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A Torn Dream (Jade Book 2)

Page 9

by Lucy Rains

  “But what if all that changes?” I asked in a whisper.

  Kyson brought a hand to my cheek, holding my face. “Charles will help us help you.”

  I brought my hand to his, feeling his warmth, needing his touch. “I’m scared,” I admitted.

  His eyebrows pinched together, creasing his skin. His fear was palpable, surrounding me. I watched his lips part as he searched for words to comfort me, but nothing came. That was okay. I preferred it that way, rather than him offering false hope.

  With a heavy sigh, Kyson shifted closer to me on the bed and pulled me into his lap. His large frame enveloped me, the thick muscles in his arms holding me close to him.

  I placed my hand on the center of his chest and felt his vibrations spread into my arm. The warm energy met my own and a sense of calm filled my body. My eyes stopped watering, my shoulders relaxed. The fear I felt from Kyson lessened. As did my own.

  There was no way to know how long we sat this way. It could have been five minutes or it could have been an hour. As time passed, Kyson’s fear shifted into something else. The warmth in my hand started to spread to my belly and down to my core. My hand on his hard chest, my bottom on the tops of his thighs, I became hyper aware of every part of me that was touching every part of him.

  The sensations of desire came stronger from him, piling on top of my own. His hand on my waist moved to knead the skin under my tank top. His other hand rested on the top of my thigh but I could feel the control slipping from his fingertips.

  I turned my head up to his and before I could say anything his mouth was on mine. My lips parted wide and he filled my mouth, drinking me in. The hand on my thigh went to my neck, holding me close to him. The other stayed under my shirt moving to the middle of my back to push me even closer to him.

  My hands grasped at his shirt, then went to his chest, then to his shoulders. Our tongues moved together, our breathing became labored. I had to move my hands out of the way as the space between our chests disappeared. The world around me was spinning, tilting and then I was on my back.

  My eyes opened, staring into Kyson’s as he pulled back from me. He shook his head, “I don’t want to take advantage of you. I know you’re upset.”

  I swallowed the saliva that had been collecting in my mouth while grabbing the hem of my tank top and pulling it over my head.

  Kyson’s eyes pinched shut for a second, as if in pain. When he opened them again he stared openly. I sucked in a breath on the fresh wave of intense arousal that hit me. A hand came up slowly, his large palm going to my breast, cupping the round shape. His eyes closed again, as he seemed to savor every touch.

  “Jade,” his voice shook. His bright blue eyes were dilated into darkness as they came to mine. His hand began to move around my breast, his fingers tracing every part of it.

  My hands went up and I pulled his shoulders down, so that his mouth met mine again. When his hips came down, the bulge in his pants pressed firmly against me and I gasped into his mouth, a whimper escaping me. The feel of his hard body was against me from my head to my toes and in all the places that mattered.

  Would this be similar to my experience with Pierce? Would I come in the same way? Was I ready for more? Everything was overwhelming, yet so wonderful. I wanted to share myself with Kyson, with all of them. But an underlying uncertainty of myself held me back from letting go completely.

  My hands went to Kyson’s sweat pants and ever so slowly slipped beneath the elastic band into uncharted territories. My fingers trembled and I pressed them into his skin as they inched farther down.

  Kyson’s whole body shuddered in anticipation, his hand gripping my other breast. I was swollen, sensitive, aching at his touch. My arousal heightened as he pressed into me. I shifted my legs open and allowed his erection to settle against me. The solid mass pushed into me in a glorious way.

  My hands met thick hair. I let them linger briefly, savoring the soft intimate strands before finding his erection. The feel of it between my fingers sent a bolt of electricity between my own legs and my hips shifted, rocking against Kyson.

  A heated moan escaped him, his hand left my breast as he stabilized himself on the mattress above me. He pulled away from my mouth, and to my intense disappointment, pulled my hands from his sweats. After settling onto his elbows, his eyes narrowed on mine and I felt his erection begin rubbing between my legs. The cotton fabric thin enough to allow me to feel all of his hardness. My legs opened wider, allowing for more movement and pressure.

