Unbreak My Heart (Valentine Bay Book 5)

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Unbreak My Heart (Valentine Bay Book 5) Page 9

by Melanie Shawn

  Tingles spread outward from her pounding heart. They were so isolated in the car together, like the only two creatures on earth, encased in a little pod of metal and glass.

  Did he feel it, too? She turned her flushed face to his and saw that he was already looking at her, his eyes burning with intensity.

  That answered her question. She wasn’t crazy. She wasn’t imagining things. The energy between them was enough to power all of the Christmas lights they’d just finished looking at.

  Connor reached out and brushed her hair back from her face. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered. It seemed like all of the magic of the season was contained in those two little words. Like an elf had sprinkled fairy dust all over her skin, causing the electric tingling she felt on every inch.

  Yeah, she was probably getting her mythologies mixed up, but it was the last freaking thing on her mind at the moment.

  She grinned playfully. “Hey, Connor. I have a question for you.”

  He ran his fingers lightly down the side of her face and it was all she could do not to shudder and moan with the sheer pleasure of it.

  “Ask away,” he replied, and his voice was spread so thin with rasp that he almost never got to hear the question, because she very nearly passed out from the rush of arousal it sent crashing over her.

  She leaned in, close to his ear, and whispered, “Wanna make out?”

  The playfulness was completely gone from her tone. She forgot that she’d ever started this out as a teasing exchange. Now, she was completely caught up in the heat between them. It was all-consuming.

  He didn’t answer her, just pressed his lips to hers and pulled her to him as he kissed her, his lips moving passionately against hers as his hands roamed over her body.

  That was answer enough for her.

  Chapter 19


  Connor’s lips traveled down Luna’s neck as his hands roamed over her curves. God, he absolutely loved the feel of her skin under his hands. It was intoxicating. When he touched her, everything else went away. He didn’t think about the years they’d been apart. He didn’t think about the future. There was only the moment.

  He pressed his tongue into her mouth, exploring its hot recesses. With every movement, every moan, his blood rushed faster and hotter through his veins. He needed her. This was right.

  That was the one thing he couldn’t get past—would never be able to get past. Every time he touched her, he knew that things between them were meant to be. She was the girl for him, no question.

  It was really just a matter of not scaring her off until she reached that same conclusion.

  When they were together like this, feeding off of each other’s energy and totally on the same page, it was so easy to just go with the flow and not worry about the future.

  In fact, it was the easiest thing in the world to just think about her body, her lips, her hair, her scent. To lose himself in the sensation of kissing and touching her. That was what he resolved to do, to just let instinct and the moment carry him on a tide of arousal.

  He slid his hand underneath the lower hem of her shirt and slid it up the smooth, warm skin of her torso. He rubbed her skin in small circles with his thumb, loving the way she trembled under his touch. It gave him such a sense of power to know that his touch affected her that way.

  He wanted to make her feel good, sure. But the rush came from just knowing that he made her feel, period. It had been so hard to know what to think when they’d been operating under radio silence. He wasn’t sure if she thought about him, or would remember how special things were between them. Knowing that she did, on both counts, was great. But knowing that he could still draw that kind of reaction from her was even better.

  He pushed her shirt and bra up over her breasts, revealing dark red nipples, standing out pert and hard against the creamy skin of her chest. He let his eyes travel over the length of her body, his cock straining against his jeans.

  She was so damn beautiful. He’d missed her so much. There were so many nights that he’d lain awake in his bed, picturing the body that he was now looking at again. She was here for the taking and he was going to do exactly that.

  He leaned down and touched the tip of his tongue to one hard tip, and she trembled and exhaled, and a small moan escaped from her. His dick jumped inside his pants. God, he couldn’t wait to bury it inside of her. But first he was going to explore every inch of her skin with his hands, and his mouth.

  Connor took her nipple in his mouth fully and swirled his tongue around it, flicking the hard tip of his tongue on the sensitive nub every time it went around.

  Her fingers tangled in the back of his hair, he felt little pinpricks of pain where her nails scraped against his scalp, but he didn’t mind. It felt good.

  She arched her back, pressing her chest forward at the same time that her hands put pressure on the back of his head, pushing his mouth even tighter onto her.

  Her skin was hot under his hands, his dick was jumping in his pants. His blood was rushing, his brain was spinning. He was caught up in the moment and his thoughts were completely silenced. There was nothing but sensation. And emotion. That was in there, too. But certainly not thoughts.

  He switched over to her other breast, giving it the same treatment as he’d given the first. From the way she continued to arch her back even further forward, and moaned even louder, he could tell that she liked it just as well, if not better, than the first, too.

  He slid his hands up her back and pressed her body into his mouth. He felt connected to her on a base level. He felt close to her. He was overwhelmed with the desire to express that closeness on a physical level.

  Just like he felt nothing separating them emotionally and spiritually, he wanted nothing separating them physically.

