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Claiming Their Village Bride

Page 17

by Abby Aaron

  “I had no part in this,” he told them. “I tried to prevent it from happening, but they would not heed my protest. I cast off both men as members of my triad. I would rather return to my village to spend the rest of my days alone, than spend another moment in their company.”

  Aras reached to pull Jemina behind his back. Everyone was tense as all eyes regarded Hendrix cautiously. What was concealed within the sack? Not a harmless cub, for sure. Darnish brushed past Crosby to assume a defensive position near the Finn soldier in case it was necessary. Leodon and Ellias wisely placed their wife between them, ready to protect her if needed. They trusted Jemina was safely guarded by the warriors who would soon call her wife.

  Unaware of the turmoil they were causing, Hendrix rushed to explain what the other triad had brought back with them. Johan sneered in Aras’ direction. “Is that how Konrad warriors show their might? Bringing animals for their hosts to be burdened with caring for?”

  He roughly lifted the sack from his shoulder and tossed it carelessly to the ground at the Konrad-Finn triad’s feet. A groan of agony escaped the satchel, and the women present gasped in dismay. “While you were off playing with kittens, we used our time away from the village to eliminate real threats to our future in-law’s home.”

  Johan dared to smile at Ellena when he spoke. “There is one less evildoer lurking close to your home, madame.” He turned and hauled back his leg to strike the sack when Jemina’s dagger impaled his thigh. Bellowing in outrage, he pulled it out and stepped toward her. Her three, overprotective grooms formed a wall around her, daring him to move closer.

  “Slowly step away from the sack,” Ellias ordered Hendrix and Johan. With a snap of his fingers, Jemina’s eldest father called up dozens of warriors to defend them. Fierce, armed men appeared from behind bushes, trees, buildings and ditches to flood the area. The Finn men were relieved of their weapons and soon bound with their hands behind them. Only Crosby remained liberated, having wisely distanced himself from the horrible acts of his former triad.

  The threat eliminated, Loinbard stepped toward the sack and carefully pulled it open. A small boy lay motionless inside. He could not be more than five or six cycles old, but someone had maliciously beaten him from head to toe. Rage consumed the older man, and he rushed toward Hendrix with his sword drawn. Leodon intercepted him, reminding him justice would be served, but now was not the time.

  Ellena wailed with dismay at the deplorable sight, but Jemina did not allow herself that luxury. She rushed to help the boy laying prostrate on the ground. Her hand moved to his swollen neck to search for signs of life. There was not an inch of skin unmarred by cuts or bruises on his small body. She refused to give in to the nausea welling in her throat.

  “Quickly, someone help me get this child to Dalia. He is still alive, but only just.” The village bride removed the delicate cape she had worn to help protect her from the morning breeze. It had been a treasured gift from Grandfather Ian. Jemina carefully used it to slow down the flow of blood on his chest.

  Aras gently lifted the boy, recognizing him as the youngest of the two small children they saw the day their triad had been born. The innocent child had been appalled when his brother had killed a dove to feed their family. He was too young to comprehend harming a peaceful creature. That innocence had been stolen from him.

  Two different emotions thundered through Aras now: remorse at not being able to stop this travesty from ever taking place and hatred toward the evil men who boasted of this cowardly act. The boy needed to be taken care of first; Aras ordered himself to walk away from exacting revenge. Loinbard rushed ahead to warn the healer what she would soon be dealing with. Anders shadowed behind Jemina, ready to catch her in his strong arms if necessary. Aras only hoped others would not kill the Finn evildoers before he could return to claim the honor.


  The Claiming

  The Joining Ceremony began after the boy was no longer close to death. Alistrair, the lead elder, presided and blessed the marriage after the triad repeated their oaths of protection and honor. Aras and Loinbard wore their finest Konrad colors and Anders showed off his Finn shades. Jemina, wearing the first-generation dress of her ancestors stood before each man, promising to love, honor and protect them also. No one noticed the slight rip where Smiley’s sharp teeth latched on during the second challenge.

