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All Our Next Times: Fallen Brook Series: Book 1

Page 24

by Jennilynn Wyer

  “Um, Jayson, aren’t we going to do photos?”

  He grins wider. “Wait for it.” The DJ cuts off the music abruptly. The couples on the dance floor look around trying to figure out if something happened. The lights dim again, and a woman’s crooning voice starts singing. Elizabeth’s eyes go wide.

  “That’s our song! Oh my God!”

  I recognize it now once she says that. It’s Roberta Flack’s “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face.” The song Elizabeth sung just for Jayson. And then to our shock and astonishment, Jayson starts to drop down on one knee.

  “What the fuck is he doing?” Julien and I both yell out at the same time.

  “Jayson, what are you doing?” Elizabeth exclaims.

  No one is dancing anymore. Everyone in the ballroom has stopped what they are doing and are watching the scene unfold in front of the fake Eifel Tower.

  Holy shit. Holy shit. What’s happening? This can’t be happening.

  “Holy shit!” Julien exclaims. The photographer is having a field day clicking as fast as he can to take as many shots of what’s going down in front of us.


  “Jayson, what are you doing?” Oh my God. Is this really happening? What do I do? My nerves are already frazzled from being intimately pressed against Ryder again, and now this. Part of me is stupidly excited and giddy and I want to leap into Jayson’s arms screaming yes, yes, yes. Then there’s the other part of me. I look over to Ryder and Julien. They look as shocked as I do.

  Jayson pulls my attention back to him when he begins to speak. “Elizabeth Penelope Fairchild. I have loved you since the first grade. The happiest day of my life is when you said yes. Yes to us. Yes to me. Yes to everything. My heart is not whole without you. My life is not complete without you in it. You are my soulmate. You’re my princess. And as your prince, I will lay the world at your feet and make all of your dreams come true. In the tradition of all of our next times, I want to forever promise you my heart, my love, and my soul. Will you wear my promise ring knowing it represents my promise to you for our happily ever after?”

  Several sighs are heard around us from various girls. I hear Keith ask, “Does he do this stuff all the time?” Beth exclaims, “That is so freaking romantic!” and then I hear Celeste. “Why don’t you do stuff like that for me?

  Jayson laughs at my expression of relief apparent on my face when I figure out he’s not really proposing. “I’m going to kill you Jayson Jameson. You about gave me a heart attack!”

  He winks at me and stands up. The promise ring he bought me is a simple gold band with four small rubies. The ring is on a gold chain which he unclasps and places it around my neck, tucking it beside my rose quartz heart pendant I’ve worn since the day he gave it to me. “It’s engraved,” he shows me. In tiny cursive letters inside the band are the words “All Our Next Times.”

  “It’s beautiful, Jayson.”

  He grabs my face in both hands and swoops in with a kiss to end all kisses. As I get lost in the pleasure Jayson’s kisses always bring, I hear everyone around us clapping and cheering.

  “Now for the grand finale.”

  “That wasn’t it?”

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet, baby.” He twirls me around and around like a ballerina. “I need to borrow Liz for a minute,” he yells over his shoulder to Julien and Ryder.

  Jayson hurries me away to a room in the hotel he reserved for tonight and of course I assume that it’s for us to get naked and have a couple of rounds of mind-blowing sex. Doesn’t every prom night end like that? He shocks me once again when that doesn’t happen. Am I disappointed? Well, yes. Naked Jayson is the best, especially when he gives me multiple orgasms. But nothing beats romantic Jayson.

  When he opens the hotel room door, I see red rose petals scattered all around the floor and bed. He’s hung my favorite fairy lights all around and they twinkle a welcome as we walk in. Taking out his phone from the inside pocket of his tuxedo jacket, he swipes a few times and presses play.

  “What are you up to?”

  “I want to slow dance with my girlfriend and neck like teenagers while doing it,” he responds with a sexy grin.

  “And we couldn’t do that downstairs?”

