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All Our Next Times: Fallen Brook Series: Book 1

Page 15

by Jennilynn Wyer

  “Of course not.”

  My phone starts dinging again, but I continue to ignore it.

  “Are you really going to make me pull it out of you?”

  “Pull what out of me?” I ask innocently.

  “Fine, have it your way. I heard you and Jayson come in here at six this morning. Mind telling me what my big sister was doing and why she was out all night?”

  I cringe. Were we that loud coming in? Did Mom and Dad hear us too?

  “Dinner at Anaïs was fabulous.”

  “Not what I’m talking about and you know it. Dinner doesn’t take twelve hours.” Hailey tickles my side and we start to wrestle on the bed, her fingers attacking my rib cage and under my knees where she knows I’m most vulnerable.

  “Ok! Alright! Uncle! Uncle!” I capitulate.

  “Spill the beans or I go for your feet next.” When I hesitate to answer, she lunges to grab my legs.

  I yelp. “After dinner, Jayson took me to our old fort.” She stops her attack but continues to waggle her fingers over my feet as she waits.

  “And?” she prods inching her hands closer.

  “And it was everything,” I exhale, eyes closing as I picture Jayson’s face hovering above me, his eyes boring into mine as he slid into me for the first time.

  Hailey collapses on top of me with a fierce hug. “I knew it! Oh, Lizzie. Oh, I’m gonna cry.”

  A bit bewildered I push her off. “Why are you going to cry?”

  “Happy tears. I’m so happy for you. Are you ok? You did use protection, right? How do you feel?”

  For some unknown reason, I remember the words my mom said to me when I was little about crying love tears. I get it now.

  “I feel good,” I falter trying to find the right words. “Changed. Different. Loved,” I breathe out the last word.

  “That’s all I need to know. I don’t need any details. I just wanted to make sure you were happy about it.”

  “I am. I promise.”

  “Mom said breakfast is soon. They don’t know you stayed out all night. I covered for you,” she grins.

  “Thanks, Hales. Tell her I’ll be right down after I take a quick shower.”

  “I think that would be wise. You smell like Jayson’s cologne.”

  I toss my pillow at her as she exits through my bedroom door. Opening my phone, I see I have several texts from Jayson, Maria, and Julien. I look at Julien’s first. He sent me a pic of him and Elijah at their dinner in Fayetteville. Julien has his arm behind Elijah, and Elijah is leaning into his side. They look so happy together. I hope they had a good time last night and didn’t run into any problems.

  Me: Love the pic you sent. How did it go?

  While I wait for Julien to respond, I read Jayson’s texts.

  Jayson: Wanted to be the first to tell you good morning and that I love you, princess.

  Jayson: Thank u for giving me the best gift last night. I will protect and cherish our first time forever.

  Jayson: I’ll drop by later. Check your windowsill.

  Jayson: Many more next times to come.

  I look over and see an origami star on my windowsill and get up to grab it just as Julien texts me back.

  Julien: We had a great time. All was smooth and quiet. I stayed at Elijah’s after.

  Me: Keeping me in suspense?

  Julien: No. Just don’t want to ruin anything that’s building between me and E. But what did happen was nice. Very nice. Not one to kiss and tell

  Me: So happy for you both. Really. Give E a huge kiss from me. I love you Julien. Always.

  Julien: Love you too Liz.

  He sends me another pic, this one of him and Elijah right now at a table drinking coffee.

  Julien: Don’t forget to delete our convo.

  Me: On it. xxxooo

  I delete our entire chat and the two pictures Julien sent me. Since Jayson and Hailey know the password to my phone, Julien asked me to start erasing any text or picture that included him and Elijah. I wish he would talk to his brother, especially since things seem to be getting more serious with Elijah. I remind myself that it’s Julien’s story to tell when he’s ready to tell it.

  I should read Maria’s texts next but can’t seem to do it. I’m not ready to hear about her date with Ryder last night. What if she and Ryder took things to the next level like Jayson and I did? God, I am such a bitch and a hypocrite. I should be existing in the happy elation of having sex with my boyfriend for the first time - a boyfriend who I love dearly - and not being jealous about the possibility my best girl friend may or may not have had sex with my other best friend who I am also in love with. It’s so screwed up and I hate myself for it.

