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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 779

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

“We have been constantly assaulted by the Crimson adepts ever since we entered the Ailovis Region. The Harps are fighting the Crimson Clan’s magical machine army about fifty kilometers to the east. The Toyboxes are sieging the City of Loches in the southeast; the city is protected by a Crimson Clan adept tower. It will take some time for it to fall. The Stonedragons, on the other hand, have been sent to the north. It’s said that Emelia of the Crimson Clan has arrived at Coldmountain City to reinforce the frontlines.”

  “Obviously. I personally issued half of these arrangements. How would I not know of them? What I’m asking is what forces remain stationed close to this damned manor?”

  “Only the Second Voodoo Beast Army and us of the Seventh Adept Squad. The other forces are already engaged with the Crimson Clan’s army!”

  According to the military distribution of the Dener Clan, a voodoo beast army contained at least ten thousand voodoo beasts of various grades, while an adept squad consisted of fifteen First or Second Grade adepts.

  In all honesty, defending the lowly manor of a human noble with ten thousand voodoo beasts and fifteen adepts was absolute overkill and a waste of military power. However, considering that a Crimson Grand Duke was imprisoned here, this much security was necessary.

  No matter how glorious their title and position in the hierarchy were, a human noble was no more than a pathetic dog in the eyes of the adepts. In truth, the Dener Clan did not need to treat a noble with such seriousness.

  Dogs would always be dogs. They would never earn respect and treatment equal to an adept. However, when a dog’s name started with the word ‘Crimson,’ even the arrogant Dener Clan had to treat them seriously.

  After all, there were only five dogs in the Crimson Clan that held the title of Crimson Grand Duke!

  Under such circumstances, a Crimson Grand Duke’s status might be higher than an ordinary First Grade adept. They might be equal to even the Second Grade adepts.

  However, this referred only to their status and position. In truth, it was self-evident that the adepts were far more significant and essential individuals. The title of Crimson Grand Duke could be bestowed on anyone. The Dukes themselves were just ordinary people, after all. However, a Second Grade adept had actual power beyond what mortals were capable of.

  The fact that the Dener Clan now held a Crimson Grand Duke captive was a vicious insult to the Crimson Clan. The Crimson Clan would either have to save their Grand Duke or capture an individual of equal importance from the Dener Clan. Otherwise, they would lose face and reputation.

  However, this was precisely the most intolerable action that could be taken against the quickly rising Crimson Clan!

  “Only a voodoo beast army and you people?” Marilyn Mona couldn’t help but frown again.

  “My lady, there shouldn’t be any problems, are there?” The Second Grade adept said in a surprised tone. “We are just guarding a human noble and his First Grade adept and advisor. Is this force not sufficient for this task?”

  “Hmph! What do you know? This Crimson Grand Duke might not be much in peaceful times, but in instances of escalating conflict between clans such as now, he represents the Crimson Clan’s face. They will be sending people to save him!”

  Marilyn was still upset. She continued angrily, “The clan’s forces have been scattered all over to fight against the Crimson Clan’s forces. Naturally, they can’t send an army to attack this place. That only leaves them with the option of sending elites. I was wondering when the bastards at headquarters were nice enough to let me sit behind the frontlines. Now I know why! This is the most dangerous place. Hmph.”

  The fifteen Dener Clan adepts in the hall couldn’t help but become nervous when they heard Marilyn’s explanation. However, a few of the Second Grade adepts with the most potent auras licked their lips. They seemed to have gotten excited at the scent of blood.

  “My lord, what do you think we should……” The Second Grade leader of the group asked in a soft voice.

  “Relay my orders immediately. Have my Dream Garden force come to me!”

  “This…my lady, this order seems to contradict the assignments from headquarters. Should anything happen over at headquarters……”

  “Hmph! My psionic powers are only at their most powerful when my Dream Garden is with me. Those bastards from headquarters know as much. Just relay my orders as is and have the Dream Garden force march here without stopping. If those bastards at headquarters stop me, then they can’t blame me if I walk away from all this!”

  “Yes…understood. I will contact headquarters now!” The male adept nodded and agreed when he heard Marilyn’s cold reply. Beads of sweat had formed on his forehead.

  “Alright, all of you leave me and go make your arrangements or rest or whatever it is you do! Also, send the Grand Duke’s advisor to my room. I want to see if he has any information of value in his mind.”



  A silent and desolate valley.

  The forest trees were tall and old, their massive canopies covering vast swathes of the ground like giant umbrellas. Several hills stood around the area, along with gulches and ravines. The cries of birds and insects alike could be heard here and there.


  Suddenly, an odd sound could be heard in the air.

  Three metal eyeballs the size of human heads flew through the air above the forest, leaving faint, fading trails of blue.

  One of the metal eyeballs perched high in the sky close to the valley, scanning everything within range. The other two dived into the forest and wove deftly between the branches and vines. Faint blue beams shot in every direction, checking for suspicious activity.

  The critters of the forest quickly hid in their lairs, and the forest instantly fell silent. All living beings stilled their breath, not daring to show themselves at all.

