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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 856

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  “Get out of this world!!!”

  It wasn’t what Greem himself wanted to say; it was an involuntary battlecry sparked by the absorption of the World of Adept’s power.

  This roar represented the world consciousness’ deep hatred and fury for these invaders, as well as the world power’s rejection and loathing for the disaster power!

  After letting out that roar, a blinding golden light suddenly shone from within Greem’s thousand-meter-tall body of flames. The golden light illuminated the entire battlefield. A golden aura appeared around every adept as they bathed in the golden light.

  With the protection of this golden aura, the adepts no longer had to worry about being corrupted by disaster power!

  While the adepts were uncertainly examining the attributes of this golden aura, Greem had already leaped into action. Golden fireballs the size of mountains gathered in his hands and sailed toward the enemy formations, howling as they cut through the air.

  “Bastard…that is world power,” Gloria said through her grit teeth.

  Domhnall couldn’t help but let out another regretful sigh, “He’s already able to draw on world power. That means that he has obtained the acknowledgment of the world consciousness…cough.“

  Domhnall had not finished his sentence, but everyone could sense the weight and emotion behind his words. They were supposed to be the main combatants here today, but an outsider had taken all the glory and the spotlight. Meanwhile, the Association adepts had been reduced to a bunch of small fry and spectators.

  The Association adepts felt distraught at the thought of this. Many among them even started lamenting that the World of Adepts’ world consciousness was so partial!

  No matter how upset they were, it didn’t change things. As the World of Adepts’ tremendous world power projected into their souls, they felt a genuine hatred and disgust for the disaster creatures, much like Greem.

  The ordinary Fourth Grade adepts also started howling and charging forward as if they had just locked eyes with their nemesis. Only peak Fourth Grade ultra-powerhouses were able to protect themselves with principle powers. They did not lose all rationality from the world power’s influence.

  However, judging from their increasingly red eyes, it was obvious that even they could not resist that influence for much longer!

  “It seems like the world consciousness has sensed the threat of the disaster creatures. It’s urging us to drive out the enemy!” Domhnall let out another sigh. “The world consciousness is quite the pragmatist. It saw that Greem was more powerful than us and immediately shifted all its blessings to him.”

  The young Adept Ainley, who had just returned from space not long ago, couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “Domhnall, it’s not the first day you’ve dealt with the world consciousness. It has always been like that. The only difference is that you always thought of yourself as the center of the world when its blessings were on you. That is why you feel the difference all the more now. Haha! Once you get to the depths of space and visit a few more planar consciousnesses, you will realize that they are all too pragmatic and practical compared to humans! Alright, I won’t waste my time here talking with you all. I want to get my hands dirty and earn a little planar feedback as well. That stuff is the best resource you can find anywhere.”

  A sharp and vicious aura, no weaker than Greem’s own, arose from Adept Ainley. There was a sonic boom as he dashed to the frontlines.

  “I’m going too…you watch out for yourself!” Gloria shot another mean glance at the towering giant in the distance as she spoke to Domhnall. The mysterious purple light then shrouded her body like armor as she charged into battle.

  Domhnall might be known as a Fourth Grade, but he was not proficient in battle at all. Thus, he could only suppress the urge to do battle and observe the fighting in silence.

  There were five peak Fourth Grade minor Scourge Lords on the enemy’s side. Meanwhile, the adepts had as many as seven ultra-powerhouses. The situation was about even. However, Legendary Fire Adept Greem was in a special state of being right now. The planar consciousness also blessed him. Crushing an ordinary minor Scourge Lord shouldn’t be a problem for him.

  In that case, they had quite the advantage on their side!

  While Domhnall silently assessed their odds under the adept tower, the Northern Witches also moved into action.

  “Lady Khesuna; the Association and the Central Lands have already gone in. Do you think we should…?” Deceit Witch leader Angelina couldn’t help but step forward on the corpse dragon’s back and ask.

