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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 150

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  With the temporary magma shield, Greem was able to bear the ice arrow bombardment of the one hundred knights.

  Meanwhile, the two water golems behind Greem had cast a snowstorm in the path of the knights. Savage blades of ice and snow whirled within the chilling winds and covered the knights’ bodies in a layer of ice crystals.

  Some knights with weaker resistance had even been frozen to the spot along with their magic colts, with no other option left to them but to raise their energy shields and bitterly endure being sliced by the sharp ice. Most of the witcher-knights were able to make it through the snowstorm successfully, and appeared before the lava pool where the magma bubbled and the flames burned.

  The radiant knight who led the charge was a middle-aged man with firm muscles all over his body. He had short dark brown hair, intense eyes, a straight nose, and a wide mouth. One look and you could tell he was a tough and stubborn man.

  He let out a shout, and the magic colt stood up on its hind legs as two energy blades slashed from 20 meters away at the massive magma shield Greem was holding.

  Shattered rock flew everywhere as magma splashed in all directions. A deep cut in the shape of a cross appeared on the shield.

  Greem peeked out from behind the shield and revealed a wicked smile. A magma fireball the size of a washbasin whistled through the air and flew towards his opponent. Sadly, the magma fireball didn't make it to its target. Two spellbreaker knight slashed out with energy blades and chopped it into four pieces while it was mid air. The fireball exploded in the air, sending a rain of lava pouring down on the knights.

  As the knights quickly drove their colts away to avoid being burnt alive, the lightning giant that had been hiding in the skies suddenly appeared, bringing with it all the rage of lightning and thunder. Three or four witcher-knights that didn't manage to defend themselves in time were instantly blasted to smithereens, falling sideways from their colts as their charred remains fell apart.

  At the same time, the Fire Lord that was standing silently behind Greem had also finally completed his casting. As he raised his hands high up, a Scarlet Firestorm instantly exploded in the center of the knights' ranks and ravaged an area of a hundred meters.

  In Greem's mind, the chip had already beamed over inspection data that indicated that the eye of the firestorm had reached a tremendous energy level of 117 points.

  To Greem's understanding, the knights of this plane lacked armor that provided them with resistances. Even the runic equipment on the radiant knights could only endure energy damage of up to 100 points, while the spellbreaker knights' armor were only able to take 40 points of damage. The witcher-knights, on the other hand, could only defend against energy damage of around 15 points.

  Such terrible armor might be enough to deal with the naturally awakened heretics of this plane. However, it seemed so frail and weak when used against these evil adepts from another world.

  Countless witcher-knights struggled in agony under the combined attacks of the Scarlet Firestorm and the lightning storm, desperately trying to escape from the spells' area of effect. Their hair, skin, and armor fused together under the sweltering heat. If they weren't able to escape from the Scarlet Firestorm within three seconds, their bodies would melt like candles into a mess… a mess of unrecognizable grey pulp!

  The middle-aged radiant knight yelled in anger as he saw all this happening around him. He leapt down from his magic colt and ran towards Greem with large strides. The steel warboots he was wearing rapidly turned red as he stepped into the lava. his powerful energy radiance clashed with the intense fire elementium, sending sparks flying into the sky.

  You finally entered!

  Greem had hidden behind this provisional shield all this time, but the chip in his mind had been functioning at its maximum speed. It fed the massive amount of data it had been collecting into the battle-monitoring system and was quickly sending feedback to Greem, providing him with the most ideal action plan for this situation.

  Sir Fügen was engaged with enemies, while the enemy Greem had to face was also a Second Grade Knight. From the difference in the level of their existences, he had no possibility of clashing with this enemy head on!

  Running wasn't an option either.

  If he abandoned his position, there weren't too many places he could escape to. Moreover, he would have to face the anger of the adept leaders if he turned back now. Even though it was far more dangerous to battle with the radiant knight using all his strength, he would at least be able to have an excuse if he retreated from the battlefield, even if he failed to stop the knight and ended with severe injuries.

  He also had the aid of the chip. Combined with the might of the golems, it wasn’t completely implausible that he might be able to cripple or even kill this radiant knight.

  It was most definitely impossible for him to defeat the enemy with his current abilities. However, the chip gave a 17% possibility that he would be able to kill his opponent. That said, the price he would have to pay for this…

  Greem grit his teeth and made his decision when he looked at the radiant knight storming across the lava.


  The twenty meter gap was quickly closed. Greem raised the massive magma shield with both of his hands and threw it with all his strength just as the powerful radiant knight reached him. This magma shield whistled as it flew out, smashing towards the opponent as viscous red-hot lava continued to flow on top of it.

  The scalding heat wave blasted towards the knight even before the stone had reached him!

  Clang! A metallic sound rang out.

  A single powerful slash from a runic longsword filled with energy radiance split the one-meter thick magma shield in half. It was no longer able to bear the radiant knight's domineering strength nor the damage from the runic energies. The two halves flew past each side of the knight, grazing him as they passed by.

