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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 669

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  Meanwhile, Mangus was relieved after personally witnessing the legendary fire adept’s power. He started thinking about ways to establish a relationship with Greem better.

  The most direct option was to aid him in battle!

  Having made up his mind, Mangus defaulted on his pessimistic, non-confrontational attitude. He strode out of the forest and rushed towards where the security tower had crashed.

  Greem couldn’t care less what his spectators were thinking. He would never let go of such an excellent opportunity of attack, after creating it himself with the use of Fire Teleportation. He immediately unleashed a furious storm of spells into the dust pillar.

  The trembling security tower attempted several times to remove itself from the earth, but it was always blown back into the ditch by the meteors crashing down from above.

  Arcane radiance shimmered around the tower, layering over each other like fish scales to defend against the fire adept’s manic and ferocious attacks. However, it was exceedingly difficult for the tower to escape the opponent’s attacks and rise back into the sky.

  While the security tower was enduring the meteors and slowly gaining altitude, Mangus arrived below the structure.

  He looked at the security tower and saw it shrouded in flame, its arcane barriers trembling without stopping. Mangus let out a roar without any hesitation and unleashed his true power.

  As the earthshaking roar rang out, Mangus’ body started to swell and grow at a rapid pace. The sound of cracking bones could be heard as Mangus turned into an unusual five-meter-tall, two-headed adepts.

  Meanwhile, a sort of change seemed to have overcome the two-headed adept, whose body could only accommodate one consciousness at any one time. The two suddenly became fearless and powerful.

  Both heads opened their eyes simultaneously.

  Chapter 1090 - Terrifying Adept

  Naturally, as someone capable of reaching the Fourth Grade, Mangus was powerful in his own way!

  As the weakest person in the party, he typically kept a low and humble profile, rarely ever getting into an argument with anyone. However, when he transformed into a true two-headed adept and both Mangus’ and Cherisha’s consciousnesses were highly blended, an overwhelming and barbaric aura burst forth from their body.

  “Come down, you!”

  A strange voice that was a mix of both male and female rang out in the air. The two-headed adept’s hands moved together and grabbed at the security tower. The security tower abruptly trembled above them, just a hundred meters in the air. Two strange and massive claw marks mysteriously appeared on its sturdy walls. Pieces of stone and debris fell off from the walls like an avalanche.

  Pulled by this unusual force, the security tower was unable to resist any longer against the cooperation of two Fourth Grade adepts. It once again trembled and crashed towards the ground.

  While the legendary fire adept and the two-headed adept worked together to take down the security tower, two black dots appeared on the distant horizon, quickly approaching their location.

  “Holly, go delay them for fifteen minutes! Two-Heads and I will finish this first,” Greem shouted after he turned back and looked.

  Finish a security tower guarded by a Fourth Ring arcanist in fifteen minutes?

  It was hard to believe such a claim, but Holly sensed a trace of self-confidence in Greem’s composed and determined words.

  He was the one that wanted this battle, after all. It only made sense that he should be the one to shoulder the hardest and most challenging part of it. As such, Adept Holly made no attempts to shirk the task he had been assigned. Instead, he turned and immediately charged at the direction of the two black points.

  Several dozens of kilometers was a matter of a few seconds for everyone on this battlefield.

  The two reinforcing security towers hastened their speed when they saw the damage that had been done to the first tower. They seemed eager to rush to its aid.

  The astral construct that Holly piloted also began to get closer and closer to them.

  When the two parties were two thousand meters apart, the elementium towers on the two security towers lit up simultaneously. All sorts of violent magic then started to bombard the astral construct ceaselessly.

  Holly’s vision trembled violently, and he could smell blood from his mouth when he cackled. However, he couldn’t be bothered by such a blast injury like this. He continued to charge forward recklessly.

  Finally, when the security towers were only a thousand meters away, Adept Holly roared and struck.

  He lifted both hands as a brilliant beam of starlight crashed down from the skies, landing right upon one of the security towers. A profound a mysterious array made of starlight appeared out of thin air. Countless strange appendages wrapped around the tower, trying to drag it into the void.

  Obviously, the security tower would not just take it lying down. It furiously attacked the appendages and the starlight array with its elementium towers. It greatly slowed down the appendages and made it difficult for them to pull down the tower. Even the starlight array itself flickered as if it was about to be blasted away by the attacks.

  It was an unusual banishment spell!

  Should the security tower be dragged into the void, its connection to its current location would be severed. The starlight array would then throw the tower to a random corner of the plane.

  When that happened, it would not be able to return to this battlefield without a few days of travel.

  It was an indirect manner of banishing the security tower from this fight.

  Unfortunately, Adept Holly alone was not powerful enough to banish a security tower as massive as this. That was why he had activated Starlight Banishment the moment the fight began. Holly wasn’t blindly hoping to actually banish the tower. Instead, he was mainly hoping to temporarily restrain one of his targets using the spell.

  Otherwise, if both the security towers were to combine forces, even a Fourth Grade golem master like himself would fold from the pressure!

