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Silver City Girl

Page 18

by Yvonne Beattie

  “Hey Jennifer,” I turn to see Nancy smiling at me apologetically. “I am so, so sorry....not exactly what you want your brother-in-laws girlfriend to see, huh?”

  They are married? Good lord, I have missed so much. I turn to Jack, “Mate, you’re slightly lacking with the details,” I scold. “They’re married?”

  “I’m sorry, how was I supposed to know how fast things would evolve?!” he laughs and hugs me kissing my head. “Yes, these two are very happily married.”

  “I’m sorry Nancy, I feel like such an idiot. I had no idea they were twins, I thought it was some sick joke,” I apologise. “I also had absolutely no idea you were Jack’s sister-in-law.”

  “Please don’t apologise, Jennifer. I am so embarrassed! I hope you can forgive us!” Nancy’s cheeks have turned scarlet. “Jack told us all about you but made us act extra professional as he wasn’t sure how things would transpire. I guess they are working out pretty good between ya’ll, huh?”

  I smile and nod while Jack pulls me into his side. He kisses the top of my head again, “They most definitely are,” he answers for me.

  “All this gushy crap is great, but is anyone else hungry? I’ve worked myself up quite the appetite! Anyone fancy some breakfast at IHOP?” Marc suggests.

  “Hell yeah!” Jack gets in first. “All this commotion has worked me up an appetite too! Jen, you will love IHOP, it’ll sort us all out.”

  Chapter 28

  After gorging ourselves on a ton of grease and eating more pancakes and maple syrup than my waistline can cope with, Marc drove us home to Jack’s house. I don’t have anything at his place, but I figure he will take me in the morning to get my things. As I lay my cauldron on the kitchen counter, stepping out of my boots, and thinking about the crazy evening we’ve just endured, my phone starts ringing. As I rummage it out, I see it is Susie and panic a little as she knows it is the middle of the night here in Houston.

  “Hi Susie....” I answer quickly.

  “Jen, oh Jen,” Susie is sobbing down the phone line. I feel my stomach lurch and my heart rate pick up.

  “Susie, what’s wrong? Are you ok?” I ask her slightly too loudly and hear Jack come back through to me mouthing ‘what’s wrong?’ I shake my head and gesture I don’t yet know.

  “Mike has a....little.....girl,” she says between sobs. “And my dad was Brazil a few days ago, but...but...he is O...K.” She sniffs loudly then blows her nose. “And your sister is here looking for you. Well, she showed up last night. I had no option but to let her sleep in your room. I’m sorry...”

  “What? Susie, you aren’t making much sense?” I am trying to get my head around everything she has just blurted out between sobs. “Jasmine is there with you? Now?”

  “Yeah...she is sleeping I think,” she has consoled herself a bit.

  “OK....what happened to Arnie?” I ask, concerned as he is like family to me. I look up at Jack and he looks equally worried. I pull the phone away from my ear and hit it onto speaker phone.

  “He had to go on an emergency business trip last week to Rio and was walking on Copacabana Beach on a lunch break and some guys mugged him to get his wallet and his phone. Apparently in broad daylight. God only knows why he would go out there alone. You know dad, he doesn’t give up without a fight. He has a broken nose and a cracked rib, but he is alive. He is flying home today, he should have been back here yesterday, but the hospital admitted him overnight as he was in a bad way. Mum is at her wits end. She is here too.”

  “Oh my God, hon. That’s terrible. I’m glad he is ok, mostly, that’s so scary...” I am pacing the kitchen floor and Jack is now sitting on a bar stool watching me, waiting patiently.

  “And what did you say about Mike? He has” I ask hastily and Susie starts bawling again.

  “Yeah, he, he, he was in a relationship before me....not for long....and they broke up when he started looking at universities over here....and she never told him she was pregnant.” She cries some more and I try to get my head around what she has said.

  “He has a little girl? How old is she?” I ask.

  “Five. She is five years old. Her mum was killed in a car accident a couple of weeks ago and her lawyer got in touch with Mike as her next of kin. Mike was named as her guardian. When he got the call to go home, he didn’t know what it was all about, but he was told it was urgent. Then he just couldn’t get his own head around it – hence the zippo contact. So he has been over in Copenhagen meeting her, going through counseling or whatever, and sorting out the details,” I hear her wiping her nose and taking a shaky breath.

