Rochester Mansion- The Complete Series

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Rochester Mansion- The Complete Series Page 16

by Jason Hutchinson

  “That spell is unique.” She said, her fingertips finally reaching his nipples, pinching them tightly with that flowing, flooding heat.

  Her smile returned. “You want to see some more?”

  “I’d like that.” Mike said, his fingertips thrilling on her hips.

  “Like I said, it’s been a long time.” She whispered, bending back down to bring her lips to his. He felt the weight of her perfect breasts press against his shirt and his own hardened nipples.

  She broke the kiss, running her fingers through his hair as her lips moved in another spell. Mike couldn’t help but be a little bit afraid of the strange beauty and the powers she seemed to wield, but his desire for her wasn’t just due to her beauty. He’d always seemed to be attracted to the broken-winged ones. Eliza, Aimee, even Rachel Shane. All had been strong-willed women that were somehow sweetly vulnerable. He felt that from the woman that he had formerly known as Linda Sue Carmody.

  Sela’s spell completed and Mike found two changes. The first was that his own clothes had disappeared in the same sudden way as had hers. The second was that the new sensation of heat from their increased skin-on-skin contact was centered on his cock. Her eyes closed softly again and her face washed over with a satisfied pleasure that made his erection throb. He was inside her.

  The intensity of her body on his was almost more than Mike could bear as she started to slowly roll her beautiful hips back and forth, making her clit grind against his pubic hair as his cock was clenched and squeezed deep within her body.

  Visions plastered in his mind’s eye like quick vignettes; His cock driving hard over and over into her from behind, his face buried between those gorgeous legs as his cock slid in and out between those perfect lips, and finally, his cum pumping into the cauldron-like heat of her pulsing pussy.

  The last image was the most vivid and he realized why when he realized it was actually happening. He was erupting inside of her, his orgasm brought on by nothing more than the gentle undulation of her hips as she rode him for the first time. Her own lips were moving again, though this time, instead of forming the magic of a spell, they were emitting a low, hoarse moan. Mike’s cock was still pulsing inside of her when she joined him in climax, and for the first time in his life, he felt that his own orgasm was hovering, extending out for an incredible length of time as her body milked his shaft dry.

  Despite their shared orgasm, the movement never became anything more than the gentle embrace of lovemaking, nearly the same as he’d experienced in the depth of his marriage to Eliza.

  After a few more minutes that Mike thought would drive him insane, the orgasm started to subside. He had been firing dry for the majority of it, though he could feel wetness seeping out of the tight seal between their bodies. Sela gently lowered herself to his body, her own still keeping him tightly clutched inside as she nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck.

  Chapter Five

  “You have to go.” Sela said, her eyes flashing at him.

  The two of them had been laying together for what Mike figured was an hour. The complete silence hadn’t seemed odd as he could feel the beat of her heart against his chest, seeming to synchronize itself with his own after just a few moments. Her heat was still one of the most intense feelings he could remember.

  Mike looked up at her, confused, as she climbed off of him, her lips forming words that coalesced into his clothes returning as well as hers; though hers had shifted to a tight pair of jean shorts and a tank top. A completely different look for her, forcing Mike to see her beauty in an entirely new light.

  “What do you mean? You’re going back with me, right?”

  “I can’t go back right now, Mike, but you have to go back. Something’s happening.”

  “What’s happening?” Mike said, feeling a bit of frantic fear creeping into him.

  “Just come back for me. You have to trust me.”

  Mike whispered the return spell that he’d so carefully remembered, feeling Sela’s hand slip out of his as its effects took hold of him.

  The second time around the disorientation didn’t last nearly as long. Though he had left Rochester Mansion through the basement’s secret chamber, he had returned to the master bedroom on the second floor.

  “Holy shit, Mike!”

  He turned to face the bedroom door, just in time to catch the petite redhead as she flung herself onto him, dumping him unceremoniously onto the bed with her legs wrapped around her back. She kissed him over and over.

  “You’re back!” She said, tears rolling off her cheeks and onto his face as she showered him with kisses.

  “I’ve only been gone like two hours, Aimee.” He said, though the sudden change of expression on her face told him otherwise. “How long?”

  Aimee reared up to straddle him, then thumped him on the chest. “You’ve been gone almost a week, asshole.”

  Mike grabbed her fists and pulled her close to him. “I’m sorry, Aimee. I’m sorry.” He whispered as she sobbed into his chest. It took a full minute for her to calm down, and by then he was anxious himself. Why had Sela sent him home so urgently?

  “We’ve got to go tell Eliza.” Aimee finally said in a choked voice. “As soon as I left the basement, it sealed up and wouldn’t let me back in again.”

  Mike steadied her as she tried to climb off him. “What’s going on, Aimee? Is there something happening? Is there an emergency?”