  The eyeball machines passed through and found nothing abnormal, so they returned to the sky. The three eyeball machines, in formation, flew towards the next patch of forest.

  When the eyeballs had disappeared from view, light shimmered beneath a tree. A group of adepts riding on magical mounts tore down the illusion barrier and revealed themselves.

  The leader was Third Grade Scarface Gallow, his face full of stitches and scars as if he had been torn apart.

  He rode on an exceedingly mighty horse. He turned and looked in the direction the machines had disappeared in as a solemn expression took over his face.

  This magical horse was particularly vicious. It was pitch black and covered in dark violet scales. Its mouth was filled with blade-like teeth and two long fangs.

  It was evident from a single glance that this was no magical creature born of nature. No, it was a magical beast that the adepts had specially bred and cultivated!

  Chapter 1280 - The Bug Adept Arrives

  While Scarface Gallow stared in the direction the machines had vanished, a particularly muscular warrior in black armor rode up beside him.

  The two ferocious magical horses showed no signs of intimacy next to each other. Instead, they growled and roared, trying to intimidate each other.

  After all, all magical horses were created through magical methods. The shadow of various magical creatures such as earthlions, shadow panthers, and unicorns could be seen in their bodies. It was because of their complex genesis and chaotic genetic sequence that there were only males among them. These creatures could not procreate naturally.

  Moreover, they only had a short lifespan of ten years. They were considered cheap voodoo beasts that could be manufactured en masse!

  However, cheap didn’t mean weak.

  Because of how short their lives were, the adepts went all out in wringing out every bit of combat potential they had within them. The beasts became even more ferocious and vicious than what was possible for creatures born in nature.

  Gallow’s magical sword was tied to his back. He reached out a large palm and knocked the horse lightly on its head. “Silence!
If you alert the enemy’s scouts, I will roast both of you for dinner.”

  His tone was light, but there was terrible intimidation behind it. The two magical horses immediately lowered their heads and became much less ferocious.

  “Boss, do you think our ambush will succeed?” The warrior in black armor was a body-refining adept as well. His bulging muscles almost seemed like they would cause his armor to burst apart. He had a long scar across his face, which he had not bothered to do away with. The scar made him appear like a cruel and savage bandit.

  However, this intimidating man was as gentle as a rabbit in front of Scarface Gallow. In fact, he had a fawning smile on his face as he talked to Gallow.

  “That is none of your concern!” Gallow rebuked coldly. However, he quickly instructed in a soft voice, “The Swamp of Tragedies that we are invading this time is a restricted Crimson Clan area. It’s said that this is where they grow their mushrooms.”

  The warrior’s face lit up when he heard this. He licked his dry lips with his long, red tongue; excitement was written all over his face.

  The Crimson Clan’s mushrooms. That was one of the best resources in the Central Lands that everyone had been seeking recently.

  It was said that these unique mushrooms from another world could effectively increase the Physique of an adept. High-grade adepts could improve their Physique by around 1 point, while intermediate adepts could improve it by an average of 2 points.

  As for low-grade adepts? Heh. At this point, there had not been a low-grade adept lucky enough to get their hands on such an excellent resource.

  The warrior, who was only beginner Third Grade himself, once believed that he would never set eyes upon such a valuable treasure. Who knew that the clan’s assault mission this time was to raid and destroy that restricted area of the Crimson Clan– the Swamp of Tragedies.

  With a little bit of luck, even he, the vice-commander of the Bloody Spears, could get his hands on some decent loot.

  The warrior started licking his lips even more voraciously at the thought.

  “Keep your guard up. Our operation might not go too well this time! If we run into the more infamous bastards of the Crimson Clan,” Even Gallow couldn’t help but narrow his eyes at this point, “Pray for yourself!”

  “It will be fine. We have you, don’t we, boss?” The warrior in black armor didn’t seem to worry. “Boss, you are a peak Third Grade adept! The Crimson Clan might have quite a few Third Grades, but I have never heard of anyone whose might could rival yours!”

  Scarface Gallow shook his head dejectedly and said, “Rumors are not to be trusted! If rumors were all true, then I would never have lost at the hands of Greem.”

  Gallow had to squeeze Greem’s name out of his mouth when he said it. It had already been a hundred years, but the defeat still weighed on him.

  That might have been the one moment in his life where he had been closest to Fourth Grade!

  Without origin substances, he could only rely on his bloodline talent to slowly accumulate the energy required for his advancement. The difficulty and risk in this process was not something that others could ever understand.

  “Don’t worry, boss! There can’t be more than a few legends like the legendary fire adept. Perhaps……”

  A commotion came from within the magical horses’ ranks scattered throughout the forest as the warrior chattered on.

  The commotion gradually grew in scale, and it almost seemed like total chaos was about to break out.

  “What’s happening? You bastards, don’t you know we are undertaking a covert mission? What’s with all the noise?” The warrior in black shouted in a restrained voice.


  “Boss, there are bugs!”

  Scarface Gallow’s heart sank when he heard the panicked cries of the knights.

