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Pleading the Fifth

Page 9

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Scott opened his mouth to answer and then shut it. Shit. Tristan’s jealousy floated over the dance floor and anger came rolling in on the next wave. The smell of Andrei Panchenko was almost too much to handle, he even smelled like power. Jesus, was he in heat?

  Andrei searched Scott’s face. “It is all right, Scott. I understand.”

  “No…um,” Scott looked around the crowded banquet hall. “Wayne?”

  Wayne turned around and searched the hall; he found Scott on the dance floor. “Yes?”

  “Can I please clue Andrei in to what we are? I feel really bad, I’m about to turn him down and he should know why.”

  Wayne chuckled. “I think he’s been among us long enough to be let in on it. He’s a good man.”

  “Thank you.” Scott took Andrei by the hand and led him out of the hall. They went outside onto the bridge that connected both sections of Hotel Monaco and hovered above Spring Street. It was dark out, but the street lamps and car lights lit up the area quite nicely. Seattle was always bustling. They stood in the middle of the bridge and Scott searched Andrei’s face.

  “There is something you should know about us.”


  “All of us, well most of us,” Scott took a deep breath. “Don’t think I’m crazy or anything—”

  “What is this about Scott? If you do not wish to go out with me, I will understand. There is no need for an elaborate excuse.”

  “I’m a werewolf and I’m mated to Tristan Miles,” Scott blurted out. “So I kinda don’t have choice about turning you down.”

  Andrei cocked his head to the side. “I have not heard that one as of yet.”

  “I’m not lying, Andrei,” Scott took Andrei’s fingers and held them up to his mouth. “Feel that?”

  Andrei ran his fingers across Scott’s teeth; he stopped when his finger connected with a much longer tooth. He pulled Scott’s lip up and peered at the long canine.

  “A werewolf? Interesting, very interesting. I would very much like to see you as a wolf.”

  Scott stepped back in astonishment. “That’s it?”

  “Oh, should I have screamed?” Andrei grinned. “I do not think I know how.”

  Scott regarded Andrei with narrowed eyes. “Do you need more proof?”

  “No, I believe you,” Andrei took Scott’s face in his hands.

  “I’m mated to Tristan, which means I want him and only him.” God, it sucked to say that out loud. Scott winced, and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry,”

  “Tristan Miles is a good man, a very strong man,” Andrei gave Scott a once-over. “You are well suited to each other.”

  Scott groaned in irritation. “Why does everyone say that?”

  “Because it is true, you are a strong man, Scott. You need a man who can handle that.”

  “I saw the way you looked at Devin,” Scott snickered at the look of shock on Andrei’s face. “I think you want to have angry sex with him.”

  “That man is a murdering menace!” Andrei snarled.

  “Oooh! It seems Andrei doth protest a bit too much!”

  “I would kill him before I would sleep with him.”

  “Eww.” Scott’s nose twitched.

  Andrei smacked Scott’s arm. “Not like that!”

  Scott cracked up. He sobered when Andrei exhaled an irritated sigh. “I’m sorry; if I wasn’t mated, I would date you in a heartbeat. You are sexy, funny-” Scott eyed Andrei’s crotch. “And damn - hung!”

  “Stop looking at my crotch,” Andrei put his hands in front of his erection protectively.

  Scott licked his lips wondering how all that power would taste. He shook his head clear and took a deep breath. He was in heat. Christ.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I appear to be in heat.”

  Andrei grinned. “When was the last time you had sex? Maybe you need to hit the sheets, as they say.”

  “I could ask you the same thing,” Scott smirked when Andrei stiffened. “That long, huh?”

  “Is everything okay out here?”

  Andrei grimaced. “Yes Agent Lyons, I have not killed Scott yet.”

  “Oh, please try,” Devin pleaded. “I’d love to have any excuse to take you out, and I really like Scott, so...”

  Andrei cocked his head to the side and mouthed to Scott. “Does he know?” Scott nodded his head in the affirmative and Andrei turned to face Devin head on. “I think we both know that Scott could probably kill me, if he wished to do so. Werewolves are much stronger than humans.” Andrei furrowed his brows. “I think.” He turned to look at Scott again. “Are you?”


  “Oh great, you told him?” Devin balked.

