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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 568

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  What were those? Flying magical creatures commanded by the adepts? Or alchemical creatures made by the adepts through their strange arts?

  A series of questions arose in his heart, but he found no answers.

  As an essential individual in the Cult of Dragons, Mos naturally had his own set of his skills and abilities.

  A short, quick chant rang out as Mos enchanted himself with an Eagle Eye spell. It was then that he clearly distinguished the true identity of the black dots.

  “Go. Notify Lord Zamu. The enemy’s scouts have arrived!” Mos grabbed one of the Dragon Cultists and ordered sternly.

  The cultist immediately rushed off into the depths of the valley, hastily and clumsily.

  A short moment later, the earth rumbled as an army of dragonborn warriors charged out of the valley in perfect formation, long battleaxes in hand. The leader was Second Grade Zamu, commander of the dragonborn army.

  “Where…where is the enemy?” Zamu held two massive blades in his hands as he stepped in front of the black-robed Mos, where he roared with all he had.

  Mos pointed at the sky with his whip.

  Zamu placed a hand over his eyes. His serpentine eyes suddenly shrunk, and his powerful vision allowed him to instantly catch sight of the strange black dots circling in the dim sky.

  The surfaces of the black dots were smooth and shiny under the sunlight, gleaming with a ghostly blue light unique to magical metal. It was obvious they were not magical creatures that belonged to Lance.

  “Everyone hide in the war fortress. Those are the flying scouts of the enemy!”

  At Zamu’s command, the dragonborn warriors dove into the fortress or leaned against the walls, instantly concealing themselves.

  Chapter 921 - Dragonborn Defeated

  Of course, the commotion in the distant valley could not be concealed from the adepts.

  With the life detection arrays fitted within the eyeball machines and the infrared beams of the goblin’s technology, the entire geography of Deadmoon Valley and the many red dots within it had already appeared in the command hall of the Mothership ten kilometers away.

  Magical equipment that resembled a tome was embedded into the floor in the center of the hall. As the data from the eyeball scans were transmitted back to the ship, the panoramic geographic map displayed by this magical equipment became even clearer and detailed.

  “Eighty-three dragonborn, four hundred and sixty-five native creatures, two of which are Second Grade and one hundred and three of which are First Grade. The rest are all insignificant rabble. However, it seems like the opponent has arranged some soldiers on the cliffs above with plenty of boulders and logs prepared. They probably intend to ambush us with the boulders when we pass through the valley.” Adept Meryl confidently analyzed as she stood in the center, dressed in a large red robe.

  All the Second Grades of the Crimson Clan were gathered around her, silently observing this battle. Even Gru was standing to a side with his metal body, silent throughout the meeting.

  It was no more than a pebble in their path. There was no need for powerhouses like them to mobilize. They were only here in an attempt to score some contributions for the clan.

  While the Second Grades watched on dispassionately, Meryl’s orders had already reached the army below. Twenty goblin chariots immediately left the formation and accelerated toward Deadmoon Valley. Ten goblin skyships followed closely behind, covering the sortie from above.

  The twenty goblin chariots suddenly stopped one kilometer away from Deadmoon Valley. They spread out in an arc and swapped into siege cannon mode. Over a hundred Archers leaped out of the ten skyships that followed behind them. These Archers used their metal bodies to form an unbroken line of defense in front of the chariots.

  The dragonborn and Dragon Cultists hiding within the valley had never experienced the power of the goblin magical machines. While they were stunned in confusion at the enemy’s abrupt pause on the frontlines, the magic energy cannons started to fire.

  Dong! Dong! Dong!

  A blinding red light suddenly glowed within the black cannon barrels that had extended out of the chariots. Plasma fireballs containing ferocious magical energy crashed down toward the valley, dragging long trails of black smoke behind them as they traveled across the sky.

  What was this?

  The ordinary dragonborn and Dragon Cultists were still confused as they watched everything unfold in the distances. However, Zamu and Mos had already turned pale, their hearts beating wildly and furiously.