  Her body trembled as she said this. Her eyes were red. Obviously, she was using her powerful mental consciousness to resist the uncontrollable urge for battle within her soul.

  The other three Fourth Grade witches were in similar conditions. They were all barely suppressing the boiling impulse to fight.

  Khesuna, who stood proudly upon the head of the dragon, remained silent for a moment. Finally, she spoke up.

  “The planar consciousness has been enraged, but we cannot lose our rationality simply because of that. Doing battle is a given, but you all must remember to keep a tight grip over your true selves while you fight. Let us go. We shall also have a battle with these damned disaster creatures to our hearts’ delight.”

  Upon hearing her proclamation of war, the eyes of the Northern Witches instantly turned red and violent. Unrestrained fighting spirit burst forth from within them. The corpse dragon stretched its wings out and dove at the frontlines with a loud roar.

  Meanwhile, the Silver Union didn’t have a single ultra-powerhouse backing them.

  Even an adept as powerful as Vice-Senate Head Melone couldn’t resist the influence of the planar consciousness. He had already rushed ahead eagerly with the Union adepts the moment Greem launched his assault.

  The entire battlefield instantly reached a climax!

  Greem was the one who started the fighting, but he was simply too big. Even with him striding forward and throwing fireballs as he did so, the Association adepts were able to overtake him.

  It was a high-grade battle. There was absolutely no room for low-grade creatures to intervene!

  Disregarding Greem’s destructive Burning Domain, the shockwaves from the battle of any two high-grade creature alone were enough to crush any weaker beings into pieces.

  The entire battlefield was filled only with Fourth Grades and no one else!

  The many-headed reptile, the many-armed giant, the winged serpentdrake, the dust elemental, and the ten-headed ghoul.

  The five minor Scourge Lords each took up a spot, leading their Fourth Grade subordinates on their own charge against the human adepts.

  Meanwhile, Greem’s giant golden eyes instantly locked onto the strongest individual on the opponent’s side– the many-headed reptile, Fiveface. Fiveface’s five serpent heads also turned around and glared at Greem. A twisted and evil glare flickered in all ten of his different-colored eyes.

  “Die, ugly!”

  Greem gathered two fireballs and pumped as much energy into them as he possibly could.

  In Greem’s current state, his body surged with endless amounts of fire principle power and unique world power. The two combined to form an unusually strong power that even the Chip could not yet analyze.

  The fireballs’ energy levels continued to rise under the observation of the Chip. It repeatedly broke several thresholds that even Greem didn’t expect.

  It hit 8,000 points…9,000…10,000.

  When the energy level of the fireball reached 10,000 points, the red glow of the flames abruptly faded and turned into a nearly translucent milky-white.

  Upon seeing this, even the disaster creature Fiveface appeared concerned.

  It was important to note that the energy limit that an ordinary Fourth Grade adept could achieve was 2,000-3,000. Even an ultra-powerhouse as powerful as Gloria could only achieve 7,000 points of power in a single attack.

  But now, a simple fireball that Greem was focu
sing on had managed to reach 10,000 points of power. That was already going beyond the limit of power that should be possible in the World of Adepts.

  If it weren’t for the world power allowing him to do so, Greem would never have achieved such a feat in a thousand years!

  Greem could sense the terrible power contained within the fireballs in his hands. He let out a shout and threw it without hesitation.

  Its target? The many-headed Fiveface!

  Chapter 1411 - Battle of the Ultra-Grades

  Fiveface’s five faces almost turned white from horror when he sensed the terrifying energy intensity contained in the two fireballs.

  He raised his five reptilian heads and opened his maws, spitting out as many energy balls of his five elementium as possible. In the end, he was able to detonate the two fireballs before they reached him.

  The Vicious Fireballs collapsed inwards when they detonated. All of their power erupted simultaneously, creating a massive mushroom cloud of flames at the frontlines.