  “Oh my God, Suz. I don’t know what to say....are you ok? Is Mike ok?” I look at my watch, it is nearly three thirty in the morning and I am not sure if I am dreaming this conversation.

  “Yeah, we are both fine. I just...he came over yesterday afternoon and explained everything to me, then mum appeared with the news of dad, then last night Jasmine came by and I’ve been going over and over everything, I just really needed to talk to you. I need my friend back. I’m sorry for sounding crazy, it’s just been a bloody horrible week,” she apologises and I’m sure she is crying again.

  “Suz, hon, don’t apologise, please. You know you can call me any time. Absolutely ANY time. Listen, I’m going to speak to Jack and see when I can fly home, ok? Do you have any idea what is wrong with Jas? I haven’t even talked to her in months, so goodness knows she is the last person I would have expected to turn up at our place.”

  “I know,” Susie agrees, “but she seemed in a pretty bad way. She didn’t want to talk to me much, she just kept saying she needed you and she misses your mum, then she’d set back on needing you. I don’t really know what to make of it either to be honest. She looked exhausted and I told her to take your room for the night. I’ll maybe get more sense out of her this morning when she gets up.”

  I am really worried now and I need to get home. I can’t think of a single reason as to why my sister would show up unannounced.

  “OK, I’m going to go and try to figure out when I can get home ok? Will you be ok?” I don’t want to hang up the phone, but I need to get a flight home, preferably today. I feel Jack standing behind me, rubbing his hands over my shoulders reassuringly.

  “I’m fine, honestly, it’s just all been a bit of a shock and no sleep is not helping. I sound like a frantic crazy woman. Mum is here, she’s sleeping too, but she will be up soon as dad’s flight is due in around lunchtime. Just stay in touch, ok?” she asks.

  “Of course, I’ll be in touch in a wee while. Keep your phone on you and I’ll text or call when I have details on when I can get back. I don’t know what is going on work wise this week, but I’m sure my boss will understand,” I tell her and feel Jack squeeze my arm reassuringly again. “I know it’s hard, hon, but you should go and try to get some rest and sleep. Everything is going to be ok, I promise. I’ll get there as soon as I can.”

  “Yeah,” her voice has broken with what I presume is lack of sleep and too much crying. I wish I was at home so badly.

  “OK, I’ll be in touch. Love you, Suz. Just get some rest.”

  “Love you too. Hurry back.”

  We hang up and I sag onto the floor, crossing my legs and cradling my head in my hands. What the hell is going on? My life is usually so simple and uneventful. I can’t believe Mike has a daughter, how crazy is that? Thank God Arnie is ok, he has been so good to me, I can’t stand the thought of him being hurt. And what is wrong with Jasmine? We haven’t spoken in I don’t even know how long, I hope she is ok...

  I look up at Jack who appears to be speed typing on his phone. He lays it down and comes over to me, sitting down beside me and pulling my head over to his shoulder.

  “What a night, huh?” he says, in a deep rough and exhausted sounding voice.

  “Yeah...did you hear all of the conversation?” I ask, not moving my head from his sturdy shoulder.

  “Most of it,” he runs his hands up and down my back.
“I’ve arranged a flight home for you today. Marc is going to fly you himself, luckily he was driving last night and not drinking, so he said he will meet us at the airport by 8am. That should give us enough time to grab your things from the hotel, ok?”

  “Marc is flying me? He is a pilot?” I ask, pulling back and looking at Jack through blurred eyes.

  “Yeah...he flew us here,” he looks back at me.

  “Oh my gosh...I met Scott as he took me on board, and I heard him talking to the Captain who he said was called Marc, now that I think about it, but I never actually saw him...and I never put two and two he and Nancy work together?” I ask.

  Jack smiles, “Yes. Marc always wanted to be a pilot, ever since we were kids. He went to pilot school and he met Nancy when he was working for a commercial airline. When I mentioned my plans to have a corporate plane, he jumped right on board,” he laughs, a line he’s evidently used before. “We have a small fleet of aircraft now which Marc manages, but he and Nancy always fly together. It’s what they want and it works for everyone. We usually just kick back and chill out when it’s just us on-board.”

