Rochester Mansion- The Complete Series

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Rochester Mansion- The Complete Series Page 15

by Jason Hutchinson

  He let her suckle him for a minute before lifting her back to her feet and kissing her. “Let’s go see how our friends are making out, shall we?” He said.

  The former beauty queen followed him like a lost puppy as they headed towards a beautiful pair of bodies, entangled in a sixty-nine on the couch.

  Mike saddled up behind Callie’s ass at the top of one end of the sexy coupling. He heard her muffled gasp as he entered her. As he nuzzled in as deep as he could go, he felt the warm, familiar feeling of Aimee’s tongue on his balls.

  “Enjoying yourself, my love?” He asked, sliding back out of Callie’s body, which clamped down hard as if refusing to let him go.

  “I think your secret’s safe with me.” He heard, right before Callie’s groans turned louder and louder.

  End of Supervising the Sorority

  Book Five – Excavating the Ex-Girlfriend

  Chapter One

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” Mike announced, giving the headlamp one final adjustment as he glanced over at Aimee, holding her phone up towards him. He had decided that the best course of action, considering Will Robinson’s predicament, would be to have some form of documentary evidence of what was happening in case the authorities would look towards the young redhead as a suspect.

  Aimee lowered it as Mike turned the dusty pages of the old spell book to the correct location. “Are you sure about this?” She asked. “You’re coming back, right?”

  The look on her face told him all he needed to be reassured of. She loved him. It hadn’t been just the house that had brought them together, it was something else as well.

  He nodded. “Yeah, Cyril Rochester’s notes say that ‘dues’ have to be paid to the house, or the hill, rather, every so often or things start going awry. Basically, every owner has to pay the price for the hill’s magic. I don’t know how it worked back in the days the natives used it as a ‘bonding’ hill, or whatever he called it.”

  “But this Linda girl, she never came back, right?”

  “She didn’t have the return spell.”

  “Why didn’t this Will guy use that to get her back?”

  Mike wasn’t a hundred percent on that one, other than he got the impression that things moved fairly rapidly from Linda’s disappearance to Will’s arrest. She was not only a local beauty queen; she was also the daughter of one of Rochester’s most prominent businessmen. The father probably suspected foul play as to why she was interested in Will in the first place. The mansion doesn’t create desire from nothing, Mike thought, though it definitely had ways of honing any seed that might be there.

  “I don’t think he had the time, though I don’t think it would have worked if he had tried. Cyril made it sound like it was a one-time deal per owner and Linda used it up inadvertently.”

  Aimee cringed. They’d discussed the possibility of just where the teenager had gone, and Mike’s only answer had been somewhere inside the hill. In all likelihood, she was dead, but if there was any chance of bringing back evidence of Will Robinson’s innocence, he wanted to do it.

  “Okay.” Mike said, looking into the camera with the headlamp turned up towards the chamber’s ceiling. He recited the date and time as well as the circumstances as Aimee looked on past the viewfinder.

  “Here goes.”

  To the source through dusk of time

  Pay my dues back down the line

  Mike’s headlamp extinguished and he was in darkness.

  Chapter Two

  “The new; we’ve seen him.”

  “Dues must be paid.”

  “Call for her.”

  “The new; we’ve seen him.”

  “Younger than the last.”

  Voices swirled around Mike’s head as he experienced an odd sort of vertigo that was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. The air around him seemed somehow compressed, though he was able to later describe the sensation as a pressure-change. Popping his ears as if he was on an airplane seemed to alleviate it.


  Mike fumbled with the headlamp, flicking the switch back and forth. The best it could muster was a feeble flash, illuminating nothing but stone walls all around him. He was about to repeat himself, louder this time, before he thought better of it. The whispered voices were still there and he counted at least five of them, though there could have been many more; they had faded down to a buzzing and the words were muddied and indistinguishable.

  His phone was no use, either. None of the buttons generated any sort of response, making him glad that he’d committed the return spell to memory instead of relying on anything else. The panicked thought of using it immediately came to mind but he resisted it. I’m here for a reason, he thought. If there’s any chance for Linda and Will, I’m it.


  The one word echoed in the cavern, giving him some impression of its size. It was still a whisper, but the constant canon of that one syllable gave it a hiss and the impression of a much deeper meaning.

  Mike knelt down, feeling the rough texture of the floor that he had envisioned from the feeling beneath the soles of his shoes. He was definitely in some sort of cave, but there was no light available for his eyes to catch onto and attempt to adjust. It was pitch black.

