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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 479

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  This…this was the part that made Greem helpless, but also the part that surprised him the most!

  Greem had a feeling that the reason it was pursuing him so fervently wasn’t to devour him. It seemed there was something more to it. However, Greem had no confidence to test this theory of his when faced with the threat of a Third Grade fire creature. He could only run as fast as possible and as far as he could.

  Greem’s current form was that of a three-meter tall fire elemental, and his entire body was clad in a layer of bright red flames. To avoid trouble, Greem had concealed his humanoid body and turned it into a vague cluster of flame.

  After all, a stable and defined body of flame was a mark of a high-grade fire creature. Individuals like those drew the attention of local creatures wherever they went. To avoid unnecessary attention, Greem disguised himself as a First Grade fire elemental that had yet to obtain a solid form.

  These were undoubtedly the most numerous kind in the Fire Elementium Plane, as well as the most inconspicuous.

  While Greem was making his challenging hike through the plane, a fire rune he had left behind him was once again triggered. Greem’s face turned green when he sensed the vague image transmitted by the fire rune.

  Dammit, it was still that tiger!

  It’d already been ten thousand kilometers, why was it still tracking him?

  The fire rune was triggered fifty kilometers away. That meant that the tiger was getting closer and closer.

  Greem sighed. He had no choice but to run while teleporting and searching.

  As expected, Greem successfully found a large sea of fire stretching for several dozens of kilometers at a place fifteen kilometers away. A fire field with no substance and no solid form like this was one of the most common scenes in the Fire Elementium Plane. They were a bit like the rivers and lakes of material planes.

  After a bit of hesitation, Greem gritted his teeth and dove into the field, instantly vanishing without a trace.

  Even with his fire immunity, Greem could not ensure that he would not take damage in such a pure field of fire. Though his body might be immune to the fire damage, the soul brand and spirit consciousness attached to it still had to endure the immense pressure of being burned by fire.

  Fortunately, he had already completed the process of elementiumizing his Spirit. He didn’t need to worry that his soul brand and consciousness would be assimilated by the fire as long as he did not stay within the field for more than an hour.

  As such, choosing to travel through the fire field was the simplest way to wash away the tracks he left behind!

  Fifteen minutes after Greem disappeared into the fire field, the edge of the area blazed with flames. A strange creature engulfed in violent fires suddenly appeared here.

  It was a violent flaming tiger whose body flowed with static flames. Its body wasn’t too large at only three meters long, but it was full of powerful and overwhelming fire energy.

  At the very least, three meters was too small for Third Grade fire creatures.

  The strength of every fire creature in the Fire Elementium Plane directly correlated with the power of the fire energy stored within their bodies. The larger their bodies, the more fire energy they could store, and the more powerful the being would be. How were they supposed to save a large amount of fire energy if they didn’t have a large body?

  It was a humble and straightforward truth!

  At least, most elementium creatures obeyed this law.

  However, this strange flaming tiger had forcefully broken this law. It was very likely that it had mastered some method or law to compress fire energy.

  And this was a sign of a high-grade fire creature!

  The flaming tiger lifted its nose and sniffed about when it appeared. It then slowly walked toward where Greem had entered the field. Its deep yet colorful eyes of flame stared into the field as if it was thinking about something.

  If Greem were still here, he would most definitely be shocked by the human expression on the tiger’s face and eyes. Much like a stroke of color in an ink wash painting, this flaming tiger betrayed a flavor and style that was entirely alien in this repetitive and dull world.

  Chapter 771 - Fire Market

  The Fire Elementium Plane could be lacking in some things, but the one thing it would never lack was fire.

  The fire elemental that Greem turned into traveled through the roiling sea of fire. The Boots of Ash allowed him to not only not exhaust Spirit while doing so, but even allowed him to feel even more rejuvenated as if he could continue swimming in this field for eternity.

  However, the blue counter that the Chip had projected in his vision was slowly ticking away.

  The pleasant and relaxed feeling that Greem had in the sea of fire might be real, but the notification from the Chip was also equally as shocking. If he stayed in the sea of fire for more than an hour, there was a possibility he could be completely assimilated by the active fire elementium here.

  When that happened, his soul origin might even shift, taking an irredeemable step toward becoming an elementium creature!

  That was not in his original plan.

  However, if he were to take this step, he would have to choose between his two identities as an adept and an elementium creature. The Fire Elementium Plane would no longer reject him if he became an elementium creature. Moreover, elementium creatures typically had long lives and no natural predators within their plane. With sufficient time, Greem was confident he could grow into a great Fire King!

  However, if the Fire Elementium Plane assimilated his soul origin, he would lose his identity as a native of the World of Adepts. From then on, he would never have anything to do with his previous life in that world.

  The identity of an adept was still crucial for Greem’s growth and development henceforth!

  Greem knew very well that the four Great Elementium Planes were home to the four legendary Elementium Masters. Their power was said to be of Ninth Grade. Greem would have to overthrow them if he wanted to establish himself in the Elementium Plane.