  “Nope. Downstairs, we are surrounded by people and I wouldn’t be able to dance with you the way I want to.”

  “Which way is that?” Jayson doesn’t answer me. He shows me.

  He takes a step back and slips off his jacket, followed by removing his cufflinks and bowtie. Never taking his silver eyes off of me, he undoes each button on his shirt. My body reacts to him doing that as if each pop of a button is cannon fire exploding. He opens his shirt and my hungry gaze goes to his muscled, tanned chest and travels down to the cut V tapering into his trousers like a huge arrow pointing the way to heaven. I stand hypnotized as he walks around me, stopping when he’s at my back. I feel the heat of his lips against my shoulder when he pulls my zipper down, my dress falling to pool at my feet. His callused hands paint my skin with his fingertips as he comes back around to face me. I am panting and shaky but don’t dare move.

  Jayson bends down and lifts each of my feet out of the circle of dress lying on the floor then lays it carefully on the bed. “We’ll keep the shoes on,” he says and kisses my lace covered mound before licking it through my underwear. My muscles contract and jerk.

  “I thought we weren’t having sex?” my raspy voice asks, thick with arousal.

  “We aren’t. Trust me. This will be just as good.” It already feels just as good. My body is primed to ignite, my thong is absolutely drenched, and I am panting hard.

  He steps back to look at me in my high heels, black lace bra and matching thong, hair falling around my shoulders. “You are so fucking gorgeous.”

  My eyes flick to the enormous bulge in his trousers. Jayson is as aroused as I am. Why can’t we have sex tonight? I’m debating whether to say fuck it and rip my undergarments off, then his clothes, and impale myself on his dick. Something, anything to help ease the throbbing and find release.

  “Jayson, please. Please touch me.” I will beg, I will do anything. I crave the feel of his skin, his hands, and will do anything to get it.

  “I will, baby. But first I want to dance with my girl.”

  The songs playing from his phone are melodic and slow. He takes me into his arms, and we sway together as our hands explore and touch. As we dance, he chants love words to me while he uses his lips, teeth, and hands to worship every inch of my body. Jayson turns me around and brings one hand up under my neck while his other hand glides down over my flat stomach and under my panties. He inserts one finger inside me as his thumb rubs slow circles on my clit. I bend my arms up and back and grasp the hair on his head, holding tight.

  “I love you, Liz,” he tells me, his fingers moving more vigorously in and out of me while his thumb tightens the circles it’s creating. When he feels my internal walls start to flutter with my impending orgasm, he squeezes my neck slightly and sucks down on my shoulder. The myriad of different sensations – a little pain, but mostly pleasure – skyrocket me into the most intense orgasm I have ever had. I cry his name out, bowing my back in a high arc, head thrown back against the dip of his shoulder, as my legs give out under me.

  Jayson holds me up close to him until I can stand on my own again on wobbly legs. But he’s not through with me yet. He turns me around so we’re facing each other. With a sexy smirk, he removes my bra and starts to kiss and suck my breasts while his hands roam the bottom half of my body. It’s takes less than five minutes of his petting before I climax again after he bites and lavishes my aching nipples with his mouth.

  And still he’s not through with me. He drops to his knees taking my panties off along the way. I’m so drunk with desire and thoroughly sated from my last two orgasms that I don’t know if I have another one in me to give. My voice slurs when I try to talk. “Jayson, I can’t.”

  He bites the juncture of my thigh and hip and then licks
me from opening to clit. My overstimulated clit jolts from the contact. “Oh, yes you can. Trust me,” he says before he grabs my hips and makes love to my pussy with his mouth. When his tongue starts to fuck me, I climax once again with a long delirious moan before I collapse over him. By the time Jayson is through with me, I can no longer stand and hang limp in his strong arms.

  “Best dance ever,” I mumble against his neck, not having enough energy to lift my head. The deep rumble of his laughter relaxes me more and I sink further into him. Jayson holds me in our intimate dance for what seems like forever. Time has stopped existing for me and I live only in the rapturous paradise that is him.