  Scott looked between Andrei and Devin. “Well, I’ll just be going now. I can trust that you two will not kill each other?”

  “I will not make any promises,” Andrei cooed.

  “Now, now, boys,” Scott patted Devin on his shoulder. “Angry sex - that is all.”

  “What?!” Devin spluttered.

  Scott laughed, leaving the bridge.

  Andrei stood, arms crossed, staring down Agent Devin Lyons. The man was maybe five foot ten, but he had some definite muscle under his tux. Which fit very well…

  “You are still here,” Andrei said wryly.

  “I’m trying to decide whether I want to throw you over the railing.”

  “You are not your usual self tonight; I noticed the improvement right away.”

  “I would love to insult you, but you wouldn’t get it anyway.”

  “That was an insult.”

  “Surprise, surprise.” Devin’s cell phone beeped, he grabbed it from his suit pocket and looked at the text. Do not kill Andrei, I know where you are. Devin sighed. “Looks like you get to live tonight.”

  “And I was so afraid you would do me in,” Andrei drawled.

  “Fuck off, Panchenko,”


  Andrei sighed in frustration. His head of security, Ivan, stood with his hands on his hips. “Dammit, Ivan.”

  “What? I do not want you left alone with

  -” Ivan eyed Agent Devin Lyons. “That.”

  Devin shrugged. “I’ve heard worse.”

  Devin eyed Andrei. “This will never be over until you are dead. One day I will take you out, Panchenko. It’s just a matter of how and when. Sleep tight.” Devin brushed by the man in his way as he left.

  Andrei cocked his head to the side, eyeing Agent Lyons backside as he walked away. “Have you gotten shorter, Agent Lyons?” Andrei snickered as Devin flipped him the bird.

  Ivan strode over to his boss, the man needed a wakeup call. “You need to be careful of this agent, Andrei. I do not like him.”

  “You don’t like anyone, Ivan.”

  “That is not true; I very much like Riley Flynn,” Ivan grinned.

  “Yes, I am quite fond of Riley; he has an innocence I have not seen in years.”

  “I wanted to let you know that Nikolai has arrived with Sebastian and their friends.”

  “Good, I have missed Nikolai.” Andrei regarded Ivan. “You must not worry about me; I have not come this far because I am weak.”

  “This man is in a perfect position to kill you, Andrei. He works with the FBI and has access to you. I will talk to James Jacobs about his agent.”

  “You will do no such thing!” Andrei growled. “Do not forget who I am, Ivan!” Andrei stalked past Ivan back into the hotel.

  Ivan heaved a sigh. “How could I?”

  ~~ Scott looked around the crowded hall for Tristan. Most of the guests were on the dance floor but a few milled about drinking their champagne. Nikolai Markov was with Sebastian, Keegan and Vince by the bar. Scott’s eyes caught Jacob and Seth talking with Wyatt and Preston. Where the hell was Tristan? Scott turned to look behind him and then he found him. Tristan was talking to a blond haired waiter and he was leaning.

  Scott balled his fists and headed for the exit. This night was turning into a freaki
n’ nightmare. He’d had the gorgeous, mouthwatering Andrei all to himself and had turned him down. Now Tristan was flirting? Two weeks of pent up sexual need and he had wasted his opportunity to take care of it with one hot Andrei Panchenko. Fuck! Scott half waved to Jude as he stormed out of the hotel. He was going home; Tristan Miles could go fuck himself.

  ~~ Tristan smiled at the waiter; the kid was adorable, a little young, but adorable. The smell of testosterone and arousal hit him and he turned his head slightly to the left. Nikolai Markov was licking his lips eyeing the petite waiter.

  “Well, Charlie, it seems you have an admirer,” Tristan chuckled. “You can put my order in though before you get it on, right?”

  “Yes, I can do that, Mr. Miles. Thanks for the tip, too.” “Here’s the address, I appreciate it. Now, I’ll leave you to visit with Mr. Markov.”

  Charlie’s eyes widened. “Markov?”

  “Yes, but don’t let the name scare you,” Tristan nodded towards Nikolai. “That Markov wants to hurt you, but in the good way.”

