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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 281

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  She was already eighteen years old and yet she was still a beginner apprentice. This information was more than enough to prove that her innate potential was terrible. The resources used to cultivate a beginner apprentice like this would be more than enough to develop three to five apprentices with exceptional talent.

  Meryl had picked up an unnecessary burden for herself!

  As a newly advanced adept herself, she didn't have many resources in her reserves. Not to mention the fact that she had a whole bunch of subordinate clan apprentices that required cultivation and training. Now Kodar's sister from a different mother was added to the equation. This massive burden would most likely delay Meryl's own plans for improvement and development.

  Greem didn't approve of Meryl's actions. However, he thought for a while and still sent a message to Snorlax and Gargamel. He had them increase Meryl's resource allowance by a little bit.

  She was a member of Greem's faction, after all. If Greem wanted to maintain their relationship, he needed to provide her with practical benefits like cheaper resources and free guidance. There had to be something more than their simple relationship as teacher and disciple. This assistance would also help her save more resources and use them in strengthening and improving herself.

  It was the same for any other adept that Greem wanted to draw into his faction. Consequently, the costs of gathering a group of people were far higher than an outsider could ever imagine.

  Just a simple example: why were so many apprentices willing to accept harsh magical contracts so that they could join an adept clan or organization?

  It was all so that they could obtain resource allowances and a free advancement ceremony when they reached pseudo-adept level. If one were to convert the price of an advancement ceremony and all its required materials to magical crystals, it would cost a minimum of ten thousand magical crystals.

  A wandering pseudo-adept would probably need more than seven or eight years to accumulate that many crystals on their own. Furthermore, most of the resources required for the ceremony were not sold on the market. The adept clans had monopolized all of them.

  This complication further increased the difficulty of preparing for an advancement ceremony!

  Many wandering adepts who were forced into a corner had no choice but to break into the resource sites of an established clan, all so they could steal some rare resources they couldn't manage to find on the market. Many were killed during such reckless acts.

  That was also how the hatred between wandering adepts and clans came to be.

  Sabrina arrived to report something while Greem was spacing out over this issue.

  Yuri and Morse had come again!

  This was probably the twelfth time they had visited him in the past five days!

  Judging from their expressions every time they came, the situation at the front line was growing ever more desperate. The victims had only been servants and guards in the past. However, in the last two days, the list of victims had increased to include apprentices.

  In just two days, two intermediate apprentices had gone missing from the Iron Ring Mine, along with an advanced apprentice. The Second Class resource site had also lost an intermediate apprentice.

  The disappearance of these people was bizarre. No signs of fighting could be found at the scene. It was almost as if they had snuck out of their rooms, then walked out of the defensive array of their own accord.

  Greem had an idea about what was going on here, but he didn't reveal anything to these 'subordinates' of his. After all, he had no means of ascertaining who he could trust in these dire circumstances. For the sake of secrecy, Greem decided not to see anyone. Instead, he had Sabrina make them leave every single time.

  The two apprentice captains sat anxiously in the hall on the first floor. They repeatedly raised their heads and looked at the door.

  Despair and anger appeared on their faces when they saw only Sabrina walk in with no trace of Adept Greem.

  Once, they had viewed the great and famous Sir Flame Demon as an idol of theirs. But now…

  "Sir Greem is busy with his experiments. He doesn't have the time to see you now," Sabrina paused for a moment, her red mechanical eye flashing, "He wants me to tell you that this is only a harassment tactic employed by the enemy. As long as you… "

  "Harassment, harassment," Yuri, who was suffering the most pressure, was the first to snap, "All of the apprentices have already moved into the same room to prevent the enemy from attacking, yet we still can't stop apprentices from disappearing. Protecting the Iron Ring Mine might be my duty, but Sir Greem has to share part of the responsibility as well. If Sir still refuses to come out, we will have to ask for help from the clan."

  Yuri turned and left without even looking at Sabrina's expression.