  The terrifying energy radiation and shockwave ravaged the surroundings, vaporizing everything within range of the flames and leaving a deep crater in the ground measuring over five hundred meters in diameter.

  The adepts and the other disaster creatures fighting in the center of the battlefield fled in every direction, panicked and terrified. None of them dared be involved in the battle between those two ultra-grade powerhouses.

  “Ferenen Cambatu…Mother of Flames!” Greem chanted quickly and summoned a massive cloud of fire. It rapidly enveloped the opponent’s location like a red puff of cotton candy.

  The next second, a sickly green poison halo pierced through the fire cloud.

  The poison and fire powers lashed at and neutralized each other, corroding the planar space. Puddles of poison fell everywhere upon the ground.

  Fiveface emerged from the flames with earth-shaking steps.

  A few patches of its scales were visibly burned, with golden flames still smoldering on them. The main head of Fiveface stared firmly at Greem, while the others turned around and used their various breath attacks to put out the remaining Undying Flames.

  However, even after extinguishing the flames, the injured parts remained withered and black. It was obvious that they had been affected by the principle powers.

  The Undying Flames were very effective against enemies that had not mastered principle powers. However, it was relatively easy for Fiveface to put them out as long as he was willing to pay the price.

  On one side, you had a thousand-meter-tall flame giant. On the other, there was a massive reptile measuring a hundred meters in size. They were both gigantic individuals. When they crashed together, the mountains literally trembled, and the ground was upended. Both of them were protected by principle powers as their poison halo and fire halo clashed. The resulting principle shockwaves became even more devastating and lethal than the original attacks were.

  The Fourth Grade adepts and disaster creatures who had just fled a kilometer away turned back to look for an instant. They were scared out of their wits and immediately turned to run. The ultra-powerhouses and minor Scourge Lords were able to endure the shockwaves, but their own powers were affected.

  Even they had no choice but to frown and move away from the nucleus of the battle.

  The ten thousand-meter-wide space at the center of the valley was left as an exclusive battlefield for Greem and Fiveface.

  For the sake of being able to match Greem, Fiveface began devouring spatial energy by the mouthful, his body swelling up to several times his original size. Eventually, he was able to reach Greem’s waist.

  His five serpentine heads then summoned magic energy and created numerous elementium shields over his body. Rock Armor, Frost Shields, Whirlwind Shields, and Wave Shields.

  Once he had applied defenses from all the elementium powers he was capable of using, Fiveface lunged at the flame giant with its sharp claws overgrown body.

  The two gigantic monstrosities clashed together. Poison, fire, frost, rock, wind, and water- magic energy of various attributes blasted against each other and reduced the other to oblivion, leaving the earth and skies a mess.

  With their powerful Spirits, they were even able to tear apart space itself, causing violent storms to appear!

  The many-headed reptile was truly a powerful creature with tremendous Strength and Physique. His five heads ignored the blazing fires and wrapped themselves around Greem’s body, using their sharp fangs to bite at the flames.

  Meanwhile, Greem seemed to have gone berserk. The flames shooting out of his blazing body reached unbelievable temperatures. They caused Fiveface’s body to blister all over, filling the air with the noxious stink of burned flesh.

  The principle light radiating from the Tome of Corruption formed a thin barrier around Greem’s body. This barrier was as thin as an insect’s wing, but it managed to endure Fiveface’s ruthless tearing and tackling.

  However, no number of principle defenses could stop the violent attacks of a raging beast. Fiveface’s sharp fangs were able to bite through the barrier and inject surges of elementium energy into Greem’s body.

  This elementium energy contained his soul aura and was no different than the most vicious poison in the world to Greem, whose body was currently composed purely of fire.

  Greem endured the twisting agony from his body. His massive hands balled into fists and smashed against Fiveface’s heads with resounding thuds. Golden flames gathered in his eyes and shot out as golden beams, leaving crisscrossing burn wounds on the enemy’s back, so deep you could even see bone.

