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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 75

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  “You only found these after killing an Adept level demon?” Adept Andre’s eyes kept lingering on the magical book tied to the side of Greem’s waist. It was not until after Greem finally took out a strange looking, fiery red scepter from his storage waist belt, that his expression had relaxed a little bit, “So it is a Fire Lord’s Scepter! Not bad, with your Fire element affinity, currently this scepter is the perfect magical item for you!”

  Andre lowered his head and pondered for a brief moment, he then raised his head and said, “I need some magical materials for the experiment I’m working on right now, so, I’ll purchase all your war trophies. And since you’ve risked your life to find all these items, I’ll not seek profit at the expense of a little guy like you. Here are a few items, the value of each is higher than your magical materials. You can pick which one you want for yourself.”

  Following a wave of Adept Andre’s hand, though it was mixed with all the other war trophies, the Fairy’s corpse and the fragments of its true form started to fly up into the air by a mysterious force. In an instant, they were thrown into a dark rift that suddenly tore up in midair. After they disappeared, three small bubbles flew out from the dark rift, each of them was holding a bizarre magical item of peculiar design.

  One was a narrow-necked flask the size of a human palm, containing a mysterious, light-blue potion.

  Another one was a pair of red colored wings. It shone with a cold metal glaze, and a special glow kept circulating on top of it.

  The last one was a token engraved with mysterious and complicated patterns, the purpose of which was unknown.

  “The value of these three items are not lower than that of your demon corpse. The first one is an ‘Elementary Intelligence Potion’, with the current level of your Spirit, it will increase your Spirit by three points without causing any harm to you. The second item is an Adept level Wing of Flamingo, with a simple transplant operation, you’ll be given the ability to fly freely in the air. And the last one is a Token of Permit, with it, you can visit the World of Deep Red once, a place where you can improve your Fire element affinity.”

  Greem’s body shook, his eyes instantly went wide, as he greedily stared at the three peculiar items floating inside of the bubbles. A wild beast was making an uproar in his mind, asking him to pull over all these items and make them his.

  Clenching his fist tightly, after put in a huge effort, Greem finally pressed down the restless emotions in his mind. He raised his head and asked with a stammering voice, “Your respectful Master Andre, I… can I chose more than one?”

  “You can only pick one! The value of your demon is only worth one.”

  Greem fixed his bloodshot eyes on all three items in front of him. Meanwhile, his mind was spinning fast to decide the right choice.

  Though the Elementary Intelligence Potion was a good item, it was only effective for apprentices below the Pseudo-Adept grade. Also, using it just to increase Spirit was rather wasteful, as the biggest purpose of it was used to bring enlightenment to one’s intelligence. As the matter of fact, not everyone who lived in the Adept Continent was given the ability to study magic when they born. Even when two official Adepts got married, it was also possible that they would give birth to an ordinary child who had no talent in magic at all. In that situation, the purpose of Elementary Intelligence Potion had come into play.

  It could promote an ordinary child into a Beginner Apprentice Adept straightaway. This was the biggest value of it!

  The Wings of Flamingo, it was a pretty good assisting magical organ. And best of all, it was an option that brought the least amount of bloodline contamination. After owning it, Greem would have the ability to fly freely in the air.

  Also, for this kind of transplanted magical organ, usually it would just be a small bloodline mark that solidified on the body. From the face of it, no one could tell any difference. Only when he recited a simple magic incantation would the magical organ activate and a pair of magical wings would stretch out from his back.

  For him, whether for pursuing enemies or for fleeing at high speeds, it was an excellent option!

  But, after clenching his jaw tightly and hesitating for some time, Greem eventually stretched his hand towards the third bubble.

  Though the first two items were extremely rare and precious, but if he was willing to spend some magic crystals, he could still find them in the market. But for the third item, which would allow him to improve his Fire element affinity, it was something that could hardly be found anywhere else!