  “Sir, I find it strange we have not seen you since the first night of our arrival.” Later Aras accepted Alistrair’s blessings as they walked toward a great feast prepared for the union. “From the way Jemina spoke of you, I half expected you to be a more active member of the challenges.”

  “From the moment three outside triads crossed our border, I have been within eyesight of every aspect of the competition. The elders and I carefully watched each set of men, deciding who would watch over whom until the winner was declared. My dear friend, Ian saw the way Jemina reacted to your triad. He insisted his own triad take responsibility for guarding you.”

  “Jemina did not care for me at first. I offended her, and it put me at a disadvantage from the beginning,” the Konrad warrior explained. “I am not surprised Grandfather Ian wanted to protect her from me.”

  Alistrair managed a chuckle, despite his solemn demeanor. “He sought to defend you from her, and his fear that I grant her too much control over her future. Ian knew she was determined from the very start to wed your triad. He wanted to make sure you earned the right, and I did not interfere in the outcome.”

  “Did the guards report to you on the various things they witnessed?” he pressed the elder.

  “We all gathered at different occasions to pass on critical information. Unfortunately, I spent most of my time shadowing the one called Johan. An unholy source resides in that man’s heart, if he even has such an organ. I dared not sleep for fear of the harm he might cause. When the triads left the village border for the last challenge, I made a critical miscalculation. It will haunt me for the rest of my days. I told the guards to stand down and get some much-needed sleep while the outsiders were away. Had I not given into the temptation of rest; I might have been able to prevent the injustice inflicted on that innocent child.”

  The place of the first claiming brought about several challenges. Dalia was still caring for the small boy on the ground level healer’s compound. Tradition held that new family units shared their first time as husbands and wife in this area. Grooms’ joined their blood to introduce to the doors sealing each level of a new line. Aras and Loinbard were aware of secret threats hidden within the inner most circle. Entering such a foul place went against every fighter’s instinct they knew.

  “Is there another place we can spend the night?” Aras asked.

  The question confused Jemina, who was yet unaware of their tragic history. All of her life, she had seen new family units follow the binding ritual by going into the healer’s building. There had never been any question in her mind that she would follow the same path. “The first level has been adjusted,” she told her new husbands when the Konrad warriors hesitated at the door. “A protective wall was activated, portioning off the area where the boy rests. Dalia will have complete privacy as she watches over him. They will not be able to see or hear us.”

  “Are you concerned about our bride’s privacy?” Anders was just as perplexed.

  “Jemina,” Loinbard took her into his arms. “Is your heart set on this location to begin our claiming?”

  “All married units from our village begin their lives here. Each section is marked by our blood unit so when the time comes to welcome our children, the last seal may be broken for their birth.” She was anxious enough worrying about the coming coupling. After all they had gone through, why was there hesitation now? Didn’t her new husbands want to bed her?

  “Our children will be born in Konrad.” Aras worked hard to keep his tone even, void of all emotion. “Any blood bonds will be recognized there.”

  “Our children will be descendants of Urijah, Konrad and Fin
n. Creator forbid any of us perish, but it is important for our children to be assured a welcoming home in all three places. Am I mistaken?” Her voice cracked with sentiment.

  Pulling her close to him, Aras realized he could no longer make decisions solely on his personal feelings. His devotion to Jemina was more important than maintaining his vow to shun everything connected with the building. His bride was still unaware of the secret he harbored, as was Anders. He would not burden them with it until they reached Konrad land. “You are our center force. If this is where you feel comfortable for the first claiming, so be it.”

  He bent down to a knee. Aras slowly eased the material of her dress upward, uncovering smooth, pale skin. He stopped when the jeweled handle of a dagger tied at her thigh appeared. With great care, the Konrad warrior extracted the weapon before carelessly tossing it to Anders. His fingers returned to Jemina’s smooth, silky skin. He could not stop himself from teasing her inner thigh with his lips, making her gasp. His own soft groans warned Aras it was best to get their bride inside before continuing.