  I sit down on my bedroom floor to open the paper star Jayson left for me. Inside is a quote: "You weren’t just a star to me, you were my whole damn sky." I press the paper against my chest. Once I feel more settled, I read Maria’s texts.

  Maria: Yo, girlie! U better text me as soon as U get up. Waiting for some juicy gossip.

  Maria: Guess ur not up yet. Late nite perhaps?

  Maria: It’s past 8! U never sleep past 7. Text me asap! On pins and needles about ur date.

  Me: Just woke up.

  Maria: There u r!

  Me: Didn’t get home til late. How bout u?

  Maria: Normal time.

  Normal time? I bite my lip and ask myself, do I really want to know? Fuck it. I do.

  Me: Normal time? No sleep overs?

  Maria: Nope. Ry took me to dinner and brought me home after.

  Maria: I did try to attack him in the car. He looked so f’ing hot last night.

  Me: And?

  Maria: Said he wanted to go slow. Wasn’t ready for that yet.

  Relief pours through me.

  Maria: Did my best girlie get lucky last nite? Jayson pop your cherry and eat it for dessert?

  Me: U r so crass

  And this is where I lie to my best friend, something I have never done before. I’m not ashamed of what Jayson and I did last night, quite the contrary. I do not, however, want even a hint of it to get back to Ryder. So I lie.

  Me: Nope. Nothing major to tell. Jayson was very romantic tho. Lit our tree up with lights and hung paper stars with love notes in them. Made me a tree swing. Dinner was nice. Then came home and we went to forest fort and talked all nite.

  Maria: Awwww. Im jealous. U guys are so freakin cute.

  Me: Jayson coming in a bit. Need to get ready.

  Maria: OK, chica. Talk 2nite. Ryder said he had to help his dad today so Im going back to bed.

  Me: Hugs. Sweet dreams.

  The need to go pound out some of my wayward mixed up emotions overcomes me. I head to the shower and decide that after, I’ll go release some of my nervous energy by wailing on my drums. Maybe Dad will join me.

  Dad had to run into town but said we could jam later if I was still at the house. I grab the toast Mom left out for me and head to the music room. I take a seat behind dad’s Yamaha drum set he uses to practice with and twirl my sticks between my fingers deciding on what to play. Scrolling through my phone, I select Foo Fighters “My Hero” and press play. My phone is connected to a surround sound speaker unit Dad installed for the room. I love cranking up music and playing along on the drums to whatever song is streaming. As soon as “My Hero” starts and I hear the first beat at the beginning of the song, I quickly join in and lose myself in the tribal pounding of the drums. My arms and legs work in synchronicity, and I can feel sweat already trickling down the hollow of my back from exertion.

  I’m so connected and lost in what I’m doing, I almost lose the rhythm when an electric guitar joins in, startling me. I’m even more taken aback to see Ryder in front of me, arms pumping down on the guitar strings, playing the melody. We grin at each other like fools, never once breaking eye contact as we play. Ryder ends the song with one last guitar riff as the music fades.

  “I haven’t heard you play
guitar in a long time. I didn’t realize how much I missed that.” My dad used to give Ryder guitar lessons just like me. It’s why we’re so comfortable playing and singing around each other. “You look so hot playing guitar.” I fan my face pretending to swoon.

  “And you’re one sexy drummer. Want to do one more?”

  “Absolutely. Your pick. Fast or slow?”

  Ryder scratches the side of his jaw with the guitar pick in contemplation. “Another fast one. How about some Fall Out Boy? 'Sugar, We’re Going Down?'”

  I select the song on my phone and hit play. Ryder cues into the music with his guitar immediately, and I watch him as we play. Ryder is very handsome, striking even. Dark hair and eyes that glow like amber. There are some subtle changes that have occurred over the past year, like his shoulders and chest seem wider and bulkier, his hair on top a tad longer, his arms thicker with muscle. Jayson is taller, his body more streamlined from swimming, whereas Ryder is more muscular. Julien is similar in build to his twin brother, but leaner due to all the soccer and running he does. It boggles my mind how I got to be so lucky to have three such gorgeous, captivating boys as my best friends, ones that love me in different ways.

