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Kissed on Alien Christmas

Page 6

by Harpie Alexander

  I kiss her tenderly while I pound home into her sweet body. The tight channels of her walls flutter against me, clamping down hard while ripping my orgasm from me. She screams out in pleasure as I fill her with seed.

  We collapse on the furs, wrapping my arms and one leg around her small frame, tucking her close beside me. She’s exactly where she belongs; by my arms.

  “You accepting me as your mate means more to me than you’ll ever know,” I whisper into her tiny ear. And it’s true, I may not deserve this beautiful human female before me, but I’d do anything to earn it.

  With her eyes still closed, she reaches up and cups my face. “I love you too,” she murmurs before falling asleep in my arms.

  With her by my side, and her slow breaths fanning my face I too fall into slumber.

  Chapter Ten


  Bright light filters through small windows. I reflectively look up, while the pleasuring thoughts of our night before warm my cheeks. I remember waking throughout the night to make love to my passionate lover. Several times. There’s a tender ache between my legs, a reminder of his powerful body and how well he can use it. My eyes wander around the new room. Aarvik is nowhere to be seen. I wonder where he could be?

  Peeling the furs from my body, I collect my dress and panties strewn about the room and then hunt down Aarvik. My mate. If someone would have told me at the start of all this, that this is where I’d end up, I would have laughed. Mated to an alien? Fat chance. However, now that it’s happened, I welcome it. There was a reason that I was instantly drawn to him, desperately seeking him out, and after last night, I know he feels the exact same. Funny how fate intervenes when it’s needed the most. We were both lost trying to find our way out of the crap the universe dealt us. It’ll take time, but having someone by my side definitely makes it easier.

  I head outside and find him stoking a fire. Ash still falls from the sky covering the ground. It gives off the resemblance of dirty snow long after it’s fallen and has been plowed. It’s not as hot as the night before, and I wonder if the lava has stopped pouring from the volcano.

  He wraps an arm around my midsection as I sit down next to him on a log.

  “Good morning, Lahtva. Are you hungry?” He smiles, pecking me on the lips before handing a bowl of fresh fruit. He must’ve picked these early this morning.

  “Most definitely.” I reach out to grab a tarty looking yellow berry.

  He bats my hands away, selecting a piece and then places it on my lips. I open my mouth for him and he pushes the berry and his finger inside. I suck on both. His eyes flare with passion.

  “Hungry for something else?” He grabs another piece to feed me.

  “Maybe later. You ravaged me well last night.” I lean into his body and snatch the bowl away from his hands.

  “Indeed. I have something for you. Stay here, my Lahtva.” He stands up and walks away.

  I pop more bits of fruit into my mouth, the flavors vary from sweet to sour, but delicious none-the-less. Lahtva, an endearing term for mate. The word I thought was a name last night, and it angered me to hear it come from his mouth, but now that I understand, it only brings me joy.

  My thoughts race, wondering what he could possibly have before me, or when he found the time to make something. It’s not like he had known he was waiting for me all this time. He claimed so last night that it was until recently he’d realized his true purpose for being on Delarou Valdani. While I can imagine losing your home world for obvious reasons, I can’t imagine being forced to wait so long after having a sliver of hope dangle in your face. It must’ve been absolute misery for him waiting around while nothing happened.

  The door creaks over the crackling of the fire. It didn’t take him long to find what he was looking for, certainly not with what little supplies he has inside. He kneels at my side, away from the fire, catching me off guard. In his hands are three small packages carefully wrapped in animal fur. My mate wastes nothing, utilizing every bit of his kills. It reminds me of cultures from home, who do the same, respecting nature and the world around them. I nearly burst into tears. Here I am, newly mated, waking up to presents. I’d argue to the world and back that this is damn Christmas. I’ll be damned if someone says otherwise.

  “For you, my Lahtva. This is the final part of our mating. Bestowing you with gifts for you to enjoy the rest of our days.” He hands me the first package.