  Taking her dagger back from Anders, Aras placed it in Jemina’s grasp. “This is a relic from Urijah, if I am not mistaken.”

  She nodded. “Grandfather Ian gave it to me after the joining ceremony.”

  “Mark me with it, bride,” he demanded. When she hesitated, Aras guided the hand she cupped the knife with. The sharp edge sliced upon the palm of his hand. Blood soon welled up and he smiled. Parting the top of her dress with his unwounded hand, he exposed her perfect breasts. Aras planted the bleeding palm over her chest. Returning to his knee again he gave his pledge.

  “Jemina, village bride of Urijah, chosen bride of Konrad-Finn, I claim you as my one true mate. I will protect you from head-on attacks, sacrificing my blood if needed to save yours.” He stayed on his knees, but extracted his own knife from his side. He passed it to Anders. “Have her use it to draw your blood.”

  Anders had to help Jemina complete the task. Soon his blood stained the Konrad weapon. Walking first to her left, then to her right, he placed his palm on her arms before taking a knee. “I claim you, beautiful Jemina, as my mate. I will protect you from lateral attacks, sacrificing my blood if needed to save yours.” Already understanding what Aras had intended, Anders removed his own Finn dagger and gave it to Loinbard.

  He cautiously tossed it to Jemina, who caught it with the reflexes of a skilled warrior. Loinbard extended his palm with a smile. I believe you are meant to use the Finn weapon to complete our symbolic joining of villages, bride. Do you need assistance?”

  A full smile crossed Jemina’s face and she playfully shook her head. Making the barest of slices across his palm, she flinched when he cried out in pain. Loinbard’s playful wink mocked her innocence. She squeezed the wound to elicit more blood and chuckled when he really did cringe a bit. He used his good palm to give her a disapproving smack on the ass before marking her back.

  “Jemina, sassy female warrior of Urijah, chosen bride of Konrad-Finn, I claim you as my one true mate. I will protect you from surprise attacks, sacrificing my blood if needed to save yours.”

  Those words marked the official final pledge of their union. But this was no ordinary family union. Jemina held up her own palm and used all three knives to prick her own skin. She bent down, marking her husbands’ foreheads. “Aras, Anders, Loinbard, I claim you three as my only true mates. I will protect you and all children raised by our family unit.”

  A huge bedframe dominated the ground level of the healer’s compound when they entered. The four of them stared at it for a moment, knowing everything from the past had led to this path. “Well, husbands, I trust the cast-offs who trained you in the art of pleasing a wife prepared you for this moment. My inexperience concerns me, to be honest; I only hope I do not disappoint any of you.”

  Aras removed all the weapons he carried, both openly and in concealed places. He carefully placed them close at hand in case the need to use them presented itself. “I cannot speak for Anders, but Loinbard and I share your apprehension, bride. We never sought the services of the Konrad cast-off women. They are controlled by a spiteful female who spreads strife whenever possible.”

  Anders eyes widened. “You are both virgins?”

  “I prefer the term celibate,” Loinbard protested.

  Aras sought to clarify their status. “The use of other women to train men for a future bride is not always productive. No two women enjoy the exact same things. My second mother lectured all of her sons on as much every chance she could. Seeking physical pleasure was not sinful in itself, but pretending to do so for false reasons was unfair to all involved.”

  Jemina rewarded both of the Konrad warriors with deep kisses. “We shall learn what pleases each other together,” she said.

  “Wonderful,” Anders muttered. “Instead of our bride being the only inexperienced one among us, I get to be the filthy bastard who spent cycles seeking help to master all the different ways to make a woman scream with pleasure.”

  “There is more than one way?” Jemina asked with a wicked smile. “You must teach us every single method.”

  Chuckling with relief that she was not disappointed in him, Anders agreed to the task. “Women should never be rushed. Every action is a chance to prove how lucky a mate feels to be claiming her attention. Undressing is a good beginning point.” With a quick glance at Aras and Loinbard, he asked, “Shall we begin to unwrap this wonderful wife we have earned?”