  Ryder’s eyes meet mine and he gives me a knowing eyebrow wiggle as he catches me checking him out. My face heats. Yep, totally busted.

  Jayson and my dad appear in the doorway as Ryder and I finish the song.

  “You guys sound good together,” my dad says as he walks in and picks up his bass guitar. “Do you mind if your old man joins in the jam session?” Dad plucks the strings a few times and turns on the amplifier for it while he waits for us.

  “What’s up, Ry?” Jayson and Ryder fist bump.

  “Not much, man. Keeping busy.”

  Jayson walks over to where I am sitting behind the drums and gives me a short, sweet kiss. “Hey baby.”

  I tap a drum stick against his butt. “Do you mind waiting while we play?”

  “Not at all,” he replies, kissing me one more time, and pulls up a stool to sit next to me.

  “What’s your poison, dad?”

  “Do you guys remember how to play ‘Come Closer’?” Dad asks us.

  “Oh! That’s the one you taught both me and Ryder. I love that one.”

  Ryder plays the first three measures of the song to refresh his memory. “I think I got it.”

  I tap my drum stick against Jayson’s knee to get his attention. “Jayson, would you mind videoing us?”

  “On it,” he says and stands up with his phone pointed at us. I want to treasure this rare moment - me, dad, and Ryder playing together like old times, and Jayson with us. When we finish, my dad lifts me up in a great big bear hug.

  “Love you, Pumpkin.”

  “Love you too, Dad.” I squeeze him harder. I’ll be leaving for college in a little over a year and won’t have as many opportunities to enjoy my favorite daddy hugs like I do every day now. I want to pack as many in as I can, especially since he’s leaving again for a six-city tour.

  Dad puts me back down and clasps Jayson’s and then Ryder’s hands before leaving. “Good to see you boys.”

  Ryder goes to the minifridge in the corner and takes out three waters, handing me one and tossing the other to Jayson. He opens his water and takes a sip. “That felt real good. It’s been awhile since I last played. Thanks for letting me play with you.”

  “Anytime, you know that. We should do it more often.”

  Jayson hooks his arm around my waist. “What brings you by, Ry?”

  “Taking a break before I have to head back to the garage.”

  “Maria said you guys had a good time last night,” my mouth blurts out before I can stop it.

  “Yep,” is his one-word reply, then, “Saw the video of the tree.” A flash of sadness flickers briefly across his face before disappearing. I feel Jayson’s arm tighten around me. The air thickens around us, the tension between Jayson and Ryder palpable. Should I be worried about where this conversation is going?

  Ryder is the first to break it. “That was a pretty cool thing to do Jay. Anyway, I think I’ll head back.”

  Jayson surprises me with his response. “If you have time, why don’t you come with. Liz and I were going to grab some lunch in town.” I’m so proud of both of them at this moment.

  Ryder hesitates, so I push. “That’s a great idea. You’ll come? Please?”

  Ryder takes a deep breath. “Yeah, sure. Yeah, I’ll come. Thanks for asking. Mind if I meet you guys there?”

  “Ruby’s Diner in a half hour,” Jayson tells him.

  “Got it. I’ll be there.”

  Jayson releases me and I walk over to give Ryder a hug. He links his pinky with mine and pulls me in, wrapping me in a warm embrace. I rest my cheek against his chest and inhale his woodsy scent. He gives me one last squeeze before walking out.

  Jayson waits until he hears the front door close and then pounces. My body is abruptly lifted and pressed against the adjoining wall, and I only have a second to blink when Jayson lands a hard kiss on my lips. “God, I couldn’t wait another second to get my hands on you. One of these days, I plan on fucking you while you’re draped across your piano.” He starts to lick and nibble along my neck up to my ear. I tilt my head a little to give him more access.

  “I could definitely be on board with that,” I pant and grab hold of his shoulders to lift myself up higher. He wedges a leg between mine and moves me up and down which creates a delicious friction. The ease in which he takes me from zero to sixty is ridiculous.

