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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 323

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  Some of the more impulsive goblin mechanics wanted to charge forward immediately, but their captain stopped them.

  Their mission was to guard the cabin entrance and stop the evil adept from breaking through. If they went up to engage the enemy, there was a risk that a new enemy would slip into the cabin. That would directly threaten the safety of Prince Lord Gazlowe.

  The squad captain held back his squad members and had them stand out in a row before the entrance of the cabin. They got into defensive formation and silently waited for reinforcements.

  Commander Toltoy had already received a report when the enemy set foot on the flying ship. At the moment, people were scrambling inside the vessel. In another three to five minutes, a large group of magical machines would be able to swarm out and drown this evil adept with their terrifying numbers.

  Greem stopped advancing after reaching the middle of the front deck. Instead, he looked around him. An intimidating smile appeared on his flame-shrouded face.

  "Gas masks? Your reaction speed is pretty fast, isn't it!?"

  Greem could see leather masks covering the faces of all the burned goblin corpses on the ground. He was smart enough to figure out their purpose without too much thought.

  It seemed the Poison Halo that Endor had cast during the day had utterly terrified the goblins. They only dared to teleport explosive chickens to bombard the adepts until they could equip all their soldiers with gas masks. Sending actual combatants to the adepts was entirely out of the question.

  After a little bit of banter, Greem waved the Blaze of Destruction in his hand. A massive Meteor Shower and Demonic Wall of Fire exploded with the cabin entrance at the center!

  Spells with such vast reach were impossible to intercept. Thus, the seven magical machines started burning. They screamed, yelled, and struggled to escape the radius of the spell, after which they finally managed to extinguish the flames on them.

  What they hadn't expected was the terrifying Flame Demon not taking advantage of the opportunity to rush into the cabin. Instead, the adept took a few steps backward and shouted at the skies, "Hold back that goblin for me!"

  The intensity of the flames around the Flame Demon increased even further. The crimson flames turned a golden yellow as extreme elementium flames gathered in the hands of the Flame Demon. He pressed his hands into the metal deck beneath his feet.

  Initially, a layer of colorful lights appeared on the surface of the metal deck, barely resisting the effects of the blazing fire. However, as a surge of strange runic powers corroded the insides of the metal, the metal deck could no longer hold together. It shattered.

  The second layer of the metallic deck was exposed after the first layer had shattered. It was an alchemical alloy creation with entirely different traits and hardness.

  Unfortunately, much like the first layer, the metallic deck had an exceptional performance in everything except magic resistance. Soon, the second metal deck eroded as well.

  The third layer was revealed.

  The magical machines guarding the cabin entrance flew into a frenzy when they saw the flame demon attacking the metal deck with all he had. It seemed the monster wanted to burn an opening into the interior of the ship.

  A barrage of metal bullets crashed against Greem's Magma Shield like an unrelenting storm. Magma scattered and lava splashed, but the rounds did absolutely nothing to the heavily-defended adept.

  Three of the magical machines stormed forward.

  Just as they were midway to the Flame Demon, three rockets blazing with a trail of spiraling fire shot down from the skies and hit them on the backs.

  A small magic energy storm appeared, and the three magical machines immediately collapsed to the ground without any warning. It was as if they were toys that had their batteries taken out of them.

  Magic Energy Bomb!

  The goblin mechanics in the four machines that had stayed by the entrance opened their mouths wide. They couldn't believe their own eyes. That...that was the newest magic energy weapon that the superiors had just handed over to them. How was it that the weapons had become accomplices of the enemy before the goblins had gotten a chance to use them?

  The four machines quickly gathered together and raised their black gun barrels. They looked around them cautiously for any commotion. Energy shield, gas mask, energy goggles, energy spectrometer; the goblins activated all their auxiliary equipment, ensuring they were completely protected.

