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Rebel Angels: The Complete Series

Page 72

by Rosemary A Johns

  Then the Gateway devoured me.


  I soared over a metallic rainbow into Mischief’s secret Gateway.

  Globules showered me in silver rain, even whilst they jolted me electric. Star particles zinged grainy on my tongue. I lurched, battling to control my fall into the void.

  Down below was the supernatural world’s database: an interactive book. And I was the hacker.

  What am I searching for, J?

  Trapped in this freaky book, I only get one chance. I was almost dinosaur whomped the last time that I wasn’t careful.

  So, what do I ask?

  It seems to me, Feather-princess, there’s only one thing. And we both know that you’ve been asking it every day since you were brought to the Under World.

  I somersaulted lower into the abyss. “Why does my dad want me?” I howled. “What’s the Bone Princess?”


  A gust, like ghostly fingers, brushed against my foot. I jerked away.

  Then a twister burst up beneath me, twirling me around in a stinging cloud of dust.

  I squealed, but my arms were pinned to my side by the whirling air, which dragged me down…down…and…dashed me onto the valley of bones from my visions. In front of me rose the mountain of feathers, except now they were gray as well as violet.

  The wind died.

  I struggled to my knees. My mouth tasted of ash. The bones pulsed violet in time with the pounding of my head. Then my jeans’ pocket burst into flames. I flailed at it with my palms, but the Devil’s Trident burst out, growing larger in front of my startled gaze. White flames flared along its shaft and prongs.

  “Judgment,” Devil rumbled. As his light blazed brighter, so the light in the world dimmed, blotted out. “Reckoning.” I shrank back into the darkness; the trident remained the single flaming point. “Destroyer.”

  Death. The End. Destroyer.

  Was that my answer? I wasn’t simply a weapon, instead I’d…

  I shook my head because if I didn’t think it, then maybe it wouldn’t come true.

  Please, don’t let it any of it be true.

  My dad wanted me because I…

  A roar.

  Lucifer burst from the feathers in the same terrifying glory that he’d disguised himself with in the Bones. He beat his wings, and I was caught in his burning scent. His cape billowed behind him, and light danced around his skin, even as it’d been sucked from the rest of the world.

  A world that suddenly shifted with life.

  I smelled it: humanity.

  I recoiled at the sight of the bowed backs prostrating themselves throughout the valley before Lucifer and the Devil’s Trident.

  Humans worshiping Lucifer and me as gods.

  I’d cast them into darkness, and Lucifer had brought the light.

  I couldn’t hold back the thought any longer. My dad had fought to reclaim me to stand next to him, whilst he ruled the humans, as well as the vampires.

  And I’d kick off the Apocalypse.

  I’d expected the first time I’d smelled my dad’s sizzling flesh to be at the tip of Flight’s blade.

  Even for me, that was hardcore badass.

  Not whilst he thrust his hand into his own ball of light and shook, as his skin peeled and blistered.

  I’d been summoned by Lucifer to what Wild had called the Bat Cave, without even an ironic lift of his eyebrow. When I’d swaggered into the disused service station, which was bare like the twisted insides of a metal caterpillar, I’d realized that the vampires weren’t kidding.


  The furry brown bodies had exploded from their roosts amongst the crystals that grew from the ceiling…straight at me.

  A scolding chattering.

  Leathery wings had beat against my cheeks, and I’d squealed, backing against the wall, as the bats had shrouded me in their alien burbling…and darkness.

  I hadn’t been able to breathe.

  What a way for a bitch to go: smothered to death by horse-shoe faced freaks.

  A gasp, and I’d clutched my hand to my side.

  Some bastard had harpooned me through the gut.

  I’d twisted, but the bone harpoon had only burrowed deeper, until its feather line had winched backwards, dragging me out of the cloud of bats. And I’d come nose to nose with Lucifer.


  Lucifer’s fingers twisted as they charred.

  I winced. “I get it, you’re a psycho who doesn’t feel pain. But this bitch does, so let me go.”

  To his official scare the subjects getup, Lucifer had added an obsidian belt, complete with bone buckle harpoon that’d pulled me in, trapping me at his side.