  “Cover…everyone find some sort of cover!”

  Zamu’s loud voice immediately echoed throughout the valley.

  Unfortunately, his battlecry was quickly drowned out by earthshakingly loud noises.

  The plasma fireballs exploded with a loud bang wherever they landed as soon as they came into contact with something solid. First, a flood of bright blue plasma lightning slithered outward, quickly followed by wave after wave of violent, surging flame shockwaves.

  A single plasma fireball could engulf an area of ten to twenty meters. Twenty plasma fireballs together were enough to raze the entrance of the valley in a single instant.

  It was destroyed with plasma and razed in a sea of fire.

  Meanwhile, they burned away at the lives of the dragonborn and Dragon Cultists hiding within the valley!

  The impact of the flame shockwaves might have been on the weaker side, with only one hundred and twenty points of power, but they covered a large area and were truly a tool of slaughter in war. Meanwhile, the plasma lightning that erupted outward covered a slightly smaller area but dealt upwards of one hundred and eighty points of lightning damage.

  The dragonborn warriors fared better against such magical attacks with their robust Physique and excellent magical resistance. However, the Dragon Cultists only had ordinary magical resistance and instantly became victims of the magic’s destruction.

  Dragon Cultists caught in the flame shockwaves were bathed in fire, screeching as they ran around the valleys as human torches. They ran left and right, calling for help from those around them, or rolled about the ground in an attempt to douse the fires.

  Unfortunately, it was a magical fire that burned on their bodies. It was not something that could be extinguished by sand or water.

  The first flame shockwave washed over the place, and twenty howling human torches started running through the valley. The second flame shockwave rolled across the land, and the human torches collapsed to the ground, reduced to burning bonfires. The third flame shockwave blew across, and all signs of life ceased, revealing charred and crumbling corpses beneath the fire.

  Meanwhile, the Dragon Cultists that had been caught in the plasma lightning were instantly vaporized and extinguished from existence.

  After the first wave of attacks, twenty-three Dragon Cultists had died, with eleven more severely injured. Two dragonborn warriors had also perished, with many more injured.

  The two dragonborn warriors who died were the most unfortunate ones. They had been caught in the crossfire of two or three plasma fireballs; they were turned to ashes before they could even cry out in agony.

  Just as the valley descended into chaos, the goblin chariots in the distance jerked violently once more. Another twenty plasma fireballs rose into the air and fell toward the valley.

  “Dammit, dammit, dammit!”Second Grade Dragonborn Leader Zamu cursed with all he had. He had never seen an enemy with such terrifying long-ranged attacks.

  Though there were also magical creatures with powerful ranged attacks in Lance, they could not form on a sufficiently large scale, let alone become enemies with the dragon lords. Yet, these insignificant enemies before their eyes were able to unleash magic energy of such power by hiding in their metal buildings.

  It…it was entirely outside of Zamu’s expectations!

  Against such an enemy, they would have to find ways to approach them and engage them in a melee.

  Sadly, the dragonborn leader ha
d no time to lament his faulty strategy, for the second wave of attacks had now descended.

  The path between the two steep mountains was only thirty meters wide and stretched for over a kilometer from south to north. Dodging plasma fireballs crashing from the skies in such a narrow space was an impossible task.

  As such, Zamu raised the two giant blades in his hands and gave the order for his dragonborn to charge at the enemy immediately.

  He also took to the very frontlines, stepping across several charred figures as he did so. He smashed through the stone fortress and lunged wildly at the goblin chariots. Several dragonborn warriors covered in soot and shrouded in the smoke also started rushing behind him, stumbling a little as they did so.

  However, the moment they revealed themselves, countless goblin missiles dropped out of the goblin skyships above, instantly drowning them in a festival of explosions.