  The violent fire energy gathered by the Orb blasted out of his hands, turning into golden waves of flame that engulfed Fiveface.

  The many-headed lizard squirmed in agony, but he stubbornly refused to let go of his bite. He used all of his strength to tear out pieces of flame from Greem’s body and cast them far away from the battle.

  Greem was fire, and the fire was Greem!

  He might be a thousand meters large, but fighting against a reptile with five heads like this one was still quite the disadvantage. His Physique was also at a low point and far from his peak. Consequently, he was not a match in a contest of sheer strength.

  If he couldn’t pry the enemy away from him, then it was simply a matter of who was more vicious!

  Greem tolerated the pain and drew upon as much power as he could from the Orb of the Fire God and the Tome of Corruption. He used the flames to brutally burn the enemy’s body.

  The two of them rolled around the battlefield and fought in that savage fashion, neither side gaining ground!

  Though neither could defeat the other, they both suffered severe losses.

  Greem’s body of fire did not have sufficient defense. It had been torn out in chunks by Fiveface, making for a horrendous sight. Meanwhile, Fiveface was suffering the most painful, most agonizing ordeal he had ever faced in the past few thousand years.

  His body, heads, legs…almost every piece of his body had almost been thoroughly cooked by Greem!

  Even during the most intense moments of the fight, Fiveface could smell the scent of burned flesh coming from his body. The skin and flesh under the surface of his body had almost all been burned to charcoal. They came off in large pieces at the slightest touch.

  Even the organs inside him were half-cooked. The organs hurt as if there were tens of thousands of needles stabbing them at all times. It was unbearable pain.

  Fiveface really doubted whether he would find a single piece of untouched flesh across his body once this fight was over.

  “Bloody hell! Why is there an ultra-grade adept in the World of Adepts? Shouldn’t they all have been banished to space? Nair! Ramzai! Many-Arms…you bastards! Come and help me, quick! I’m almost burnt to a crisp here!” Fiveface raised one of his head and let out a shrill cry as he continued to fight.

  He was using the native language of the World of Disasters, a language that only noble higher creatures like themsel
ves had the right to use. Unfortunately, his tragic cries for help could not move the steel hearts of his companions.

  They continued to fight with the Fourth Grade human adepts as if they had not heard him. Clearly, none of them were willing to be involved in the vicious battle between the two ultra-grade beings!

  They prided themselves on their power. But while they remained in the World of Adepts, and while the land had yet to be corrupted by the disaster powers, the limit of their might was peak Fourth Grade.

  To fight against an ultra-grade adept whose power had clearly exceeded the limits of the planar world with only the might of a peak Fourth Grade. In all honesty, only an idiot like Fiveface who had been blinded by his own power would do it.

  Even the most powerful among them was suffering terribly against that fire adept. They would only fare worse.

  Invading the World of Adepts might be crucial, but it wasn’t important enough for them to give their lives in the process!

  Intentionally or otherwise, the four minor Scourge Lords and the human adepts they were fighting against strayed further and further from the central battlefield. They were already approaching the border of Inkdeep Valley, leaving more than enough space for the two main combatants.

  Greem was still communicating rapidly with the Chip, even as he fought.

  [Beep. 26% of Body of Flames missing. Approaching severe damage…17% of fire energy lost. Attack intensity is weakening. Estimated to fall below 10,000 points in 23 seconds.

  [Target creature is estimated to still retain 67% of its combat ability. Target creature remains a threat to Host. Recommend Host use Devouring Fish Transformation and devour the enemy with the starbeast bloodline. Estimated success rate of devouring: 37%.

  [Furthermore, for every 1% reduction in target creature’s combat ability, the chance of success will increase by 2%.]

  “I can’t use the transformation. That’s a killer ace I’m saving for certain enemies. I can’t waste it on fodder like this one. Just tell me- if we continue to grind this out, who will be the first to collapse?” Greem calmly rejected the Chip’s suggestion.


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