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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 841

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  It was this discovery that made them feel a little safer!

  Otherwise, without a means to counter the principle fire, they would have had to flee back to the Abyssal World with their tails between their legs.

  Demons were violent creatures who could only think of murder and slaughter. However, fleeing in the face of an overwhelmingly powerful enemy was not an embarrassing option for them either.

  After all, given their might as Fourth Grades, reviving from the Abyssal Brazier with their demonic brands would take at least ten years. If possible, they would prefer to return with their spoils rather than die and be kicked back into the Abyssal World by the enemy.

  The pit fiend howled angrily. His body exploded into purple flames, leaving a slowly expanding ring of fire in the air.

  His body vanished without a trace!

  “Seems like you don’t intend to leave,” Greem’s deep voice echoed throughout the space. He lifted a hand as radiant light emanated his body, enveloping every inch of space within a hundred meters of himself.

  The pit fiend appeared at the edge of the light.

  It was obvious that he had intended to teleport to Greem’s side and attack but had been stopped by this strange light.

  Principle power. Only principle powers could stop the teleportation of a Fifth Grade demon!

  The pit fiend swung his Butcher Knife, cutting open the light. He then dove into the light and slashed at Greem’s body.

  Being larger was disadvantageous in a battle between high-grades!

  Without proper defenses, the larger you were, the more opportunities for the enemy to attack. Without sufficient power, increasing your body’s size only weakened the strength of the individual parts of your body.

  As a veteran Fifth Grade demon, Meillerie knew all these things well!

  Greem did not panic even though the enemy was now next to him. Golden flames burned in his palm, and he swung his hand downward.

  Two powerful forces clashed together in an instant.

  The next second, the earth was torn asunder, the sky split apart, and the planar world trembled. It was almost as if a typhoon had just ravaged the battlefield. Everyone in the vicinity was blown away.

  Chapter 1385 - The Pit Fiend Flees

  Fortunately, the damned cannon fodder had all died in flames.

  Otherwise, this clash of the powerful would have wiped out everyone else and turned that battlefield into a death zone.

  The Fourth Grade adepts and Fourth Grade demons scurried away amidst the ferocious shockwaves. They each used their own means to flee the battlefield as quickly as they could.

  The most unfortunate individual on the battlefield had to be the Fourth Grade hezrou.

  It had never excelled at speed to begin with, and it had even been badly injured in the fighting earlier. Consequently, it was much slower at fleeing compared to everyone else. Before it could escape the range of the fight, the force shockwaves and golden flames caught up with it.

  When the force shockwave came crushing toward it, the Fourth Grade hezrou was flattened as if an invisible hand had wrapped around it and was gripping as tightly as possible. The hezrou’s body was twisted beyond recognition, and fountains of purple blood came spilling from its body.

  Despite the terrifying injuries inflicted to it, the hezrou managed to survive with its resilient Physique and stubborn life force. However, just as it reached out to the flame fiend–its closest ally–to call for help, a golden ripple washed across its body.

  Flames burst forth from its heart as the golden ripple ignited the hezrou’s magical energy. A fearsome Undying Flame burned from within its organs, causing it to howl and yelp in agony.

  “Izal, save me!

  “Tyria, give me a hand, and from now on, I……”

  Regardless of how the hezrou screamed and pled, its demon companions simply fled even faster.

  Finally, the Undying Flame penetrated the hezrou’s organs, dissipating from its orifices and the pores of its skin, transforming the hezrou into a blazing torch. It stumbled around the battlefield howling in pain.

  A short moment later, its life force was exhausted, and it crumpled to the ground like a piece of rotten wood. It never got up again.

  The adepts and demon lords all felt a chill in their hearts.

  That…had not been an ordinary abyssal demon! It was a Fourth Grade demon lord, a god-like deity that was capable of world destruction in any other world.

  Here on a battlefield of the World of Adepts, it had died like a dog.

  The psychological gap was enough to make everyone who witnessed its death feel sorrow, even if it had been their enemy! After all, that demon could easily have been themselves.

  In all honesty, the hezrou might have been stronger than most of them. Yet now, it had become a sacrifice to the shockwaves of a battle between two truly powerful individuals.

  How powerful were the two individuals currently locked in combat, exactly?

  After fleeing all the way back to the Ahlden Clan’s adept tower, the Fourth Grade adepts finally had a reprieve to observe the battle in the distance.

  The earth shook, and the tower trembled.

  The entire battlefield was covered in force shockwaves and golden flame ripples. The adepts’ Spirits couldn’t even infiltrate the battlefield to observe what was happening.

  Matthew was old and elderly. He had even been wounded badly by the Butcher Knife earlier. Though the voodoo doll had saved his life, the impact from the slash had severely damaged his Spirit.

  As he fled into the tower panting, he turned back and took one last glance at the thousand-meter-tall figure of Greem. An unspeakable fear crept into his heart, and he was momentarily lost in thought.