  The bubble burst, and a cold metal token fell into Greem’s hand.

  “Good, very good! The deal is complete, and you can leave now. As for how to use this token, you can go and ask Angus!” Andre waved his hand after finished saying that. In an instant, Greem felt the sky and the earth spinning around. When his mind had finally settled down, he realized he had returned to his own room located on the second floor.

  Right beside him, he saw Mary who was sleeping soundly, Snorlax who was struggling in getting on its feet again and the opened bag with glows of gemstones all over the place, the Rose Armor shining brightly, magical bow and the Fire Lord’s Scepter… after a careful counting, none of them was missing. Everything was lying on the floor, emanating its own glow quietly.

  Haha, it looked like these items couldn’t enter the eyes of a Second Grade Adept. He was being overly worried previously!

  Before Greem returned to the Adept Tower, he had successfully hypnotized himself to forget every single assumption he had made before this, and only made a backup of them in the storage area of the Chip. Now, after leaving the control of that Second Grade Adept, the backup data stored inside the Chip had once again transmitted into his mind, allowing him to remember those memories he had forgotten.

  He had no choice, as when faced with a Second Grade Adept, he had to be extremely careful.

  Greem carefully placed Mary on the bed, before putting all the gemstones into the bag and tossing it over to Snorlax, asking it to find a way to settle them. As for himself, after putting away those magical items, he turned around and left his room, rushing toward Adept Angus’s residence.

  It was hard to describe what kind of strange expression Adept Angus had when he saw the mysterious token. However, after he listened to Greem’s much-varnished explanation, though he still had his brows knitted in a tight frown and felt puzzled, he just couldn’t find anything wrong with it.

  Angus dared not show any hesitation with regards to the order from a Second Grade Adept. He stomped his feet lightly, and immediately, a mysterious magical array that covered the entire main hall emerged on the hard rock floor.

  “Insert that token into the center of this magical array!” Angus ordered with a low voice.

  Only now Greem had noticed that right in the center of this magical array which was entirely made up of element energy, there was a round shaped notch, and the size which perfectly matched the bottom of the mysterious token.

  After Greem inserted the token, Angus, while slowly activating the magical array, exhorted Greem with a deep voice, “The place you’re going to visit is the World of Deep Red. It is a small space created inside of an underground volcano by the Adept Tower. A place suitable for those apprentices with Fire element affinity to train. After you arrive there, do not do anything extra, as the place is heavily guarded by numerous magical automatons, also… in a few simple words, just follow everything ‘she’ says!”

  Angus’s voice became slightly hesitant at the last few words. Especially when he mentioned ‘she’, his face was filled with a strange mixed expression of envy and hatred.

  This had caused a nervous feeling to slowly enter into Greem’s mind.

  Could that place have something special or strange?

  However, before he could ask any other questions, the magical array had activated. Once again, Greem was forced to go through a violent dizziness that overwhelmed all his senses. Everything in front of his eyes had been stretched out and beca
me a vague image. The space around him would sometimes elongate and sometimes compress – it just looked like a dough that anyone could knead freely.

  Greem had no idea how much time had passed.

  According to the Chip, the entire process only lasted five seconds. However, Greem himself felt as if it had lasted for one whole day.

  When the dizziness brought by the disorientation of space finally faded away, Greem rolled his eyes and leapt out from the magical array, throwing himself onto his knees to retch. Never in his life had he hated this simple space teleportation so much! He didn’t possess the integrated and near materialized Spirit like an official Adept, thus without the protection from the magical array, there was no way he could defend himself from the invasion of the spatial force.

  Yet, while he was cursing inwardly, a pair of slim and soft long legs suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. After that, a female’s charming, seductive voice rang into his ears.

  “Eh, how come this time it is a handsome boy? I thought that old man Angus has finally come to see me! Handsome boy, what’s your name?”

  To his horror, Greem raised his head!

