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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 656

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  However, Greem was a Fourth Grade adept now. The power balance between the two of them was utterly shattered. Whatever he could tolerate in the past, the Greem of the present could no longer endure.

  He had only one purpose in coming here– to fold the Third Grade Brain Monster into the clan’s control once and for all. If the brain monster was foolish enough not to understand the circumstances, Greem didn’t mind putting on a small display of his new powers.

  Greem couldn’t help but open his mouth slightly in shock when he heard the ringing sirens in the skies of the Capital of Eternity. He saw the army of magical machines and native warriors lunging out of the fortresses and barracks.

  He had expected the Third Grade brain monster to resist, but he didn’t expect the opposition to be so intense.

  It was complete and utter hostility!

  It didn’t matter what the Third Grade brain monster was thinking about now. He was so sure he could force Greem into a retreat that he didn’t even leave any room for negotiations. Did he believe that Greem didn’t dare to kill him?

  Greem’s eyes couldn’t help but narrow at this thought.

  He had a feeling that things weren’t so simple. It was as if there was an invisible hand pushing and manipulating something behind the scenes. Otherwise, given Gazlowe’s cowardly and fearful personality, he would never be so absolute and decisive in his actions!

  However, these doubts could only be answered after he dealt with this matter. Right now, Greem had to deal with the tens of thousands of enemies swarming onto the bridge.

  He would probably have to first exterminate these annoying gnats before he could see Gazlowe.

  Ga! Ga! Ga!

  A series of deafening screeches rang out. The first to arrive was not the magical machines spread all across the city, but a squad of one hundred and seventy harpies.

  There were both male and female harpies. All of them had humanoid bodies, with the wings and claws of eagles. They were completely naked, save for some thick gray feathers growing at the edges of their limbs. Wings replaced their arms, and they had two clawed feet holding onto three-meter-long spears.

  These spears were made of wood and their tips were sharpened.

  These harpies held the wooden spears tight and flapped their wings with all their strength as they charged at Greem.

  Greem’s black eyes swept past all of them, unconcealable scorn in his gaze for these creatures.

  Just a bunch of small fry at no more than apprentice level. There was not a single adept-level individual in such a large group. Even weaklings like these dared to launch an assault at a Fourth Grade adept?

  Greem couldn’t be bothered to even lift a finger against such trash. He silently activated his Burning Domain.

  As a crimson shadow dome enveloped a one-kilometer radius around Greem, all the harpies and native warriors following behind them screamed in horror as they were quickly burned and turned to dust. Meanwhile, the bridge and steel buildings that were now cloaked beneath the crimson dome rapidly became red from the shocking heat of the invisible flames. The surface of the buildings and the bridge even started melting.

  The appearance of the Burning Domain instantly dissuaded any of the native creatures from continuing their assault on Greem. Without tremendous magic resistance of at least Second Grade or above or any sort of defense against fire, any being that entered the Burning Domain would have to suffer 210 points of fire damage per second.

  Don’t mention these naked, unarmored natives. Even among Second Grade adepts, armed with a complete set of resistance equipment, there weren’t very many individuals who could endure such continuous burning.

  In the blink of an eye, the aggressive momentum of the soldiers was put to a halt.

  One planar native after native screamed madly and charged into the crimson dome, only to be reduced to ashes. It didn’t matter whether it was just an ordinary soldier or famed warrior among the natives. Anyone that walked into the crimson dome would unavoidably burn to dust after a few steps.

  After witnessing this scene repeat over and over again, the natives were finally wholly terrified.

  They gathered near the crimson dome, watching on with looks of horror as the dome slowly approached them. They had already lost the courage to attack and were now gathering into a big ball of flesh before the barrier, desperately trying to retreat.

  The occasional, unfortunate native would be knocked into the dome by the crowd. Countless flames would spew out of their bodies before they could turn and run, turning to ash in front of everyone’s eyes.

  The natives were finally afraid!

  They might be brave, but they weren’t foolish. They might not fear death, but that did not mean they were willing to die for no reason.

  Thus, when one horrified planar native let out a scream and turned to run, all the other natives couldn’t help but scatter and flee as well.

  It couldn’t be helped. The ‘demon’ the group faced was far too scary, and they were far too weak.

  It wasn’t even a matter of hurting the ‘demon.’ They were so many, yet they didn’t even dare to face him!

  Greem continued strolling down the metal bridge, unfazed. The crimson dome he had erected was like a shepherd dog, terrifying the natives and making them flee like cows and sheep.

  At this moment, a group of natives that were halfway across the bridge was riddled with holes by a barrage of bullets and energy beams. The next second, squads of magical machines in tight formation stepped across the corpses and moaning injured with perfectly coordinated steps as they slowly pressed towards Greem.

  Chapter 1069 - Powerful Greem

  Chapter 1069 Powerful Greem

  Individually, all of these magical machines were only First Grade.

  The surfaces of their bodies started burning the moment they stepped into the crimson dome, turning bright-red from the heat as the metal began to soften and melt.