  Charlie chuckled and Tristan stepped away from him. He motioned to Nikolai, signaling him over while he scanned the room for Scott. Where had his sexy, dark haired treat gone? Tristan spotted Jacob and Seth and made his way over to them shaking hands with high class assholes along the way. He loved the fact that they were giving money to a cause that they believed in, but hell, they could afford to give a lot more than they were. He’d seen the guest list and the contributions from said guests. Wayne, Caden and Riley had given millions.

  “Hey,” Tristan grabbed a glass of champagne off a tray as it went by. “Where’s my man?”

  “Oh, now he’s your man?” Seth chortled.

  “Yes, so?” Tristan scanned the room again.

  “He left, and he looked pissed,” Jacob gloated.

  “What? Why?”

  “Well,” Seth move forward. “You were leaning.”

  “Huh?” Tristan said in astonishment.

  “You looked like you were flirting. Scott saw you and left and I swear I heard tires squealing,” Jacob grinned.

  “Son of a bitch,” Tristan muttered. “I have to go.”

  “Yep, later,” Jacob laughed as Tristan basically ran for the exit. He looked over at Seth. “Whipped?”

  “Finally,” Seth nodded his head. ~~

  Scott paced the living room. Jude had texted him telling him not to bother waiting up because he’d found a little something-something. Even Jude was getting laid. Scott frowned and stopped pacing. Why in the hell wasn’t he out banging someone? He knew why. As much as he hated admitting it, Tristan did something for him. Hell, he’d turned down Andrei Panchenko. Scott let out an exasperated sigh. What the hell? When had this development happened? Scott’s brows pinched in thought. If he had to put a day on it, he’d say the night he’d sucked Tristan’s cock.

  A knock on the door startled him. Scott looked at the time and inhaled deeply. It wasn’t Tristan, but he did smell something really good. Scott opened the door to find a man dressed like a waiter, or a valet parker, with two large bags.

  “Can I help you?” Scott asked. “Yes, this is for you. Have a good night, sir.”

  Scott grabbed the bags and watched the man make his way back down the stairs. “Who’s this from?” The man turned around at the bottom of the stairs with a grin.

  “He said you’d know.”

  Scott frowned, closing the door. He placed the bags on the coffee table and opened the first one. The smell of lobster and shrimp assaulted him and Scott’s mouth watered. The second bag contained desserts - a rich chocolate cake and chocolate-covered strawberries. A bottle of Dom Pérignon and two glasses completed the bag of desserts.

  Dom Pérignon? Damn, that shit was expensive. Scott contemplated who could have sent the food. The champagne screamed Andrei, but they’d already gone over Scott’s situation. So who did that leave? Scott picked up the sound of Tristan’s Beemer; he knew what it sounded like now. The smell of Tristan’s cologne floated right through the door and into his nostrils, sending his dick into overdrive. The door shook as Tristan banged on it.

  “Open up, Delange. I know you’re in there.”

  Scott flung the door open and stared at Tristan. “Why should I talk to you?”

  “I bought you dinner?” Tristan tilted his head. “What is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing! Go away!” Scott tried to slam the door, but Tristan’s hand stopped it. “Leave.”

  “Oh my fucking God! Stop being a fucking baby, Scott! We are adults; now tell me what the hell is wrong with you! Why are you pissed off?”

  “You didn’t even talk to me tonight! I haven’t heard from you in two weeks and you were leaning!”

  “Okay, first off, Siberia is in the middle of nowhere with no cell towers. Number two,” Tristan tapped Scott’s head. “You left the link off, nimrod.”


  “Shut up. I tried talking to you the whole time. You left your thoughts on ‘off,’ so you can’t really say anything when no one’s listening.”

  “Okay, explain the leaning.” Scott crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Explain Andrei.” Tristan mirrored his stance.

  “Nothing happened—”

  “Oh I know that, I would have torn him limb from limb. You enjoyed making me jealous, didn’t you?”

  “You still haven’t explained—”

  Tristan pushed Scott into the wall behind him, slamming the door shut with his foot. “Do I really have to? I think you know by now that I only want you. I ordered food for us tonight because I didn’t want to be in that crowded room with all those people. I wanted to be alone with the man who drives me crazy. So I did a bit of flirting to get the stuff delivered. I wouldn’t nor would I ever even think of being with anyone else, Scott. Whether we like it or not, we are mated and that makes it almost impossible to be with anyone else.” Tristan loosened his bow tie, letting it slip from his neck to the floor. “I’ve been thinking about fucking you for two weeks straight.”