  The radiant knight, having cleared all obstacles between him and his enemy, took a massive leap into the sky. The shining runic longsword drew a terrifying cross in the sky, slashing towards Greem.

  The Flame Fiend that Greem had transformed into was exceptionally tough and durable. It even had numerous magical protections and an armor of magma. However, all of these added together was not much stronger than that magma shield. If he stood still and let his enemy hack away at him, then his entire body might actually have been penetrated by the enemy.

  The Flame Fiend, its entire body made of black-red magma and terrifying flames, took a step backwards. Its massive hand of magma reached outwards, intercepting the radiant knight's longsword.


  A howl of pain and agony rang out. Greem raised his head and screamed. The hand he extended forward had been pierced by the longsword all the way to the hilt. Moreover, the violent runic energies within the longsword were surging out, sending blade beams flying everywhere and mincing Greem's entire right arm into a rain of fire.

  It was at this moment!

  The mental flux from Greem's mind quickly trembled as he endured the intense pain from his body. As he stumbled backwards, the Fire Lord behind him finally activated the spell it had been preparing for so long.

  Fire Prison!

  The molten lava Greem had painstakingly created quickly gathered and rose under the radiant knight's feet, forming a prison and trapping the knight within.

  The middle-aged radiant knight raised his head and assessed the prison before him. The entire cage glowed with a red light as the radiance of fire flowed across the entire structure. Thick magma pillars held up the walls of the cage with red-hot magma flowing down each of the pillar. The space between the bars was not enough for him to escape.

  The radiant knight raised his runic longsword and a savage bladestorm instantly engulfed the Fire Prison. The magma pillars half a meter in diameter were unable to endure such powerful energy corrosion and instantly snapped in half. Sadly, before the knight could escape, the lava in the pool surged upwards and repaired the damage done

  During this time, the lightning giant in the skies had appeared within the prison in a flash. A blinding elementium storm engulfed the space within the prison before the radiant knight could attack again.

  The lightning giant had self-destructed!

  The ferocious tides of lightning crashed against everything inside inside the prison again and again, causing tremendous damage to the entire Fire Prison in the process. If the Fire Lord hadn't been maintaining the prison with all his strength, it would likely have collapsed long ago.

  The expression of the radiant knight trapped inside quickly changed. He frantically drew from the powerful energies in his runic equipment to fill his body and endure the damage from the lightning explosion.

  At any other time, thirteen seconds might pass by in the blink of an eye. However, at this very moment, thirteen seconds felt like an eternity of suffering!

  Finally, after the explosions from the lightning giant’s self-destruction had finally calmed down, the radiant knight prepared to concentrate his energy to break out from this accursed prison once and for all. At that moment, another elementium golem appeared within the Fire Prison.

  A water golem!

  The next second, ice powers that sent chills down to the very bone ravaged uncontrollably within the cage, turning the inside into a world of ice and snow.

  Eleven seconds later, another water golem charged into the cage and self-destructed!


  Having endured the continuous self-destruction of three elementium golems in a row, the radiant knight coughed up blood as he hacked at the magma pillars and broke free.

  Just when he was finally able to stabilize himself, he raised his head to find an extremely menacing and blinding scarlet light staring him in the face before it completely engulfed him.

  It was Blazing Light!

  Chapter 227

  A sun slowly lit up between Greem's palms.

  This wasn't any spell that Greem had cast before. Nor was it some sort of magic-infused item. It was a concentration of pure heat and light!

  Greem had abandoned all the external forms of spells and instead concentrated all of the core of his fire powers. He manifested them using the powers of planar laws, causing Blazing Light, the purest form of power, to appear.

  It didn't have the mixed physical and fire damage of the Magma Fireball, or the terrifying flame shockwave of the Explosive Fireball, and especially not the amazing radius of the Scarlet Firestorm. But having abandoned all of this, what was left to the Blazing Light was intensely concentrated light and… heat.

  It was just a ray of light!

  Its attack radius was not wide. Concentrated within Greem’s palms, it was only as large as an egg and its external form was like a thicker Scalding Ray.

  However, when it shot towards the middle-aged radiant knight's chest, a massive hole was instantly melted in that delicate and perfect golden armor. Furthermore, the flesh and blood under the armor instantly withered and vaporized when it came into contact with the ray of light. A massive hole had been burnt in the radiant knight's stomach before he even had the chance to dodge or defend.

  The flesh, blood, tendons, and bones around the wound had also been charred black and sealed the blood vessels. As a result, not a lot of blood appeared around the wound despite it being such a massive gaping hole.

  This was not the end of it. The extreme heat from the light ray quickly sent terrifying energy into the body of the knight. The middle-aged radiant knight felt like he had swallowed a sun. Extreme heat and light radiated from within his body. The light and heat boiled his blood and burnt his body. The excess energy continuously spread out from his skin pores.

  For this one moment, he… he thought he was almost cooked alive!

  The radiant knight's face paled. Large drops of sweat ceaselessly flowed down his forehead and face. However, before they could even drip down, they were quickly heated and turned into vapor by his boiling hot skin, vanishing without a trace.

