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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 136

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  When the adepts and the knights locked eyes, a powerful aura surged forth from the bodies of both parties, clashing from a distance.

  Chapter 204

  Five adepts against seven radiant knights, thirty-two spellbreaker knights and a thousand witcher-knights?

  Of course this was impossible!

  However, even when faced with this army of knights, the adepts kept up their arrogant smiles and looked down upon their enemies with disdain.

  There wasn't any reason for this; it was just the natural disdain spellcasting classes had for warrior classes!

  If this was a battle in an arena, the five adepts combined wouldn't be enough to beat a single radiant knight. That said, the prowess of the adepts came in the form of their terrifying mobility and strange spells. As long as there was a large enough space to maneuver about, even a single First Grade adept wouldn't fear several radiant knights chasing after him.

  The magic colts may have exceptional survival and climbing abilities, but they could not compare to the adepts’ pure speed.

  The radiant knights had powerful melee combat prowess, yet they couldn't do anything to keep back these evil adepts that were as annoying as a swarm of vampires. If they drove their horses and charged forward, these adepts would most definitely scatter, while keeping close enough to bait the knights deep into the forest.

  Should the knights really dare to continually chase after the adepts, the witcher-knights in the rear would turn into the prey of any other adepts.

  It's important to note that most of the witcher-knights' advantages couldn't be displayed in this primal forest, with its complex geography and poor environment. Conversely, it was the nimble adepts, who had no unnecessary attachments or concern for others, that held the home field advantage. They were able to strike at any time, while retreating at the first sign of danger with no need for any hesitation.

  The adepts wouldn't even bat an eyelid even if the hordes of voodoo beasts that were spread across the forest were all killed. Moreover, some adepts would intentionally send hundreds of voodoo beasts to their deaths, all in order to create a chance to ambush the knights.

  As such, the radiant knights could only look on and harass the adepts as they moved around the army, never daring to actually give chase. Last night’s death of a radiant knight was enough proof that an existence powerful enough to kill a Second Grade knight was hiding amidst the adepts.

  Unlike before, the radiant knights could no longer take actions alone while being confident in their safety!


  The adepts' faces soured as they looked upon row after row of witcher-knights.

  Harassing and ambushing a few witcher-knights was no problem. However, when the enemy had gathered together into an army, the risk they needed to bear when attacking was incalculable.

  "Any instructions from the base?" Adept Ferrier, whose body was enveloped in a layer of wind elementium particles and bearing a pair of wind wings behind his back, asked solemnly, "They wouldn't go so far as to make us charge against an enemy formation with radiant knights in there, would they?"

  The few adepts nodded their heads in agreement. It was obvious that they were concerned about the upcoming battle as well.

  Greem silently took a look at all the adepts present and realized that all the adepts who agreed with Ferrier were adepts of more unconventional professions. Not a single one of them were proficient in combat.

  Ferrier was an Esoteric Adept, and most of his research leaned towards synthesizing potions and drugs. If it wasn't for his dabbling in wind spells, an adept like him, who was not proficient at combat, would probably be part of the batch of adepts quickest to die on a planar war’s battlefield.

  The remaining adepts were all ones who were focused on illusion or array research. They were the same as Ferrier– not proficient at fighting on the battlefield. Sending them to a battlefield was a complete waste of their talents!

  However, the Sarubo clan was sorely lacking in men right now. It was not feasible to conquer the knights' plane in one go with just a handful of combat adepts. Thus, the clan forcefully conscripted these adepts. The Esoteric Adepts that spent their lives hunched over in their labs had no choice but to step onto the battlefield and fight with all their might for the sake of the clan, and for the sake of their own lives!

  They may not have killed too many knights earlier in the massive six-month forest battle, but their existence alone kept the witcher-knights' movements in check. Because of them, combat adepts like Greem, Mary, Acteon, and Marionette were able to find opportunities and openings to launch multiple attack and slay the backbone of the knights' army- the spellbreaker knights.

  Of the five adepts gathered here, Marionette was undoubtedly the closest to Second-Grade Adept Sir Fügen. Everyone couldn't help but look towards him.

  "No need… to engage head on… delay… until nightfall… the base… will act… "

  The transformation of Marionette's flesh into wood had evidently affected his throat. Not only was his voice hoarse and dry, his constant stutter also bothered the adepts. However, his words were simple and easy to understand, helping everyone feel relieved.

  All these people were adepts with countless tricks up their sleeves. Now that they had a clear way of proceeding with the battle, action plans were quickly surfacing in their minds.

  "We cannot let them gather together so easily!" Greem took a step forward and spoke coldly, "You guys cover me for thirty seconds, I'll throw their formation into chaos!"

  Once he said that, Greem didn’t wait for a reply and tossed out the crystal core and summoned the Fire Lord. Then, Greem's body started increasing in size as flames erupted all over him, quickly transforming into the Flame Fiend.

  The Flame Fiend that Greem transformed into stood side by side with the Fire Lord, loudly chanting and casting a spell. Under their combined channeling, the clear sky was rapidly engulfed by the gathering flame clouds.