  Aras and his blood brother helped Jemina maintain her balance while Anders gently cupped first her right calf, then her left, to remove her shoes. Tossing them aside, he stood up to gather her long hair in his hands so one of the others could unfasten the buttons at the rear of her dress. Her head bent slightly, and she watched tan hands ease the garment down her shoulders. Hands at her sides, she did not even bother to attempt halting the material’s descent as it puddled at her ankles.

  Her husbands started circling around her, taking in her nearly naked form, discovering the last secrets of her privacy. The murmured words of praise and lust. So sweet was the sound, Jemina found herself growing damp. Every nerve ending across her body was alert and ready for them to stroke.

  “Ease your undergarment off, bride,” Aras demanded.

  Trembling fingers grasped the ties of cloth covering her most intimate parts. When the material gave way, she could not stop her hands from reaching down to shield the area. Loinbard clicked his tongue at her with reproach. “How can we study our gift if you hide it from view?” Her hands slowly inched away, and he rewarded her with a huge smile.

  “When do I get to unwrap my presents?” she tried to sound confident but failed.

  Anders and Loinbard continued circling her, but Aras stopped to stand before her. He lifted her hands in his own and kissed the palms. Then he placed them on the front of his shirt and invited her to remove his clothing. With shaking fingers, it took a bit of time, but she managed to do away with the garment. She smiled both with pride in her our accomplishment, and pleasure at seeing his toned stomach and solid arms.

  His eyes met hers with a challenge, then lowered to his pants. Aras did not guide her hands to the buttons, giving her as much time as needed to find the courage. Jemina’s chest responded to her increased heart rate by rising and falling wildly; she unfastened the buttons and used her hands to guide the cloth over his lean hips. It gave her something to do besides glare at the thick, long rod straining upwards.

  Aras bent to reward her efforts with a deep kiss. Reluctantly he stepped back and began circling her. Anders presented himself next. She giggled nervously before removing his shirt and pants. His engorged member sprung outward. She moaned from surprise and appreciation. The Finn warrior pulled her to him and captured her mouth with determination. Only after his tongue had swept across every bit of her sweet mouth did he set her free. He was back to circling again, repeating his pledge to protect and care for her for the rest of their days.

  Loinbard greeted
her with a wide smile. Many of the buttons on his clothes had already been undone. A wicked grin suggested he was tired of waiting. Gulping hard, Jemina pulled off his shirt, her fingers lingering over the firm, hot skin of his chest. His hips were hard as rock as she freed him from his pants. Yet another heavy erection pointed at her. Lifting her high into his arms, he kissed her until the look of fear was replaced with passion.

  Somehow, she had ended up in the center of the bed, Anders at her right and Loinbard at her left. Aras stood at the foot of the bed. As leader of their family unit, he had the first right to bury himself deep inside her. Jemina’s eyes locked on his huge shaft and wondered if it might tear her.

  Aras made no move to stake his claim. Instead he watched as Anders and Loinbard began exploring her breasts, neck and mouth. Fingers stroked slowly at first, then with an increased desire. She felt someone take the tip of one breast into a hot mouth and suckle. Another nipped at her neck. Jemina did not realize her legs had been parted at first. Hands gently inched her knees up before adjusting them so her core was open and ready to explore.

  Fingers skimmed along her inner thighs, across her swollen folds and over a sensitive bud. Lifting her head, Jemina tried to distinguish which of her husbands was being so bold. She found three different hands moving around her most private region. Aras spoke and his words made her stiffen.

  “Shall we all see how tight our bride is?” His finger poised at the opening of her core. Two others soon joined it there. On his word, they softly began pushing inside her. Jemina began to tense with fear even though they were not hurting her.

  Aras took her hand and placed it over her swollen clit. “Touch yourself, bride. Show us how to please you.”


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