  Seeing that the security tower was still resisting the starlight array, a wicked smile appeared on Adept Holly’s face. He leaped forward, an enchanting trail of light streaking behind the astral construct as he rushed at the other tower.

  The battle instantly reached its peak!

  Taking full advantage of what little time that Adept Holly had managed to buy, Greem and the two-headed adept started to beat down on the security tower beneath them wildly.

  At their level, almost every single attack was a compound attack of many effects.

  From physical damage, to elementium damage, to all sorts of unusual magical effects, only compound attacks of this kind could penetrate the defenses of a Fourth Grade enemy and inflict severe and lasting damage!

  The security tower shook violently, endlessly unleashing violent arcane shockwaves in the hopes of blowing away the two enemies at its sides. Unfortunately, these two enemies seemed to have gone mad. They completely ignored the ‘insignificant’ damage to their bodies and focused intently on attacking the tower itself.

  As for the arcane barrier around the tower? That had long since been destroyed when it was sent crashing to the ground by the two adepts!

  They were two adepts, one with an elementium body and one with a body of flesh and blood. Both of them used their powerful magical abilities to beat down on the sturdy walls of the security tower. The security tower continued to have its elementium towers unleash a barrage of elementium attacks, all while powerful and savage arcane magic came shooting out of the tower itself.

  Obviously, the Fourth Ring arcanist had also sensed the impending danger to himself. He no longer limited himself to controlling the tower and started to fight with his own powers as well.

  Greem and the two-headed adept could endure the barrage of low-grade elementium attacks with their formidable Physique. However, they would have to choose between defense and offense when faced with the arcane spells of their Fourth Ring opponent.
/>   The savage arcane spells ravaged the two-headed adept’s body. They penetrated their defensive forcefield and left increasingly glaring wounds on their body.

  From a distance, it looked as if the two-headed adept’s body was covered in black burn marks, blue frost marks, the amber-colored signs of earth elementium, and the messy, crisscrossing cuts from wind blades.

  However, their tough Physique caused the wounds to heal rapidly. The dead muscles dried up and peeled off, revealing the newly-grown flesh and skin beneath. Even the more terrifying wounds were healing at a rate visible to the naked eye!

  Meanwhile, the fire giant that Greem had turned into had also been receiving an equal amount of damage. However, his strange body of flames seemed to allow him to ignore the damage. A red burst of fire would roll across his body every so often, and the wounds would vanish mysteriously.

  It was because of how ferocious Greem and the two-headed adept were that they were able to keep the tower against the ground with their relatively ‘smaller’ sizes and send rocks flying across the air.

  Six minutes quickly passed by. Even though the tower had been utterly defaced by the ‘beatdown’, it still continued to struggle to get up without any intentions of giving up resistance.

  Pressured by time, Greem had no plans of letting the fight drag on. He shouted out loud.

  “Keep that thing pinned for me!”

  The two-headed adept roared in reply, lashing out with two iron fists and suppressing the tower’s attempt at retaliation.

  Greem took this opportunity to take a deep breath. He then bent forward and spewed forth a golden stream of fire that was one meter in diameter.

  These golden flames were endless and scorched the stone exterior of the tower without stopping.

  Even the firm steelrock, infused with arcane energy, could not endure this golden fire. The surface of the rock started to dry and crack, before turning red, then scalding hot, and finally softening and turning into molten lava.

  A river of red lava flowed down from the walls of the tower. A one-meter wide hole had been charred into the stone and was slowly extending into the inside of the building as the golden flames burned.

  The Fourth Ring arcanist, who was witnessing all this through the monitory crystal, was thoroughly shocked. He then redoubled his efforts on piloting the security tower in an attempt to break free from the pin. Even if the tower could not take to the skies, adjusting the tower’s position and preventing the fire giant’s attack from being concentrated on a single area was better than nothing.

  However, having seen the hope of success, the two-headed adept would not let him do as he wished!

  The previously cowardly and passive two-headed adept was exceedingly brave and barbaric at the moment. They used their own body of flesh and blood to pin down the tower and keep it from moving at all.

  The crater grew deeper and deeper. Finally, a loud roaring rang out as the golden flames burned through the tower, sending the heat and fire right inside.

  The wild, ferocious golden flames freely surged within the interior of the tower. All things unprotected by arcane power in its path burned and melted from the heat. The tip of the fire melted through countless arcane and metal doors under the guide of Greem’s powerful spiritual consciousness. It wildly reached towards the location of the Fourth Ring arcanist.

  Meanwhile, the other arcanists had been turned into screaming human torches from the extreme heat the moment the tower was breached.

  So what if you were a Third Ring arcanist?

  Against the violent attack of a Fourth Grade legendary fire adept, they could only survive for a few seconds longer than the low-grade arcanists!

  They might be royalty to the civilians of the Arcane Empire, enjoying lives more respected and more luxurious than human emperors. Unfortunately, they were still no more than ants before a Fourth Grade adept from another world.

  So what if you were a little stronger? You were still an ant!

