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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 72

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  But obviously, the Fairy hadn’t learned the cunning and treachery of a human. Hence, when it made its desperate assault, intending to perish together with Greem, it actually allowed Mary to latch herself to its body and savagely bite into its neck.

  The vampire’s hunger for blood was unimaginable. This was especially true for an Advanced Apprentice level vampire!

  Without the lighting whip of the Lightning Giant, perhaps Mary would have been destroyed by the final counter attacks of the Fairy. But with the help from the Lightning Giant and Rock Snakes, Mary simply clung onto the Fairy’s body regardless of her own safety, crazily sucking out all its Plant element energy-filled blood.

  While resisting the attacks coming from golems, the Fairy crazily tore Mary’s body apart. However, no matter how she was attacked, Mary didn’t stop, but kept sucking the blood of the Fairy.

  Meanwhile, the blood swallowed by Mary brought her tremendous benefit. Besides fixing her broken body at an incredible speed, the spirit wave emanating from her became stronger and her soul aura also became more powerful. On the opposite side, the spirit wave and soul aura of the Fairy were decreasing at a constant pace. Eventually, its breathing was as thin as a thread.

  Initially, it was Mary’s tiny body coiled up on the Fairy’s body, but later, as the Fairy’s body became weaker and lost all of its strength, Mary had to hug it tightly to prevent it from collapsing.

  When the last thread of soul aura vanished from the Fairy’s body, only then did Mary loosen her arms, satisfied. The slim and tender body of the Fairy was like a drooping leather pouch that had lost all its air. It was now lying motionlessly on the floor.

  Mary let out a loud belch. Her beautiful face turned red from abundant vitality. She only had the time to give Greem a sweet smile before she fell down beside the Fairy’s body. She actually fell asleep!

  Damn it! It was really troublesome when a woman went crazy! Couldn’t you just wait until we returned to the Adept Tower, and only start your enjoyment once we confirm everything is safe?

  After silently complaining in his head, Greem had no choice but to carry Mary with one arm and pull the Fairy’s corpse with the other. Then he started to command the Lightning Giant and loot the battlefield.

  The dead Fire element Pseudo-Adept’s body was scattered across the place; perhaps he could find some useful treasures among the broken bodies. Of course, Greem really wanted to find the magic spell notebooks that may have been in the guy’s waist pouch.

  As Greem was busy working, a grass bush not far from him split apart and Snorlax squeezed out from under it with a huge bag on its back. “Master, master! There are still some treasures underground!”

  Greem gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, then ferociously said, “I’ll have Rock Snake help you. Get everything you can – you only have fifteen minutes!”

  A Rock Snake hastily slithered over, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed Snorlax. After that, it raised its head high before slamming it into the ground, digging out a huge hole, and diving into the soil. Breaking through all kinds of soil and rock strata, the Rock Snake rushed towards the second underground floor with incredible speed.

  With the raging energy that had leaked out as its beacon, there was no way they could go in the wrong direction!

  Chapter 106

  Most of the time, Greem was too busy to individually identify what kind of objects were hidden inside the grass, like which of them were useful and which weren’t. As long as he sensed an element aura lingering in a certain spot, he would let the Rock Snake swallow the object together with a large patch of dirt. He would then store them inside of the Rock Snake’s stomach and slowly identify them when they returned to safety.

  Fifteen minutes later, the ground shook violently before bursting apart. The Rock Snake that had squeezed underground had smoothly returned.

  “Let’s go, quick!” The more rewards Greem harvested, the faster his heart raced. Without saying another word, he jumped into the stomach of another Rock Snake and left the place straightaway.

  Half an hour later, a bizarre looking dark figure suddenly appeared at the destroyed battlefield.

  Through his strong spiritual sense, he walked with light steps on the battlefield like a wandering soul. Soon, he stopped at the spot where the Fairy had died. Quietly, he sensed and identified the traces of elemental aura in the air.

  For others, the remains of aura didn’t have any meaning, but they provided him with a vast amount of information and critical data about the battlefield. Soon, scene after scene of the battle started to play in his mind, and eventually assembled into a complete scene.