  It’s small and about the size of my palm. I carefully unwrap it, curious to what’s inside. A beautiful necklace with tiny blue pearly beads. “This is beautiful.”

  “They are pearls that came from our oceans. This belonged to my mother before she passed, but she would’ve wanted my mate to have it. This symbolizes our eternal love, and our bond as a mated pair.” He gently takes the necklace from my hands and loops it around my neck to secure it. Then he hands me another package.

  This one is a bit longer and wrapped in twice the amount of materials.

  “Careful, it’s rather sharp.”

  I unwrap this one with more care than the last, heeding his warning. A weapon perhaps? With the final bit of fabric removed, a sharp knife is revealed. It’s a curved blade tucked neatly into a handle made of bone and gold with small decorative bits that lines the edge. The combination is different, unique and interesting.

  “This blade is yours now, a symbol of the strength I give to you. As your mate I’ll care for you, hunt for you and die for you.” His eyes are serious, as he straps the blade into a sheath he pulls from his waste, before securing a strap across my side so I can wear my new blade.

  “Thank you, but I hope it doesn’t come to that.” I explain as I reach in for a quick kiss.

  He hands me the third and final present. It’s tiny, barely the size of half of my hand. I open it up, and inside are tiny purplish-blue scales. My eyes tear from my gift as I scan his body, hands searching frantically to find where he tore them from.

  He grabs my hands and places them to where his heart…hearts are. “You have more than one?”


  I notice a small patch of pink, irritated skin where the scales once were. “Why?”

  “Because, my Lahtva, this signifies that you are my heart, and that I trust you with my life. Should you choose to strike me with the dagger now, I’d allow it.”

  “Never!” I place the beautiful gifts on the log beside me, and leap into his arms, attacking him with many kisses. “Never.”

  He kisses me back with a ferocity to match my own. I don’t think I could tire from this bliss, and then I can’t help but wonder, what now? He pauses, as if he senses the direction my thoughts were headed.

  “I need to find my people and bring them back home. It is my destiny,” he proclaims with an assurance that cannot be denied or broken.

  The word home is almost foreign to my ears. What is home now? It certainly isn’t the barren wasteland I once called Earth, and it certainly isn’t here. Nor is it any of the other places I’ve been since escaping the decimation of my home planet. Home. The place I’ve been searching for as I endlessly wandered the universe, one place to the next.

  “Will you come with me?” His eyes plead, begging me to say yes.

  “There’s nothing for me anywhere else. Jari-ri is the only friend I have. If she wanted to come, would she be welcome?”

  “Of course. As the Crowned Daltaka, my word is law.”

  “The crowned what?” I ask in confusion. The words don’t translate.

  “As the sole surviving royal family, I am...King. I think that is the correct word. And as my mate you are my Queen.” He tucks a strand of hair behind my ears.

  Anxiety and worry rush through me like a whirlwind. Queen? I can’t even get my shit together. How can I be a queen to a race I barely know? How would the people receive me?

  “Don’t fret, my Lahtva. The ancestors have told me this is the way. Come with me.”

  He snatches up the gifts he gave me in one hand and places his other
on the small of my back, guiding me inside.

  “I have one thing to confess. All that time ago, I was a different male. I left my people because I felt I’d wronged them, and I thought I didn’t deserve my station. The ancestors claim that’s wrong, and that this is a new era for our people.”

  “Our people?”

  “Humans. I want to rebuild, and your people are welcome to join us. Together, maybe we can ward off the Ru’tah. And then maybe one day, we can fight back.”

  I snuggle against his massive body. “Oh, Aarvik. This is more than I could have ever hoped for when I stepped on this planet, but I’m going to warn you. I will probably be the biggest pain in your ass.” I laugh.

  “As I deserve.” Chuckling, he crosses the room and grabs something from a box. A small black device with a blinking red light. “I think it’s been far too long I left this unanswered.” He mashes several buttons.

  “What is it?” I curiously ask.

  “A comm link to some of my people. I message them telling them their Crowned Daltaka is coming home with his Lahtva.”

