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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 887

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  Greem slowly set down his traps of fire around the beast tamer in no hurry at all.

  At this point, he had only shown the power of his Undying Flames. He was still keeping Fire’s Image a secret.

  He was waiting for a chance. A chance to deal a lethal strike!

  Should the beast tamer reveal any weakness, Greem would summon his three fire clones within the sea of fire below. They would use their most violent and savage attacks to kill the tamer on the spot.

  The battle raged on.

  The beast tamer was gradually starting to falter.

  The thunder roc he had summoned was not a match for Spirit of Pestilence Remi. And while the behemoth was fearless and seemingly invincible, it had no means of flying and, thus, could not attack the flying fire adept.

  As the battle dragged on, the beast tamer finally flew into a rage.

  No one knew what he did, but divine light burst forth from within him. He flicked his vine whip in one hand while gripping a curved dagger in the other. He charged straight into the air and prepared to engage Greem in a melee.

  Er…that was a good idea, but isn’t that a little impulsive?

  It fully demonstrated that the beast tamer had lost his rationality after his extended and ineffectual offense. To think, he actually dreamed of relying on his superior orc Physique to overpower Greem.

  Greem was overjoyed. He prepared to activate Fire’s Image and deal a devastating blow to the beast tamer. However, an unexpected discovery from the Chip’s scan immediately caused him to go on alert.

  There was something wrong with that golden light!

  The beast tamer’s body was clad in a shroud of divine golden light. It seemed to be some sort of divine blessing.

  Upon detailed scanning and analysis by the Chip, Greem was horrified to find that the beast tamer’s grade was silently and subtly increasing as he moved forward.

  Fifth Grade.

  The beast tamer had somehow risen to the level of Fifth Grade. Moreover, his power was rapidly increasing as his grade rose.

  Crack! Crack! Crack!

  The whip cracked several times in a row.

  The whip, made out of an unknown material, glowed with golden light. The cracking sound it made in the air was absolutely horrifying. Space itself shattered wherever the whip flicked. It left spatial cracks in the air, like black spiderwebs reaching in every direction.

  The curved dagger the tamer held in his left hand radiated a frightening amount of divine power as well. Sharpening, Armor-Piercing, Rend, and other god-tier enchantments had turned an ordinary Fourth Grade dagger into a peak Fourth Grade artifact.

  The divine fluctuations it radiated suggested power enough to destroy the soul of a Great Adept. It caused Greem to feel nervous even from a distance.

  Goddammit! This beast tamer has called for his body to be possessed!

  Greem’s immense archive of knowledge allowed him to understand what was happening instantly. He turned and fled without any hesitation.

  The projection of a Fifth Grade orc god, along with the foundations of a peak Fourth Grade beast tamer, was a formidable opponent. Greem might have been interested in a fight if he was at his peak. However, the analysis was not completed yet, and he could only wield a fraction of his power at the moment. Going head-to-head against such a powerful enemy at this moment was deeply irresponsible to his own life.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Greem cast Fire Teleportation several times in succession and escaped the pursuit of the beast tamer.

  His chain of Explosive Fireballs caused the golden light around the orc to tremble. While they couldn’t break that divine shield, they effectively hindered the tamer’s movement.

  The beast tamer was becoming increasingly enraged.

  The whip in his hand lashed out faster and faster. It struck against the bodies of the silver behemoth and the thunder roc.

  An unsettling and tremendous change started to visibly overcome the Fourth Grade beasts!

  Chapter 1462 - Ultra-Grade Battle


  The earth quaked and the rivers rumbled.

  The hair of the silver behemoth turned golden as it grew even larger than before.

  The body of an elephant, the head of a lion, golden hair, and sharp claws. The golden beast’s legs were four meters thick after the transformation. Its entire body radiated divine radiance. It was now able to step on empty air and charged toward Greem like a living mountain.

  Meanwhile, on the other side, electricity flared around the thunder roc. The crackling currents flowed along its body as smaller sparks of fire and electricity flew in every direction. Bolts of golden lightning crashed down within a thousand meters of the thunder roc, electrocuting and scorching everything within sight.

  The sight of the lightning storm was so terrifying and intimidating that it almost seemed like the god of thunder had arrived.

  Meanwhile, a hint of a transcendent, noble power rippled within the body of the beast tamer. It was almost as if a god had descended onto his body and was coldly examining everything around him.

  Fifth Grade.

  He had somehow advanced to Fifth Grade and was now a beast tamer with the power of a god!

  Dammit! God Summoning.

  Greem gave up all thoughts of killing his opponent. Instead, he pivoted his strategy toward kiting, revolving around Fire Teleportation. He flew at high speeds while teleporting, hurling a storm of fire spells at the enemy between each teleportation.

  Unfortunately, the divine shield that emerged from the beast tamer’s body blocked all of these attacks. There was nothing Greem could do about this either.

  Divine Shield and Divine Shockwave were the most common divine abilities that the gods possessed.

  It was a shield formed from divine power, which possessed the powerful ability to defend against all known forms of damage. It rendered a god immune to mental influence, poison, hypnosis, paralysis, concussion, and disease. It could also allow a god to be unaffected by any elementium magic.