  He showed no emotion in regards to the violent battle that had just happened. He even maintained the same indifferent expression when he realized a Fallen Pseudo-Adept was killed in the battle. However, his body slightly trembled when he saw Greem order the Rock Snake and take away the dead body of the Fairy. A frightful, bright beam suddenly shot out from his eyes, which were hidden behind his drooped hat.

  Since the most valuable Fairy was gone, there wasn’t any need for this place to continue existing!

  Following a deep voice’s reciting of an incantation, countless ghost-like dark shadows shot out from his body, charging in all directions within the demonized forest. Soon, the entire forest became dead silent and no life aura could be sensed anymore.

  The demonized forest had become something that only existed in the past. Once again, this place would become a dead zone where no life could exist!

  After finishing with all of this, like how he had appeared, the dark figure simply vanished into thin air! Throughout the entire process, no living creature or thing could sense his existence, as if he was just a soul that wandered in this world.


  Greem didn’t rush back to the Adept Tower. But instead, after he brought his team of golems to the surface, immediately snuck into the Kerala mountain range. They found a secret place and dug out a cave. Only then did they started slowly organizing their war trophies for this trip.

  The first object Rock Snake spat out was Mary, who was sleeping soundly, and the Fairy who had become mummified.

  Once again, Greem gave Mary a thorough examination. She was just overstuffed with a huge amount of blood from a mighty existence, and had no choice but to sleep to slowly digest the energy contained within the blood. According to the Chip’s estimation after it gave Mary a scan, she had earned a good fortune this time. Most probably, she was going to advance into the Pseudo-Adept realm.

  Greem placed a thick and warm blanket in a corner of the cave and carefully placed Mary on top of it. She was wearing a sweet and calm smile on her face, her rosy cheeks looked like a ripe apple, her lips were juicy and delicate, and her beautiful eyelashes were moving like butterflies… The sleeping Mary was showing the rare, gentle, and serene look of a young girl, so Greem couldn’t help but gently kiss her forehead.

  After he settled Mary, Greem moved his glance over to the Fairy’s corpse.

  After losing the support of endless energy and having all of its blood sucked out, the shriveled corpse of the Fairy looked like a deflated leather skin. Nevertheless, both the Rose Armor, that fully covered its body, and the magic bow were still the items attracted Greem the most. In the previous battle, those two items had given Greem a really hard time.

  Holding the magic bow in his hand and spending some time in examining it, Greem finally heard the exciting ‘beep’ sound in his mind.

  “Beep! Scanning of the object completed!

  A magic bow is found. Detail information as below: …[omitted]…


  Greem was very excited. He licked his lips and narrowed his eyes.

  In his first battle with the Fairy, the Chip had roughly scanned the basic information of this magic bow. Now it was adding more detailed information about it. There wasn’t anything to be excited about this information, however. The only thing that made Greem really excited was the concl
usion just given out by the Chip: the magic bow was modifiable!

  As the Fairy was the only user of this magic bow, the energy spectrum used to unleash light arrows was also Plant element. This meant that the magic bow couldn’t be used by anyone else! But now, since the Chip had determined that it could be modified, it also meant the energy spectrum used to drive it could be modified as well, so it could be changed to Fire element or Blood element…

  When Greem thought that in future battles, he could just sit high up on the Rock Snake’s head and pour down countless light arrows to the enemy just by moving his fingers, Greem just couldn’t help but feel really excited.

  Gently placing the magic bow aside, Greem murmured under his breath, “Calm down, calm down… let me see if there is a magic staff that I can use. If there is one, I’ll give this bow to Mary. If not, hehehe…”

  The second item pulled from the Fairy’s body was the Rose Armor.

  Greem really wanted to keep the protective gear for himself. But, at the thought that once the Rose Armor was attacked by the enemy, his body would be covered by countless rose stalks, Greem instantly felt no love for it. Fuck, a grown man wearing Rose Armor and fighting with the enemy… Upon thinking about that peculiar scene, Greem just couldn’t accept it.