  A flame cloud nearly one square kilometer wide roiled and rumbled in the skies, painting the entire world a dark, dim red. One after another, red-hot lava bubbles the size of wash basins expanded within the flame cloud. As the fire and earth elements that gathered slowly increased, the flame cloud could no longer bear the weight of the lava.

  And just like that, in only twenty-three seconds, a large Meteor Shower had already formed.

  As the first bubble popped, a Magma Fireball the size of a human head, filled with concentrated fire elementium, crashed down towards the area the witcher-knights were gathering at, dragging a long black tail of smoke.

  Then the second fireball, and the third…

  Repeatedly, the black and crimson fireballs crashed downwards, leaving marks of their burning flames in the sky that very slowly dissipated.

  "Dammit. These evil adepts!" The white haired radiant knight shouted his orders, "Meusel, you lead the army away. Get them into formation as you move. Do not let the formation be swept apart by the enemies' voodoo beasts! Collier, Aneos, the two of you follow me. We will slay that reckless adept brat."

  As the orders were quickly sent out, the knights' army gathered here finally moved. The leader was Knight Meusel, who was raising the witcher-knights' army flag high in the sky.

  Just then, the first wave of meteors reached the tree canopy.

  "Fire… "

  One after another, runic arrow shot out and hit the meteors above the canopy. Even if there were occasional meteors that were able to break through the rain of arrows, a spellbreaker knight would hurry over and strike out with his large blade, generating a terrifying flame blade that would slash forth and split the flaming meteor in half.

  The meteors that exploded in the skies would rain down fire and lava that melted the skin. Fortunately for the knights, without the meteor’s powerful physical impact, the remaining flame shockwave could not harm the safety of the witcher-knights. The witcher-knights raised their left hands, using their energy shields to deflect the flames that rain
ed down on them, while slapping their colts and hurrying out of the area.

  Under the lead of temporary leader Charles, two radiant knights drove their magic colts forward as fast as possible, charging like an arrow towards the Flame Demon, who was still channeling his spell.

  A distance of 750 kilometers was only dozens of seconds away for knights as powerful as themselves.

  The remaining adepts were reluctant when they saw the three radiant knights charging towards them, but they had no choice but grit their teeth and stop them.

  Marionette was the first to act.

  His silhouette flashed, and already his stiff and dull body had appeared beside the three radiant knights. Without uttering even a single word, his hand extended from beneath his black robe. Countless spider-thin threads extended from the tips of his strange, wood-patterned hands.

  It was delusional to ambush the radiant knights with the strength of his attacks. The target of the threads were not the radiant knights on their horses, but the magic colts beneath them.

  Tens of thousands of wooden threads were cast into the sky. They seemed weak and easy to break, but if they ever came into contact with a human body, it would easily break through with no regard for the armor the victim was wearing.

  Knight Charles, who was standing at the front, let out an angered snort. The runic longsword in his hand shone brilliantly, and a Crescent Moon Slash so wide and large that it struck fear into his enemies slashed forth, its sharp edge pointed towards Marionette’s chest.

  The angered blow of a Second Grade knight was naturally far beyond the limit of a First Grade adept’s defense.

  The Crescent Moon Slash had just left the longsword, but Marionette was shocked when he looked down and found a white mark appearing on his chest. The white mark gave him an immense sense of danger. Already, it was tearing his skin and working its way inside.

  Marionette felt as if his soul had been locked on by the opponent and the Crescent Moon Slash would most definitely hit him.

  This was only a feeling, but Marionette believed this to be true!

  "Dammit! This is the power of faith!"

  The energies surging into the wooden threads became even more violent. More energy threads started to emerge from his fingers, speeding towards the three magic colts. Marionette quickly retreated as he did so, stepping into a tall tree and instantly vanishing from the spot.

  Most of the energy threads were dispelled by the force radiated by the three radiant knights, but some still managed to find their way into the magic colts. The three colts let out pained cries, and their sprinting bodies quickly slowed down.

  The terrifying Crescent Moon Slash turned mid air rapidly cutting in half the tree Marionette was hiding in. The force it radiated then reduced the tree to wooden splinters.

  Marionette coughed intensely as he tumbled out of a tall tree a hundred meters away. Countless fine cracks had appeared all over his body. Even the slightest of movements would cause splinters to fall from his body. Marionette leaned against the tree and straightened his body with difficulty. He raised his head and looked upon the radiant knight with hatred in his eyes.

  Green streaks of blood were slowly dripping out from his eyes, ears, nose, and his mouth. It seemed like he was severely injured.

  To stop a Second-Grade Radiant Knight with the power of a First Grade adept, and getting away only severely injured, was already a magnificent show of prowess on the part of Marionette! If it had been the other adepts in his position, they would probably never have had the chance to escape.

  Seeing the poor condition Marionette was in the other adepts, who had been raring to go at the knights, regained their cautiousness.

  Chapter 205

  Adept Ferrier flew into the air.

  From a distance, he threw several vials before the path of the charging knights.

  Large pools of purple liquid seeped into the dirt. Less than two seconds later, the ground shook and gave way as a large patch of thorns extended from beneath. The thorn tentacles, thick as a baby's arm, extended chaotically in all directions. The thorns glowed with a mysterious shine that was unlike metal or wood.