  From the outside, the divine shield looked like a translucent eggshell.

  However, it was this thin barrier that blocked all of Greem’s attacks. Even the Undying Flames’ principle effects could not seep through the shield, let alone the impact of ordinary fire.

  However, even with that impenetrable eggshell, the beast tamer still couldn’t catch up with Greem’s dancing silhouette. The profession of beast tamer primarily revolved around summoning beasts to do battle, after all. They had very few offensive or immobilizing divine magics while also lacking the necessary mobility.

  Being unable to approach Greem, all of the tamer’s berserk power and unstoppable physical prowess was in vain. He couldn’t harm Greem in the slightest.

  In his fury, the beast tamer could only crack his whip over and over, commanding the golden behemoth and the thunder roc to launch a vicious attack against Greem.


  Greem’s battle wasn’t the only one raging around Dun Modr.

  Five orc powerhouses against five Great Adepts.

  Both sides had picked their opponents and were fighting in pairs. They were absolutely ravaging the surroundings of the city and turning everything upside down.

  Near the end, both parties fought with all they had; they could no longer care about the damage they were inflicting to the environment.

  The first ones to be unable to bear the harsh planar environment were the two Sixth Grade powerhouses.

  Great Adept Windstern casually tore apart the planar space and dove headfirst into space. The Sixth Grade orc powerhouse quickly followed with a scowl on his face.

  The two of them were no longer restrained in their powers once they were outside the plane’s barrier. They both started fighting with the full might of their Sixth Grade powers. No one knew how the fight between them was going, but they could sense the apocalyptic destruction they were wreaking through the massive rift remaining in the sky.

  The waves of a
ftershocks from their battle blew out from the rift along with numerous spacestorms. Even the Fifth Grades engaged in combat had no choice but to flee from this disaster. Otherwise, if they were caught in one of those storms or aftershocks, their opponents might be able to grasp that opportunity to inflict a grievous wound.

  If we were to talk about the most ferocious individual in battle, it would have to be the Fifth Grade sword saint.

  After unleashing God Summoning, his power had risen exponentially from peak Fourth Grade to Fifth Grade. His unusually vicious and fearsome sword aura became several times more powerful. His attack range also increased to a shocking extent.

  With every slice of his sword, a concentrated pitch-black sword aura that was as sharp as a spatial fragment cleaved through the horizon.

  Where the pitch-black sword aura cut across, all substance instantly split into two!

  Even the disciplined and immortal forms of the body-refining adepts could not endure such fearsome sword aura, let alone an ordinary elementium shield. The one fighting against the sword saint was Catherine, the only female adept in the group and the only body-refining adept.

  Her plump figure bounced around as she flew through the air like a graceful pig. Her large and heavy fists rushed forward in a barrage, the winds generated from her punches rippling through the air and dicing anything caught up in it to pieces.

  Every time the sword aura struck, Catherine would raise her head and let out a haunting moan of agony. When the sword aura that could slice everything landed on Catherine, it only let out a dull thud, like metal against leather. Her unique Physique then absorbed the damage.

  Meanwhile, the sword saint was drifting between the storm of fists like a leaf, weaving back and forth while stepping from side to side. It was hard to capture his chaotic steps and phantom-like silhouette.

  The sword saint’s sword aura and Catherine’s fist winds.

  The two of them traded blows in this fashion, creating a tremendous uproar in the air.

  At a glance, their attacks didn’t seem all that amazing. It looked just like two children toying around. There was no visible damage to either combatant at all. However, when a streak of wind or a piece of sword aura escaped from their duel, it instantly blasted a hundred-meter-wide crater into the ground or left a thin, thousand-meter-long abyss in the earth.

  The two continued moving away as they fought in the air, slowly moving toward the horizon as they devastated everything around them.

  On another battlefield, the mouse-headed Adept Poya was also demonstrating his fearsome powers as a Great Adept.

  He was like an agile mole that could freely travel through the ground. By relying on the geography, he was able to avoid the beastsoul warrior’s attack. He would then emerge abruptly from the ground and assail his opponent with an endless barrage of stone spears.

  The beastsoul warrior had nearly gone berserk from being toyed with. The form of a hundred-meter-tall magical beast appeared behind him. With the enhancement provided by this powerful beast soul, the orc warrior’s every movement gained a hundred times the might of his own power.

  The color of the sky itself changed with every punch. The earth was torn apart with every stomp!

  However, crushing the surrounding mountains with his strength and ravaging the earth beyond recognition was insufficient to flush out Adept Poya. Instead, the warrior was still being struck by simple stone spears every so often, causing his divine shield to shake and tremble.

  In contrast, Bloodline Adept Tuncay appeared to be exceedingly courageous. He had transformed into a giant squid monster and was fighting with the orc shaman.

  Orc shamans could be classified as elementium spellcasters. However, given the orc style of combat, they often charged to the frontlines and engaged in melee combat anyway. The totems that the shaman casually cast all around glowed with lights of various colors. Whenever the squid monstrosity accidentally entered the light’s radius, it would be instantly affected by all sorts of binding effects.

