “I am pleased to announce I have a new brother named Anders from the Village of Finn. After seeing Jemina’s beauty and watching the grace she moved with, he was compelled to seek her as his wife, also. As Jemina’s father stated, we individually set off with the desire to seek her hand in marriage. Joined by our common goal, we comprehended the natural solution of forming a unique triad. For what is a triad, if not for the purpose of earning the right to love and protect a wife. Know this, Village of Urijah. If we are blessed to wed your village bride, we will take her back to the Village of Konrad, where she will be treated as the rare gem she is.

  “You all, no doubt, are wondering how our living arrangement will work, since our triad originates from two different regions. My new brother Anders has agreed to relocate to our village, as well as the remaining members of his family unit. He would retain his citizenship as a member of the Finn line, but also be considered an honorary Konrad, too.

  “His fathers gave their lives to protect their village from evildoers challenging their border during a recent battle. Anders is duty bound to take care of his mother and younger brothers. As his new triad, we accept this responsibility as our own, too. Know that we are honest, hardworking warriors who do not take our duty to our village or family lightly. If we succeed in claiming Jemina’s hand, every one of you can rest assured that she will be well cared for all her living days. The earlier chant you gave would be fulfilled. ‘Long live the descendants of Urijah, Konrad and Finn’.”


  Breaking Bread

  The traditional meal shared after the ceremony found Aras, Loinbard and Anders sitting at a long table, far from the woman they hoped to wed. The moment the Elder Alistrair instructed them on where Jemina and her family would take their meal, Hendrix and Johan shoved Crosby forward, assuring they might locate the best position to claim their chairs. The other triad from Konrad shook their heads in disgust, but waited, as did Aras’ triad, for Jemina and her immediate family to take their seats before approaching the area.

  Jael, Jemina’s twin, and his triad ushered their new bride to the head of the same wooden table. Other strangers sat nearby, no doubt from Chaim and Moshe’s families. Next to them, Ellias, Darnish and Leodon pulled up some chairs. Jemina sat, and left a spot for her mother. The Finn warriors sat directly across from her, but Hendrix pointed for Crosby to go and claim the chair meant for her mother.

  Ellena did not notice at first because she had made it her duty to personally prepare Giannis’ plate. She gave her new daughter-in-law a tight hug before asking her mate Ellias to give the blessing before they ate. Only then did Ellena realize her position had been adjusted. Instead of being forced to sit separate from her husbands, she sat on Darnish’s lap for the meal.

  Aras smiled, imagining his own second mother Attie would have done the same. Jemina got her free spirit from her lovely mother, along with her wondrous red hair. As the older man offered a blessing to the Creator, Aras’ mind wandered back to the time when his father Ryder had forced him and his younger brothers to sit at the table when his triad brought their city bride back to their village. He grimaced, recalling the rude way he had behaved that night, his rebellious teenage hormones making him act foolish and unkind.

  He glanced sideways at Loinbard and noticed his brother seemed to be reliving uncomfortable memories, too. Thank goodness, their second mother Attie had forgiven them. Their family unit had grown strong through the cycles that followed. They clung to one another during tragic times, and made plans to avenge wrongs forced upon them.

  The newlywed triad was painfully attentive to their wife, Aras noted. Jael, who bore a strong resemblance to Jemina, hand fed his bride. It was clear he already had strong emotions where the girl was concerned, despite only knowing her for a few hours. Had he really dreamed of her before this day, the flesh and blood woman whom his triad claimed? Jael had claimed it was as if his dreams had become real.

  The Konrad warrior had never allowed himself such luxuries as dreaming of a future wife. He dreaded claiming a bride, giving her his love and devotion, and knowing he could lose her and the children she bore him because of a horrible sin perpetrated by the leaders of city. Not just the city, he reminded himself. The village healers were just as culpable. Hatred filled his heart as Aras watched those around him, trying to surmise which woman might hold such a role here. The lighting was too weak to allow focusing on tables more than one or two away.

  “Notice how my brother cannot stop touching his wife?” Jemina’s silvery tone brought Aras’ attention back to his immediate surroundings. Was he mistaken, or was she speaking directly toward his triad? His second mother, Attie, often made odd comments like this. After observing his fathers’ reactions for many cycles, he gleaned she was instructing her mates on the ways to please her without directly ordering them around.

  Was the beautiful Jemina employing the same technique now? It would be nice to have a wife who helped her mates understand her wants and needs. Having to guess at such matters would be impossible and frustrating for all involved. If only Jemina was in arm’s reach, he could show her his appreciation of her hints by feeding her as her brother fed his bride.

  Crosby, who Aras had assumed to be a total nitwit, with not a clue or desire to please anyone but himself, seemed to figure out what Jemina was suggesting much faster than Aras had. The Konrad warrior’s gut clenched, as did his fists, as the Finn warrior started stroking her arm and popping bits of juicy fruit in her mouth. When a small bit of juice trickled down her chin, he used a finger to wipe it off before bringing it to his mouth.

  “I hope the challenges we face involve hand to hand combat,” Aras muttered. “It would give me great pleasure to crush that ass’ hand and sever that finger, before breaking every bone I can reach.”

  “You’d do better to wound Hendrix,” Anders quietly suggested, eating his meal without looking up. “The foolish boy they replaced me with is only following his new triad’s bidding. The moment Jemina made her statement, I saw Hendrix nudge Crosby with his foot and gesture for him to hand feed her. Crosby doesn’t have an original thought in his head. He is only a tool being used by his triad to better position themselves in the competition. The moment he is no longer an asset, they will dispose of him as they did me.”

  “Would they do the same to Jemina?” Aras felt outraged.

  “Without hesitation.” Anders made a show of concentrating on the food in his plate, not wanting to show the disgust in his eyes. “Even if we do not win her hand, we must make sure Hendrix and Johan never claim Jemina as their wife.”

  “Agreed,” Loinbard uttered, and Aras found his sibling to be just as passionate about his dislike of the Finn triad. His blood brother offered his opinion in a grave tone.
“When the time for battle comes, I hope I come up against the third member of their little team. Johan. What a plain name for someone who appears to think he is so superior to everyone else. If he flexes his muscles at Jemina one more time, I might have to slam his ugly face into the table.”

  A member of the other Konrad triad tried to start up a conversation. His name was Sage, Aras recalled. “We have much to learn about Jemina and only a short time to do so. Would you tell us about your daughter? What was she like as a child? Has she always been so delightful?” His question was put to her fathers, yet he smiled directly at Jemina. Aras wanted to slam his fist into the boy’s face so he could remove the foul expression.

  Instead, he nudged his brother roughly, demanding to know why he had not been smart enough to consider such a brilliant strategy. The more they learned about Jemina, the better equipped they would be to win her hand and please her as potential mates. He listened carefully, indicating with a nod for Anders and Loinbard to do the same.

  Her fathers appeared at a loss of what to share, so their wife addressed the question instead. “Jemina has always been full of delightful surprises. In fact, from the very start of her life, she has been amazing us. I labored for hours to bring Jael forth. He was my first-born and a very challenging delivery. Our little princess followed him out without a smidgen of warning. We did not realize I was carrying two babes. One-minute Dalia, she’s our village healer, was catching Jael, and the next, she was dropping him on my belly and guiding his sister out.”

  Ellena smiled at the triads as she talked. If Jemina aged as well as her mother, her lucky husbands would be truly blessed, Aras decided.


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