  After all the events that had happened in the Central Lands, his relationship with Legendary Fire Adept Greem was still very tense. He had hoped to form a small group with Mirva and Nicolas that would have secretly gone against Greem and his decrees.

  However, upon seeing Greem’s might and witnessing his own pathetic display earlier, Matthew felt his ambitions crumble and die. The reluctance and resentment that had always burned at the bottom of his heart dissipated silently.

  He did not want to die.

  He still had many clan members that required his protection and thousands of descendants that needed him alive.

  If he died, these clan members and relatives of his would face terrible persecution and revenge. He could imagine that outcome even if he was thinking with his toe.

  He did not want to fight any longer.

  He had resisted for so long, yet Greem was only improving. Now, Greem had reached a level where they could only look up in awe. Meanwhile, they were as pathetic as dogs roaming the streets.

  Let him be if he wanted to unify the Central Lands!

  At any rate, with his remaining fame as a Fourth Grade, his clan could still enjoy another two or three hundred years of respect and glory. For Matthew, whose path forward had come to an end, this was enough.

  Matthew stared at the battlefield in the distance, the thoughts in his mind flickering like a candle in the wind.

  While he was lost in thought, an earth-rending boom rang out in the distance. An even more violent and ferocious storm erupted in the center of the battlefield, with sparks of golden flames blowing in the wind. It swept across the horizon, destroying everything in its path.

  The remains of the two dozen war towers that had been razed in the past month of fighting had remained on the battlefield. Though the war had left its mark on the base of the towers, they had remained there, covered in rubble and dust.

  At this moment, even those tower bases had met their end!

  When the vicious storm rushed across the horizon, every last piece of evidence of their existence was wiped away.

  The violent force shockwave destroyed the adept towers’ forcefields in the distance, while the golden flames caused magic energy turbulence wherever they landed. Seas of golden fire erupted here and t

  Two fearsome powers dominated the entire battlefield. They tore and lashed at each other, occasionally erupting into violent energy storms when both powers clashed with each other.

  Though it was impossible to sense the exact energy level of the storms through the adept tower defenses, the adepts had a good estimate just by how much the tower was quaking.

  This was no longer a battle at the level of peak Fourth Grade!

  Could it be? Had Greem advanced to Fifth Grade? Every adept wondered to themselves, but they quickly dismissed the idea.

  The World of Adepts was a very strict major planar world. Peak Fourth Grade was the limit of power here; no power beyond peak Fourth Grade was allowed to exist. That would trigger severe reactions from the planar consciousness, even to the extent of backlash.

  As for Fifth Grade creatures? They weren’t even allowed to exist inside the plane. They would endure endless planar suppression, causing them unbearable agony at every moment.

  Yet, the scene unfolding before their eyes was beyond their comprehension!

  Were they simply outdated in their understanding? Or was the world too wild for their comprehension?

  For a moment, many of the adepts became dispirited and lost in their thoughts.

  More than their own musings, they were more concerned with the outcome of this battle.

  And an outcome arrived soon.

  Battles between high-grade creatures always concluded quickly.

  The reason fights between low-grade adepts lasted so long was that their offensive and defensive powers were all within a limit.

  Even when there was a difference in their powers, it wasn’t easy to build up an absolute advantage quickly. They could only slowly wear down their opponent’s strength and find an opportunity to deliver a lethal strike.

  Such problems did not exist between high-grade creatures!

  At their level, they had already improved their powers to a horrifying extent. The dispute between them was an all-encompassing conflict that involved their bodies, Spirits, souls, and principles.

  Consequently, it was more dangerous and more terrifying.

  Unexpectedly, it was the Fifth Grade pit fiend Meillerie who was defeated after several clashes.

  Clad in abyssal fire, it howled and fled from the blazing golden giant. It dove into the mega-rift and vanished without a trace.

  When the pit fiend fled, everyone could clearly see a trace of gold mixed in with the purple abyssal fire around him. It was obvious that Greem’s principle fire had managed to reach him.

  However, despite defeating the pit fiend, Greem didn’t seem to be doing too well either.

  His thousand-meter-tall body glowed with lights of two different colors. They flowed slowly across his skin.

  One layer was the light from the Tome of Corruption’s enhancement, while the other was the fire energy provided by the Orb of the Fire God. In addition to Greem’s own Undying Flames, these two powers gave him three layers of protection on the principle level.

  Due to these protections, Greem was able to endure the pit fiend’s ferocious melee attacks and heavily wound Meillerie with his principle fire.

  The fact that he had managed to defeat a Fifth Grade while being a Fourth Grade was due to many factors!

  The first was the restrictions from the planar laws.

  This place was the World of Adepts, Greem’s origin plane.

  Naturally, he was blessed by the planar consciousness while he was here. The pit fiend, on the other hand, had to endure tremendous suppression.

  This difference in treatment from thar plane consciousness kept Meillerie’s power limited to peak Fourth Grade.

  The second factor was Greem’s superior equipment.