  Warmth blooms in my chest. One thing leads to another, and we find ourselves back in the furs mating like the wild beasts beneath our tamed facades. I fell for him quickly, taken by his sweet and caring side that nurtures me in all the right ways. Lust at first sight? Absolutely. Love at first tough? Almost definitely. I have no idea what I did to deserve to find myself such a caring mate, but I’m going to make it worth his while every day.

  The end.

  Authors Note

  Hey readers! I hope that you enjoyed reading Kissed on Alien Christmas. It was certainly a pleasure to write, and I really enjoyed the way Rena and Aarvik’s story came together. It wasn’t what I had originally planned, but their story unfolded in ways I honestly couldn't imagine. As soon as I gave Aarvik his backstory, the Ru’tah decimating his planet, I was like “Uh-Oh.” This was planned to be a short novella, and it was starting to pan out like a full-length. I wrapped up their love story, but with the ending there are a few loose ends, which I now I feel compelled to into a full series. So, plan on seeing Rena & Aarvik in future books of other women who need their stories told! Personally, I don’t like cliffhangers, and I rarely read series of one couple over several books, and as I look at this work, I see it more as a prologue into the series.


  I want to thank every single one of my beta readers, and some of my favourite authors who took time out of their schedules to read my work and offer suggestions and edits. Your help means the world to me. As some of you may already know, I am HORRIBLE with deadlines, which is why I haven’t included everyone’s name on here, because I prefer to ask for permission first, just in case. You know who you ladies are!

  I also want to give a special thanks to my editor J Mills, who on the shortest of notice dropped everything to edit my work, always catching the errors that I mistakenly believe don’t exist.

  And of course, my readers! I really hope you enjoyed this work.

  What’s Next?

  Ay’Kea’Terran Mates: Each book is stand-alone, but for the next book, we are looking at a disgruntled Kea’Terran who doesn’t believe in love or mating. He’s content to just live paycheck to paycheck (hmmmm looks like he doesn’t live on the home world as well. I wonder why that is?), earning his keep. Until one day when he discovers a curious looking creature on the run. Does he help her or does he try to save her life? And what about his Kavesta? I’m planning to have this book released somewhere around May 2020.

  Aquatic Aliens of Sa’Thulia: I can’t say too much about this gem I’m working on because honestly, I want it to be a surprise. What I can tell you is that it’s going to be a series, involve a crash landing, have several different aquatic aliens (no mermaids and only ONE of the species has tentacles, but not the suctioning kind), and a beautiful world full of wonder. I’m working diligently to make this book as alien, and interesting as I can, because I know some of you guys LOVE that, as do I! I’m hoping to have this one out around March 2020.

  The Lonely Troll: Standalone. Is also in the works, it’s a fantasy romance between a handsome and isolated troll and a young woman on the run. This book is a lot darker, has a lot of trigger warnings due to violence, but the budding love between Skarde and Delilah is wonderful. Their book is scheduled to release on Jan 28th 2020.

  The Omega Brides Program: This one is also in progress. Each book will be a complete standalone as every omega bride will have her own story. This book will be set in the omegaverse and will be include humanoid and beastly aliens. No schedule release yet.

  I’m also planning on writing a few purely erotic love novellas, so please stay tuned and check me out on Facebook!

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  About the Author

  Harpie Alexander is a loving wife and a mother to many pets. She's raised birds, ducks, cats, dogs, fish, name it! When she's not taking care her of her lovely little babies, you can find her holed up somewhere reading the latest book from one of her favorite authors.

  After reading so many novels, and running out of books to read, Harpie panicked. With no prior experience, Harpie leapt into the word of writing books and is currently working on several Sci-Fi & Fantasy Romance novels to bring to you. She hopes to inspire others to share their passions and not be afraid to try something new.

  If you want to follow Harpie to stay updated, you can do so by checking out her Facebook Page

  *Harpie Alexander is a pen name, and any resemblance to any live, or deceased person is purely coincidental*




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