  “I wish I could carry you upstairs and have my way with you,” he says, rubbing against me one more time before easing me down his body.

  “You are such a tease.”

  “Yeah? Well, your dad is still in the house and I don’t want him to kick my ass if he finds me defiling his daughter.” Jayson shuts the door next to where we are plastered together against the wall and flips my body so I am pressed up against the door, facing it.

  “Arms up,” he commands. I obey without question. “We’ll need to be quick. Think you can be quiet?” he whispers in my ear sending a cascade of goosebumps down my body as one of his hands reaches under my shirt and fondles my breast while his other hand slinks underneath the waistband of my yoga pants. All I can do is nod silently, pleasure ramping up inside me which is only heightened further by the fact that we may get caught.

  “You’re wet for me already.” His thumb draws tight circles against my clit. “Let’s see if I can do this in under a minute.” I have no doubt in my mind that he can, I am so turned on right now. Jayson made my first sexual experience so, so good last night that I wonder if I will always be in such a state of lust whenever he walks into a room, my body begging for its next fix of what only he can deliver.

  Jayson inserts one finger into my aching wet heat and groans. I love that he finds pleasure in touching me. My body arches back against his begging for more. He inserts a second finger and starts to pump in and out vigorously while his thumb continues to rub my clit. I am overloaded with sensation when he pinches and pulls at my nipple. It actually takes less than a minute to get me off and I have to press my face into the crook of my arm to prevent my moan from escaping.

  Jayson kisses all along my upper back as my tremors die down and legs stop shaking. He pulls his hand out of my pants and brings it to his mouth to suck his fingers clean, a wicked grin across his face when I flip around to face him.

  “You are so dirty.”

  “And you love it,” he replies smugly.

  “Not as much as I love you, Jayson.”

  He grabs me in his arms, holding tight. “I love you too, Liz. I wonder, if we practice enough whether I can do it in under fifteen seconds.”

  I raise an incredulous brow at him, and he smirks. “Only if I can do the same to you.”

  That puts a very happy face on Jayson. “Hell yeah! But now, I’m going to take my girlfriend out to lunch.”

  He grabs my hand and we poke our heads o
ut of the door to make sure the coast is clear. No dad in sight. Thank goodness. “Dad!” I yell out.

  “What?” he answers from upstairs.

  “Going to lunch with Jayson and Ryder. I’ll be back later.”

  “Ok, hon.”

  My legs are still wobbly, so Jayson helps me up into his truck. He buckles me in and comes around to hop in the driver’s seat. I roll my head toward him. “That was a really nice thing you did, inviting Ryder to join us.”

  “Anything for you, princess.” He reaches for my hand and places it on top of his thigh as he backs out of the driveway. I notice the large bulge under his jeans and think of the many ways I can help with that later. “How are you feeling this morning?” A hint of nervousness creeps into his voice.

  “So good. A bit sore.”

  “I could tell. You flinched a little when I finger-fucked you.”

  “Worth it,” I grin.

  “How do you feel about last night, about what happened between us?”

  I can tell he needs reassuring like he’s worried I may regret what we did. “Jayson, pull over please.”

  “Why? Do you feel sick?”

  “Just pull over please,” I say again. He slows the truck and pulls over in the grass next to the roadside ditch. Once he puts the truck in park, I release my seatbelt and climb over the console to straddle him. His eyes widen but he says nothing. I cup his face in my hands and press soft kisses on the corners of his mouth before delving in, tongue leisurely dancing with his in a slow, thorough kiss. I trace his facial features with my fingers as I speak.

  “Last night was the most incredible night of my life. Do not ever think that I regret one single moment of us. You made it beautiful. You made it perfect,” I peck his nose. “You made me whole. ‘You aren’t just a star to me, you are my whole damn sky’,” I recite his love note back to him.

  He molds his mouth to mine in a kiss that lights me on fire. “Jesus, Liz. I needed to hear that so badly.”

  “Many more next times, remember.”

  “If you don’t want now to be one of those next times, I suggest we get going before I don’t care that we’re in my truck out on the side of the road for any passerby to see.” I giggle and make my way back over the console to my seat, but not before he smacks my butt. I yelp. “Hey!”


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