  He reached out, tracing the wall he had seen next to him in the headlamp’s brief flash. It was solid, yet also warm; something he hadn’t expected as the floor was more neutral. He realized he was going to have to try to move around. Maybe this is some sort of test, he thought, but then thought better of it.

  This isn’t the movies.

  Chapter Three

  Mike’s pupil raced quickly to constrict as a blazing white light seared into them. He shielded them with the crook of his arm but the lights still danced in burning silhouettes on the inside of his eyelids. It took what seemed like a minute for the pain to diminish enough for him to test moving his arm. The light, or at least his response to it, had seemed to tone down a bit.

  A minute later, he hazarded opening his eyes.

  He was no longer in a cave, though he had felt no movement at all. What he was in was more of a sort of…he struggled for the word for it, though it was right there. It was the sense of it that was missing.

  It was more of a sort of living room.

  Mike’s eyes were still adjusting when he saw a figure dressed in red move into the room from his left. Great, we’re talking real demons here, Mike thought, go figure.

  “Well, you certainly took your time, Mike.”

  The voice was soft and melodic with a hint of a Tennessee twang that had been a long time away from home. Though the glare was still fairly intense, the adjustment of his pupils was quickly dispelling his demon hypothesis. The woman with the honeyed voice did look wicked in that dress, though. Mike felt the smirk rise uncontrollably though it was probably way too late before he got it under control. Maybe she was looking away, he thought.

  Fine details, like the remarkable tanned complexion of her skin were starting to coalesce before she spoke again. He heard the clink of ice in glasses.

  “I was thinking that you’d forget about it or just spend another month or so pounding the asses of a few more cute coeds. I don’t blame you, really. With that kind of power…”

  The words faded away as she moved closer to him, pressing a cold highball glass into one of his hands with both of hers. Her skin was warm to the touch and seemed to radiate deep into his muscles.

  “Where the hell am I?”

  The voice chuckled a bit. “You’re at the source, Mike. That is the spell you cast, wasn’t it? I’d hate to think you ended up here on accident.”

  Mike’s confusion forced Mansion Mike to the forefront. “If you’ve seen me up there with the coeds, I’m sure you’ve been paying attention.”

  He was finally getting a good look at her, and she was stunning, though that in itself was adding a bit to the confusion. From his research, Will Robinson was in his mid-thirties now, while Linda Sue Carmody disappeared ten
years earlier. From his discussion with him, he was pretty sure that they were close to the same age, though the woman in front of him couldn’t be a day over twenty-three.

  The smile he got in return was sexy and seemed to have machinations behind it that he knew were out of his league.

  “The hill’s been making you bolder.” She said, returning to the small bar to prepare another drink. Mike’s eyes couldn’t help but track slowly up and down the figure that the seemed to almost shimmer underneath her gown, displaying a curve here, a slope there, all being pieced together like a mosaic in Mike’s mind.

  The hill, not the house. Mike had to remember that. In anthropomorphizing the power, he’d always attributed it to the home itself, not the land on which it sat. A dilapidated shack would have had just as much power though wouldn’t have been nearly as comfortable.

  “I’m not sure why I wouldn’t be bold.” Mike answered, watching as she turned to face him, finally bringing the drink to his lips. “I’ve read the book and I understand the power and the magic.”

  The woman laughed. It was a beautiful sound, yet somehow the setting made it seem threatening.

  “There’s a lot that even Cyril Rochester didn’t know.”

  “What about Will Robinson?” Mike asked, trying to probe a little. If this was Linda Sue Carmody, time had done her well. Unfortunately, there had been only a few pageant pictures of her in grainy newspaper black and white.

  If a hint of a scowl marred that entrancing face, it was only for a fleeting moment.

  “Will Robinson knew the least, but then again, he was just starting to explore the true magic of the house before he was no longer the owner. He spent most of his time using it to get his dick wet.”

  “That seems to be something the magic is very interested in.” Mike said.

  “The nature of the magic makes that unavoidable.” She said.

  “How long have you been here?” Mike asked. It was far more direct than he had intended, but the back and forth banter wasn’t getting anywhere.

  She gracefully lowered herself to one of the room’s many couches, throwing one leg up over the other and adding a swoop of athletic calf to his mental mosaic. She took a long sip of her drink before responding, seemingly waiting until Mike had joined her on the cushions.

  “You know, I don’t really know, Mike.” She said, then smiled a bit. “It’s not like I get a newspaper down here or anything. It seems like it’s been a long time.”

  “What year did you come down here?” Mike said, then backtracked a bit. “Assuming you came down here?”

  She laughed. “Well, I had to come from somewhere, right? I have shape and form; unlike the voices you may have heard when you first arrived.”