  Tristan unbuttoned his dress shirt, watching Scott’s eyes. “I want to be balls deep in you. I want you writhing in pleasure,” Tristan took the dress shirt off, throwing it across the room. He unbuttoned his pants and slid the zipper down, freeing his cock.

  “You know this isn’t going to work—”

  Tristan lost his calm reserve. In one swipe of his claws, he tore Scott’s pants off of him. The shirt went next and Tristan flipped Scott against the wall grinding his cock between his ass cheeks.

  “It is going to work because I’ve been thinking about taking your ass and making it mine.” Tristan searched for the travel size lube in his pants. Finding the package, he lubed his dick and applied more to Scott’s quivering hole. “Tell me, Scott. Say it.” Tristan ran his fingertip around Scott’s hole.

  “Dammit,” Scott hissed through clenched teeth. God he loved this shit. He’d always wanted a strong man -- an equal. Tristan Miles was that man. “Fuck me!”

  Tristan pushed in, filling Scott to the hilt. A groan tore from his throat as he seated himself deep in Scott’s ass.

  “Oh fuck me,” Tristan squeezed his eyes shut, warding off his orgasm.

  “That’s next,” Scott ground out. His claws lengthened from his fingertips and punctured the drywall as the pounding on his prostate started. Scott’s legs were pushed apart as Tristan’s hand came around his waist to grip his dick. Scott’s breath hitched as calloused fingers gripped him tightly, sending sparks of pleasure to his balls. Tristan’s hand started a slow stroke on his cock, teasing his glans.

  “Damn, you are so fucking tight,” Tristan breathed. The smell of Scott’s precum invaded his senses. Tristan’s fingers gripped Scott’s hip, his hand smoothing over velvet silk. Scott’s prick pulsed in his hand, and Tristan adjusted his stance, raising Scott’s hips higher so he could plow into him with abandon.

  It had been a long time since he’d had sex, and Scott’s ass
clamped around him perfectly. Tristan leaned forward, licking the soft skin of Scott’s shoulder. The pressure was building in his spine as his balls filled to capacity. Tristan licked along Scott’s neck. “Give me your damn mouth,” he snarled.

  Scott tipped his head back, meeting with Tristan’s lips. A warm tongue slipped inside his mouth, investigating. Scott’s feet lifted from the floor, the hand fisting him tightened and Scott’s orgasm ripped through him. A loud howl left his lips, travelling straight into Tristan’s mouth. “Fuuuucccckkkk!”

  “Oh…shit, shit, shit!” Tristan’s orgasm hit and he bit down on Scott’s shoulder. Scott’s body flailed against the wall as Tristan’s hips continued to buck into his mate. Spurts of ejaculate hit the wall and his hand as both of them let loose. Tristan slumped against Scott and licked his shoulder, peppering the bite mark with soft kisses. Withdrawing slowly, Tristan held Scott up around his waist. He breathed in Scott’s scent, murmuring in his ear.

  “The minute I walked into the banquet hall I wanted to see you. That didn’t happen because James wanted a report. If I could have, I would have grabbed you the minute I laid eyes on you. Does that answer your questions?”

  Scott nodded, his forehead resting on the wall.

  “Are you okay?” Tristan asked, running his hand down Scott’s back softly.

  “I’m hungry,” Scott chuckled.

  Tristan couldn’t help the snorting sound that left him. “That’s all you have to say?”

  Scott turned slowly to look at a very naked Tristan Miles. If the man looked good in clothes, he looked even better out of them. “I’m very hungry.”

  Tristan looked into very black eyes. Scott was more than a little turned on. “Food in the bed.”

  “Dessert on your ass,” Scott whispered huskily.


  Tristan sat cross-legged on Scott’s bed with a makeshift picnic spread between them. Scott was cracking his lobster and dipping the tender meat in butter sauce. Tristan was so enraptured by the sight, he almost blew his eye out with the champagne cork. He poured the bubbly liquid into the glasses all while watching Scott suck on the butter-covered meat. Scott’s lips were glistening and Tristan wanted to lick them. He grabbed one of the shrimps off the plate and dipped it in the butter sauce.


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