  Chapter 111

  She was a very graceful and charming lady, and a bantering smile could be found on her juicy lips.

  Her skin was silky smooth and as white as snow, some tiny purple colored freckles could be seen indistinctly spread across them. Her sexy hot body made her the most beautiful creature Greem had ever seen in his entire life.

  A pair of curving horns stretched out from her forehead, and her purple colored long hair was hanging loosely down her back. A dangerous look of lust was lingering in her narrow yet charming eyes, making any man in the world want to indulge in her magnificent beauty upon staring at her face.

  On her back were a pair of large bat wings with distinct joints, one could even see sharp claws poking out from these joints. A flat and slender bone tail stretched out from her lower back, glowing like a metal. All of these gave her a touch dangerous, yet inviting look – it was like a forbidden excitement.

  She was wearing a curvaceous silk gown with a leather belt with silver ornaments strapped around her waist. She leisurely fiddled with a long whip made from wrought gold chain which produced electric sparks when it swung around.

  The devil’s horns, those flaming lips, and the signature bat wings, long tail and hoof legs, this… She was an abyss creature that shouldn’t appear in the Material Plane – a Succubus.

  Right when Greem saw this Succubus, his thoughts had nearly stagnated. In a trance, he thought the previous teleportation had transported him into the horrible World of Abyss. When he recovered from his shock and glanced around, only that had he realized that he was in a unique space that was trapped by some sort of magical spells.

  In front of Greem was a spacious and deep hall of lava. Nearly half the space of this hall was occupied by a huge lava pool. The pool was filled with slow-moving molten lava and scorching hot white lava stones. A three acres’ stone platform was found on a corner of the hall, on top of it was a simple stone cottage, a simple stone table, and chairs – everything looked so simple and crude.

  Greem was now kneeling on this platform. Behind him was the teleportation magical array with its glow slowly fading away, and in front of him was… an Abyss Succubus with a charming face and sexy body.

  With Greem’s vast knowledge, he roughly understood the layout of this place with just a brief glance.

  Fuck, what bullshit World of Deep Red. It was merely a small living space established within the inner part of an underground volcano! And, the reason why those old goats had established this space wasn’t for any magic spell research at all, but purely… to house this seductive Succubus of the Abyss.

  After all, the Abyss Succubus was the native creature from the World of Abyss, which was a lower grade plane. Though they didn’t possess a powerful combative strength, relying on their sexy and charming bodies and their extraordinary smart brains, they had been the favorite concubines and advisers of many powerful Devil Lords of the Abyss.

  Though they could also enter into a material plane, the perfect living environment for them was still a hot and harsh world like the World of Abyss. Meanwhile, a primary material plane, like the World of Adept, would seriously reject the chaotic and brutal aura emanating from the body of these creatures from the Abyss.

  Therefore, since those old goats wanted to let this Abyss Succubus survive in this world, they had no other option but to establish a ‘World of Deep Red’ near the underground volcano, which had a similar environment to the Abyss Plane.

  To put it plainly, this was a ‘recreation and entertainment’ place those Adepts had set up for themselves. And judging from what this Succubus had just said, perhaps she was not even the exclusive concubine for someone, but…

  Greem shuddered suddenly, quickly stopped himself from pondering further.

  When Greem was curiously measuring the surrounding with his eyes, the Succubus was also staring at him in wonderment!

  To be honest, only those human Adepts could enter this place at their pleasure. And as for any existence below the grade of Adept, Greem was the first to come to this place!

  Right when Greem was contemplating how to introduce himself, a tall humanoid stone figure suddenly walked out from a wall beside the stone platform. A low, muffled voice came out from its bee hive-like face full of holes.

  “Outsider, according to the message transmitted from the master, you can only stay in this place for two hours. Please do not display any behavior that will harm the stability of this space, or else, you’ll be killed!”

  Having finished saying that, the huge humanoid stone figure took a step back, before once again merging back into the stone wall. No one could see any difference from the spot where it came out.