  Never mind, just give it to Mary after modifying!

  As a wild demon, the Fairy only had these two magical items with it. Looked like it was really poor.

  After the Rose Armor was stripped away, the petite body of the Fairy was totally naked. However, after losing the nourishment from its blood, the once silky smooth and glittering skin had dried and shriveled like an eighty year old granny. It was no longer as beautiful as before and felt like a dried bark upon touching.

  Although the Fairy was dead, Greem could still sense an extraordinary, powerful aura coming from all of its organs. Should he slice it into pieces and harvest the magical materials? Or keep the corpse intact and find a way to maximize his profit?

  Greem hesitated for a moment before he decided to put it aside for now. He would make the decision after he consulted with some professionals.

  If he was a necromancer apprentice, for sure he would use the Fairy’s corpse and produce a powerful corpse automaton. However, as he was a fake and inferior golem controller, it would be tough for him to squeeze the value of this Adept level demon to the last drop!

  He ordered the Chip to give the body structure of the Fairy a detailed and complete scan. After that, he extracted the flesh and blood information from some critical parts of its body, handed them to the Chip, and let it analysis slowly. Finally, Greem started to organize all of the other war trophies.

  Snorlax, who had been attentively serving its master, carefully placed a huge bag in front of Greem. Following the opening of the bag, countless colorful lights immediately shone upon Greem’s face, forcing him to close his eyes.

  Shadow Stone, Tiger’s Eye Stone, Malachite, Green Agate, Lesser Moonstone, Emerald, Topaz, Aquamarine, Blood of the Old God, Ruby, Opal, Sapphire, Azure Moonstone, Deep Peridot, Flame Spessarite, Golden Dranite, Blood Gem, Dawn Stone, Talasite, Night’s Eye, Noble Topaz, Pyre Stone, Living Ruby, Lion’s Eye Stone, Crimson Spinal Stone…

  [TL note: As a guy who never played WoW, this gave me a hard time…]

  Greem couldn’t help but be overcome with emotion. He firmly believed that the Fairy must be a gemstone collecting maniac. Nearly every magical stone and gem he had ever heard of could be found in this bag. Any gemstone taken out from this bag could be exchanged for dozens of miles of lands and peasants in a mortal kingdom. Especially the few with higher values, they could even be used in exchange for the title of Count.

  But in the eyes of an Apprentice Adept, they were only consumable magical materials. Nevertheless, only official Adepts could use these expensive magical materials without changing their expression.

  Greem lightly fiddled with the gem stones. Occasionally, he would pick one up and give it a careful look. After all, he only knew most of these magical stones from books, it was far less direct and clear than holding them with his own hand.

  Standing beside Greem, Snorlax too was breathing heavily.

  Looking at the colorful reflection of these gemstones, it felt it was getting harder to breathe smoothly, and its heart was pounding extremely fast.

  Greem casually picked a few gemstones that he could put them to a good use, then pointed the remaining gemstones and said lightly, “I’ll let you settle with these gemstones. You can take 1/3 of them. That’s your reward for this adventure. You’ve done great today, especially the loophole you left on the controlling magic wand, it was brilliant. You deserve all of this!”

  After it heard what Greem said, Snorlax’s green face started to twitch. Before a smile could bloom on its face, its eyes rolled up and it fainted.

  Greem shook his head, never paid any attention to his minion who just begun to show its value, and continued to glance through the gem stones. Very soon, he pulled out a fiery red magic scepter, which looked like it was made from the Fire Coral found in the bottom of the ocean.

  A Fire Lord’s Scepter!

  When the scepter revealed itself, Greem immediately sensed the surging Fire element energy hiding within it. Before he could put his hand on it, Greem could also felt the scorching hot element fire from it. However, when he finally gripped on the scepter, the heat disappeared without a trace. The scepter had become warm and nice to hold, and a warm stream of energy kept flowing into his body.

  At the same time, the Fire element energy gathering in Greem’s body started to become restless, and became at least three times more active than before.