  In a few breaths' time, this forest of thorns that sprouted out of nowhere had completely hidden the silhouettes of the adepts.

  Sadly, even a wall of thorns such as this one was not able to stop the advance of the knights.

  A thick Crescent Moon Slash stuck close to the ground as it blasted forth, plowing a deep ridge into the ground. Everything that stood before the wailing Moon Crescent Slash split into two, be it hard rocks or thorn walls, and gave way to the knights.

  Before the two other adepts could cast their spells, the three radiant knights had already broken through all the obstacles in their way and appeared before the adepts.

  The two adepts couldn't care for attacking the enemies anymore. Immediately, the two gave up on the spells they had almost finished casting, hurriedly escaping from the radiant knights' charge. An in doing so, they exposed Greem who was still channeling his spell!

  Greem had been stuck in place due to his channeling of the spell, but he had always been paying attention to the other adepts' performance. Marionette's performance was unexpected and Ferrier's performance was fairly standard. On the other hand, the performance of the last two adepts was very questionable.

  Even if they were not combat adepts, they would have at least one or two simple and practical instant cast spells, wouldn't they? Yet they gave up on covering him so easily. It was obvious that they had hostile intentions, and wanted to kill Greem using the knights' hands.

  Of course, if Greem had been the directing caster of this Meteor Shower and the Fire Lord had been the aid, stopping the channeling of the spell would most definitely have inflicted severe spell backlash on Greem. And in such a moment of life and death, Greem's fate would be determined by even a slight delay in his movements.

  That said, would Greem ever make such a mistake?

  Greem forcefully stopped the channeling of the Meteor Shower without even blinking. The only thing that happened was the flickering of flames on the Fire Lord's body.

  Two or three pairs of eyes looking from the shadows of the woods in the distance dimmed, betraying expressions of frustration and annoyance.

  Dammit, that Greem is sly, as expected. Such a massive and powerful spell and he chose not to direct it himself. He let that elementium golem direct it instead! Because of that, forcefully stopping the spell would only inflict most of the backlash on the golem instead of him. The effect on himself was minuscule.

  There was no time to think. Greem reached into the Fire Lord's body and grabbed hold of the summoning core before vanishing from the spot in a blast of fire.

  His feet had just vanished, when a violent Exploding Cross Slash blasted the ground where he was just standing. Then, the three radiant knights stopped their muscular magic colts before the pillar of dirt that had been blasted into the air.

  Even though they had managed to kill a single adept, they were able to stop the evil adept's spell.

  The three radiant knights seated high on their horses looked down coldly at the adepts desperately running away. They did not choose to pursue them.

  Without a sufficiently powerful mount, it was exceptionally difficult to chase after these adepts with their numerous strange means. Moreover, if they accidentally fell into an adept's trap, even a peak Second Grade radiant knight like himself wouldn't claim that he would be able to remain unharmed.

  The powerful green dragon that was beaten to the brink of death in Herdurand City was a perfect example of this!

  In truth, even though they were both at the Second Grade, if one were to compare a radiant knight with a green dragon, a single green dragon would easily be able to defeat three to five radiant knights.

  Green dragons were massive in size. Thus, when comparing across the same Grade, the amount of Strength and Physique it possessed far outclassed the tiny human knights. Moreover, green dragons could fly,
let out dragon breaths, and possessed dragon scales with shocking defensive ability. All of these racial advantages added together to give them the prowess to punch above its Grade and challenge a Third Grade knight.

  It was such a terrifying green dragon that got beat to the brink of death under the watch of numerous knights. It was extremely close to losing its life in Herdurand City.

  In accordance with the Dragon's Pact signed between the Kingdom of Knights and the Dragon Cliff, the two dragon knights had no choice but to escort the green dragon and hurry back to the location of the Dragon Cliff——Dragon's Valley. Thus, for this period of time, the only higher-ups in the knights' camp were these radiant knights.

  It was precisely the lack of a firm authority that caused a splinter in the opinions of the radiant knights. This ultimately resulted in an angered decision to break apart. Some of the knights stayed, while the rest marched into the woods, resulting in the awkward situation they were currently in.

  "I'll chase them even further away? "Knight Aneos couldn't help but ask with a grave expression on his face.

  "There's no point! "Charles took a look at the surrounding woods and shook his head: "I can tell that there are some more of those evil adepts hiding in the woods nearby. I fear that something might happen with the main force if we were away for too long! Never mind, ignore these annoying pests. As long as we find their den, I don't believe that they will keep running about as they are doing now……"

  The two radiant knights, Collier and Aneos nodded in agreement. The three knights didn't pursue Greem and the others. They turned around and whipped their horses, chasing after the main force, disappearing in the depths of the forest.

  Greem had cast a Fire Teleportation. When he once again appeared, he appeared at the hill closest to where Marionette was. The two kept a distance of seventy meters between themselves. Greem had no intention to get any closer.

  Since Marionette was already severely injured, closing in any more would draw Marionette's suspicion and hostility. Thus Greem stopped his body at a distance and put on a gentle smile on his face.


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