  Aimee looked at him, cocking her head to one side like a cute and puzzled puppy.

  “No. What are you talking about? You’ve just been missing and…”

  There was a loud scream from downstairs and Mike was off the bed in a moment with Aimee quick on his heels behind him. “Stay back, Aimee.” He whispered, though he had no belief that the feisty young redhead would heed his words. The scream had most likely come from Eliza, though it had been just the one, solitary sound.

  What was going on downstairs was apparent when he came to the railing overlooking the main entrance chamber. At the foot of the stairs was Eliza. Behind her, a man with a knife to her neck.

  “What are you doing, Will?” Mike asked, trying to keep his calm. Eliza’s eyes had widened, partially just from seeing him, though likely as well because he was directly addressing her assailant.

  “This is my house, Mike! My power!”

  The words came out as a snarl.

  “What do you want me to do, Will?” Mike asked, slowly moving his way towards the staircase in the least threatening manner he could. He glanced over his shoulder to tell Aimee not to follow him, but she was nowhere to be seen.

  “Open the fucking stairs.” Will snarled, pulling Eliza’s shoulders back a little more, taking her off balance as the knife pressed into the skin of her neck.

  Mike held his hands up in the air as he started down the stairs towards the first landing where the two stairways merged. “Okay. Look. I’m going to do whatever you want.” Mike said calmly. “I’ll open the staircase for you and if you want to bring Linda back, I’ll show you the right spells to get where she’s at.”

  “You’ve seen her?”

  Mike’s skin flushed hot with the memory of her touch. “I have.”

  “And she’s okay?”

  “She’s okay.” Mike said. He wasn’t entirely sure of that. She’d been mostly alone some unknown distance below ground for nearly ten years. From what he figured, though, it might not feel like that much to her. He had only been gone for a few hours and Aimee had told him he’d been gone nearly a week. Somehow, though, she’d seen this coming, hadn’t she?

  “Don’t fuck with me.” Will said. “Or I’ll kill her. What are they going to do, send me to jail for life? I don’t have anything to fucking lose.”

  “I understand why you’re mad, Will.” Mike said, taking one step at a time as he descended. “I’ve been trying to help you, though, so I don’t know why it’s directed at me…or her.”

  Send him.

  The voice echoed in his head. It wasn’t Sela�
��s voice, but it felt like the message came from her. She wanted him to send Will to The Source.

  “She wants to see you, Will.” Mike said.

  “She’s not mad at me?” Will asked. His voice cracked, and as Mike got closer, he could see tears streaking down the other’s cheek.

  “We didn’t really talk about it too much.” Mike said, though he felt like that was a lie. “I was only down there for a little bit.”

  Mike had just reached the main landing. He glanced over his shoulder and there was still no sign of Aimee. As his head was turned, he whispered the words of the Requirement spell.

  Snowfall binds and larder feeds,

  Fulfil what my requirement needs.

  Mike wasn’t sure what that requirement would be but the house, or The Source, rather, had always provided.

  If there was one thing that Mike had always known about Eliza it was that she wasn’t going to play the waifish damsel in distress easily. He was trying to communicate to her with his eyes that he had things under control, but she had no reason to believe him. Her elbow reared forward in a flash of movement, then stabbed back in a sharp blow to Will’s exposed stomach. Mike saw a line of red sparkle on Eliza’s neck as the blade split her skin, though the blade clattered to the tile a moment later as he recoiled from her in pain.

  Mike was just about to dive down the remaining steps to tackle the intruder when he was suddenly blocked by the staircase rising like a drawbridge in front of him. Aimee was at the trigger point and it had opened for her. His requirement had been fulfilled.

  As Will gasped, clutching his stomach in pain, Eliza’s foot lashed out in a powerful side kick, the muscle of her bare thigh reverberating with the contact against her assailant’s shoulder, sending him flying headfirst down the steep stairs and into the secret chamber below the house.

  The staircase closed under Aimee’s touch and the chamber went completely silent once the echo had subsided from its heavy seal. The three of them simply stared at each other in shock until the sound of cars in the driveway brought them all back to life like reanimated mannequins.

  Chapter Six

  Eliza eased the front door of Rochester Mansion shut as the last of the police presence left the house. Mike watched the woman and her partner climb back into the unmarked car and extinguish the blue, epilepsy-inducing lights before they started the slow wind back down the hill.

  “They seemed a bit disappointed that he wasn’t here.” Eliza said, turning to face the other two.

  “I’m a bit disappointed that we didn’t give him to them.” Aimee said, coming up off the stair where she had been sitting.

  Mike took her under one arm as Eliza approached the two of them. “The last thing I want to show them is the passageway under the stairs.” He said. “And I don’t think they were going to wait outside while we fetched him.”

  “But he’s down there with the spell book. There’s no telling what he might be able to do.”

