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Rochester Mansion- The Complete Series

Page 21

by Jason Hutchinson

  Mike fucked the television star’s incredible ass as she moaned out his name, staring back at him with those devastating green eyes as he watched his cock slide in and out of her slowly gyrating bowels.

  “That what you were looking for?” Mike asked. Mike, not Mansion Mike.

  “Oh, God, yes.” Daisy groaned, bracing arms forward a bit as Mike’s grip on her hips allowed his cock to penetrate her harder and faster than before, the pace seeming to not stop growing. The sound of his waist crashing into the steadily-rippling cheeks of her firm backside was almost loud enough to overpower her cries of pleasure, that is, until he clamped his hand over her mouth, silencing her.

  From there it was just the sound of his cock hammering into her ass for nearly a minute before he freed her lips to fully enjoy the intensity of her orgasm. Aimee below was working that sensitive clit with her tongue as the girl’s body trembled and sometimes shook almost uncontrollably.

  “That’s what you want, right? To cum for me?”

  Mike felt the need to push Mansion Mike back down into the depths but he found that the alter-ego was no longer there. Was it ridiculous to think that this moment here, in all its events, is this girl’s ultimate fantasy? The house was magic, after-all. He hadn’t brought on her orgasm through magic, or even heightened its effects as he had done with her earlier in her stay. He had earned her climax, just not the full intensity of it.

  This one was simply what she had offered to him with her perfect little body. She had let herself go completely and was going wild on his cock.

  Her climax was still going full-speed, but Mike’s was still pending. He rolled her to her side and off of Aimee’s face, scrambling back between the brunette’s legs as she pulled them back to her chest by the backs of her knees, re-offering him the hole he had been so thoroughly enjoying.

  “It’s all yours, baby.” She whispered.

  As Mike lined it up and started pressing it back into her body, Aimee’s lips met his. The kiss was long and hot with just a hint of Daisy’s taste on her tongue. She pulled back as the actress began to groan heavily again under the depth of Mike’s shaft. “I’m going to go downstairs and get something to drink, Love.” She said.

  “Sophia was down there.” He said, just as the perky redhead reached the door.

  There was no response but he didn’t detect any jealousy coming from her. If there was any of that in the mansion, it usually came from Eliza, though he couldn’t really blame her. So far, their ‘open’ relationship had only been open in one direction, though that might have changed on her trip.

  He felt weird that he actually hoped she would.

  Mike’s body was starting to prime, stoked on by the heat and intensity of the young starlet’s tight ass as he worked it in and out of her sweet body. He parted her legs, bringing his lips down on hers and his full weight down on her body as he continued to fuck her. She was panting and moaning in between his hungry kisses and he saw that he could quickly bring her to another orgasm with the time he had left before he filled her once again with his cum.

  “I’m certainly hoping that you ladies pay us another visit.” Mike whispered, staring down into the beauty’s eyes as he slid to his full depth into her.

  Daisy bit her bottom lip as her eyes turned to slits, almost glazed over in her own pleasure. “Yeah, it’ll definitely be a popular stop.” She groaned. “Whenever we have the opportunity and all.”

  “The invitation is always open.” He grunted, rocking his pelvis to drive deeper into her.

  “So am I.” Daisy said, her lips turning to a smile as he bore down into her again and again.

  Mike planted another kiss on Daisy’s sweet lips, thrusting his tongue into her mouth as he exploded inside her. The intensity of it brought her to another orgasm and the two writhed on the bed sharing their mutual pleasure.

  Chapter Eleven

  The light streaming in through the windows told Mike two separate tales. One was that it was morning and the other was that he had a massive hangover. From the looks of it, it was at least ten, way past when he normally would have awoken to perform his lonely ritual of strolling through the fully-restored mansion. The beam of light was warming him, justifying a little bit more time letting those rays soak into his skin. It reminded him of Sela’s touch, that haunting sensation contact with her had given when they were at The Source. He had tried, but he couldn’t convince himself that it hadn’t gone away the moment he had freed her from whatever force was possessing her.

  She was something he was going to have to deal with and he dreaded the fact that it was as good a day as any to do it.

  Mike rolled out of bed, pressing his feet to the cool hardwood floor, glinting with a reflection of the overhead lights in its luster. He picked up his shorts from the chair by the dresser, just then noticing the note.


  Thanks for your hospitality and everything else you provided. Don’t worry, we won’t forget, though next time we might have to bring a couple more friends. Sure you won’t mind, LOL. Lots of love and once again, the best B&B in town!

  Sophia and Daisy

  He flipped the single paper over and smiled. It was an autographed headshot of the two lovelies in their costumes from television. It brought a dirty smirk to his face and an even more filthy thought. Images of his favorite hot stars from superhero movies came to mind. How to get them to bring their costumes with them?