  The wild blasts of the alchemical explosives were lethal on the battlefield as they sent shrapnel shooting across the air. Without exception, every dragonborn warrior that had emerged from the valley was now injured, their purple-black scales covered in blood stains and bloodied wounds.

  The various injuries all over their bodies bled profusely with every step they took.

  As expected of a Second Grade dragonborn leader, three elementium shields had appeared around Zamu, keeping most of the attacks away from his body. Only some small scratches were visible on some parts of his lower body where the shields could not reach.

  Just as Zamu attempted to approach the chariots in a single dash, a gray aura suddenly appeared around him, reducing his speed by half. The desolate plains in front of him suddenly turned into quicksand, causing his thick limbs to sink the moment he stepped within.

  A First Grade Curse of Decripification!

  A First Grade Quicksand Trap!

  One couldn’t underestimate them simply because they were First Grade spells. When used on Second Grade Zamu, they were just as effective as Second Grade spells.

  While Zamu and a few of the dragonborn warriors were caught in the quicksand, the black cannons on the chariots creaked and moved, setting their sights on these immobile targets.

  Meanwhile, the Archers guarding the chariots raised their magic energy rifles and unleashed a barrage of energy beams at the enemies within sight, as fast as they could.

  Penetrative Scorching Rays.

  Frost Rays that could slow the enemy’s movements.

  Petrification Rays that could turn a part of the enemy’s body into stone.

  Blinding Rays that would blind the enemy.


  Magical beams of various colors and effects landed on the charging dragonborn, causing their bodies to fall under all sorts of weird magical effects as they groaned in pain.

  While the Archers’ attacks obstructed the dragonborn, several ferocious plasma fireballs descended on them, instantly causing horrifying damage to their ranks.

  The bodies of the dragonborn warriors were like snow before a blinding sun where the plasma lightning crackled. Their body parts melted into green smoke, crippling them and covering them in even more wounds. As the waves of fire spread out, the tattered scales of the dragonborn could no longer protect them. Their flesh burned beneath the flames, and they started howling from the unbearable pain.

  Above them, goblin missiles and alchemical bombs rained down like a perpetual storm. Below them, the quicksand trap sealed their path forward. In front of them, Archers bombarded their bodies, and in the distance, goblin chariots annihilated their allies with magic energy cannons.

  The dragonborn had only just charged out of the valley, and they had already been stopped. They could only raise their battleaxes over their heads, grit their teeth, and power forward with all they had.

  Finally, a few lucky dragonborn warriors made it through the purgatory of blood and flesh, clashing with the Archers in close combat.

  Several Archers were torn to pieces by their vicious and fearless strikes. Sadly, the Archers far outnumbered these warriors. The few already injured dragonborn warriors were quickly riddled with holes from a barrage of energy beams at close range. Tragically and heroically, they collapsed three hundred meters away from the goblin chariots.

  The leader known as Zamu ultimately howled and fell helplessly to the constant waves of plasma fireballs. His body was scorched black, and pieces had been carved out everywhere. It was hard even to identify him now.

  As the dragonborn frontline was torn apart, the one hundred eyeball machines in the air dove down and soared past the two cliffs. Beams of Scorching Rays fell like raindrops. The native warriors hiding above the cliff and in the shadows of the valley started fleeing, crying as they did so, before being shot down, one by one.

  In just thirty minutes, the enemies within Deadmoon Valley had been completely exterminated!

  Chapter 922 - Silver Dragon Visits

  It was a blatant slaughter!

  The number of dragonborn hiding in ambush, paired with the perfect geography of Deadmoon Valley, should have allowed them to fend off the attack of an army that was a few thousand strong.

  Unfortunately, their enemies were no ordinary beings; they were an adept army that had traveled from a different plane.

  Their ability wasn’t even on the same level as the dragonborn!

  Consequently, the entire battle was like a game, an interesting hunting game. The goblins’ overwhelming bombardment decimated the powerful dragonborn army who had once possessed a dominating position in Lance. The only result at having paid such a hefty price was the destruction of a meager seven Archers.