  Judging from this, it seemed the adept faction was more convenient for his growth.

  Greem was cautious and tried his best to maintain his identity as an adept in the World of Adepts.

  It was entirely impossible to distinguish planar coordinates within the sea of fire. Thus, Greem stepped through the fire and quickly traveled across the zone. Finally, he emerged from the sea of fire with five minutes left on the clock.

  It was a completely foreign location.

  There, Greem saw a crude and humble village.

  Several strange fire beings entered and exited the village. They were like humans, moving about with their blazing bodies as they paced in front of the market stalls as if they were looking for something.

  Elementium creatures also had markets and trade? I thought they didn’t even have the concept of personal property?

  Greem frowned and couldn’t help but walk toward this otherworldly market out of curiosity.

  It was a public market; there were no guards or managers. Moreover, those who could make it there were also fire-creatures that had gained higher intelligence. They were different from their dull low-grade companions that could only wander around using their instincts. Almost all of them possessed intelligence equal to their power.

  When Greem turned into a fire elemental and entered the market, several passing high-grade flame spirits glanced at him before leaving without another word.

  So many Second Grades. So many Third Grades!

  Greem gulped with some difficulty as he nervously walked past several fire creatures of various forms. For the first time, he was stunned by the power of the Fire Elementium Plane.

  In the World of Adepts, Third Grade was already the core fighting force of the various great adept clans. They might have Fourth Grade adepts behind the scenes, but those individuals acted as final trump cards and leaders. They very rarely intervened in battles between low-grade adepts.

  However, in the Fire Elementium Plane, First Grade creatures were as numerous as the hairs on a cow, while Second Grade creatures were like dogs in an ordinary world. Even Third Grade creatures were everywhere. At the very least, Greem could count at least five Third Grade fire creatures in this market that took up no more than twenty thousand square meters.

  Moreover, their appearance made it difficult for Greem to ascertain their true identities instantly.

  Greem’s eye slowly swept across the entire market, and he realized that most of the individuals setting up stalls were First and Second Grade. They had no stores or booths or even boards. They just merely stood by the roadside and placed several strange objects in front of them.

  Of course, things that could appear here could only be fire treasures. Some of them were even unknown objects collected in some random corner of the word. They might not know the exact value of these things, but they could be sure that they were no ordinary objects if they could survive in the environment of the Fire Elementium Plane.

  However, while Greem’s eyes wandered across the center area of the market, he saw a strange creature that should not have appeared here.

  A Flaming Demon!

  It was a Second Grade Flaming Demon with a tall and skinny body, evil tattoos drawn across its chest, devil horns on its head, and a cape of flame on its back.

  It wasn’t an elementium creature but a true-blue abyssal demon.

  In all seriousness, the Flame Fiend that Greem transformed into was a higher-grade form of the Flaming Demon!

  At this moment, the Second Grade Flaming Demon was like all the other fire creatures. He took up a spot in the center of the market and had a small stall of his own set up. Greem saw some other otherworldly beings beside it: fire dwarves, fire gnomes, and several others.

  They seemed to represent a particular faction of their own and took up areas of their own as they called out for business. The entire market appeared to be exceedingly lively with their presence.

  Greem paused for a moment and couldn’t help but walk toward them.

  Fire Dragon Fruit, Fire Flowers, Fire Agate, Fireburn Wood, Flameloathe Iron, Firestones, Essence of Fire.

  Essence of Fire?

  Greem finally stopped in front of a stall.

  As he had just devoured an Essence of Fire, Greem was extremely familiar with its aura. Yet, three of these Essences of Fire were arranged together in a row at this stall, shining with their odd blazing light.

  Greem lifted his head and looked at the owner of the stall.

  It was a seven-meter tall flame giant. His large body of flames was extraordinarily stable, and his flames were solid. He opened his bright-red blazing eyes when he saw Greem pacing before his stall and coldly glanced at Greem.

  His power was at a shocking Second Grade as well!

  It couldn’t be helped; there were still too few individuals amongst First Grade elementium creatures who could gain higher intelligence on the Elementium Plane. Only those higher-grade existences had a chance of obtaining sufficient intellect.

  “Little guy, you can’t provide me with what I want! I suggest you had best leave!” The flame giant spoke with his booming voice.

  It couldn’t be helped. Greem might be Second Grade, but the fire elementium he had turned into at the moment was only three meters tall. He was truly a little guy in front of this giant, and it was no wonder he was being looked down upon.

  “Hey big guy, did your seniors not tell you that absolute form doesn’t represent absolute power? You haven’t even told me what you want?” Greem proudly replied.

  After this period in the Elementium Plane, Greem had gained some degree of understanding of the personality of these fire creatures.

  They were all straightforward and impatient individuals. They spoke whatever was on their mind and would never wind about the topic as humans did. Thus, a stiff and strict tone didn’t necessarily represent hostility. It was merely the way of expression that they were used to!