  My strength returns incrementally until I’m able to lift my head. I touch the promise ring hanging down between my breasts and twirl it around the chain. “Hey Jayson?”

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Your turn.” I drop to my knees and give back to Jayson everything he gave to me - twice.

  About an hour after we went up to the hotel room, we get dressed and go back downstairs to find Julien and Ryder. I realize later that night, after Jayson kisses me goodnight and snuggles next to me in my bed, I never gave him an answer to his question.

  Chapter 21


  After prom, Maria started a rumor at school that I was pregnant and that’s why Jayson was going to propose to me. For over a week, she, Jacinda, and Samantha hazed my locker and car with baby pacifiers and diapers until we went to the school administration with pictures Julien was able to get showing proof they were the ones who were doing it. Maria got a week’s worth of detention, but Jacinda and Samantha didn’t get any punishment after the cheerleading coach spoke to the principal. I know I should be over it, but it still hurts when Maria does mean stuff like that to me. I’m used to Jacinda and Samantha being world class bitches, but Maria? That stings the worst. I keep wondering what happened to the girl I thought I knew - the girl I thought was my best friend.

  I look at the nightstand clock and groan. I’m too psyched from yesterday’s news for sleep. Jayson was offered the swimming scholarship he’d been hoping to get from Carolina University. If his news wasn’t awesome enough, Ryder and I both received our acceptance letters from CU in the mail, making it a triple surprise. Our plans for going to college together are finally a reality, and my brain won’t shut off because I’m so excited about our future. We celebrated with our families at Ryder’s house until one in the morning and then Jayson came back here with me. I’m pretty sure our parents know he sneaks into my bedroom at night and stays until morning when I wake him up to go home and take a shower.

  Deciding to give up on falling asleep, I turn over to climb out of bed. Might as well work on my AP Lit paper that’s due soon.

  I’m pulled back into bed by a strong, warm arm. “Where’re you going?” a sleepy Jayson mumbles.

  “I can’t sleep.”

  “Don’t go,” he mumbles again, this time against the crook of my neck. He breathes in deep and moans. “God, you smell good.”

  I roll over so I can look at his face. I graze my fingers across his morning stubble and push his hair back behind his ears. Jayson really is wonderful to look at, especially when he’s asleep, his face relaxed and calm. I see glimpses of the boy he used to be in the man he has become. I’m still so wildly attracted to him even after twelve years. I look at him and he takes my breath away.

  “You are such a beautiful man,” I say out loud, continuing my exploration of his face with light caresses.

  “Baby, you keep sweet-talking me like that,” he trails off and rolls me on top of him with a grunt.

  My body is instantly ready for him, and if his erection is anything to go by, he's more than ready for me. Placing my hands on his chest, I lift up and slide down effortlessly on his hard length taking him inside of me and clamping down hard. I guess my Lit paper can wait.

  Jayson leaves around five in the morning to go home and get ready for school. I take a quick shower and then work on my school assignment. Luckily, it’s Friday so I’ll be able to catch up on my sleep over the weekend. Only if I can finish up this paper for AP Lit first since it’s due on Monday. There’s also another bonfire party tonight, not to mention I have work after school today. I groan. Maybe I’ll skip the bonfire tonight.

  Around six, I hear Hailey turn on the shower in our jack-and-jill bathroom. Crap. I lost track of time and am going to be late to meet up with the boys for breakfast. I pack all my school stuff in my bag and go to brush my teeth. I wipe off the condensation from the mirror and pick up my toothbrush when Hailey turns off the shower and pulls the curtain to get out. My eyes catch hers in the mirror and for a brief moment Hailey freezes, eyes flaring in surprise and something else, something like shame. She snaps the curtain back to hide herself but isn’t fast enough.

  “Jesus, Hailey!” I shout yanking the shower curtain hard enough that it pops three of the rings holding it on the bar.

  Hailey is desperately trying to wrap the towel around herself but I also yank that away, modesty be damned. “What the hell, Hales?”