  Once the battle had concluded, both the dead and living dragonborn were transported back to the Mothership, where they were used as materials for voodoo beasts or flesh golems. Meanwhile, the seven destroyed Archers were sent back to the goblin workshop for dismantling and reassembly. Fifteen minutes later, seven brand-new Archers walked off the assembly line.

  Taking that into consideration, the ambush arranged by the Second Grade Zamu had not only inflicted zero losses to the adept expedition but had provided them with a large batch of valuable, high-quality corpses.

  The energy exhausted by the goblin chariots in their bombardment was replenished upon returning to the army. It didn’t matter whether it was the Mothership in the sky or the giant magical golem dragon following behind the army. The powerful magic generator furnaces were not only able to sustain the functions of the two goliaths. They had plenty to spare for the magical machine army.

  That was why such low-intensity skirmishes could not possibly bring any losses to the adept expedition army!

  However, the natives of Lance had no idea about this. In fact, they would have a hard time simply comprehending the very concept.

  From their perspective, an enemy army that had ventured deep into their territory would naturally be defeated once their logistics had been cut off and they were faced with constant harassment.

  Unfortunately, their minds and reasoning would have a tremendously difficult time understanding this adept force whose knowledge and ability overwhelmed them by dimensions.

  The enemies in Deadmoon Valley might have been vanquished, but the narrow path of the valley could not possibly fit the colossal body of the golem dragon. The metal parade slowly gathered before the entrance and awaited answers from above.

  The old yet energetic Gonga jumped up and down in the metal body of the dragon, screaming as he did so.

  “Forward…forward. Let those bastards who’ve underestimated us witness the true might of this beautiful baby. Prepare the Destruction Beam. Let’s give this valley a makeover.”

  While Gonga screeched with all his heart, the giant dragon continued forward. Its four thick, firm limbs left craters behind as it continued to stride toward the valley.

  The goblin chariots that had gathered in front of the valley hastily retreated to either side to avoid being turned into pancakes.

  As the golem dragon walked forwar
d, its head moved about in an agile fashion. A blinding red light suddenly glowed deep in its one-meter-wide eye sockets. Then two terrifying red lights, half-a-meter-thick in diameter, shot out of its eyes and sliced the walls of the valley in the distance.

  For an instant, it seemed like nothing had happened. Three seconds later, massive dust clouds rose from the cliffs, accompanied by a wave of explosions as the walls collapsed before everyone’s speechless gaze.

  Ten meters off of each side.

  The terrifying red beams sliced ten meters off of the walls on both sides before they collapsed from the horrendous pressure and expansion of the temperature within the rocks.

  The valley used to be thirty or forty meters wide, but it was now another twenty meters wider. It was just barely enough for the golem dragon to pass through. The golem dragon did not even pause for a moment. It stepped through the debris and wreckage, paving the road forward as it advanced. Somehow, it managed to squeeze its way through this one and a half kilometer long valley.

  The Crimson adepts in the Mothership above couldn’t help but look at each other. They were once again stunned by the might of this Fourth Grade magical machine.

  Fourth Grade. That was the power of a Fourth Grade?

  Truly as destructive and stunning as they had expected.

  Though the fight earlier was fierce, it had only been a small battle of low intensity. If it had been this Fourth Grade golem dragon that had been involved in the fight, it would not have taken much effort at all. It only needed to sweep across the valley with its beams to vaporize the enemies in an instant.

  It didn’t matter how tough the Second Grade dragonborn were. Could they possibly survive being crushed beneath the feet of the Fourth Grade golem dragon?

  The Destruction Beam from earlier might sound immensely threatening and powerful, but in truth, it was no more than a Scorching Ray. However, compared to ordinary Scorching Rays, these were fired with the aid of the super magic generator furnace. It was more potent and more effective.

  Even if it were the same spell, the magical effects would be completely different given the amount of magic energy infused within it.


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