  An Adept level magical automaton!

  With just one gaze, Greem had determined the overall strength of this huge humanoid stone figure. And with such a mighty overall strength and within this tiny space, a magical automaton would be able to kill him easily. Even if he had summoned all his Golems, he would not be able to save his life, because there wasn’t any space he could run to, to get away from the attack!

  Greem finally sensed the unique environment of this place.

  The dried and hot fire air made it extremely difficult to breathe. It was as if there was a fireball residing in his lungs, every inhale and exhale was a scorching hot airflow. As Greem’s element affinity was Fire, within his Spiritual Domain, his entire body and soul were rejoicing for the dense and active Fire Elementium found in the surrounding environment. However, his overly frail body just couldn’t withstand the harsh environment. Indistinctly, signs of self-destruction had appeared on his body.

  With no time to interact with the Succubus standing beside him, Greem immediately sat down folding his legs and started cultivating his Inferno Body.

  For any Element Adepts, if they wish to maximize the power of their element magic spell, they had to carry out a magical modification to their body. And, having the body totally transformed into Elementium was an inevitable path! It was an extremely slow process and also consumed a huge amount of resources.

  They had to consume Fire element demon beasts’ meat on a regular basis and use it to slowly and gently stimulate their body to allow their body to get used to the gradually denser Fire Elementium. And the cultivating of Inferno Body was just the first step to transforming the body into Elementium, and it was also the initial threshold.

  Only once he had completed the cultivation of Inferno Body, Greem would have the ability to travel to some unique environments which were rich with Fire Elementium and continue his meditation and cultivation. While his innate talent might have welcomed these rich Fire Elementiums, his body wouldn’t be able to withstand the entire cultivation process.

  Greem closed his eyes, calmed his mind and entered into deep meditation. Before, he had to use his Spiritual tentacles to capture those Fire Elementiums,
but now, they were flooding into his Spiritual Domain like they had just burst out from a huge dam. Also, because of the overly dense Fire Elementiums, the incorporeal process that normally only happened in his Spiritual Domain had become visible to the naked eye.

  Countless flickering tiny red dots were lingering around Greem’s body, constantly merging into his body, penetrating into his bones and tendons, flesh and blood, some even penetrated into the source of his Spirit.

  However, this process didn’t bring him only benefits.

  Following the penetration of countless Fire Elementiums, within his flesh, blood, bones, tendons, internal organs and some other parts of his body, Fire Elementiums started to pile up and couldn’t be absorbed in a timely manner. They started to show their active, unstable and destructive characteristics, as they had begun to erode Greem’s body.

  Looking from a far distance, it was like an invisible furnace was burning violently inside of Greem’s body. His skin turned red and just as his sweat had emerged, they immediately evaporated before they could roll off his skin. Greem’s breathing became heavier, and even the air he let out had turned into a scorching hot flame.

  Due to a lack of magic spell protection, Greem’s cloth had started to burn off, enshrouding him within a huge fireball. However, as the flame didn’t possess any supernatural power, obviously, it couldn’t hurt Greem at all. Instead, it was giving him a touch of mystery.

  Though Greem’s mind was indulging in the deep meditation, his brows started to furrow, and his mind slowly retracted from the Spiritual Domain.

  His body constitution was too weak, so there was no way he could withstand a Fire element cultivation of this level. Usually, he could maintain three hours of deep meditation, but in this place, he was forced to stop before reaching fifteen minutes.

  When he regained consciousness, two totally opposed logical judgments came out from his burning hot body. Guided by his Fire element innate talent, the Spiritual Domain had become unprecedentedly strong and nourished. The raging Fire element energy kept storming into it at a constant pace, bringing tremendous benefits. On the other side, the body which had suffered a constant erosion from the Fire element energy was moaning and howling miserably. While the body had undergone the tempering process, it was also being weakened at the same time.


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