  He planted a trail of kisses down her belly, moving his head slowly down her body, taking the time to savor every inch of skin that his lips touched. He wanted to burn this moment into his memory so that any time he thought about it in the future, he wouldn’t just remember in the cold, detached way that most memories played out. Instead, he’d relive it as if it was happening again for the first time.

  Her skin was the most delicious mix of salty and sweet he’d ever tasted. When he darted his tongue out to swipe it over the smooth expanse of her torso, she shuddered.

  “Damn, girl. You taste good,” he breathed, and she shuddered even harder.

  God. That was the kind of control he had over her body. With just a word he could make her tremble. With just a touch he could make her moan. His chest filled with pride, and his dick swelled so large it was actually a little painful to keep it in his pants.

  He slid his hands back behind her ass and pulled her hips forward to give himself better access when unbuttoning her jeans and exploring the sensitive flesh underneath.

  Now that he was so close, he was aching to sink his fingers into her, and taste her.

  He unfastened her pants with no hesitation. His fingers were sure, strong, and fast. He knew that it must be the hormones flooding his body, because he sure as hell trembled any other time he thought about her naked, or touching her.

  He pulled the stiff denim down her hips, dragging her lacy panties with them. He pushed them all the way down her legs to her ankles so that she would have plenty of room to spread her knees apart, and she pushed them off with her feet, taking her shoes with them.

  He leaned down and kissed his way up her inner thighs, then used two fingers to tease her, playing at her entrance, drawing out the sensation. She responded by sliding her hips forward, pressing her slick folds against his fingertips. She gasped as his fingers moved and pressed against her, then clenched and moaned deeply.

  Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore and he slid two fingers inside her pussy. Her inner walls grabbed at his fingers and wouldn’t let go. He moved them back and forth, hitting her inner spot again and again.

  She fisted her fingers, twisting his hair around them, and cried out. He m
oved his thumb over her pleasure nub again and again as he worked his fingers inside of her, and when she finally clenched every muscle in her body and climaxed with a guttural cry, he kept up his rhythm to draw out her pleasure as long as possible.

  She collapsed back against the seat, breathing hard and moaning.

  “God, that was so good,” she breathed, running her fingers gently through his hair again and again.

  He planted small kisses on the insides of her thighs and said, “I’m glad it was good. It was also only the first of many.”

  With that, he covered her juicy and quivering mound with his mouth and ran his tongue repeatedly up and down her seam, taking in her sweet taste and drinking it down.

  He thrust his tongue inside her and didn’t move for a moment, just held himself very still and waited for her response as he took in all of the small ways that her body was telling him how she felt—the catch in her breath, the tremble in her muscles, the low tone of desperation in her moans.

  He moved his hand up and pressed it flat against her belly as he worked his mouth over her, then slipped his thumb down and moved it in circles over her again as he thrust his tongue in and out of her.

  Loving the response that his thumb was getting, he moved his mouth up and replaced it with his tongue, flicking her hard nub with the end of his tongue the same way that he’d used it earlier to flick her nipples.

  “Ah! God, yes. That’s it. That’s the spot!” she cried, and this only encouraged him to move his tongue faster and faster in those tight circles.

  Her hips bucked and he dug his fingers firmly into her soft flesh, holding them just still enough that he could maneuver his mouth on her mound. He felt her muscles straining under his grip and it turned him on just as much as anything else they’d done since getting into the car. She was a wild, bucking bronco and he was just the cowboy to take her for a ride that would end with mind-busting orgasms for both of them.

  He smiled to himself. Well, more mind-busting orgasms would be more accurate, he corrected himself. Because he’d already given her one.

  Letting the heat of his tongue meld with the volcanic heat radiating from between her legs, he sped his movements up to match the gyrations of her hips. He could tell that she was getting very close to exploding again and he wanted to do everything in his power to make sure that explosion was just as powerful as the one he’d given her just minutes before.

  Sliding his hand up between her thighs, he moved his mouth back just a little, giving himself just enough room to gently spread her lips apart, exposing all of the most sensitive flesh to his tongue.

  With this extra access, he moved his tongue a little more gently through her folds. He didn’t want to be too harsh with her tender nerve endings. That wouldn’t serve his purpose. He wanted to play her like a fine musical instrument, applying just the perfect levels of pressure and rhythm to draw out the finest performance.

  He moved his eyes up to her face, wanting to watch her expressive features as he brought her pleasure.

  Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut most of the time, but then when he brushed his tongue over a particularly sensitive spot, they’d fly open as her head pressed backward, arching her back, and her mouth would form itself into a small ‘o’ shape.

  He wished he had some way to perfectly preserve the moment forever, because it was definitely a highlight of his life. He didn’t just want to lock a copy away in the vault of his mind. He wanted a perfect copy.

  Still, he figured that imperfect memory would have to do, since that was all that he had. He suspected, though, that his memory banks would be filing this one away pretty clearly.

  His gaze was glued to her face as her eyes flew open yet again, but this time her mouth opened wide and she let out a strangled cry.

  He focused on moving faster and harder, wanting with everything in him to bring her to an amazing climax. He wouldn’t let anything distract him from that—not even the way his dick was pressing so hard against the inside of his jeans that he thought it might burst free, Incredible Hulk style.