  “Pervert.” He said, grinning at himself in the mirror as he passed it on the way to the grand staircase.

  The first person he met was Sela. He wasn’t really ready to talk to her, not without coffee, of course; but she followed him into the kitchen regardless. The short satin robe she wore somehow turned her into a goddess. The woman looked good in anything, Mike thought as he loaded the percolator, measuring each scoop before carefully loading it in the basket around the central post. He turned back to face her once it was plugged in and that first bit of bubbly babble let him know that salvation from his hangover was on the way.

  “I take it the girls left bright and early this morning?”

  Sela nodded, nuzzling her way into his arms as he leaned back against the kitchen countertop. She buried her face in his chest, his hand brushing down her arrow-straight black hair as she breathed hard against him.

  “I want to talk more about The Source with you.” Mike started. Just the heavenly smell of the coffee had started rejuvenating his body. “I just want a little more detail before I go down there again.”

  “Why would you go down there again?” He heard her whisper into his chest.

  “You said it yourself yesterday, the dues haven’t been paid.”

  Sela leaned back and looked up at him, her two-toned eyes looking confused but also extremely exhausted. “I never said that.”

  “You said it yesterday, right after we…”

  She shook her head.

  “You okay, Sela? Have you been having trouble sleeping down here?”

  Sela stepped away from him, shaking her head.

  “It hasn’t been good, but it’s not the room.” She said. “I think it’s just my body and brain being used to being down there. It’s a lot different.”

  “How so?”

  It wasn’t the actual line of questioning Mike was most interested in getting answers for, but it was definitely a good place to start. He could shift the direction after she opened up a little bit about more mundane facets of her life down there.

  “It’s hard to describe, but I think it’s just the way time works differently down there. I look at the clock and its three, then what feels like a minute later I look and its six hours later.”

  “Some kind of magical jet-lag?” Mike asked, trying to give her a bit of a smile but it wasn’t catching that morning.

  “I’m just afraid of what’s going to happen to me. Hell, I don’t even know what has already happened to me. I tried to hurt you.”

  Mike brought her back into his arms, embracing her. It was a s
imple gesture, but his mind was racing.

  “Have you tried doing any magic since you’ve been back?”

  Her magic had been strong down below and she had far more experience with it than he had. It was a simple question with a lot of consequences depending on her answer. He had forced himself into a baseline trusting of her, but he wasn’t sure at all if that would last if she was still adept at magic.

  “Nothing.” She whispered. “That’s kind of getting me down as well. How the heck do you think I entertained myself down there, charades?”

  Mike laughed but felt relieved inside. It was at least one less thing he had to constantly worry about. He was sick of worry, though. He wanted to get whatever his ‘dues’ were paid in full so he could put the final touches on putting his life into some sort of balance. Aimee, Eliza, Rachel…and Sela? The thought was intriguing and he did have feelings for her, but the level of trust required just wasn’t there as of yet.

  “What do you think it means when it says dues?” Mike asked.

  She looked back up at him. “I don’t know anything about that.”

  It was a pretty firm answer.

  The percolator finally sighed its last and Mike pulled a mug down from the cupboard, resting it on the counter as he filled it with the nearly-boiling brew.

  “I don’t know how you can drink that stuff.” Sela smiled, taking his other arm in her hand as they walked together out into the main entrance of the house.

  “You seen Aimee?” Mike asked.

  Sela shook her head as Mike went to the front window. He pulled the curtain back a bit until he could see her little car in the driveway.

  “She’s gotta be here somewhere.”

  “Unless she went to the airport with the actresses.” Sela suggested.

  Mike craned his neck close to the glass to get the right angle providing a view further down the driveway.

  “When did Eliza get home?”

  He looked towards Sela and received the same shake of the head.

  “Aimee!” He yelled. “Where the hell are you?”

  The words echoed back to him over and over in the giant entranceway, finally dropping to simply a repeating drumbeat mimicking the words he had spoken.


  The second call went as unanswered as the first.

  “What the fuck?” Mike asked. He moved quickly, leaving Sela behind as he went from room to room, checking for his two loves. The public basement and the second floor gave him no more comfort than the main level had.

  “Where are they? When did you last see them?” Mike asked Sela as he returned to the base of the grand staircase.

  “I…haven’t seen them.” She said, looking up into his eyes with a bit of fright.

  Mike tried to calm himself. No reason to go off and scare her, he thought.

  “I’ve looked everywhere. Maybe they went for a walk?” He corrected himself right after the words came out. It wasn’t likely. Both were more likely to go to the gym for exercise.