  Pain lanced, throbbing from where it connected us, in sympathy with Lucifer’s burning hand.

  Sweat trembled on Lucifer’s lower lip; he swiped it off with his tongue. “Your mother loved just how much I felt pain. How I screamed for her.” He quivered. “By the shadows, pain’s not a weakness: it’s joy. I claim it.” His charred hand forced itself into a shaking fist. Hell, the Matriarch had done a number on the bloke. “Don’t you welcome the pain to forge yourself for your own coronation? The tests…the sacrifices…the Bones… The Fallen need pain. A thanks is customary, you know.”

  Yet he was shaking, his gaze lost somewhere back in Angel World kneeling for the Matriarch.

  I reached out, pulling Lucifer’s hand from his own light. He whimpered, and I stroked his wing, even as the fire scorched my palm. Lucifer’s distress ached through me because I’d witnessed the abuse of the Wings in Angel World.

  Lucifer purred, closing his eyes.

  I hated the bastard, didn’t I? Here he was, however, clutching his burned hand to his chest and purring.

  Find a bloke’s weakness and shank him sharp.

  Yet my heart had never clenched so hard, and the words had never stuck in my throat so badly because my dad wasn’t simply the enemy: he thought himself the savior who’d rescued the vampires from the Matriarch and made them powerful through pain. “Somebody didn’t get enough hugs as a kid.” I kept stroking, but Lucifer stopped purring and flinched. “Pain is all that you can hope for? That’s dark. You’ve taken Ash apart piece by piece because that’s how you were punished for disobedience, yeah? A rebel doesn’t copy the top boy who bullied them, but you’ve been hurt for so long that you’ve created a whole world of it.”

  “Wow, heartrending moment. Can’t a guy harpoon his family to keep them close? Safe?” Lucifer smirked, but tears trembled on his eyelashes.

  “Shove it. I’m not Moby Dick, so set me free.”

  Lucifer stared down at where we were joined. Then he tsked. “Why wouldn’t my favorite…OK, you got me, only…daughter not want to be joined on the day that she’s crowned?” Suddenly his eyes lit up. “I have so much to show you.”

  I snorted. “Your tiara collection, Mr Mood Swing?”

  “Oh, and you don’t think that I have one? But that’ll have to wait for later.” He lifted his undamaged hand to his mouth and let out a shrill whistle.

  I shrieked, as an Aladdin’s carpet of bats scooped Lucifer and me up on their wings. I fell on my back, shuddering at the rippling living rug beneath us, which lifted us higher into the tunnel.

  Lucifer fell on top of me, vanishing the flames in his armor. At least he didn’t mean to incinerate me.

  He grinned. “Meet Demon.” And how much didn’t I want to know the harpoon in my gut’s name?’ “He’s Devil’s wilder brother. He also has the power of prophecy.” He nudged me like we were kids at a party, not would be conquerors. “Aw, cheer up, I’m going to share with the class.” I panted, as Demon yanked out of me. Before I could press my own hand over the wound, Lucifer had pressed his; the unexpected intimacy of his small fingers was enough to prick my eyes with tears. He cocked his head. “Daddy make it all better.”

  Light threaded worm-like between his finger-tips and my wound, knitting the skin. Its warmth arched through me. I shuddered, flying on th
e light.


  It was addictive.

  At last, Lucifer edged back, flopping onto his stomach. “Now for the show.”

  I hollered, as the bats swung us around.

  The harpoon on its string of feathers burst out into the cavern’s wall, and scenes that I’d witnessed in the Gateway…the blotting out of the sun by the trident…Lucifer above the valley of bones…and the humans worshiping him, played movie-like.

  This time, however, I acted my part too right next to Lucifer atop the mountain of feathers. If I hadn’t been ending the world, I’d have looked hot.

  I put on my shocked mask, whilst Lucifer wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “My Queen of Chaos. Can’t you taste it? Feeding off the savage dark? Calling to death?”

  I shrugged him off, pushing myself onto my knees and balancing myself with a flap of my wings. “You’re hitting all the genocidal dictator notes: turning your enemies into ash with your light and destroying the world with your tamed monster.”

