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Pleading the Fifth

Page 15

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

“Yeah, but you don’t want just any man, you want Colin.”

  “Can we drop it for now? What are you doing to me this time?”

  Chance smiled. “What makes you think I’m going to do anything?”

  Nikolai narrowed his eyes at Chance. “You’ve got that, I’ve-got -new-spells-look.” Nikolai shivered. “Just don’t make me small again, that was creepy.”

  Chance laughed. “It was fun holding you in the palm of my hand.”

  “You’re lucky I trust you.”

  Chance smiled, opening the door. “I appreciate the fact that you do, it’s an honor.” Chance let Nikolai in and went for one of the spell books in his room. “I’ve been working on a protection spell actually.”

  Nikolai followed Chance to his room. Posters of rock bands covered the walls and books lined one row of shelving. Soft music played in the background and Nikolai tilted his head looking at the iPod in the dock. “Lee Ann Womack? I thought you didn’t like country?”

  “I normally don’t,” Chance shrugged his shoulders. “My mom used to sing this to me when I was a kid. I didn’t understand the meaning of it until I got older.”

  Nikolai turned the sound up and listened to the lyrics. “I hope you dance?”

  “Listen to the rest,” Chance laughed at Nikolai wrinkling his nose. “I know you are the head bangin’ kind of guy.”

  “I’m definitely a bangin’ kind of guy,” Nikolai waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  Chance rolled his eyes.

  Nikolai listened and had to smile. “I can see why she’d sing this to you, it’s okay, for a country song.”

  “Well, gee, thanks,” Chance punched Nikolai playfully.

  Tiny bottles lined the shelves opposite the bookshelf and Nikolai picked one of them up. “What is this?”

  “Toads’ eyes.”

  “Ew.” Nikolai put the bottle back quickly. He picked up one of the spell books and looked through it. “A love spell?”

  “I’d never use it, it’s dangerous. It was my mom’s.”

  “Yeah, I saw an episode of ‘Buffy’ when Xander used one on Cordelia.”

  Chance turned slowly with an eyebrow raised. “You watched ‘Buffy’?”

  Nikolai shrugged. “I was bored. There was a marathon on TNT.”

  “Angel or Spike?”

  “Oh, definitely Spike,” Nikolai answered immediately.

  “Uh huh,” Chance grinned.

  Nikolai smirked. “Can we get on with it?” ~~

  Chance sighed in frustration; he’d been stabbed numerous times now. The protection spell needed some serious tweaking. Although he healed fast, the pain of being stabbed was horrendous.

  “Okay, I can’t do this anymore.” Nikolai put the knife down. “I hate seeing your face every time the knife slides into you.”

  “No shit.” Chance ran his hands over his face. “I don’t get it, what am I missing?”

  “Well, it’s in Latin. Maybe you’re missing something in the pronunciation?”

  “Maybe,” Chance looked at the time. “We better get going if we want dinner and cheesecake.”

  Nikolai eyed Chance’s blood-covered shirt. “You should change, you look like a murder victim.”

  “You’d know,” Chance laughed, running.

  “Oh, ha, ha. Make fun of the assassin.”

  BETRAYED Start the ride from the beginning with: “A Marked man”, “Alaska With Love”, “By the Light of the Moon”, “Half Moon Rising”, “Best Laid Plans” , “For the Love of Caden”, “The General’s Lover”, “Russian Prey”, “An Ignited Passion”, “Reflash”, “The Red Zone” And “Irish Wishes”.


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