  He roared loudly, as surging runic energies flowed from the tip of his sword and formed a barrier of pure energy before him, temporarily blocking that terrifying ray of light. Despite that,as light and heat continued to gather on the barrier, a small indentation started to form and was quickly increasing in size.

  The radiant knight held his hand over the gaping hole on his stomach while using the other hand to muster as much runic energy as he could. He stumbled backwards with all his strength, as if he was trying to escape from the attacking range of the light ray.

  Greem adjusted the direction of the light in his hands with much difficulty, trying his best to place the focal point of the light on the knight. Unfortunately, this attack was an application of fire planar laws that he had just recently thought of. His use of it was extremely ungainly and controlling it was very difficult. Thus, the range of the attack was a pathetic twenty meters. Blazing Light had a great deal of trouble staying locked onto agile targets.

  Two spellbreaker knights charged forward on their magic colts as fast they could, trying to use their bodies to block that terrifying ray of light. They were quickly stopped by the Firelord, and a desperate fight of life and death quickly broke out between the three.

  Seeing that the enemy had almost escaped from his attack range, Greem could only wave his hand and disperse the Blazing Light. He had only been channeling Blazing Light for seven seconds, and already Greem's massive magma hands had been burnt black as char. Even Greem's body of flames could not endure such extreme heat!

  Moreover, his right hand was the one he had just regenerated from lava. Looking at the wounds from Blazing Light, he would probably have to find an opportunity to regenerate it again.

  Greem looked at the stumbling and retreating radiant knight, and a cold smile appeared on his ghastly, flaming face. The Scroll of Voodoo hanging on his waist silently flew into his hands and started flipping.

  Not a single one of the six instant-cast spells stored within the Scroll of Voodoo had been used from the start of battle until now. Was it not so that he could use it at a key moment? Now that there was a radiant knight's head hanging in the balance, would there be a moment more important than this?

  With no hesitation in his mind, the flipping pages of the Scroll of Voodoo finally stopped. A bright flame halo burst forth from the page.

  Fire Core Explosion!

  This single-target fire spell could be said to be the most powerful one amongst the spells Greem had mastered.

  Destructive fire elementium concentrated to their limits would suddenly explode on a spatial node, causing space to collapse and create an area of complete energy annihilation. All living beings caught within this area would suffer destructive and devastating fire energy damage. Initial estimates suggested that the fire elementium damage at the core of the explosion would reach a shocking 115 points.

  It was only because the radius of effect was only a mere one meter that it had been classified as a single target spell!

  The Fire Core Explosion did not explode on the body of the radiant knight, as he was still protection by his energy barrier. Instead, it blew up in front of the knight. Even so, the suddenly exploding spell had successfully annihilated the radiant knight's energy shield, catching his runic longsword and right arm in the destruction.

  The radiant knight howled in agony.

  The longsword, carved full of unique runic lines, started to let out black smoke. Some of the runes of the blade itself had even been destroyed by the powerful attack. The knight’s entire palm was bloody beyond belief, revealing the black and red tendons beneath, along with his pearl white bones.

  Hua hua hua…

  The pages continued to flip.

  Another magic halo surged forth from the Scroll of Voodoo.

  Explosive Flames!

  This was an area-of-effect spell that closely resembled the Scarlet Firestorm. However, the area covered by the Scarlet Firestorm was supremely massive, causing the fire damage within to be onl
y around 30 points. It was useful for clearing wide areas of a battlefield, but it wasn't much use against a powerful enemy. Explosive Flames was much more concentrated compared to the Scarlet Firestorm. Its radius was only five meters, but the damage within reached a shocking 70 points.

  This was extremely high damage that could cause dreadful wounds to most enemies!

  Without the protection of the energy barrier, the Explosive Flames successfully engulfed the radiant knight in its area-of-effect. A strange magic rune appeared beneath knight’s feet, and raging flame energies instantly devoured his form.

  The second spell had just been cast, yet Greem didn't even stop to observe its effects. With a slight nudge of his consciousness, the Scroll of Voodoo in his hands continued to flip.

  Doomsday Volcano!

  Fire Core Explosion!

  Meteor Shower!

  Greem activated five instant-cast spells from the Scroll of Voodoo in one go, one after another.

  As it was the most powerful spell he currently had, Greem had stored two instances of Fire Core Explosion beforehand. It it wasn't out of consideration for the varying circumstances he could face in the future that might call for different types of spells, Greem would most definitely have stored six Fire Core Explosions within the scroll!

  Even so, the activation of five powerful spells in one go had still brought about a terrifying nightmare for the radiant knight.

  It felt like five powerful fire adepts were attacking him simultaneously at that moment. Moreover, it was as if it were five of the cruelest and savage adepts that were attacking him.

  The excessively rich fire elementium concentrated in a narrow area had severely destroyed the elementium balance there. The scorching heat and terrifying elementium fires gave him the illusion that he was trapped in a plane of pure fire elementium.

  Even a mountain of metal would melt into a pool of liquid under the assault of such powerful fire spells. How much better could a radiant knight with a body of blood and flesh fare!


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