  “Yeah, I heard them.” Mike said. The thought put ripples of goosebumps down his arm and he hoped that she didn’t notice.

  “The voices were here before me, and of course she was here before me.”


  She lowered her glass, looking directly into Mike’s eyes. They had adjusted to the point where he could see that one of her eyes was green while the other had an almost violet hue to it.

  “The Source.”

  “The source is a person?” Mike asked, genuinely curious. “I thought it was just this place.”

  “Like I said.” She said, taking a deep breath. “Even Cyril Rochester only scratched the surface.”

  It triggered a memory. “What about Cyrus, is he still down here?”

  The woman seemed to tense up for a moment. She seemed to want to hide her physical responses as much as he did his own. There was a dance going on between the two of them. A month ago, he would have let her walk all over him. She was one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, but the house had made him less susceptible to her charms.

  “I haven’t seen Cyrus Rochester for a long time.”

  The words came out, but they didn’t seem to come from the heart. She was hiding something. Mike finished his drink and set it down on the table next to the couch. It was good. Some sort of bourbon, but unlike anything he’d had before. Probably shouldn’t have drank that, he thought. She did.

  “I came down here to look for Linda Sue Carmody.”

  The name seemed to have some power, as he watched her expression flatten a bit.

  “I’m going to assume that you’re her.”

  She leaned forward, bringing those eyes to bear even closer to his own. “Everyone has a past, right? I prefer Sela.”

  “Sela.” Mike repeated. “Well, one name or another, I came down here for you.”

  “You came down here because she wanted you to.”

  Mike bristled a bit. “Will? Look, I didn’t…”

  Sela smiled and put her palm on his forearm. It infused his muscles with that same heated rush she’d given him handing him the glass. “Forget Will.” She said. “I’m glad that you came, I really am.”

  Chapter Four

  There was a ripple in the air, similar to the sensation he felt when a woman would cross the threshold into Rochester Mansion an unknown distance above his head. He was trying not to think of the fact that he was far underground with nothing but a handful of words to hopefully bring him back to the surface.

  The woman in front of him seemed softer. “I know this is all weird and I might come across as being a bit harsh.” She said. “I don’t have a lot of interactions like this.”

  Mike could feel the heat intensifying on his arm. As warm as it got, it was oddly not uncomfortable. “Not since Cyrus?”

  “No.” She whispered. Her eyes were still on his, as if probing him. That too was strangely not uncomfortable. “It’s been a long time.”

  “What year was it when you came down here?” Mike asked. He knew the answer, but he was still trying to probe as well.

  “Two-thousand-nine.” She said, then seemed to sadden a bit. “What year is it now?”

  “You really don’t know?” Mike asked.

  A tear formed in the corner of her eye, not quite heavy enough to break the surface tension that would allow it to roll down her cheek.


  It was barely a whisper.

  “It’s been ten years.” He said. “Will’s been in jail since then.”

  As his finger touched Sela’s face to pre-emptively catch that one tear, her hand on his forearm pulled him forward, bringing his lips to within a few inches of hers.

  “Please kiss me.” She whispered.

  Mike felt that he might have been able to resist it, but he found no reason to. Those incredible eyes closed softly as his lips met hers, the kiss turning almost immediately to passion, blazing into life like a fire kissing an accelerant. The forward lean of her body pressed against him and he soon allowed himself to slide backwards, bringing the gowned beauty down with him.

  “Make love to me, Mike.”

  He wasn’t positive if it was a statement or a question. The pleading tone of it was more than he could handle and he could feel his erection growing, pressing against the delicate weight of her body above him. He kissed her again, his hands fumbling behind her back for any sign of a zipper or tie.

  Sela broke the kiss again, a smile gleaming on her pretty face. It seemed to be the first true smile he’d seen on her. He watched her lips move, forming whispers of words with no sound. A moment later, the touch of his fingers on her back, resting against the silk of her dress were resting against that unearthly warm skin.

  “I’ll get that out of the way for you.” She smiled, shifting her knees and rising up to straddle his waist.

  Her body was even more perfect than he had imagined. Her breasts were high and firm, topped with dark nipples that were already constricting with pleasure. Her long, dark hair splayed beautifully around them.

  “You are beautiful.” Mike said, hearing the tone of reverence in his own voice. “And you do magic as well.”

  “Magic is easy if you practice.” She said, running her fingertips up under his shirttail. “You d
on’t have to limit yourself to spells in a book.”

  Mike wanted her desperately and her touch was sending shocks of excitement through him, but his curiosity was as sparked as his libido.

  “Then why haven’t you come back?”

  Her face soured a bit, a nerve definitely hit. “I’m sorry.” He said.


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