  Perhaps quicksand traps, or maybe bramblethorn ambushes. Sometimes rumbling ground or anti-gravity fields……every totem seemed to have its own unique and distinct powers that would catch an opponent off-guard.

  Apart from these binding and immobilizing effects, there were also many strange elementium effects. Even though the offensive power of these magical attacks was inferior compared to the principle adepts, the hint of divine power contained within them was enough to break through principle defenses and inflict damage to a Great Adept.

  The battle between the orcs and the Great Adepts shook the world itself and instilled fear into the hearts of anyone witnessing it.

  The adepts invading Plane Gere quickly hid inside Dun Modr and activated a large magical array. They relied on their combined power to endure the aftershocks of the battle.

  Some of the lower-grade adepts witnessing an ultra-grade battle for the first time went slack-jawed in awe. It was like watching an unimaginable fantasy. They shivered in fright as they hid within the barrier.

  It was the first time they had experienced the horror of ultra-grade creatures!


  Greem was secretly scanning the entire battlefield as he fought the beast tamer.

  The Chip was collecting the data of every orc fighter and Great Adept!

  Judging by the current situation alone, the orcs were holding the absolute initiative. They were practically ruling the entire battlefield. Meanwhile, all the Great Adepts they were fighting were barely breaking even. They were only surviving by avoiding direct exchanges.

  The reason for this situation was due to the fact that the orcs were natives.

  The peak Fourth Grade orcs were compatible with Plane Gere and could unleash a hundred percent of their power. In addition to the planar consciousness’ blessing and the enhancement from the God Summoning, their combat power after rising to Fifth Grade had increased exponentially.

  In comparison, the Great Adepts were in dire straits!

  They had just descended on this world and could not break free of the planar suppression on their bodies and souls. Every single one of the Great Adepts was basically fighting against an opponent of the same grade at their prime, while having an arm and a leg tied up. It wasn’t hard to imagine how dangerous and terrifying the situation was for them.

  If it weren’t for the fact that all the Great Adepts present today were individuals with tremendous fighting power, casualties would already have occurred!

  Naturally, Greem wouldn’t show all his cards under such circumstances.

  Due to the planar suppression, he could not transform into his flame giant form. Greem could only continue fighting with the enemy in his weakest human form.

  Furthermore, he still had two aces up his sleeves: Fire’s Image and the Devouring Fish transformation. He did not want to reveal any of these aces unless it was absolutely unavoidable.

  Chapter 1463 - The First Battle Concludes

  Since Great Adept Windstern had no intention of using the Taintroot Water, the battle today was not fated to be in the Great Adepts’ favor.

  After a long time in battle, Tuncay–the adept who had transformed into a squid monstrosity–could no longer bear the plane’s suppression. Both he and his opponent dove beyond the planar barrier. The other two pairs of combatants quickly followed suit and shifted the battle to space.

  Greem hesitated for a moment but did not flee from the planar world like the rest of them.

  First, while the beast tamer was difficult to deal with, he wasn’t so challenging that he had no choice but to transform. Second, the adept they were supposed to protect on this mission was still in the camp behind them. If everyone left and another orc powerhouse arrived, this mission would be finished.

  That was why Greem didn’t stray too far. Greem led the beast tamer and his two Fifth Grade beasts along as he circled around Dun Modr. It seemed like their battle was tearing the skies and earth apart, but there was no real danger in
truth. No significant damage had been inflicted on either party.

  Greem was secretly scanning for the opponent’s true power while they fought. Judging by the information obtained by the Chip, the beast tamer’s power was undergoing a slow regression.

  After all, the beast tamer was not the same as Greem.

  Greem was a bonafide Fifth Grade Great Adept, only forced into such dire straits by the planar suppression. Meanwhile, the beast tamer was fundamentally a peak Fourth Grade orc powerhouse. He had only managed to temporarily advance to Fifth Grade with the power projected through the God Summoning.

  Wielding Fifth Grade power with a Fourth Grade body exerted terrible exhaustion upon an individual, even with the protection of divine power. After an entire day and night of fighting, the beast tamer was starting to falter.

  Of course, it wasn’t a lack of combat power on the part of the beast god who had possessed him. Rather, it was that the body of the host–the beast tamer himself–that was starting to collapse.

  Just then, ripples appeared on the planar barrier as several spatial rifts tore open. The orcs and adepts who had fled to space for a battle had returned. However, compared to before, they were in far worse condition. Blood and injuries covered their entire bodies.

  They couldn’t heal these wounds with their power. That was enough evidence to suggest that their injuries were grievous or that a foreign energy lingered on their wounds. These were the only conditions by which such obvious wounds could be left on their bodies.

  Both sides had clearly reached their limits. The energy reserves within their bodies had fallen to a hazardous level. However, neither side intended to sacrifice themselves to take down their enemy. As such, they could only call a truce and wait for a better opportunity to fight in the future.

  The five orcs had arrived in high spirits, but they had nothing to show for it after all that fighting; they could only walk away resentfully. The Great Adepts exchanged looks but said nothing. They chose to return to Dun Modr to rest and recuperate.


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