  Lucifer blinked. “Duh, you’re not the brightest little spark are you? What I’m seeking is simply to have the right not to hide in the shadows. You’re the dark that steals the humans’ light. Then we all dance together.”

  “You’re still giving off a Thanos vibe, bitch.”

  Lucifer lazily flipped onto his back with a grin. “You mean: he gives off my vibe?”

  Violet and black spiraled through me, as I roared, rising up from the bat sea. They burbled, flitting across the cave and tumbling Lucifer onto the rock below.

  “Kick each other’s arses over who’s better at destroying the universe…or has the bigger prick…later. You’re still all about the Apocalypse,” I snarled, beating my wings.

  Lucifer scowled at me as he hauled himself up. His helmet and wings exploded into flame. “Technically,” he spread his hands, “it’s an apocalypse. And…wait, whilst I hold together my shredded heart…did you think that I meant to use my light on your beloved humans? How…obvious. You must believe me such a naughty boy.” He marched to the end of the tunnel, before twirling around; the bats flitted around him like a winged audience. “I intend to create a new world. End of the world, pah! This is the beginning. Rebirth. And we’re the saviors.”

  I jolted.

  How could Lucifer know those words? The ones that’d stalked me in my poisoned and power fueled visions?

  “What the hell did you just say?” I whispered.

  “Us, together, a team. First will come the darkness because that’s how it goes. Then the light: mine. And I’ll only shine it on the worthy, who’ll become our Blood Lovers.”

  A world of Jades, transformed — bred — to belong to the vampires. Where light had become a privilege to be earned…just like freedom. Now I knew why I had to battle and sacrifice because I could never allow that to happen to the humans.

  Rage prickled underneath my skin. “And ding, ding, let me guess who’s choosing?”

  Lucifer swept a bow, but his expression was lost again, fragile. “Don’t you understand? We won’t be the cast out anymore. The shamed Fallen. We’ll be gods.”

  “Sorry to burst your ego bubble, bro, but gods don’t exist.”

  Lucifer laughed. “Aw, missy, you’ve no idea what truly exists. We’re just one part of the story.” I shivered. There were more supernaturals in this world? I landed close to Lucifer. His fire imps hovered around him, buzzing angrily at the bats and zapping them if they flew too close. “When you rule over the humans, no one will ever dare notice your differences again. You’ll have the power to make them fear or love you.”

  I arched my brow. “And in the Over-identify Corner…”

  I didn’t care that Lucifer paled. I bastard didn’t.

  “I should’ve known that you’d be a brat and just when I’ve worked so hard on your party.” Lucifer waved his blackened hand; he hadn’t healed himself, as he had me. Did he need the pain, or could he only heal others? The fiery lights rose in the air, poised between us. “Tonight, you’ll become the Queen of Chaos, and I’ll announce that you’re bringing down the sun.”

  I nodded, shakily.

  “Three tests to prove your loyalty…? I have to say, it’s not inspiring. You’ll forgive me for, well…” Lucifer brought down his hand, and the fire imps attacked.

  I stumbled backwards, sweeping at them with my wings, but they banded around my throat. I choked; my pulse pounded.

  He meant to burn off my head.

  The lights cooled, however, settling around my seared neck into a throbbing — spying — collar.

  Lucifer avoided my eye. “Only until after the Under World sees my daughter at my side. Until then, be a good girl because those darlings can get hot at a thought.”

  How could I plan the uprising now?

  I was Lucifer’s eyes. Even if I could save my family, the rest of Under World, and the humans, my neck would still be flamed by Lucifer’s collar: there was no escape.


  Magic: it sparked through the kiss, teasing, pain-laced, and welcoming like it knew me down to the bones.

  My eyes fluttered closed, as I was held spellbound; my tongue thrust, whilst flames crackled — violet meeting silver — where my lips met Mischief’s.

  For once, I didn’t fear scorching my lover; Mischief’s power danced with my own. I’d known Mischief was a spell caster, but not that he’d taste like this, awakening the forces inside.

  I wrapped my arms tighter around him in the shadows of the empty Cage, whilst it swung: no baying crowd, calls for bets, or Bone Carnival. Just us, together on the eve of an apocalypse, losing ourselves in love.

