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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 238

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  Witches continuously fell to the curses of the mysterious girl. Everyone started to have to worry about their own lives. At this point, Alice had no choice but to expose the powerful offensive abilities of the spider golem, even if she wanted to hide it from the other witches.

  As such, the mysterious girl finally turned her sights to Alice's spider golem.

  Chapter 372 An Uphill Battle

  "Everything that defies nature is fated to be abandoned by nature!"

  The girl's voice was crisp and clear. The prophecy she had cast was direct and straightforward.

  The array trembled when she spoke the prophecy. Large amounts of rainbow light separated from the array and dispersed into the air. As the host of this prophecy, the mysterious girl also seemed to have been affected by this spell that had exceeded the limits of fate. She couldn't help but cough out blood.

  Still, the prophecy took effect. The spider golem that had been chasing after the mysterious girl and bombarding her with plasma was suddenly restrained by the strange lights spreading out in the air. The very next moment, the five-meter-tall, nine-meter-long, three hundred ton heavy spider golem and its large body forged from physical and magical resistant alloy instantly deconstructed!

  In the blink of an eye, the powerful and mighty beast had exploded and disassembled into scraps and bits of scattered metallic parts. The metallic constructs and elements remained suspended in the air for two seconds before clattering as they hit the ground.

  Alice, who had been safe in her metal cabin, suddenly sat on a pile of metal. She covered her head and screamed as the rain of metal parts pelted her.

  Goblin-make pistons, Z-50 magic replenishing devices, elastic cushions, neuron springs, thought enlargement discs, agile deflector discs, force barrier generators, and all sorts of magical gemstones and strange components of various shapes and purposes fell.

  Alice even saw the Eyes of Petrification, the red gemstones and parts of the Fel Cannon, in the rain of parts.

  These things might have been able to threaten the mysterious girl when combined. However, now that they had been completely disassembled, they were just useless 'trash.'

  Fortunately, Alice's energy flux was faint. One look and the girl could tell that Alice was not a combatant that could threaten her life. The mysterious girl flew over her head and didn't stop to waste another of her frightening prophecies on the harmless witch.

  The group of witches fighting the mysterious girl started to falter in their cooperation now that the powerhouses among them had been crippled. Their firepower had collapsed, and everyone was at risk of death. They all wanted to try their best and use all they had to kill this annoying person, but they were also fearful of their powerful attacks drawing the attention of the girl.

  Judging from the way the battle had gone so far, none of the people here were the match of the mysterious girl. If she seriously wanted someone dead, there was nothing anyone could do to stop her!

  In a matter of fifteen minutes, the girl has reduced the passionate group of witches to two or three people. Apart from Alice, Sofia, and Snowlotus, everyone else had died at the hands of the mysterious girl. Their bodies burned to ashes, and rainbow light emerged from their bodies for the array to absorb.

  A massive ball of light two meters in diameter had gathered at the core of the magical array. It spun around and glowed brilliantly. Dense, deep aura of fate radiated from the ball. Everyone saw it very clearly. Some clusters of prismatic light occasionally floated towards the array and were silently absorbed into the ball through several magical lines.

  This was the advancement ceremony of the Witch of Fate!

  Anyone who managed to step into the array and absorb the powers of fate gathered within would become the next Witch of Fate.

  However, the witch that was hosting the ceremony would enter a vulnerable state where her soul would leave her body. It was effortless for other competitors to interrupt the ritual. The safest method to deal with this was to kill off all the other competitors and exterminate all possible danger.

  And that was what the mysterious girl was planning!

  The Tower of Fate was sealed shut right now. The laws of fate crushed all the competitors that had not managed to make it to the Tower of Fate in time and turned them into pure energy. This substance was then brought back to the array by the powers of Fate. Of course, their spiritual consciousness and souls were also disintegrated into nutrition to strengthen the new Witch of Fate further!

  There were no more candidates left in the outside world. All of them had turned into the energy in the ball of light. On the other hand, the only surviving candidates in the Tower were the four witches here.

  The mysterious girl, Sofia, Snowlotus and Alice were the last ones.

  The mysterious girl was undoubtedly the most powerful amongst them. All the other witches were dead; dead, and part of the clump of light floating in the array. All because of this girl's bloody and cruel prophecies.

  Sofia was completely blinded. She could still fight, but she had to chase after the mysterious girl like a clumsy bear. She had smashed the floor to pieces, yet she hadn't even managed to touch the girl.

  The mysterious girl had severely suppressed Snowlotus' ferocious firepower. Any spell that required chants and hand signs were impossible to cast. Every time she tried to channel a large scale spell, she would be interrupted by a simple spell from the girl. 'Headache,' 'stomachache,' 'Mute,' and all sorts of other curses.

  If it weren't for Snowlotus' resilient Spirit and the various spiritual defense tools she had on her, she would probably have been tortured and reduced to a terrible state! Pissing herself would have been the least of her troubles.

  In comparison, Alice hadn't received any attacks at all.

  She had been the most powerful among the three favored ones. She had the Infernal Tyrant for offense and the spider golem as her bodyguard. Together, they were enough to even hold off both Snowlotus and Sofia at once.