  As the sensations grew my heels dug into the mattress and my back arched up. My eyes closed and I began drowning in the orgasm that built inside of me. Kyson’s hips moved steadily, persistently. My hands grabbed onto his ass as I reached my peak, gripping him and gasping in pleasure. I rocked through the waves, pinching my eyes closed, sucking in deep breaths.

  When my body settled, I opened my eyes and saw Kyson rolling over onto his back. He grabbed my hand and guided it back under his pants, where his erection was even harder than it had been before. I grasped it tight, forcing another groan of pleasure from him. My chest thrummed at his pleasure. My senses delighting in his happiness.

  His hand wrapped around mine and began moving, guiding me along his length, showing me how to touch him. I must have been doing it right because within seconds his hand dropped and his head shot back. His fingers dug into my comforter as he became rock hard and then released.

  Kyson sucked in a heavy breath, his jaw muscles clenching as he came. I watched his hands ball into fists as he struggled to control himself. I kept moving my hand along him until his own hand came up and he stopped me, releasing his breath in a long stream.

  Our eyes met, wide, both excited, both wondering what the other was thinking.

  “Was it...okay?” I asked, unsure. He had seemed happy but I was naive, and inexperienced.

  He nodded. “Very.” His eyes glanced at my breasts, and then farther down. “I feel like I got the better deal,” he whispered, his brow furrowing.

  I shook my head, offering a reassuring smile. “It was great.”

  My sixth sense told me he harbored doubts. His mouth still frowned.

  “I promise."

  He nodded once. “Next time,” another glance down, “okay?”

  I gave a shy nod of agreement, wanting to be ready for him when the time came.

  With another exhale he sat up, pulled off his shirt and wrapped it around my hand, cleaning my fingers. His chest glistened in the shadows, sweat beading along his forehead. I watched in fascination as he cleaned himself, his pelvic hair and then balled the t shirt up.

  I wanted to keep studying him, but wasn't willing to stop Kyson from tucking himself away. It was then that I realized I was still shirtless.

  I found my tank and pulled it over my head, knowing Kyson was watching my every move. When my arms were through the arm holes, his hands came to the back of my head, pulling me in for another deep kiss. Pleased satisfaction was written all over his face and channeled into his emotions as he laid down beside me. He tucked my body against him and pulled the blanket over me.

  The second my eyes shut I became aware of the other heated emotions in the house. Everything I had experienced in the past several minutes had been shared with anyone who was awake.

  One person, and then two. Thick arousal swirled around me like a fog. Excitement grew with each second. Climbing. I shoved my face into the pillow until it was over. Until Pierce and Gavin had reached their peaks and I could breathe again.

  Chapter 9

  I pulled a white mesh cover up on over my black bikini and stepped out of my bedroom. All four guys were up and around, and I was ready for a walk down to the beach. My hope was that they would all come. Such a thing had not happened yet, all of us going down to the water together, and we only had two days left before it was time to fly out.

  When I stepped out of my room to see Gavin reaching for the front door, my mouth pulled down and I shook my head. He paused, staring at m
e mid-reach.

  “Stay,” I murmured.

  My eyes plead with him, begging him to not leave. He had still been taking his daily solo trips out of the house and disappearing for anywhere from 3 to 6 hours. I rarely saw him eating breakfast or lunch at home. Almost like he was avoiding the house as much as he could.

  His shoulders slumped and his hand dropped. My eyes closed briefly as his fear and sadness washed over me.

  “Stay,” I said again. “Come swim with me?”

  Gavin turned away from me to stare at the floor, his hazel eyes dark and troubled.

  He shook his head, glanced at me and then to the door.

  I stepped forward, nervously laying a hand on his arm, trying to pull him towards me. Gavin kept his body firm, unmoving.

  “Talk to me,” I whispered.

  Pursing his lips together, his troubled eyes met mine. “Tomorrow. I promise I’ll stay tomorrow.”