  Apprentice Captain Morse also sighed before silently walking out with his head hung low.

  Greem stood by the shadow of a narrow window in the higher levels of the tower, quietly watching the departing silhouettes of the two apprentices. He silently spoke to the chip.

  "Chip, how long until the data model is done?"

  "Beep. 36 hours, 49 minutes, 52 seconds."

  If Greem were to include the time required to craft the golem, this meant that he would need at least another forty-eight hours before he could take any action.

  Greem narrowed his eyes. The chilling gleam in the depths of his eyes became even sharper and resolute.

  Chapter 444 Surging Undercurrents

  Feidnan City, Adept's Tower.

  Meryl stormed out of Adept Fügen's laboratory with anger painted all over her face.

  Lessons started today. Groups of apprentices rushed to the arcane hall with books in their arms. They hastily moved aside and bowed when they saw Adept Meryl walking down the corridor.

  If this were any other time, Meryl would have returned their greetings with a warm smile. However, her mood today was horrible. She had no extra goodwill with which to maintain the smile on her face as she stomped and returned to her room.

  Meryl's unusual behavior caught the attention of the apprentices. They started chatting and gossiping about her once she had walked away.

  Most of the apprentice adepts knew nothing about the situation, but there were some smart and sly individuals among them. They might not have seen anything happen with their own eyes, or even heard of any related news, but they are still able to piece together the whole matter based on clues and hints hidden all over the place.

  You couldn't help but be impressed by how confidently and vividly they described an incident that they had only pieced together based on rumors. Sometimes, size and strength didn't matter when it came to schemers; plotting and conspiring against others was a craft of its own!

  Adept Keoghan, who was lecturing today, arrived at the end of the corridor as the apprentices chattered and talked.

  "It's almost time for the lecture. What are you lot still gathering here for? Go to your classes."

  The apprentices scattered when Keoghan reprimanded them with a mean look. They bowed and left.

  Once all the apprentices had left, Keoghan let out a sigh before slowly walking to the arcane hall.

  As a core adept of the clan, he might not be the strongest adept, but he was undoubtedly one of the most loyal. He knew very well the tensions between Greem and the elders, but there was nothing he could do.

  Keoghan was one of the adepts who had the most contact with Greem. He was incredibly impressed by Greem's intelligence, strategies, and combat prowess. The other two adepts that had advanced along with him were talented individuals as well; Bloody Sorceress Mary and Evil Bugs Acteon. If those two hadn't chosen to stay in the other plane, they would probably enjoy as widespread a reputation as Greem.

  If the clan could keep a tight rein on all three of these newly advanced adepts, the clan's future expansion and strengthening would be a certainty. Furthermore, if Lady Sanazar could advance to Fourth Grade within the next hundred years during this, the Saru
bo Clan would even have a chance to take the next step. They could rise to become one of the rare, large-sized clans on the Continent.

  When that happened, the clan would possess a permanent seat in the Zhentarim Association. They would no longer be pawns and subordinates of a more prominent organization.

  Unfortunately, powerful adepts often held lofty ambitions!

  All signs pointed towards the fact that Adept Greem was unwilling to remain bound to the Sarubo Clan. Even though he had signed a hundred-year contract with Lord Sarubo, his actions were clearly those of a man trying to lay a path for himself.

  This insubordination would undoubtedly attract the dissatisfaction and oppression of the clan's higher-ups.

  Keoghan received countless reports about everything happening in Gilneas City on a daily basis. He had a clear picture of the situation there. It was a nightmarish swamp that could devour anyone, regardless of how much of a genius they were. Moreover, it was a swamp that had been created by the elders, intentionally or otherwise.

  It didn't matter whether Greem took the bait and fell into the web of conspiracy. What awaited him would still be the reprimands and punishments that the elders had already prepared.