  After hiding so long in the darkness, Tigule could no longer hold back. Greem was almost about to break through the metallic decks. Tigule strode forward as his three-meter tall Metallic Goblin charged towards the Flame Demon like a valiant knight. The Metallic Goblin thrust the metal dagger in its hand towards Greem's throat.

  The odd laughter of a girl rang out in the air.

  Two metallic appendages stabbed out of nowhere, their tips sharp as the finest of daggers.

  Mechanical Adept Sabrina finally showed herself entirely. Eight metallic appendages as thick as a thumb waved about her body like the tentacles of a squid. They formed a defensive line of metal and steel, obstructing Tigule's path.

  Sabrina couldn't help but grimace in pain after only two or three exchanges.

  A Metallic Goblin that had some semblance of Second Grade power was not something a First Grade mechanical adept like herself could stop. Two of her metallic appendages had been severed in a mere three seconds. Her own body might have been damaged if she hadn't activated a Goblin Rocket at close range to scare Tigule away.

  At this point, Greem had managed to use his terrifying hand of flames to break through the five layers of the metallic deck. He succeeded in opening up a bowl-sized hole that penetrated straight into the inside of the ship.

  Greem didn't just enter the hole thoughtlessly. Instead, he first raised his head and took a deep breath.

  The breath he took was so deep and massive that it caused a small natural storm in the air.

  He waited until his body of flames had expanded to its limits before bending down and blowing all the fire energy in his body straight into the opening.

  Out of nowhere, a hot breeze filled with the smell of sulfur and fire blew across the interior of the ship. An unstoppable stream of fire ravaged every inch of space inside the flying ship.

  Such pure fire energy could hardly threaten the goblin mechanics hiding inside their magical machines, especially spread across the massive area inside the ship. However, apart from the almost four hundred goblin mechanics, there were still thousands of ordinary goblin engineers, alchemists, and other technicians aboard the vessel, along with many goblin soldiers.

  Those people lacked the protection of a magical machine. What awaited them was death by magical fire if they failed to hide in an enclosed space before the stream of flames reached them.

  This move by Greem was savage and sinister!

  He had wholly avoided those pesky magical machines and targeted the unprotected ordinary goblins. Moreover, there were plenty of goblin technicians on this ship!

  The flying ship trembled slightly and a deafening explosion echoed inside the ship.

  It seemed Greem's attack had triggered some equipment at the core of the ship. The entire vessel started to go out of control.

  "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!" Hidden in his secret room, Gazlowe smashed the monitoring lens in his hand and cursed over and over.

  Commander Toltoy's furious voice rang out from the horn in front of Gazlowe, "Lord Gazlowe, this isn't good. External energies have intruded on the space furnace we hastily installed. It's already… it's already gone out of control."

  Gazlowe had always treasured his own life. He couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine when he heard Toltoy's words. He calmed down and solemnly said, "Can the space furnace still be saved?"

  Toltoy's crying yell rang out from the horn, "We can't save it anymore. The great engineers are trying their best to salvage it right now. They say…they say that the space furnace will only last
another three minutes before it explodes."

  Gazlowe shivered once more when he heard the word explode. He coldly answered, "Ignore those idiots. You come to secret room B512 immediately. We will teleport and leave this place as soon as possible. Remember, do not tell anyone else. Only five people can teleport away. I will wait two minutes for you. If you don't arrive in two minutes, then hmph! I will just take it that you've died for your country."

  "Wait for me, please. I'll be there as soon as I can."

  Toltoy's desperate screech rang out from the other end of the horn.

  One could hear the shouts of confusion and frantic footsteps in the background.

  The flying ship shook once more and slowly fell from the skies!

  Chapter 513 Spatial Vortex

  The flying ship was crashing!

  The massive ship was like a drunk, shaking and wavering from side to side. Blinding flames and debris occasionally blasted out from the side of the vessel, along with endless screaming figures.