  What could their brilliant minds and unparalleled arcane knowledge count for beneath the might of ferocious adept magic?

  Since the security tower had been breached, there was no longer any meaning for the Fourth Ring arcanist to continue hiding inside!

  An arcane flux, more powerful than any before, swept across the battlefield.

  While this energy paralyzed the two adepts for the briefest of moments, the Fourth Ring arcanist flew out of the tower. He was clad in layer after layer of arcane light as he desperately flew towards the two security towers in the distance. He did not so much as even looked back.

  Unfortunately, how could he, having lost all his will to battle, ever escape the grasp of the adepts?!

  A large hand reached out from the side and grabbed the Fourth Ring arcanist. A loud voice then started bellowing in wicked laughter.

  “Run? Have you asked me for permission yet?”

  The next moment, the two-headed adept stuffed the arcanist into their wide mouth and bit down viciously, completely ignoring all the arcane spells that were being shot down its throat.

  A strange, muffled sound rang out. The Fourth Ring arcanist’s arcane shields were crushed to pieces, and his neck was forcefully bitten off.

  Of course, his attacks came to a silent end.

  Chapter 1091 - Plan of Retreat

  The entire battlefield was silent!

  The arcanists had long since stopped considering the adepts as one of their kind. Instead, they regarded adepts as cruel, evil creatures, much like the disaster creatures and starbeasts. However, when they witnessed a giant two-headed adept bite off their companion’s head and chew it bite by bite with their own eyes, it was completely different! Their hearts trembled and shivered in fright!

  As such, when the flame giant, the two-headed adept, and the terrifying adept in the astral construct surrounded them, the arcanists’ spirits broke down.

  The arcane tower that was fighting against Adept Holly unleashed a violent arcane attack, forcefully repelling the astral construct. It then fired a guiding bolt at its ‘companion’ to drag it out of the starlight array. The two towers turned and flew into the distance without ever turning back.

  They had retreated.

  These arcanists had retreated without a fight! Intimidated by the evil adepts, they had fled!

  The two-headed adept couldn’t help but spit at the sight of the fleeing silhouette of the enemy. He spoke, disdain thick in his voice, “Hmph! Eggshells that have never seen the battlefield.”

  Even Greem couldn’t help but sigh as he looked upon the enemy’s slowly vanishing figure.

  The arcanists’ fighting spirit was simply too weak!

  Perhaps those old scholars and antiques with their vast knowledge held higher positions and authority within the Arcane Empire in the realm of academics.

  With the arcane towers, floating cities, pseudo-planar fortresses, and the arcane guards, the arcanists didn’t personally need to do anything at all. Of course, this meant that they would never run onto the frontlines of the battlefield to do battle like a barbaric warrior.

  In their understanding, the so-called war was hiding leisurely in the safe and secure backlines, pressing crystal buttons to command their cannons (pseudo-planar fortresses) and their cannon fodder (arcane guards) to tear at the enemy’s ranks viciously.

  Meanwhile, they simply had to throw massive arcane spells at the enemy while under the protection of arcane barriers.

  War was an art form, and all they needed to do was to crush every single opponent with their overwhelming knowledge!

  It was the influence of such a belief that caused the arcanists to become such weak and cowardly people, who were constantly scared for their own lives. When the battlefield got too bloody, they would turn and flee without hesitation.

  In truth, if they had been a little more rational and a little more determined, they would have seen that defeating or stalling the attacks of three evil adepts was more than likely with the cooperation of two arcane
towers. Unfortunately, even though their security towers had not been broken, the hearts of the arcanists themselves had been bent and shattered.

  Those useless fools.

  Adept Holly clicked his tongue in disdain as he turned towards the broken and battered tower. He smashed open a hole with his hard astral hand and flew into it.

  A short moment later, he emerged from within and tossed a large knowledge crystal at Greem. Judging by his smiling expression, his harvest had been bountiful.

  Now that the battle was over, the three adepts gathered in front of the security tower once again.

  The two-headed adept had already reverted from his transformed state. His aura was weak, and his body was covered in wounds. There was a large hole the size of a fist near his stomach, and his blood had spilled across the ground.

  Even so, Mangus still appeared as excited and joyful as ever.

  A dull thud sounded as Mangus dropped the Fourth Ring arcanist’s tattered body to the ground. Blood flowed like a river from the headless neck, quickly staining the earth a crimson red.

  Greem looked at the corpse and saw no spatial equipment resembling a storage device on its body. Thus, he looked away and made no mention of the issue. Adept Holly seemed to have discovered this peculiarity as well. However, seeing that Mangus had contributed significantly to the battle earlier, he decided to let it slide.

  The three adepts cleaned up the battlefield hastily and hurried into the forest towards their next target before new enemies could appear.


  Floating City Reisin Garden.

  Great Arcanist Freila could no longer suppress her fury. She almost wanted to tear apart the roof of this arcane hall.

  She roared angrily, slamming the rectangular obsidian table over and over again. Her sharp and pointed reprimands caused the two Fourth Ring arcanists to bend their heads down in shame.


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