  Eliza looked him in the eyes as he hugged the redhead close to him. He saw the concern there as well.

  Mike wasn’t so positive, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to say much further. He’d cast the source spell, changing the ‘pay my dues’ bit to ‘pay his dues’ while thinking about Will. From his brief exposure to Sela’s advanced magical abilities, he was already wondering if she was just making up a rhyme that fit the circumstances. All the spells in the books seemed like just that, though written by someone a hundred years prior in a bit more flowery language.

  “He’s gone back to the source.” Mike said. “I think.”

  Eliza looked at him. “I think you’ve got a lot of explaining to do.”

  Aimee laughed. “You’re in trouble.”

  Chapter Seven

  It had been the first night sleeping with Eliza and Aimee under the same roof, though it didn’t feel as awkward as he had thought it would be. Something unspoken between the two of them had landed his ex-wife in bed with him while Aimee made due somewhere else. As he climbed down the main staircase in the morning, the house was perfectly still.

  First one up, he thought.

  Coffee perked in his old percolator and when it finally sighed its last, he unplugged it and carried it out to the front porch with his mug, setting it on the table as he settled in for some thought.

  The voice in his head had to have come from Linda Sue Carmody, now Sela, straight from The Source. While she hadn’t seemed too keen on reuniting with Will Robinson when he was with her in the flesh, the message had been perfectly clear in a way that Will couldn’t really explain, even to himself.

  He had spent fifteen minutes pondering the events of what to him had been yesterday and to Eliza and Aimee the past week. As startling as it was that he had lost a week of time, he knew that he would be returning to The Source sometime soon. Perhaps Sela would contact him again, but he would return nonetheless. In all that fifteen minutes, he hadn’t noticed that there was an extra car parked down the driveway towards the side of the mansion.

  Mike’s hackles rose thinking of the police. Had they been staking the place out since yesterday evening? He took a few steps down the drive, finally noticing the sticker from a car rental company. The windows were fogged and running with condensation. He was just pressing his nose to the glass to see if he could see in beyond the streaks when a hand washed across the window. Another pair of eyes met his and in a flash, he could see that they started just as hard, propelling both of them backwards like poles on a pair of magnets.

  It only took him a moment to place those eyes.


  She must have gotten a grip on herself at the same moment because the door swung open before he could step back towards it and she rose quickly from the seat into his arms.

  The hug was incredible. It sent comfort and warmth down his spine as she squeezed him tight.

  “What are you doing out here?” Mike asked her blonde hair as it nestled against his chin.

  “Can’t a girl come to see her guy?” The sound was muffled.

  ‘Well, yeah, but you don’t have to sleep in the driveway. I’ve got a doorbell, you know.”

  He heard the laugh as well as felt it against his chest as he held her tight. She finally pulled back a bit. “I know.” She said. “I just didn’t want to upset anyone or…well, you know.”

  “It’s just me and Eliza and Aimee inside.” Mike said. “Aimee’s actually been pretty excited to meet you.”

  “Eliza, your ex-wife?” Rachel asked.

  “Yeah, it’s…well, we’re still working on things.”

  The lovely blonde model gave him a response he hadn’t fully been expecting. “That’s great, Mike. I’m glad to hear it.”

  “Let’s go inside, shall we?” Mike said, steering her towards the front steps. “How long are you going to be around?”

  Her body felt warm and pliable next to his, her temple pressed into his chest as they walked. “Just for a day or two, unfortunately. There’s this thing in New York, but I’ll be working with Stella Pareave.”

  Mike was familiar with the actress from his pre-Mansion Mike days. She was about the biggest thing in Hollywood.

  “That’s great. I’m glad things are going well. I miss you, but…”

  “…but you’ve got your hands full.” Rachel said, smiling as they crossed the threshold. It was the first time she had been through the front door and Mike remembered at the last second. He waited for the magical ripple as she came to her toes and kissed him deeply, but it never came.

  “I’ve been called handsy before.” Mike laughed, lifting the petite beauty off her feet before kissing her again.

  “That’s for sure.”

  The voice behind him made him spin, Rachel Shane’s feet still dangling a few inches off the beautiful tile floor.

  “I’m Aimee.” The redhead said, a flicker of light in her eyes.

  “Rachel. Rachel Shane.” The blonde replied as Mike finally lowered her to the floor. “I’m glad to finally me
et you. I’ve heard a lot…”

  The spunky redhead crossed the short distance between the two of them and pulled the model in for a tight hug. “God, you’re even hotter in person.” Aimee cooed into the other young woman’s shoulder as they embraced. “I loved the shot of you with the elephant in Tangiers.”

  “With the parasol?” Mike heard Rachel say.

  “So fucking sexy.” Aimee replied. As the hug broke, she pecked in, kissing the young model on the lips, catching her off guard.

  “She’s a spunky little thing.” Mike said, smiling.


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