  The Bloody Spears was an adept army that he had personally built up. Every member of the party was a First Grade adept at the very least. The knight leaders spread throughout the army were also required to have the might of an intermediate Second Grade.

  Meanwhile, as the commander, he was peak Third Grade, while the vice-commander was beginner Third Grade.

  Such a powerful army of magical knights would not panic, even if they were thrown into a horde of magical creatures. They would show no signs of fear or hesitation, no matter how perilous the path before them. They would pave a road of blood with their spears and swords, only stopping their endless slaughter when the heads of all their enemies hung by their saddles.

  An army like this would be afraid of mere bugs? Either the person who made this claim had gone mad, or…those were no ordinary bugs!

  Scarface Gallow was truly an elite adept that could serve as the leader of the Bloody Spears. The image of a terrifying adept instantly came to mind when he heard of the bugs.

  He could only hope that it wasn’t that bastard.

  Gallow prayed to himself and patted his horse, diving straight towards the area where the commotion was the greatest.

  The magical horse was not only able to bound rapidly across flat land. It could even scale steep cliffs and climb tall trees with its sharp, clawed limbs.

  Gallow soon arrived at the location after a few quick leaps. The scene that came into sight made his and the vice-commander’s hearts to sink.

  Several half-meter-tall dirt mounds had risen from the black ground near the roots of a tree. The dirt had broken apart, and countless terrifying black beetles were swarming up from below.

  These black beetles were all the size of mastiffs, their shells gleaming with a terrifying sheen under the forest’s dim light. Apart from their tough shells, they also had four pairs of sharp limbs gleaming with a metallic shine and a giant pair of pincers in front of their mouths.

  These black beetles might not look monstrous apart from their size, but they were incredibly challenging to deal with.

  Their shells were thick enough to resist ordinary magical weapons, while their limbs and pincers were sharp enough to slice through leather armor three fingers thick. Even the magical armor of the knights glowed when the beetles bit at them. Terrifying scratches and cuts were left on the metal surface.

  The appearance of the insect swarm had been too sudden. It had emerged directly beneath where the knights had been resting and instantly drowned three of the knights in a sea of black.

  The other knights could no longer care for the gag order by then. Their runic spears pierced forth, each lunge accompanied by a glowing explosion of magic.

  As members of the Bloody Spear, each and every one of them were qualified adepts. They were protected by magical armor, and the runic spears in their hands could unleash an elementium attack of their choosing, depending on the enemy’s elementium attribute.

  Naturally, against the tide of insects, they chose fire attacks, which had the largest radius of attack and the most damage.

  Unfortunately, these flaming spears that could quickly exterminate all life within a dozen meters barely worked on the insects. The ferocity of the flames and the sharp spears themselves could only kill the few beetles that were at the core of the explosion.

  The other black beetles were only injured and recklessly attacked the three unfortunate knights caught in their midst.

  The three figures roared endlessly amidst the swarm, unleashing shocking elementium explosions. However, they couldn’t break free of the encirclement of insects. The magical horses that had been caught in the tide were still valiantly resisting thanks to the scales on their bodies. An unbearable grinding, cracking sound of snapping teeth could be heard as they struggled.

  Sadly, there were too many insects attacking them. A little hill of insects had already gathered around them. The insects squirmed. Each wave of resistance from the knights would only cause a layer of black beetles to fall off of the hill.

  However, it didn’t matter how they fought with all their strength. The hill of insects was as thick and firm as ever, leaving them with no ho
pe of escape. The beetles that continued to swarm approached the army of knights, seemingly intent on devouring every last one of them.

  Bug Adept Billis…this was most certainly the work of Bug Adept Billis!

  The only one in the Crimson Clan who could cultivate such horrifying insects was the intermediate Third Grade bug adept, Billis.

  “Rezai, go save the three of them!”

  Gallow drew the magical sword from his back, his cold, murky eyes scanning the battlefield for all movement.

  The warrior’s name was Rezai.

  He acknowledged the order and pressed his thighs together, instructing his horse to charge towards the squirming pile of insects.

  Just as he was halfway across, Gallow roared, and his magical sword tremored. A shapeless, invisible thread of power sliced across the air, instantly beheading the two Voidreavers that had snuck to Rezai’s side.

  The thread of force cut across the forest. Nothing could stand in its way.

  Trees and vines alike were severed at the waist.

  It passed through a seemingly empty clearing, and tragic insect cries could be heard immediately. Blood splattered as two heads went flying while their owner’s insectoid bodies crashed out from the trees onto the grass.

  The death of the two Second Grade Voidreavers seemed to have signaled the start of an odd banquet of slaughter. The cries of insects could be heard everywhere in the forest, loud and blaring.

  Countless unusual insectoid silhouettes started to appear between the trees.

  Chapter 1281 - Pincer Attack

  The swarm of insects descended.

  The forest had turned into a sea of bugs by the time the magical knights registered their presence.

  At a single glance, every inch of the forest floor was covered in the squirming figures of the black insects. As more and more burrows started to appear, more and more terrifying insects emerged from below. The myriad of insects screeched and attacked the Bloody Spears madly.


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