  However, their armor’s top layer of magical alloy plates provided them with a certain degree of elementium resistance. Their twenty-centimeter-thick metal armor further ensured that they could last longer than ordinary lifeforms in the Burning Domain, even if they were not immune to the heat.

  They rapidly approached Greem during this time, concentrating their bullets and energy beams, drowning him in a barrage of attacks.

  Greem’s steps did not stop.

  He continued to walk forward casually, reaching out with one finger and quickly drawing fire rune after fire rune in the air. Each rune vanished rapidly the moment it was finished, turning into thick and solid Lava Shields that revolved around Greem.

  The wild barrage of bullets sent lava spilling everywhere when they crashed against the shields.

  A single Lava Shield was half a meter thick, two meters tall, and one meter wide, but shattered after just seven seconds from the concentrated fire of all the magical machines. However, regardless of how intensely the magical machines went on the offense, they could not be as relaxed and comfortable as Greem simply drawing runes with his fingers.

  It didn’t matter how much the magical machines continued unleashing their firepower with their melting bodies; they still could not catch up with the speed at which Greem replenished his Lava Shields.

  To the contrary, as the barrage went on, the Lava Shields around Greem only increased in number. They were gathered together like a massive wall and had almost completely obscured his figure.

  After shielding himself from the magical machine attacks, it was Greem’s turn to act. He was not a man to stand by without retaliating.

  The fire runes he was drawing suddenly changed and quickly outlined an unusually large door of fire in the space in front of him. As the fire runes slowly merged with the door, the Flamegate opened, and a horde of fire creatures swarmed forth from within.

  Greem was a Fourth Grade adept now. Every single fire spell he cast contained a trace of the principle powers. Most of the fire creatures summoned from the Fire Elementium P
lane in this manner were First Grade creatures, with even a few rare Second Grade monsters.

  Elite fire elementals, fire giants, Blazefire flamespirits, magma hounds, magma beasts, fire crows.

  Strange fire creatures of all shapes and sizes quickly appeared and clashed with the magical machines.

  The two armies started tearing into each other in a ferocious show of force upon the narrow bridge.

  After finishing all this, Greem smiled as his silhouette flickered, only to reappear on the other end of the bridge.

  Over a hundred magical machines were gathered here, wildly shooting at the fire creatures from a hundred meters away.

  A sudden ring of fire erupted as Greem appeared amid the magical machines.

  The halo of fire that engulfed these machines possessed two strange characteristics– Explosion and Impact. It instantly blew away nearly half of the magical machines, causing them to fall off the bridge as meteors enveloped in flames.

  It was at least three hundred meters away from the ground.

  Given the weight of the machines, they would be utterly destroyed when they crashed.

  The magical machines that were fortunate enough to survive the shockwave were not in any better condition.

  There were still plenty of Lava Shields revolving around Greem. These shields crashed against the bodies of the magical machines, causing hot lava and fire to wash against their metal bodies. These poor constructs only managed to open fire for five seconds before turning into liquid metal, like candles tossed into an open flame.

  The Burning Domain was everywhere.

  Without the protection of magical shields, the internal runic and energy systems of the magical machines were exposed to the wild flames, even if their metal bodies were impenetrable. When their circuits and control core had been melted and destroyed, they lost all their ability to fight.

  Greem continued to teleport in the same fashion, over and over again.

  Every time he appeared among the magical machine army, he would use the terrifying might of his fire to reduce the machines into useless piles of metal.

  These magical machines that had once helped the Crimson Clan conquer countless enemies seemed to have lost their past sharpness and power when facing this fearsome fire adept. They were now pathetic lambs to the slaughter.

  The difference in power was simply too vast, so much so that it could not be compensated for with numbers or space!

  Half an hour later, Greem stepped onto the last metal bridge on his journey.

  At the end of the bridge was a large metal platform. As many as five hundred unusual magical machines were arranged in perfect formation upon it. Split-Brain Gru was hidden amongst these machines, connecting himself with them using several energy chains.

  Greem stopped and took a good look at these strange magical machines.

  They were strange, as all of these machines were encased in a layer of a nearly-translucent energy barrier. This barrier seemed to protect them from every angle. The barrier also appeared to have strange magic energy characteristics that enabled them to isolate the Greem’s spiritual probes as well as the Chip’s scan.

  It was an extremely unusual situation!

  If Greem could not deal with these magical machines fast enough, he would have trouble killing the advanced Second Grade Split-Brain Gru.

  After all, any adept would frown at the thought of having to fight against five hundred magical machines.

  Moreover, if the Chip’s scans were not incorrect, then all five hundred of these magical machines were probably the enhanced second-generation machines. In other words, they were Second Grade magical machines!

  If Greem had such a force in his hands, the Crimson Clan would immediately gain an extremely formidable ace. Unfortunately, since the foolish Gru had chosen to fight back, the possibility of this ace remaining untouched was very much close to zero.

  For the first time, there was a trace of sinister killing intent in Greem’s eyes when he looked across the bridge at Gru, who was hiding behind the magical machines!

  In all the previous battles, he had been fighting with a relaxed attitude, one of toying around and testing his abilities.