  But what now?

  The Infernal Tyrant had been banished from the World of Adepts. It was going to be a long time before he returned. The spider golem had also been dismantled into a pile of components and spare parts by a single terrifying prophecy from the mysterious girl. The only price she had paid for this was a cough of blood.

  Without these two guards, Alice was reduced to her original state. The witch candidate with no combat ability apart from 'Divination Arts.' If it weren't because of a few offensive magic scrolls she had prepared, she would be a harmless baby sitting on the sidelines.

  The power demonstrated by the girl had been more than enough to crush the entire group of witches. Unless a miracle happened, every single one of the three remaining candidates was going to die!

  Holding anything back at this moment of life and death was a foolish decision!

  The three witches quickly communicated in secret.

  "Quick! Use whatever means you still have in hiding! Do you guys intend to take your tricks to your graves?" Alice roared in her panic, "My Infernal Tyrant will be able to break free from the banishment in another ten minutes, but I definitely can't hang on until then. Left, left. Ten meters away from you."

  Alice didn't forget to give the coordinates of the enemy to Sofia even as she grumbled.

  "This goddamned bitch only knows how to dodge. I can't catch up to her at all. Sofia hadn't managed to even brush an inch of the girl's skin ever since the start of the fight. It was undoubtedly a tremendous humiliation for a berserk witch that excelled at close combat. She was furious, "Think of a way, quick! Even if you make me die along with that bastard, I'll do it!"

  "I have an organ transplant scroll over here. I can give you one of my eyes. It is an external insertion spell and won't be affected by your magic resistance." Snowlotus trembled as she floated in the sky. She used all her powers to discharge ice shards and frost breaths at the girl. She yelled even as she fought.

  Her personality might have been cold and reserved, but
that girl had also incited a rage within her. She was willing to risk everything just to bring the girl down.

  "No! You can't afford to lose any more of your combat ability!" Alice interrupted, "I'm the most useless one right now. Pass the scroll to me. I'll give Sofia my eye. She's the only one who can help us take revenge!"

  "Hurry up! I can tell she's heading your way." Sofia furiously roared as she chased after the girl.

  The three mortal enemies had now given up all their hostilities under the pressure of a common enemy. They were wholeheartedly thinking of the team and the team only.

  Snowlotus took out a scroll filled with ancient patterns and threw it to Alice. She then gritted her teeth and flew even higher into the air. The barrage of ice shards intensified and turned into a storm of hail. For the moment, Snowlotus had managed to stall the enemy in place.

  Sofia also waved her staff and forced the girl away as she ran towards Alice.

  The abnormality of the three witches had drawn the suspicion of the mysterious girl. She immediately became alert when she saw Snowlotus throw an unknown scroll to Alice, while Sofia also mobilized towards Alice's location.

  The girl applied a barrier of ice immunity upon herself using her prophecies and quickly lunged towards Alice.

  It didn't matter what they were planning. These three couldn't be allowed to succeed!

  Alice looked at the two people hurrying towards her and snapped the scroll in half without any hesitation. She had a determined expression on her face. The moment the magical energies surged through her body, Alice clenched her teeth and used her fingers to pluck her right eye out of its socket. She threw it to Sofia.

  The intense pain was unbearable for Alice, but at this moment, pain counted for nothing!

  The swiftly approaching girl instantly understood their plan. A sinister smile appeared on her face. She lifted her hand and pointed it at the eyeball flying through the air.


  A slim shape appeared right in the direction she was pointing when she spoke her prophecy aloud.

  The next second, Snowlotus was sent flying through the air. A gaping hole had been blasted through her abdomen. A fountain of blood splashed everywhere.

  Sofia could clearly 'see' everything happening around her using her Spiritual senses.

  She caught Alice's eyeball and stuffed it into her empty eye socket. Thousands of flesh tendrils as thin as hairs immediately grew forth and attached themselves to the eye once it entered Sofia's eye socket.

  A short moment later.

  Like a brilliant sun slashing through the curtain of night, the darkness was swept away, and the long-awaited light once again filled Sofia's vision.

  Chapter 373 A Bloody Battle

  Sofia looked at Alice.

  A gaping, bloody hole had appeared on the small face of the little girl. Blood continuously flowed out from Alice's eye socket. Half of her face and body had been stained red.

  From a distance, Alice looked just like a doll that had broken from excessive play.

  She was still smiling sweetly at Sofia!

  Sofia spun around with her massive body, and the first thing she saw was a falling shape.

  A massive hole had been blasted into the person's snow white skin. An ice shield orbiting her had shattered into ice powder. Flakes of ice mixed with the blood that had splashed everywhere and bloody snow fell from the sky like blossoming flowers.

  All the damage from her previous encounters, along with this grievous wound, was too much for Snowlotus to endure with her frail body.

  The aura of life started to fade from her delicate and flawless body. A flicker of the fire of fate appeared above her heart and quickly spread throughout her body.

  When Snowlotus fell from the sky, the mysterious girl was exposed to Sofia's sight.