  If the Aki Clan caught him, the Sarubo Clan would take full advantage of the situation and have him ransomed publicly. In doing so, the image of power and might that Greem had so painstakingly created would fall apart.

  This embarrassment would be more than enough to extinguish his thoughts and ambitions about starting a force and faction of his own.

  If he didn't fall into the trap and became caught, then Gilneas City would fall into complete chaos and disarray. When that happened, Greem would face the punishment of the clan. A single accusation of cowardice in battle would be enough grounds to pass harsh judgment upon him. So severe, in fact, that Greem would still be reeling from the consequences for decades to come.

  No one was willing to throw away a powerful subordinate like Greem. However, they couldn't let him do as he liked. That was why necessary suppression was required at times. Still, the degree of oppression and bullying had to be kept to an appropriate level. Otherwise, it was likely to exaggerate further any resentment that was present in the first place.

  Keoghan didn't have to be present to figure out what Meryl had gone to Adept Fügen for. He could also tell what Fügen's reply was judging from Meryl's response. Still, he didn't agree with Adept Fügen's rough and crass way of handling this situation.

  Since Meryl couldn't bear seeing her teacher in that situation, and had actively requested to join him in Gilneas City, there was no reason not to allow her to go. It would at least decrease any resentment that Greem might have about the clan not sending any reinforcements!

  As a newly advanced adept, Meryl had little to no combat experience. She might even turn into a burden for Greem if she went there, rather than being any help. Why should they deny Meryl when it wouldn't turn the situation around?

  Sadly, Adept Fügen was far too conservative and stubborn. He only knew how to execute Lady Sanazar's orders to the letter. He didn't know how to be more flexible in handling matters. In doing so, wouldn't they be reaffirming the rumors that the clan was intentionally suppressing Greem and his faction?

  If that was the case, was it possible for Greem to stifle his ambitions, even if they did manage to teach him a lesson?

  No. Resentment would likely be his most dominant reaction!


  Adept Keoghan shook his head and walked away as he silently contemplated.


  Gilneas City.

  If Feidnan City were said to have surging undercurrents, then Gilneas City would be submerged deep in boiling waters!

  The apprentices stationed at the Second Class resource site and the Iron Ring Mine had all retreated to the stone tower. However, this didn't include Greem's four disciples. Even the apprentice captains had suffered losses. Only Yuri had managed to return. Morse, who had been guarding the resource site, had gone missing along with the fall of the resource site.

  A small box returned to the tower with the apprentices. Within the box was a person's bloody severed hand. The apprentices confirmed that this likely belonged to one of Greem's apprentice disciples.

  These apprentice disciples didn't have close emotional ties with Greem. He wouldn't shed a tear if all them were killed. Still, this blatant act of disrespect and disdain angered him deeply.

  Greem still didn't mention anything regarding 'vengeance' or 'payback,' despite all that had happened. He met the apprentices and assuaged their worries before returning to the second level of the stone tower.

  The apprentices stared at Greem's departing form and started complaining as they laid in the hall, injured and wounded. Some with more fiery tempers even began mumbling beneath their breath, "Flame Demon, Flame Demon... heh...."

  Sabrina remained calm while she treated their wounds as if she hadn't realized what they were saying. However, the young Billis could not tolerate this any longer. He started refuting them furiously, "Sir Greem has his own difficulties. This is all a conspiracy and scheme of the enemy's. What good is there for all of you to complain like this?"

  "Conspiracy? What conspiracy? From start to finish, only a single water adept crushed every single one of us. We never saw any other adepts," Pseudo-Adept Yuri was the one to reply. He was also to only one who had the rights and qualifications to talk down to Billis, "The enemy only sent one adept. If Sir Greem were willing to take a stand, we would never have lost the resource site and the mine."


  "You, you, you," Several of the apprentices that had lost limbs in the previous battles were going to have to spend a lot of crystals to regenerate them. Consequently, there were in no amicable mood either, "What have you done while we were fighting with the enemy on the frontline?"