  Mechanical Girl Sabrina dug her metallic appendages deep into the hull's metallic deck. At this point, the deck slanted sixty degrees. It was only then that she could free up her hands to grab Greem, who had exhausted all the energy in his body. Her remaining appendages continuously fired magic energy beams to keep the Metallic Goblin from approaching them.

  The move from earlier had taken everything out of Greem; every drop of his fire energy had been used up. Even though his Heart of Flames was continuously replenishing him with more power, it couldn't compare to the massive deficit he was experiencing. The meager amounts of new energy simply were not enough.

  Only Greem could dare to be so reckless and arrogant. If it had been Sabrina or Endor who had exhausted their energies, then what awaited them would be a long and endless journey of recovery. Even back in the World of Adepts, a Second Grade adept would require two to three days to recover after exhausting all of their strength. Here in the low-magic Goblin Plane, it might take up to half a month.

  If one were to factor in the pursuit of the goblins, they wouldn't be able to recover all of their energy after an entire month.

  Only Greem could so recklessly and fearlessly waste his energy due to his Heart of Flames perpetually providing him with pure fire energy. Otherwise, Greem wouldn't dare to take such massive risks and place himself in such a compromising position. He had lost all ability to threaten the enemy!

  The ringing sirens followed closely, one after another.

  Magical machines crashed through the hull and escaped from the cabin before frantically flying away from the ship. Greem could clearly see plenty of goblins clinging to all of the magical machines.

  This unnatural act of escape that the enemies were attempting was a clear hint to Greem.

  The flying ship had a space furnace hidden within it. If something happened to the space furnace, then things were troublesome!

  "Leave now. Don't delay any longer. I suspect the space furnace inside the ship has malfunctioned. Otherwise, the goblins wouldn't be in such a frenzy to escape." Greem quickly reminded Sabrina.

  His voice wasn't soft. It seemed he didn't mind letting that Metallic Goblin hear what he was saying.

  Unfortunately, the Metallic Goblin didn't seem to have heard what he said. It continued to rush forward while leaning against the slanted deck.

  Sabrina shouted and braced her legs against the deck. She then flew away from the flying ship with Greem in her arms. As she flew outwards, she continued to fire a web of magic energy beams with the miniaturized magic energy guns at the tips of her metallic appendages to obstruct the Metallic Goblin.

  A magic energy beam accidentally hit the Metallic Goblin, causing brilliant sparks to burst all over its metallic shell. Sabrina took advantage of the metallic goblin being disabled and fired two goblin rockets at the machine. The magic energy storm that exploded at close distance completely enveloped the Metallic Goblin.

  This time there was no way Tigule could turn the tables, regardless of how powerful he might be!

  The Metallic Goblin struggled slightly before crashing to the ground powerlessly.

  Sabrina saw that the metal goblin was a terrestrial magical machine; it had no flying device installed. If Tigule fell from this height of a thousand meters, he would be smashed into meat paste.

  Sabrina couldn't help but let out a joyful and chilling laugh when she thought of the terrible fate that this annoying enemy was about to face. Yet, just as she was flying outwards with Greem in her arms, a pretty little white flower suddenly bloomed in the sky below her.

  Goblin Parachute!

  Dammit! That bastard Tigule actually had something like that with him!

  Anger bubbled in Sabrina's heart. She dove downward and intended to finish the job. Greem patted her back lightly and pointed at the flying ship that was now crashing while spinning in a spiral pattern.

  Sabrina instantly forgot any grudges when the thought of the space furnace came to mind. She hugged Greem even more tightly, and the booster rockets behind her blasted with even more power. The two adepts rapidly glided towards the distance.

  A massive explosion that shook the heavens and earth rang from behind them when they were five kilometers away. A large, blinding fireball appeared on the distant horizon.

  The entire land suddenly turned from night to day.

  The harsh light and heat were like golden spears, creating ferocious gales as they shot in every direction. The winds hadn't yet reached them, but already Sabrina and Greem could feel a stinging pain on their bodies.