  I shuddered, stroking between Mischief’s wings. I craved to consume him.

  Pop — my ears burst like the pressure had dropped, as the spell between us broke.

  I clenched my jaw, forcing my lips to mouth up and down against Mischief’s in the charade of snogging, even if I nibbled too hard.

  “One, two, three…” Mischief’s counting slithered telepathically into my mind.

  I stiffened, as his fingers slid around my neck, stroking over my fairy light collar: the one that could burn off my head.


  The magic ricocheted between us, before settling with an electric hum.

  I disentangled myself from Mischief, stepping away from him. Weapons — crossbows, swords, and shanks — from the last fight clinked and skittered across the swaying floor.

  Mischief watched me, warily.

  My boots clanked across the metal, the stink of oil and tar assaulted my nostrils, and adrenaline flooded me from being caged again. The Under World was busy preparing for my legendary coronation. This was the one place, and I didn’t miss the irony, that Mischief and I would have the privacy to trick the collar.

  Mischief scuffed his foot through a puddle of blood, avoiding my gaze.

  Champion of almost ninety fights…this bitch could face the Awkward Moment After the Kiss…even if it had all been pretend. I flushed at the thought of how much I wished that it hadn’t.

  “I’m not going to fry then?” I waggled my fingers at my still glowing throat.

  Mischief arched his eyebrow. “I’ve set up a simple spell. The king will only witness, until the coronation, our wild passion. Do you think that he’ll spank me for it or ask to join in next time?”

  My eyes narrowed. “How wild?”

  Mischief coyly twirled a strand of hair between his fingers. “Simply the highlights of my desires spun out for his viewing pleasure. Why? How wild would you wish them?”

  I smirked. “Wild enough to save my head.”

  “They’re nothing but a glamour. Yet as I lose my violet feathers, so I lose my magic.” Mischief clutched his arms across his middle, reddening. His sudden shame reminded me of Rebel’s when he was Falling. Why did that call to me so deeply? “The Mage always taught in the Legion that they were mental powers, but it’s always spun within me…alive…and I call it magic. But without the light, it’s dying.
Only the Light-bringer has ever held onto his magic.” Mischief ducked his head; his hair covered his face. “He is so very much more powerful than me.”

  “He’s also a narcissistic paranoid control freak.” When Mischief sniggered, it tugged my own lips into a smile. “So, this ultimate shock collar around my neck: am I screwed?”

  “Not if we rebel tonight.” Mischief sauntered to the corner of the cage, resting against the bars. “This seems rather a small war council. I know that you’re new to the whole leader concept, but you tend to need a gang…”

  “I won’t be a gang’s top boy.” I marched after Mischief, pinning him against the bars. He huffed, pushing my shoulders, but I caught his wrists, trapping them between us. “Vampires and angels have been playing turf war too long. I won’t be your puppet to spark a civil war, leading you into massacre. I won’t be that type of leader. I won’t be…my dad.”

  Mischief’s lip curled. “Then what use are you? You’ll take the trident and stand with your dad? I should’ve known a taste of power and you’d—”

  I shoved Mischief back, silencing him with a kiss. He let out a startled protest. But when sparks sizzled between our mouths, he pushed closer, demanding more.

  Our wings wrapped around each other, and he purred.

  When I drew back, I studied Mischief. “I’ve tasted power, and it’s nothing but ash. I’ll lead, but only if I can be the Protector. That means knowing the Bones and Bloods have somewhere to escape. I won’t pull down the Under World on the kids. Not after witnessing what happened to Ash’s sisters. I have to know that we can win this. I won’t bury us all alive.”

  Mischief’s brow furrowed. Then he rubbed his nose against mine. And hell, if that didn’t feel more intimate than when my tongue had tangled with his. “If I told you that I knew a way out…theoretically…that I could light with my own magic…theoretically…and could show Harahel…theoretically…which I hid because I wanted to keep you here to help…theoretically…would that warrant a beating?’

  I gazed at him levelly. “Depends. Would this theoretical knowledge of yours include how to defeat Lucifer’s magic?”


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