  "Yea! We should just send him to the resource site, see what he can say about it."

  "You don't dare to fight with the enemy, and you stand here scolding us. Hmph!”

  Billis' face flushed red as he faced all the insults by the apprentices. He could only try and argue for his idol, "Sir Greem is not the kind of person you think he is. He will find a way. Just wait."

  "Wait, wait, and wait. We've already lost the mine and the resource site! What are we waiting for?"

  Sabrina lightly set down the healing potions in her hands. She stood up and looked at everyone with her cold mechanical eye. Once everyone had shut up, she dragged Billis along with her and exited the hall.

  "Sabrina, don't tell me you believe their words? Do you think Sir Greem is that kind of person? Someone who would fear a fight?" Billis was still upset and couldn't help but raise the question.

  Sabrina didn't turn back to look at him. She let go of Billis and walked towards the spiral staircase.

  She stopped in front of the stone staircase and spoke, almost as if she was replying and telling herself at the same time, "They are adepts!" Having said that, Sabrina walked away without looking back.

  "Adepts? What about adepts?" Billis didn't comprehend: "What is it? Do adepts think differently from us?"

  Unfortunately, no one could give his question a reply.


  The commotion downstairs couldn't escape Greem's spiritual senses.

  He could ignore the resentment and anger of the apprentices, but it wasn't like he felt none of it!

  The Aki adepts were too radical in their actions. They were even willing to forcefully take over resource sites to force him out of hiding. It was important to note that war hadn't been declared yet, even though tensions were high! Taking over property without declaring war was a major taboo!

  If the Sarubo Clan were willing to lose face over the theft of their resource sites and report the incident to the Zhentarim Association, the Aki Clan would have to pay a hefty price. Of course, if the Sarubo did so, they would practically be announcing their weakness and frailty to the entire Zhentarim area; that th
ey were so incapable of fighting off the enemy's advances that they had to ask for external intervention.

  It would undoubtedly be a massive blow to the Sarubo's reputation!

  That was why the enemy's reckless and fearless actions had forced Greem into a corner. Fury and hatred bubbled within him.

  "Chip, how much longer for the data model?" There was a harshness and severity to his tone this time.

  "Beep. 7 hours, 23 minutes, 15 seconds."

  Greem slammed his fist against the walls with all his strength and let out a wicked smile as he gritted his teeth, "I'll let you guys run wild for one more day."

  Chapter 445 Dominating Appearance

  Second Class Resource Site.

  As a mysterious area controlled by the Sarubo Clan, this place had plenty of magical plants.

  For the adepts, these adder's tongue, dog stinkhorns, bloodveils, ancient lichen, nightmare seeds, plagueblooms, giant-eye flowers, human-faced mushrooms, bloodsucking vines, man-eating flowers, and more were no more than exotic plants with very few magical properties. Cultivating them was only an act to procure necessary enchanting materials.

  However, for the mortals near the resource sites, these magical plants were all monsters that slaughtered without remorse. Apart from their lack of mobility, they were just as dangerous as the magical creatures in the Black Forest. Even the apprentice adepts in the resource site had to rely on the powerful arrays left behind by adepts to trap and contain these things before harvesting them.

  Any lapse in concentration could spell death for them. That was why the lowest level of worker in a resource site had to be an apprentice adept. Ordinary mortals had no chance of survival.

  The reason most resource sites were located in rural areas was to ensure that disaster didn't happen. If something went wrong with the defensive arrays and individual magical plants managed to escape, it would spell catastrophe for the human settlements nearby.

  Extreme examples of this had occurred in the history of the Continent of Adepts.

  A leakage crisis had happened in the laboratory of an adept clan. A specially cultivated magical plant took the opportunity of the defensive array being offline to turn its main body into a small spore, before proceeding to escape. It then polluted and took over a human town. The entire population of one thousand people turned into terrifying sporeloks without any sense of self.


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