  Greem didn't even need to remind her. Sabrina took out everything she had and frantically flew away. As she flew, she dove down and used her bright mechanical eye to scan for a suitable hiding spot below.

  "There." Greem was much superior to Sabrina when it came to elementium senses and detection. Greem pointed at a hill nearby and had her fly there.

  There was no point and no time to argue at this moment.

  Sabrina descended without any hesitation and landed behind the hill.

  They had just landed when a sharp howling rang out. The savagely violent shockwaves from the explosion blew past the hill. All the trees and plants exposed atop the slope instantly snapped in half before being blown far away by the subsequent shockwaves.

  The fierce gale uprooted everything that stood out. Even the dirt of the hill and the vine plants that rested upon them were not spared. After the strong winds blew away all the soil and plants, hard stone was revealed beneath the earth.

  Judging from the brilliant shine of the rock's surface, the metallic composition of the hill's stone had to be very high. Moreover, this hill seemed to be one solid entity of its own that went as deep as a hundred meters underground. This kind of hardness made it impossible for the explosion in the distance to harm it, even if it were ten times stronger than this.

  Greem and Sabrina finally survived that explosion without much trouble thanks to the shelter of what remained of the hill. When the shockwaves started to die down, Greem climbed to the top of the reduced mountain and stared at the center of the explosion in the distance. His eyebrows furrowed together.

  Even though it hadn't even been fifteen minutes, the fire energy from the Heart of Flames had been enough to sustain Greem moving.

  "Are we not meeting up with Endor?" Sabrina arrived at Greem's side and watched the slowly dimming sun with him.

  "If I'm not wrong, the flying ship had already snapped into two halves before the explosion."


  "So, there might be something left behind."

  Sabrina silently sighed.

  Perhaps this was the most significant difference between her and this mysterious Second Grade adept.

  Her thought process focused at every moment on how to stay safe. Yet Greem always seemed to place the acquiring of benefits ahead of everything else!

  Sabrina hesitated for a moment before lunging towards the searing wind. She grabbed Greem and flew against the wind, quickl
y heading towards the place they had just fled.

  The ground had been completely razed flat. All the rivers, mountains, and creeks had vanished without a trace. Everything else had also disappeared. The dirt and earth had been blown away in many places, revealing the hard layers of stone and dry riverbeds.

  From a distance, between the black and white sky and land, the entire ground appeared to be pitch-black. You could sense the chaotic space energy and frightening spatial turbulence everywhere.

  Such a scene was usually only seen at the edges of a ruined plane. However, this place was the main continent of the Goblin Plane!

  Sabrina carefully adjusted the direction and strength of her booster rockets with Greem's help and avoided the multiple pockets of turbulence.

  It was ordinarily difficult for a being of a plane to make it through the planar barrier and into space. However, if one encountered spatial turbulence, the person only needed to close their eyes and jump in. It was highly likely that they would be brought to a different dimension.

  Of course, it was more likely that you would be launched into the vast space beyond the realm, where the space energy would corrode your body into unobservable tiny particles that would be spread to every corner of space.

  Sabrina spent half an hour to cross the five-kilometer distance.

  The space furnace had exploded in midair.

  A small spatial vortex slowly moved across the sky above the location of the explosion. Colorful and brilliant strips of lights wavered around the spatial vortex.

  One couldn't let the beautiful strips of lights deceive them. In the eyes of a knowledgeable adept, that place was an extreme hazard. That was because that spot held the faults of laws that would only occur when the planar laws clashed with space energy. It was a fearsome place where a single misstep would mean death.

  All the laws that had initially been suited to the plane became chaotic and disorderly in an area like this.

  Greem tried to use his elementium vision to look at the hazardous area, but only blinding red warning signs could be seen when he opened his eyes. If he hadn't closed his eyes in time and cut off his extended spiritual senses, then the massive stream of data might have consumed the Chip's insignificant data processing bandwidth in an instant.


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