  When her whimpering cries hit his ears, the particular ones that told him she was riding the crest of orgasm, he knew that his efforts had been worth it. He had accomplished his goal.

  Chapter 20


  Luna let her eyes roll back in her head as the orgasm washed over her. She wouldn’t have thought it was possible, but it was even stronger than the first one had been.

  God, ever since she’d hooked back up with Connor, she’d been feeling things she hadn’t experienced since…well, since the last time she was with Connor!

  It was kind of crazy. She’d always convinced herself that the reason everything was kind of lackluster and blah when compared with him was because everything had been new when she was discovering it for the first time with him. Or maybe that she was simply looking at the past through rose-colored glasses.

  Now she knew that neither of those things were true. The reason everything was hotter with Connor was because the two of them were simply fire together. Their chemistry was combustible, there was no way around it.

  Her orgasm went on and on, for a full minute, and her inner walls gripped his tongue as he jetted it in and out of her, like she was trying to hold it inside her, keep him down there forever.

  Hmmm. Not a bad idea, actually.

  Finally, with a last strangled cry, the final push of the orgasm rocketed through her body. As she collapsed back against the seat, her breath came in short panting bursts. Every muscle felt like it was made out of boiled spaghetti. She wasn’t sure if she was ever going to be able to get up again.

  When she finally opened her eyes and looked over at him, he was staring at her with a playful smile, which she returned.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked. He had a mischievous glint in his eye, and experience told her there was more to it.

  “Was that good?” he countered. She had to smile. Answering a question with a question had always been one of his favorite tricks.

  She laughed, and noticed that her voice was hoarse. Damn. She must’ve been yelling more—and louder!—than she’d even realized.

  “I think you know it was good,” she replied. “In fact, I think you know it was better than good. I think you know it was great. You’re just fishing for compliments.”

  His grin widened as he brushed her hair back from her forehead. “Guilty,” he whispered. “Not about the compliments part. But just that I was fishing. Because I wanted to hear you say it.”

  The words sparked something deep within her belly, and she knew exactly what she wanted to do next. When she leaned over across the console, she was happy to see that the strength had apparently returned to her limbs. She smiled to herself. That was good, because she was going to need energy for what came next.

  Leaning down, she unfastened his jeans with trembling fingers.

  “What are you doing?” he rasped.

  “Just giving you back a little of the pleasure you just gave me,” she replied, drawing a low groan from deep in his throat.

  She pushed the jeans down his legs and reached inside, grasping his massive erection and pulling it free.

  She took a moment to admire it in all its pulsing glory. It really was something to look at.

  “Like what you see?” he asked, a cocky little edge to his voice.

  She sighed theatrically. “There you go again. Just fishing for compliments.”

  Then, before he could respond, she extended her tongue and ran it up and down the length of his shaft, and the only noises coming out of his mouth were groans.

  God, she loved that. She loved hearing the note of surrender in his voice and knowing that she was the one he was surrendering to. She was the one with the power.

  He pushed his hips forward so that his dick pressed even more firmly against her tongue as she ran it up and down his cock like she was licking a lollipop.

  She stopped for a moment at the top, swirling her tongue around
the head of his dick, drawing out every bit of sensation she could from that sensitive flesh. She moved her tongue around it faster and faster until his hips were thrusting forward in rhythm with her tongue. Then she knew that he was ready for what she had in store.

  Sliding her lips down over the head of his cock and continuing all the way down his shaft, she made a point of relaxing her throat so she could take him in as deep as possible.

  When she’d swallowed him all the way, her lips resting at the base of his dick, she waited a minute, steadying her breathing and enjoying the feel of his cock twitching in her mouth.

  Then, very slowly at first, she started to apply suction and swirl her tongue around his shaft. It felt so good, the way he thrust into her mouth and his hands fisted up her hair. She liked having the power to make him feel so good.

  She relaxed her mouth a little to give him more freedom to control his thrusts into her mouth, and he took it immediately, starting up a steady rhythm and using his hands in her hair to hold her head still.

  Hmmm, she thought to herself. Apparently he likes to be in control, too.

  Actually, it was one of the things that she found most fun and stimulating about their encounters, the way that they constantly volleyed back and forth over who was “running things” at any given moment.

  They both trusted each other enough to let the other take control, but at the same time they both cared enough to want to be in control themselves, knowing that was how they could give their partner the utmost pleasure.

  The way they juggled back and forth between themselves, like a delicate dance that only they knew the choreography to, was one of the things that caused that scorching heat in their chemistry.

  She brought her hand up to rub up and down the length of his dick, following after her mouth to get complete coverage. Soon, her palm was coated and slick, just like her lips and tongue, and the whole operation—head and hands—moved like a well-oiled piston up and down his shaft.

  When she could feel him getting right to the brink of losing control, she sat up straight and continued to stroke him gently with her hand, just enough to keep the energy going but not nearly enough to send him over that cliff edge of climax.


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