  “Oh my God, I did think it was a bit weird that Nancy was your flight attendant when I realised she was married to your brother tonight...” I shake my head. I’m in information overload right now.

  “Yeah, she’s as good as a sister! They are a great couple and I love the fact we get to hang out so much when we fly, as I don’t get much time at home these days,” he replies and stands up, pulling me with him. “I’m going to take a shower and quickly pack. You care to join me?”

  I wrap my arms around my gorgeous man, everything about him just keeps getting better. He is too good to be true. I thank my lucky stars that the mix-up at the party, was indeed a mix-up. I can’t even bear to think how I’d be feeling right now if Jack hadn’t come after me, or in fact saved me from those guys. I shudder involuntarily.

  We take a shower together, our quickest ever, and reluctantly manage to keep it clean, in all respects. I don’t have anything decent to wear other than my little black dress, so I grab some shorts and a t-shirt from Jack and we head to my hotel.

  Before I get the chance to really think about anything else, we are on the SER aircraft taxiing for take-off. Marc and Nancy met us, and another co-pilot called Fred this time. He looks much older than all of us but seems really nice. Everyone is just wearing jeans and t-shirts and I’m glad it is all a bit lower key than last time. Nancy gave me a hug when I apologised for ruining everyone’s Sunday, and said they were delighted to be able to help out. She’s also been apologising profusely for not locking the bathroom door!

  Jack and I slept the majority of the flight. I was so exhausted I don’t even remember take-off nor going through to the bed, but I woke up wrapped around Jack. Nancy made us all some delicious chicken salad wraps, I have no idea what time of day or night it is as we approach Aberdeen but it is dark outside. Marc and Nancy say they are booked into the Marriott by the airport and wave us goodbye. Norman picks up Jack and I at the airport and it is nice to see the familiar fields of the Dyce suburb surrounding Aberdeen Airport.

  As we get to Riverside Drive, I start replaying everything Suzie said to me and feel myself start to get into panic mode again. Jack reaches over to me and takes my hand, stroking my knuckles.

  “It will all be ok. Stop worrying. I’m here for you too,” he tries to assures me.

  Chapter 29

  As we walk through my apartment door, Suzie is on me before I can get a grasp on the scene before me. I hug her back and she eventually lets me go so I can see a very black and blue Arnie sitting on our sofa, with his wife Lynne holding his hand.

  “Oh my God...” I can’t help my shock and cover my gaping mouth. “Arnie....” I walk over to him but don’t know what to do as he looks sore, everywhere, so I kneel down and take his other free hand.

  “Hiya, love,” he says, and gives me a very lopsided grin as he pats the top of my hand with his other bandaged and scraped up hand. “Don’t cry! I’m home and I’ll be just fine.”

  I didn’t even realise I had tears streaming down my face. Arnie’s whole face is black and blue, he is almost unrecognisable. He has stitches on his forehead, a bandage across the bridge of his nose, his left arm is bandaged and there are crutches sitting by his chair.

  “Sorry...I was a bit of a shock...Susie said you had a broken nose, and a fractured rib...I didn’t expect...” I drift off not knowing what else to say.

  “I know, I know, I look terrible, but I’m fine, if just a bit shaken. I’m home, and that is all that matters. This could’ve happened anywhere, but I should have known better than to wander around on my own, not knowing the area very well. I did it every day and was fine, typical on my last day I get jumped,” he explains, sounding very nasal. “The hospital staff were excellent in Rio, and I’ve to see my own doctor tomorrow, I’m sure in a week or so I’ll be right as rain,” he tries to shrug but ends up wincing with the pain and starts coughing.

  Once he calms down again, I say, “I know, you will be fine. Sorry for me being all melodramatic,” though by the look of him, I think he is very lucky to be alive.

  Lynne laughs and gives me a hug, “It’s ok, Jen, your reaction was nothing compared to Susie and I!”

  “I can only but imagine,” I hug her back. “He’s a special man,” I squeeze her, “as are you, Lynne. You both have special places in my heart. I’m so glad he is home safe.”