  Pit Fiend Meillerie had no other high-grade equipment other than his Butcher Knife.

  One could claim without mistake that every individual that emerged from the abyss was broken beyond compare. Their powers were built entirely upon their Physique and their combat abilities. The only equipment demons possessed were those they robbed from others!

  In striking contrast, the Fourth Grade Greem was equipped with two Fifth Grade divine artifacts. In particular, the Orb of the Fire God was origin equipment that was perfectly compatible with his soul origin and adept talent.

  It provided him with terrifying benefits in combat!

  Apart from these, Greem had also unexpectedly formed his principle fire– the Undying Flame. It became the key to deciding this battle.

  At the very least, it gave Greem a powerful means that could threaten the Fifth Grade pit fiend.

  Chapter 1386 - Bending the Knee

  The battle had concluded, but the shockwaves created in the process had yet to cease.

  Greem maintained his thousand-meter form, the marks of the battle rapidly fading from sight. The Orb of the Fire God residing in his pounding heart regularly supplied him with fire energy, as if it had opened a portal to the Fire Elementium Plane itself.

  The Heart of Principles pumped with all its power, furiously compressing and refining all that fire energy.

  When it turned into golden flames and surged out of the Heart of Principles, a powerful and majestic aura of laws spread outward.

  As the golden flames surged throughout Greem’s body and gathered into a roaring torrent of fire, ancient principle power rose and filled every inch of his body. The principle power even reached into his soul and conducted a thorough modification.

  According to the World of Gods, Fourth Grade was the highest that mortal creatures could ever achieve. Another step further, and they would unavoidably come into contact with the boundary that separated gods and men. One more step and they would become gods. They would become true immortals. However, any who could not cross that boundary would remain mortal. Their souls would eventually fall apart, and their bodies would rot, returning to the cycle of the plane.

  To clearly denote the boundary between god and man, the gods characterized peak Fourth Grades as demigods. These were individuals who had one foot within the realm of the immortals. You could only ascend to become a true god after advancing to Fifth Grade!

  According to the World of Adepts’ principles, only those who had advanced to Fourth Grade could repeatedly refine their bodies and souls to complete the principle modifications required for their Fifth Grade advancement.

  The fundamental requirements for advancing to Fifth Grade and completing the principle modifications to the soul were 50 points of Spirit and thorough control over a complete principle!

  Greem’s current situation was very unusual, indeed.

  Firstly, his Spirit was no more than 47 points at the moment, having had a single point increase in the battle earlier. He had not even reached the prerequisite for advancing to Fifth Grade.

  However, the enhancements from the two pieces of Fifth Grade divine equipment as well as his extraordinary experiences had allowed him to refine the Undying Flames prematurely. It was a bonafide principle fire!

  All these factors accumulated, along with the planar consciousness’ reward for his victory over the abyssal demons, allowed a principle modification of his soul to occur.

  To put it in more understandable terms, other peak Fourth Grade elementium adepts tidied up their rooms before carefully inviting their guests inside. In Greem’s case, he had brought the guest into his room before it was even done being furnished.

  Principle fires were one of the superior powers of the planar worlds, after all. They could not even be touched by one with a mortal body!

  That was why Greem didn’t dare revert to his human form even after the battle had ended. He retained his thousand-meter giant form.

  If he forcefully reverted to his original form, he would explode almost immediately. The reason for that was simple. His human form was incapable of containing the powerful and overwhelming principle power he now possessed!

  He could only maintain his current form, trying his best to use the principle fire to modif
y his soul and original body until they could accommodate the principle powers.

  Of course, this was secret, personal information that only Greem himself knew. The other adepts had no means of finding out.

  When they saw Greem easily maintain his thousand-meter-tall body and send the Fifth Grade abyssal pit fiend fleeing in an overwhelming fashion, all the adepts felt was fear and respect. That depressing thought of never being able to defeat Greem also surged through their minds.

  That was particularly the case for Mornashen Gaia!

  The many Fourth Grade adepts cautiously flew out of the adept tower and slowly approached Greem. Greem was so large that they didn’t quite know how to interact with him for a moment.

  If they stood on the ground, there would be a thousand-meter giant and adepts that looked like ants to him. Was Greem supposed to bend all the way over to talk to them?

  Fly in front of his face? Would that…be perceived as an affront to him and anger him?

  The Fourth Grade adepts knew they were not as powerful as Greem, but they had always mentally regarded him as a peer of theirs. Even though Greem was improving far faster than them and was slightly more powerful, they were all still Fourth Grade adepts; there wasn’t a fundamental difference in their positions.

  At this moment, when they saw his towering figure and felt his overwhelmingly superior aura, they felt a genuine sense of defeat in their hearts for the first time.

  When they looked upon Greem, they were reminded of the times they were apprentices- reminded of the nervousness, fear, and awe they had felt when they saw adepts for the first time. It was a trembling that emanated from the depths of their souls. It was an instinctual desire to flatter when a lesser creature met a higher one.


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