  However, at this moment, he really wanted to kill!

  Behind that metal platform was the steel hall where Third Grade Brain Monster Gazlowe was hiding.

  Currently, the hall appeared to be completely silent, as if the creature within had not realized what was happening.

  Energy light shimmered over the tightly shut metal doors, alongside a mental barrier that covered the entire structure. Greem’s spiritual senses could not penetrate these defenses.

  A coward would always remain a coward!

  Gazlowe didn’t dare step onto the battlefield himself, so he sent these magical machines and his split-brain, Gru. If Gru could stop Greem in his tracks, he would gladly accept the victory and become the winner in this scenario. He would utterly break free of the reign of the Crimson Clan and obtain true freedom.

  However, if Gru were to be defeated, Greem wondered if Gazlowe had the courage and decisiveness to face him himself. Brain monsters might be incredibly intelligent and knowledgeable, but these traits had nothing to do with courage.

  They were also one of the most cowardly creatures in the universe, quickly bowing before and submitting to beings more powerful than themselves!

  Indeed, cowardly. It was the label that Greem had always applied to Gazlowe in his mind.

  If he wasn’t cowardly, how could he ever have been threatened by Greem and submit while Greem was still a Second Grade adept? If he wasn’t cowardly, why was it that he only ever dared to plan useless schemes behind the scenes, never daring to honestly confront Greem? If he wasn’t cowardly, why would he have given up on the powerful combination of a Third Grade brain monster leading five hundred Second Grade magical machines? Instead, he chose to have advanced Second Grade Split-Brain Gru command instead.

  As such, Greem boldly laughed when he saw the army of magical machine lying in wait, when he saw the fearful Gru, and when he saw the tightly shut doors behind them. His trademark flames finally rose on his body.

  The battle was intense but uneventful!

  The combination of a Second Grade split-brain and five hundred Second Grade magical machines was a sufficiently terrifying force for most adepts. Gru’s energy chains connected the magical machines and allowed them to have a practically limitless amount of energy while sustaining their magic energy shields for extended periods.

  It became exceedingly difficult for Greem to quickly dispose of the machines due to the magic energy shields.

  Greem often had no choice but to use some strange techniques and engage them in melee combat instead.

  Would magical machines be afraid of melee combat? In all honesty, the whole reason they were created was to charge at the enemy, to fight at the very frontlines, and to crush the enemy’s defenses.

  Unfortunately, despite how powerful these machines were, they lacked a sufficiently qualified commander.

  After failing to break through the defensive line of the magical machines several times, Greem changed his tactics.

  He sealed off the bridge with a massive Flamegate, occupying the fire creatures with a constant stream of fire creatures. Greem himself stood on the bridge and gazed at Gru from five hundred meters away.

  As magical power flowed through his eyes, Split-Brain Gru suddenly let out a cry of surprise. Despite being protected by layer upon layer of magical machines, his tall metal body silently ignited.

  If it weren’t for how much magical alloy had been used in forging Gru’s metallic frame, this sudden burst of fire would have severely damaged his body.

  Gru let out a panicked cry. An overwhelming wave of mental power swept across his body as he attempted to extinguish these unusual flames.

  Unfortunately, his Second Grade mental powers were no match for Greem’s Fourth Grade flames. Not only did the fire not extinguish, but it also started to burn b
righter and higher.

  In the blink of an eye, Split-Brain Gru was consumed by the devouring flames!

  Chapter 1070 - A Disingenuous Conversation

  Chapter 1070 A Disingenuous Conversation

  The combination of Second Grade Split-Brain Gru with five hundred Second Grade magical machine warriors only lasted thirty minutes in front of Greem.

  Thirty minutes later, Greem blasted down the metal doors leading to the hall. He strode into the room, dragging Gru’s badly charred corpse behind him.

  The steel hall was nearly a thousand square meters in size, but most of that space was taken up by Gazlowe’s big, ugly brain. Compared to the last time they met, Gazlowe’s brain had increased by at least one-third in size.

  That also meant that Gazlowe’s powers had increased considerably!

  Unfortunately, the aura radiating from the brain was only at the level of a Third Grade.

  Moreover, he was facing a well-prepared Greem. Though Gazlowe’s mental powers were fairly unusual and subtle in their applications, it was still incredibly hard to take down a Fourth Grade fire adept.

  Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages, Gazlowe made up his mind the moment Greem stepped into the hall.

  A small white flag was wrapped in the grasp of one of the brain stems beneath Gazlowe’s massive brain. It was lightly waving the flag at Greem through the translucent crystal glass.

  [Beep. Detecting data connection request. Requesting instructions from Host. Authorize request?]

  Negotiations now that he had lost?

  Greem’s heart was filled with disdain, but he still chose to accept the mental connection from Gazlowe.

  Gazlowe’s strange, sharp voice rang in Greem’s mind the moment the connection was established.

  “Lord Greem, I am innocent! All of those things were done by my split-brain, Gru. I was in a deep slumber previously and relaxed my control over Gru slightly. That was how he was ‘misguided’ by someone else.”


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