  “You didn’t look everywhere.” Sela said, softly.

  Mike looked over at her. “What do you mean? I looked…”

  His words froze in his throat as he followed her eyes from her pretty face to the base of the grand staircase.

  “It wouldn’t open for them. It’s…”

  Mike started the sentence, but the image of her triggering the release mechanism during the confrontation with Will Robinson flashed in his brain.


  He waited impatiently for the triggered staircase to open, finally ducking down to sneak under it, headlamp dangling from his hand. He turned it on halfway down the familiar staircase, calling out Aimee and Eliza’s name.

  God no, he though, playing the beam frantically around and finally opening the second secret doorway that led to the ‘sex dungeon.’

  “Eliza, Aimee?”

  The room was empty, but a sudden and unexplainable breeze ran through the room, fluttering the pages of the open book. Mike turned around to determine the source of the draft, his light playing directly on Sela’s face as she stood immobile in the doorway.

  Dust motes flitted in and out of that one beam of light illuminating her emotionless face. Her hands were down to her sides, fingers flat and limp as if she had no strength to raise them.

  “Sela?” He whispered.

  The ominous silence continued for three of four beats of Mike’s heart as he stood there staring at the woman he had rescued just a few days prior.


  The second was almost as much as a shout as it was a question, but the hackles on his neck had risen and he could feel goosebumps rippling across his skin as she stared at him.

  With an almost robotic motion, Sela cocked her head to one side.

  “The dues are still unpaid.”

  As the final word still rang out, echoing inside Mike’s head instead of in the musty room, Sela slumped lifelessly to the floor.

  End of Bed and Breakfast for the BFFs

  Book Seven – Assessing the Architect

  Chapter One

  Mike carefully climbed the stairs out of the hidden basement, being careful not to bump the head of the unconscious woman lying limp in his arms. She made no sounds except the occasional breath that let him know she was still alive.

  Her touch was the thing that disturbed him the most. Where his bare arm touched the gentle curve behind her knees, bringing his flesh to hers, there was that unnatural sensation of heat passing between them. He hadn’t felt it since he had set Sela ‘free’ from whatever it had been possessing her far below the house. That ‘whatever’ had tried to trap him somehow and it had been only the power of the Requirement spell that had saved him from whatever fate had been in store for him.

  Whatever lay far beneath the house was either guiding its magical abilities or simply feeding on them. Whatever it was, it thought that there were dues Mike had to pay.

  Mike looked down into the pretty face, innocent in its slumber as he set her down on the bed, drawing the sheet up over her bare legs. The thought occurred to him to tie her down or restrain her in some way, but he dismissed the idea. She was out cold and the heat was already diminishing in her body. Whatever had possessed her again had obviously gone, having given Mike its ultimatum.

  Eliza and Aimee were gone and the ominous nature of that was obvious. Whatever it was down there, it wanted him to be down there as well.

  He just had to prepare himself.

  The first preparation was a hasty message to Rachel via text. It was more of a goodbye than anything. She wasn’t fully in the loop of what was going on at Rochester Mansion and he didn’t want to try to explain it to her in a message. He just wanted to tell her he loved her; in case he didn’t return.

  The second preparation was to bolt all the exits in and out of the house. The last thing he wanted to have was company while he was down there. Sela was vulnerable and if someone else were to show up he didn’t want them to be in harm’s way either.

  The last preparation was purely mental. On previous trips, the spell had left him in some sort of pitch-black cavern and he’d been effectively summoned by Sela, his presence likely announced by the creepy voices that had echoed in his head. This time he wanted to be prepared to use magic to take the upper-hand. The last thing he wanted to do was to just stand there in the dark and wait for whatever this force was to take its ‘dues’ in its own way.

  Mike climbed the stairs and turned into the master bedroom. The spell would take him there from anywhere within the house, so he might as well be comfortable. As he kicked off his shoes, his finger brushed lightly across the signed headshot of Daisy and Sophia, two of Rachel’s celebrity friends who had been his lovers the previous two days. The house definitely had its pros and cons, he thought. While it had brought him an abundance of sexual conquest, it had also apparently taken away two of the women he loved.

  “Let’s fucking do this.” Mike said, climbing into the bed. Aimee’s scent eng
ulfed him as he rested his head on the pillow.

  To the source through dusk of time

  Pay my dues back down the line

  Mike had barely finished the words when he found himself in the utter darkness of The Source. This time, there hadn’t been a lurch or the sickening vertigo of the past. This time it had been almost seamless. He wanted to chalk it up to his growing proficiency in the magic of the hill, but he couldn’t be certain. The thought did remind him of his course of action, though.


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