  The flame giant bent down, and his massive body approached like a mountain. He started sniffing about Greem.

  “I see. You are not actually our companion but an outsider in disguise. Very well then. You might have what I need in your possession!”

  Greem’s expression turned. He didn’t expect the opponent to be able to sense his aura, even after he had tried his best to seal it. Moreover, this damned fellow had a loud voice that sounded like exploding mines. Almost all creatures in the market had turned their heads and looked toward them.

  “I need the blood of some high-grade fire creatures! It has to be Second Grade at the minimum and the stronger it is, the better.” The flame giant practically roared when he talked.

  Greem was stunned for a moment. He only understood after a while.

  The blood of a fire creature?

  The entire fire elementium plane was filled with elementium creatures. They didn’t even have skin, let alone blood. No wonder the giant was so excited upon discovering that he was an outsider.

  “Big guy, stop dreaming. How could he possibly have what you want? Listen to me; you had best choose our fire lizard’s blood. If you agree, I can trade fifteen kilograms of fire lizard blood with you for an Essence of Fire. How about it, this price is twenty percent higher than earlier.” The flaming demon interrupted from several dozens of meters away, as if he didn’t want the material he had his eyes on taken away by another person.

  “Fire lizard blood is too low-quality. My children could never obtain the favor of the fire if I used their blood!” The flame giant roared as anger flashed on his face.

  Greem paused for a moment as the relevant data was immediately projected in his mind.

  The flame giants were also a common fire creature of the Fire Elementium Plane. There was a unique method to the birth of individuals within their tribes. It was said that one had to offer the blood of some fire creatures to the fire that their tribe worshipped if they wanted to awaken the intelligence of their descendants.

  Such primal ancestor worship was prevalent amongst most elementium creature tribes. In fact, the great Master of Fire was said to have become an Elementium Master of the plane through the faith and worship of trillions and trillions of fire elementium creatures.

  Greem quickly browsed through the information provided by the Chip and instantly understood the reason behind the flame giant’s desire for powerful fire creature blood.

  “Big guy, perhaps I might have what you need.” Greem chuckled and took out a clay jar the size of a human head. The opening of the pot was sealed shut with sealing runes flashing upon it.

  “What is this?” The flame giant looked down and shook his head as he said, “It doesn’t matter what it is. It is too little. It can’t be enough for my children to use!”

  Greem did not waste any words. He brushed across the jar’s opening, and the light faded from the sealing runes. Then, the strange stinging spell dispersed into the air.

  “This…what is this?” The flame giant lifted his nose to smell as his voice exploded in the air of the market like a giant bomb, “Could this be…it’s dragon blood!”

  Chapter 772 - Magma Talisman

  Dragon blood?

  A commotion rose throughout the market as if everyone had been alerted by the flame giant’s roar.

  Several fire creatures gathered toward them, sniffing and sensing the strange dragon aura in the air.

  Greem waved with his hand, and an agile mini-dragon emerged from the clay jar at the behest of his powerful fire energy. The dragon circled in the air, spit out a small stream of fire, and slowly dispersed.

  “It’s dragon blood! It’s Second Grade fire dragon blood!”

  There were some individuals who possessed a good eye among the surrounding fire creatures. There was an unconcealable surprise in their voice when they spoke up as well.

  Just as the flame giant’s face lit up with mad joy, the expression of the flaming demon turned dark.

  “Trade. I’l
l trade,” The flame giant lifted his hand as massive flame halo engulfed Greem and himself, “Hi, little guy, I’m called Mansur. How do you intend to make this trade with me?”

  Greem looked around, and his Chip informed him that this fire halo simultaneously possessed the ability to defend and isolate all information. He couldn’t help but be impressed by the godly mastery of fire creatures over fire skills.

  “I have two and a half kilograms of fire dragon blood here, and it is blood from a pure-blooded Second Grade fire dragon.”

  The joy in the flame giant’s blazing eyes thickened.

  The fire dragons were undoubtedly the most ancient and long-lasting among all magical fire creatures. There were very few magical creatures whose blood contained as dense a fire aura as them. If their descendants were to offer fire dragon’s blood during the enlightenment ceremony, Mansur was confident that they would most definitely be able to obtain one or two decent fire talents.

  It was important to note that even the descendants of the most powerful of flame giants had a chance of failing when they attempted to awaken into a flame giant. Once they failed, their bloodline would vanish, and they would devolve into ordinary elementium fire spirits.

  However, if they used this fire dragon’s blood, the chance of failure would be reduced to its minimum, and there would even be a chance that they would obtain some decent fire talents from the ancestral flame spirit.

  As such, the previously cold flame giant Mansur became extremely excited. In fact, he was the one who was afraid that something might happen during the trade.

  Greem hesitated for a moment and finally offered a decent price.

  “One Essence of Fire for every half a kilogram of fire dragon’s blood.”

  Flame Giant Mansur rubbed his hand with a bit of pity. This price might not have exceeded his expectations, but it was still a trade that was well worth it.


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