  “It’s nothing. Honest.”

  “Nothing? I wouldn’t call these nothing Hailey. What happened?” I turn her to get a better look at the huge purple and green bruises decorating her upper thigh and hip. On her shoulder is what looks like a circular burn mark that has blistered and scabbed over.

  “I fell during PE. Like I said, it’s nothing.” She steps out of the shower and grabs the towel I yanked off of her, wrapping it tightly around her chest.

  I give her one of my “get real” looks. “What, were you playing football and ran into the linebacker? Does it hurt?”

  She walks out of the other side of the bathroom to her room with me hot on her trail. “No, it doesn’t. So drop it.”

  “Enough with the flippant remarks.” I touch her shoulder. “What about this one? Get it at PE too?”

  “That’s from my curling iron.”

  She throws open several drawers and grabs various articles of clothing, one of them a long-sleeved shirt. She’s been wearing those for a while now, even when it’s hot outside.


  She turns around giving me a brilliant, happy smile, but I’m not buying it. “Lizzie. I fell down and had a hair mishap. Do I lecture you when I see all the hickies Jayson gives you, or the fingermarks I sometimes see on your hips when you’re wearing your bathing suit? Which by the way, I really do not want to know what you and Jayson do to get those.”

  She has a point, but then again, she knows those marks are ones I get in the heat of passion from my boyfriend. Hailey looks like she challenged a semi-truck and lost.

  “Aren’t you going to be late?” she reminds me. “I’m surprised Jayson isn’t already beating down the door wondering where you are.”

  I consider her for a minute. “Hales, you know if you need to talk to me about anything, I’m here.”

  She sucks in her cheek by biting the inside and then gives me another one of those brilliant smiles. “I know that, silly. If there was anything to tell, I would tell you. But there’s not. So shoo. You have three gorgeous, hot men waiting to eat breakfast with you.” Hailey squeezes me in an overenthusiastic hug and pushes me out of her room. “See you at school!” she says, closing her bedroom door in my face.

  Maybe I’m worrying for nothing. If there was something going on, she would tell me. Right? I’ll ask Ryder to talk to his sister, Brea, since she and Hailey are best friends. Part of me wonders if Hailey is being bullied by Maria too. I wouldn’t put it past Maria to mess with my sister to get at me. Anger boils up inside of me. If Maria’s put her hands on my sister in any way, she’s going to regret it. I’ll see what Ryder thinks when we meet for breakfast. We’re having it at his house this morning even though we were all just there last night to celebrate our college acceptances. Faith promised to make me her homemade gluten-free cinnamon buns.

  Chapter 22


  “Do no
t say a fucking word to Liz about what happened at the bonfire,” Jay warns us once again. He's said that same thing to us a couple of other times over the past few days since the bonfire party last Friday.

  It's Tuesday afternoon, school’s done, and we’re hanging out in the parking lot waiting on Elizabeth to finish talking to Beth and Celeste before we head out to the Fields. Luckily, Elizabeth doesn’t have to work tonight and Jayson doesn’t have a swim meet, so everyone’s coming to watch me race.

  “If you don’t tell her, she’s going to find out eventually, man.”

  “I agree with Ry. Tell her. Get it out there, act like it’s no big deal and move on. Liz doesn’t need another Jacinda or Maria incident.”

  “Don’t you know I know that already, asshole. She’s stressed enough as it is with all her AP exams coming up, work, and getting ready for her music competition. I just don’t want to add to her plate, you know.” Jay replies in frustration. “She hasn’t been sleeping and now she’s worrying over Hailey.”

  “I hate to say he’s right,” Julien agrees.

  “What the hell, Jules. You just told him he should tell her.”

  “He made a good point. I can change my mind.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Do what you want to do, man, but I disagree. Then again, it wasn’t me Jacinda was climbing all over so it’s not me she’ll be upset with.” I stop talking when I see Elizabeth saunter over to us. Jayson reaches out to grab her, but she spins out of his reach and jumps onto my back piggy-back style.


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