  “Oh, I know our sweet, Jenny. I hate how it is times like this that brings us all closer together, I guess it just makes you realise how important family is,” she kisses my cheek and turns me slightly.

  When she releases me I realise Jasmine is standing in the kitchen looking rather awkward and out of place.

  “Jas...” I walk towards her and stop as I enter the kitchen unsure whether to hug her or not.

  “Jenny...” she comes over and envelopes me roughly into the biggest, tightest hug I have ever encountered from her. We stay like that for I don’t even know how long. Eventually I pull myself away to look at her feeling overly emotional.

  “Is everything ok?” I look at her every feature for any signs.

  “Yeah, I just...I think it just hit me that mum is gone...” she looks down. “She’s really gone.”

  “’s been nearly three whole years...” I look at her incredulously.

  “I know...I know...and I’ve avoided it for that long. It was easy to avoid it with being away and keeping busy with uni and work. I don’t know what happened last week, but I found some old photos after Jeff proposed to me and then I realised I wanted you to be my Maid of Honour, and I wanted you AND mum to help pick out my dress...and....and maybe I’m being selfish, but sis, I don’t want to get married without you there by my side. I’m so, so sorry for everything that was said, I don’t even remember half of it, I think life has just been a blur since mum passed away,” she shakes her head slightly looking at me earnestly. “Jen, I’d forgotten how much you look like her, you’re every bit as beautiful as mum was.”

  A tear slips down her cheek and I instinctively reach over to wipe it away. I pull her into another embrace and we both cry. I never thought I would see the day when we would be like this again. We were so close before mum died and then everything literally fell apart. I hope and pray she isn’t here for any other reason, I don’t think she would come here with an ulterior motive.

  “Oh Jas, I’m so happy you came, you’ve no idea how much this means to me,” I grab some tissues for us both and look over to everyone else. They are all sitting almost huddled together evidently trying to give us some space. “We have a LOT of catching up to do.”

  “We sure do,” she smiles at me. She looks more like our dad than mum, but she has the same blonde colouring as me, and I don’t think we could be denied for being sisters.

  “I want to hear all about this engagement, I can’t believe my baby sister is going to beat me to the alter!�
� I joke. “But I’m so happy for you, Jas. I think we had better go and be sociable for now, but we can talk again in a little bit, is that ok?” I ask.

  “Yeah, of course. I hear there is someone I need to meet,” she sniffs and smiles at me, then nudges me gently.

  “Come on,” I grab her hand and walk us over to everyone. “Sorry everyone, we had a little sorting out to do, to say the least. Jack, this is my little sister, Jasmine.”

  She raises her hand and gives him a little wave, “Hi, it’s nice to meet you, Jack.”

  “Hi Jasmine, you too. I’m glad to see you girls working things out,” he smiles at us both and comes over to kiss my head. I naturally wrap my arm around him.

  I look over to Susie who is kneeling on the floor beside her dad. I really need to talk to her too, but I don’t know how to split myself. She is looking between Jack and I with a small smile on her face. I know she is delighted for us.

  “Guys, I wish I could split myself in three, I have so much catching up to do with everyone and I’ve only been gone for two weeks!” I look at everyone and feel very overwhelmed.

  “Arnie and I are going to head home again, girls. Jack, it’s great to see you again,” Lynne gives him a hug. I’m reminded that they know each other, this world is so small sometimes. “Hopefully we can have a proper catch up soon.”

  Both her and Jack help Arnie to stand up and get onto his crutches. His face is a picture of pain, I feel so bad for him, he doesn’t deserve this.

  “Is it easier to walk with us or the crutches?” Jack asks him.

  “I’d love to say the crutches, but to be honest, a strapping lad like yourself is probably more help to me right now,” Arnie’s admission sounds forced and pained. He’s naturally a very independent person.

  “Come on then, let me help get you home and settled. You girls look like you need some alone time, and it’s late. Jen, shall I just see you tomorrow? Or, if you want to give your sister your bed, you’re more than welcome to come upstairs and keep me cosy,” he looks around at everyone making a sly face and wiggling his eyebrows.


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