  “Chip, scan this Fire Lord’s Scepter!”

  “Beep. Task accepted! Commencing scanning operation… beep! Operation completed. The result of the scan is as follow:

  Object: Fire Lord’s Scepter

  Attribute: Fire Element

  Secondary Skills: Added Fire Resistant (Intermediate) to Bearer. Immune to any lower grade Fire element damage. Fast Cast (Fire Element)

  Ability: Inferno Shield (3 times / day), Summon Fire Deity (Pseudo-Adept level) (1 / day)

  Additional functions: When placed on top of a special magical altar, it can be used to establish a small teleportation gate to the Fire Element Plane. Able to summon a Fire Deity (Pseudo-Adept level) every day without any consumption, or two Fire Giants (Advanced Apprentice level), or five Lava Hounds (Intermediate Apprentice level), or ten Fire Spirits (Beginner Apprentice level).

  These Fire element creatures cannot go beyond 1000 meters from the magical altar. Once the Fire Lord’s Scepter is taken away from the altar, all Fire element creatures will be repatriated to their original plane.”

  Ugh… Greem couldn’t help but draw in a sharp cold breath.

  This Fire Lord’s Scepter was much stronger than his original estimation!

  Chapter 107

  It was a powerful magical item, and it was almost like it was specifically made for Greem.

  Greem held the Fire Lord’s Scepter in his hand and kept inspecting it over and over. He could hardly tear himself away from it.

  The scepter consisted of three parts: The tail, body, and head. It had a one-meter long body, which was entirely made from a bright fiery red material. Although it was glowing red, it felt warm upon touch, and felt comfortable when held in the hand.

  A magical gemstone with no attribute was socketed on the tail of the scepter. Obviously, it was a design used to allow the scepter to be placed on a Fire Altar. Three inter-coiling Fire Dragons were engraved on the head of the scepter. A Heart of the Fire Lord was placed in the middle, where the three dragon heads met.

  It was a unique magical gemstone that came from the Fire Element Plane and possessed a thread of Source Energy of Fire Element. With this magical gemstone, the bearer of the scepter would be given with the ability of fire resistance. Of course, the fire mentioned here should be the ordinary fire found in the natural environment, not the Elem
ental Fire created by magic spells.

  By just holding the Fire Lord’s Scepter in his hand, Greem was given the ability to take a bath in the magma pool of a volcano.

  After fiddling with it over and over for a long time, Greem finally placed it into his storage waist belt with reluctance. From now on, he finally owned a suitable magical item for himself. It was not surprising that the Fairy only kept this extraordinary item but did not use it, as the element spectrum was totally different from its own!

  Greem glanced through the pile of gemstones again, and this time, he pulled out two strange objects: a test tube containing a mysterious purple potion, and a magical book that had a gruesome ghost head drawn on its cover.

  Greem picked up the mysterious test tube with his fingers, uncorked it ,and gave it a brief smell. A pungent smell, like a mixture of fish and pepper, immediately brought a frown on his face. The test tube was fully filled with a purple colored magical potion. With a gentle shake, the potion immediately began emanating a purple glow.

  Bloodline Strengthening Potion?

  Greem’s eyes brightened. He couldn’t bear it and brought a tiny dot of the purple potion up to his mouth with a fingertip. After a brief moment, the Chip gave out a confirmed answer.

  Bloodline Strengthening Potion!

  Maybe for Greem, who aimed to take the path of an Elementium Adept, this item didn’t serve too much of a purpose. But for Mary, or other apprentices who took the path of the Bloodline, it was a priceless treasure. Its biggest value was that it could provide a preliminary purification of the bloodline of an apprentice, allowing the apprentice to take a step closer to the source of their bloodline.

  Therefore, after confirming the ingredients of the potion, without saying another word, Greem immediately poured it into Mary’s mouth. After all, Mary was using sleep to digest the surging energy of blood that came from the Fairy. In another word, it was also an evolution of the innate talent of her vampire bloodline. Therefore, if she could receive some external help at this moment, it would no doubt help make the breakthrough easier!


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