  He reached around me to grab the doorknob, starting to pull the door open. I threw a hand behind me and let out a jolt of energy to close it again.

  I glared at Gavin, wanting to force his thoughts to surface and make him share them with me. I wanted to make him talk. I wanted him to come to me for comfort. I wanted him to stop running away.

  “Tomorrow,” he stated, not budging from his decision.

  My hands clenched into fists, wanting to punch something. But when I saw the pain in his eyes, I mentally chastised myself. I needed to give him the space he wanted. Anything else was disrespectful. I didn’t want to feel the same shameful regret I had felt when I forced myself to come with him before.

  My eyes went to his lips, his jaw, his eyes. In a sudden moment of bravery, I stepped forward and brought my mouth up to his. My lips felt the brush of his unshaven stubble around the soft contours of his lips. I pushed hard, shoving my frustration and need into his mouth. I sighed in satisfaction when his lips parted and he opened himself to my tongue.

  My hands came around his neck, my breasts pushing against his chest. Gavin wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling my hips close into his. My hopes soared as I felt his pleasure, the satisfaction that my affection was melting his icy exterior. As his hands gripped my buttocks, I waited for him to lift me off the ground so that my legs could wrap around his waist. Then I knew he would carry me back to my bedroom.

  But then his hands were gone. His mouth off of mine, his head moving back. His eyes full of apology, his emotions back to being fearful.

  Cold rejection hit me square in the gut and I shook my head. “No,” I whispered.

  Gavin pushed past me, opened the door, and left the house. In my heated frustration, I threw a fierce jolt of energy at the wooden door to slam it behind him.

  Tears of anger pricked my eyes, and I rubbed at them with my palms.

  Embarrassed, I contemplated going back to my room and staying there for a few hours until my cheeks stopped burning. But then a large frame filled my vision and I looked up into stern blue eyes.

  “Let him be,” Pierce said.

  A humorless laugh fell from my mouth. I pushed off the wall I had been leaning on. “I really don’t want your mediation,” I grumbled, walking through the house and onto the back porch.

  “Babezilla!” Alex called after me, which I unapologetically ignored.

  I almost kept walking on down the stairs and to the shore when a voice shouted in my head.


  Closing my eyes, I cringed like someone had pegged me with a tennis ball in my temple.

  Do not go alone.

  I folded my arms and waited. He was right, my emotions had taken over my ability to think clearly.

  Please don’t send Alex. I can’t promise I wouldn’t kill him right now.

  The back door banged open and then closed. I didn’t have to turn around to feel that it was Pierce coming up behind me.

  My feet began moving again, stepping down the worn wooden steps into the sand. Pierce walked beside me silently. He was calm, despite my own bundle of emotions.

  We walked for several minutes before his deep voice filled the gap of silence. “How would you feel if one of us was sick, and you didn’t know why, and you didn’t know how to help?”

  I watched seagulls fly over head, thinking about his question. The idea was unfathomable. I would be a crazy wreck, and he knew it.

  When I didn’t answer right away he kept talking. “You would be stressed out of your damn mind. You would feel helpless, afraid.”

  I nodded in agreement. “Yeah. So?”

  “It scares the shit out of him.”

  “But why does that make him run away?” I asked, my hands balling into fists again.

  “You’re the best thing that has happened in his life. Ever. The first time he’s had something he cares more about than us guys, and himself. He doesn’t know how to handle what's going on. He can’t fix you, he has no control, and it's more than he can handle.”

  “I don’t think any of us know how to handle what's going on,” I mumbled, more to myself.

  Wind whipped my hair around my face, and I cursed forgetting a hair tie. Hair stuck to my mouth, hit my eyelids. I let myself walk farther down the shoreline and into the water, delighted at the flutters that ran up my legs. I slowly moved my hand above the water, releasing a small stream of energy into the water. A subtle parting appeared in the water around my feet.

  “What is going on at night?” Pierce asked.

  I paused in my steps, standing in the rushing tide to look up at him. His white t-shirt blew against his chest, forcing it to outline his broad chest.