  The Berserk Witch raised her head and let out a heartbreaking roar. She threw the wooden staff in her hand with all her strength and then lunged towards the girl.

  The mysterious girl was utterly indifferent about Snowlotus' death. She directed her attention towards the berserk Sofia. A mocking smile appeared on her emotionless face when she saw the berserk witch launch an attack from such distance.

  She ignored the hatred and anger of the few ants crawling before her.

  After all, she was the spiritual projection of a high-grade witch. She couldn't care less about the feelings of such low-class creatures. So what if they were performing above their limits? If it weren't because of this pathetic body, she would have been able to crush these witches with the flip of her palm. She was just too powerful and understood too much about using the power of Fate.

  A berserk ant was still an ant. What could happen? Should she worry about the ant turning into a beast to bite her?

  The mysterious girl floated to one side and avoided the wooden staff. She lifted a finger and pointed it at the charging Sofia.

  It was just a warrior that only knew how to use her raw strength to knock things around. She could kill her in one go!

  However, before she could start speaking her prophecies, the wooden staff that had passed by her suddenly morphed into a serpent covered in dark green scales. It extended its body and quickly wrapped itself around the girl.

  This sudden change shocked the mysterious girl!

  Everyone present was a candidate of fate. It was nearly impossible for them to predict each other's actions using their premonitions. This blind spot was why this sudden turn of events had caught the scheming girl by surprise.

  The serpent that had transformed from the staff was a strange magical creature. It started to strangle and bite the girl after its thick body had coiled around her. Sadly, the mysterious aura around the girl was tougher than any shields and barriers. The snake's venomous fangs could not even reach the girl's soft skin.

  The amount of time bought by the barrier was more than enough for the girl to chant three words. 'Burn To Ashes.'

  These were three simple words, but there was an astounding amount of power in them. The serpent hissed in pain as a fire kindled on and within its body. Black smoke was even coming out from the gaps between its scales.

  The wounded serpent frantically twisted its body. The girl took the opportunity to break free of its hold.

  The first thing she saw was an iron fist rapidly expanding before her eyes.


  The prophecy that she cast on the spot hadn't managed to gather enough power. Still, it perfectly blocked Sofia's furious punch.


  A translucent light barrier appeared between Sofia's fist and the girl's nose. It was as thin as a cicada's wing, yet it was as resilient as the hardest metal in the world. Sofia's iron fist was bleeding and tearing from the tremendous impact of her punch, but the barrier remained undamaged. Apart from a slight indentation, it was completely intact.

  However, the indentation of the barrier had allowed the girl's nose to be lightly hit. The girl felt a slight pain on her nose.

  Goddamned ant...

  The girl took one step backward and rubbed her nose. She cursed Sofia in her heart with the most malicious insults she could muster.

  The Spiritual Projection's consciousness might have just come into existence and was not all that intelligent. However, the immense pride in her heart caused the mysterious girl to feel a genuine hatred and disgust for these ants that had tarnished her dignity.

  Perhaps it was okay to exhaust a little of the powers of Fate in the array to crush these ants as soon as possible. However, the powers of Fate were the foundation to her climb to dominance once more. She honestly felt a little upset at wasting them on these ants.

  The light barrier surrounding her trembled as the mysterious girl hesitated.

  The Berserk Witch had no intention of giving up. She continued to pummel the barrier with all she had.

  If fists weren't enough, then I'll use my legs. If my legs aren't enough, then I'll use my head!

  Sofia bashed the barrier repeatedly as i
f she had gone completely mad. Blood splashed everywhere every time she hit the shield.

  The flesh on her fists had utterly torn apart. Her white finger bones were visible beneath the bloody pulp. Her forehead had also been bashed against the barrier so much that it was bruised black and green. In fact, the skin on her forehead had started to tear as well. Yet, it was almost as if Sofia didn't feel any of this happening. She continued to punch, kick, and headbutt the barrier without hesitation.

  Every attack she launched caused mysterious energy to surge across the barrier. The sharper and more ferocious her attacks, the quicker the mysterious energy was exhausted.

  A visible crack started to appear on the previously impenetrable barrier.

  The speed at which the energy repaired the barrier clearly lagged behind the pace at which Sofia caused damage.


  Alice screamed and ran towards the girl with a dagger in her hand. At this point in the battle, she had used up all her scrolls, potions, and magical tools. The only thing she could do was use her blood, flesh, and life to exhaust this accursed barrier!

  Alice waved her dagger and started to stab the transparent barrier with all her might.

  Dammit! These two ants have gone insane…

  The mysterious girl had no time to think about the potential consequences of her actions. She immediately raised her hand and prepared to draw power from the array to protect herself.

  A loud and resounding crack echoed through the room. The barrier had shattered!

  The next second, Sofia's utterly broken and bleeding fists landed on the girl's jaw.

  An even louder crack rang out.

  The mysterious girl's eyes opened wide. Shock, anger, and disbelief were painted on her face as she was blown away with a detached jaw. Sofia's other hand grabbed onto the girl's right leg before her body could fly away. Sofia pulled with her hand.

  Her bloody forehead increased in size before the frightened gaze of the mysterious girl.



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