  My eyebrow raised. “Kyson hasn’t told you?”

  Pierce shook his head.

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  “I haven’t asked. He hasn’t said anything. I’ve respected his space.”

  My cheeks warmed at the memory from a couple nights earlier and the time spent on my bed with Kyson in the still of the night.

  I cleared my throat, trying to remove the arousal before it sunk deeper into my emotions. “I wake up with numb hands. It’s like my blood circulation slows down or stops when I’m sleeping.”

  Pierce raised an eyebrow, “Every night?”

  I nodded, letting my fingers come down to skim the water. His anxiety couldn’t be hidden, and it rushed over me.

  We should have left a week ago.

  I sighed, kicking the water and picked up my pace again. I eyed a drinking fountain in the distance, set next to public restrooms.

  “My energy has been fine, and I’ve been eating more.”

  Pierce scoffed, “Don’t try to pretend you’ve actually been hungry.”

  I frowned. He was right, I still had no appetite. Overall, I had been fine, but I hadn’t been exerting myself in anyway. Just like I had promised.

  “We can leave now,” I relented, walking up the soft sand path to the metal fountain. “I know the tickets have already been bought, and it's not like they’re cheap to change,” I bent over to drink, sucking in the tepid water to clear my throat for. A hand went to my mouth to wipe drips from my lips. “I didn’t want-”

  Hands went around my waist and spun me around. Pierce was backing me into a walled off corner that lead into the women’s restroom, setting me against wooden slats. The emotions firing off from him sent my eyes wide. Concern, affection, desire, fear.

  His head leaned down to mine as he spoke, “Money means nothing, Jade. You mean everything.” His lips pushed into mine, then pulled back. His ocean blue eyes were intense with the feelings I could already feel. The care and concern I felt from him made my chest swell, and my chest vibrations pulsed wildly.

  “Did you want to leave tomorrow, then?” I asked, breathless.

  Pierce’s hands scaled my back, up to my shoulders and then back down to my behind. I sucked in a breath when they went below the waistband of my suit and gripped into my cheeks.

  “Pierce,” I whispered, unsure with the chosen spot and timing of his public affect
ion. No one was staring, but I eyed various people sitting behind Pierce along the beach.

  He answered by putting his mouth to my neck, and began to suck on the skin at the base by my collar bone. I felt the warmth of his tongue come out and trail up to my ear. My chest heaved in hot desire, wanting the same sensation over my entire body.

  Meanwhile, his fingers that were under my suit went as far down as they could. His hand wrapped around me, his reach going between my legs and I felt the pressure in soft crevies.

  My head jerked back, my eyes closing. A sharp gasp at the sensations. My mind was becoming delirious. I let my fingers explore the lines I had been admiring under his shirt, trailing the skin up to his nipples and lingering my fingertips there.

  “How about we go for a swim?” he suggested.

  My eyes opened, loving the wicked smile on his face. "Swim?"

  “We can go far enough out of sight for privacy.” The husky tone to his voice jerked

  my libido into high drive and I nodded dumbly.

  He released me, holding my hand to guide me to the water. My skin was

  immediately cold at the lack of his touch. The fabric between my legs was damp and I needed to adjust my suit.

  We were knee deep in sea water when a hit to my sixth sense stopped me.



  Out of place.

  My eyes lost focus, and I could hear Pierce calling my name.

  I closed my eyes, lifted my chin, tasting the presence that I had once felt before.

  “Jade?” Pierce said, his face close to mine.

  Fear. Bitterness. Anxiety. Not from any of the guys. It was someone different. Someone I had felt before, but not in several days. The emotions tasted familiar. From someone I had detested.

  Pierce was grabbing my chin now, forcing my face forward.

  I grabbed his wrist, softening his touch. “Someone’s here.”

  He stood up straight, looking around the beach. “What do you mean? One of the


  I turned slowly, my eyes scanning the area. “No. Someone from home...from before.”

  Pierce closed his eyes, tilting his head to the sky for a few seconds. “I don’t feel any threats.”


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