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Holding On: Ruthless Sinners MC

Page 23

by Wilder, L.

  One of the younger girls sauntered over to him, shaking her rear with every step as she purred, “Hey there, hot stuff.”

  A playful smirk crossed his face as he grabbed his crotch. “Why don’t you come and sear this meat with that hot pussy of yours?”

  “I’m ready any time you are.”

  I was watching him lead her out of the bar when Delilah came over and sat down next to me. There was something about her I’d liked from the start. It was probably because she was very similar to me. She didn’t put on any airs. She was just herself, and I liked it. I also liked the fact that, like me, she wasn’t overly dressed. She had on a tank top with silver buttons down the center and a denim skirt with flipflops, and I could totally see myself wearing the same thing. A warm smile crossed her face as she said, “Hey, girl. How’s it going?”

  “Pretty good,” I replied as I motioned my hand over to Rafe and Widow. “Just enjoying the show.”

  “They can be quite entertaining.” Delilah giggled. “So, how are things with Shotgun? Are you enjoying being over at his place?”

  “Yes, I like it a lot. It’s been going good, really good.” I nudged Noah with my elbow. “Especially now that he’s finally stopped knocking me out of the bed.”

  “What? Knocking you out of the bed?”

  “Yeah.” I sighed with a shake of my head. “I guess he had to get used to having someone sleep with him.”

  “No, it’s because she has two blocks of ice for feet, and I thought I was being electrocuted every time she touched me with those icicle toes of hers.”

  “Oh, good grief. It’s not that bad,” I complained.

  “The hell you say. It’s fucking brutal,” Noah argued. “Why do you think I’ve started wearing sweats to bed?”

  Delilah chuckled as she leaned towards us and said, “Don’t feel bad. Hawk talks in his sleep and snores like a bear when he’s tired.”

  “Who snores like a bear?” Hawk asked as he came up behind us. “’Cause I know you aren’t talking about me.”

  A bright smile crossed Delilah’s face as she leaned back, pressing against Hawk’s chest. “Who else would I be talking about? You’re the only one I sleep with.”

  “Well then, you must be dreaming because I do not snore. You, on the other, can peel the paint off the walls with your snoring.”

  Delilah’s mouth dropped open in horror as she sat up straight and gasped, “I do not!”

  Delilah looked utterly appalled, and I was sure she was about to lay into him when Hawk leaned down and kissed her, silencing any argument they might have had. She just melted into him, and I could immediately relate. I felt the same way when Noah kissed me. They probably would’ve continued kissing if it hadn’t been for Viper walking up with Axel. In his fatherly tone, he gave Hawk a nudge and said, “Looks like you two need to get a fucking room.”

  “Nah, Prez. I was just winning an argument.”

  Delilah’s eyes narrowed as she fussed, “You did not just win that argument, mister.”

  “Don’t worry. I will later tonight.”

  Ignoring their exchange, Viper and Axel sat down in the empty stools next to Noah. After getting a couple of fresh beers, they both started drinking and talking to the guys. They were actually smiling and cutting up like friends and family members do, and I had to admit, after all that’d gone on, it was good to see this side of them. I could understand why they all meant so much to Noah. They truly did look out for one another. I was talking with Delilah when I overheard Viper ask Noah, “Did you take care of our guest?”

  “I did,” Noah answered. “If I had to guess, I’d say he’s sitting on a beach somewhere in Mexico having himself a Crown and coke right about now.”


  I could only assume he was talking about the guy who’d been chained up in the office, but I knew better than to ask. Besides, it no longer mattered. That part of our lives was over. It was all about the future now—even more so than I’d thought. When the party was over, Noah and I left, and I thought we were just going home until he took an unexpected turn. It didn’t take me long to figure out that we were headed up to Lover’s Loop. I thought he just wanted to take a moment to look out over the city when he pulled into a driveway and parked. I looked up at the enormous log cabin-style home in front of us and asked, “What are we doing here?”

  “I thought you might like to see the house I just bought us.”

  “What?” I pulled off my helmet and stared back at the house in shock. “You bought it?”

  “Yeah,” he answered nonchalantly. “My place is too small, and you said you liked it up here. Found out this place was on the market and bought it.”

  “Without even mentioning it to me?”

  He shrugged, flashing his baby blues at me. “I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “Well, it’s certainly that.” I looked back at the house again, and I had to admit, it was beautiful. There were huge trees in the front yard with flowers everywhere, and the front entry couldn’t have been more perfect. Old lanterns lit up the walkway that led to inviting double front doors with ornate scrolling down the center. It was two stories, more than likely a four-bedroom cabin, and a full garage to the left. Noah had done an amazing job finding this house. It was everything I’d always wanted and more. “It’s incredible, Noah.”

  “I don’t have the keys yet, so I can’t show you inside. But I’ll warn you now, it’s like my place. It’s going to need some work.”

  “I’m okay with that.” I stepped over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “I’ve seen your handy work. I’m sure you’ll make it look amazing.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  As I glanced back at the house, I told him, “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “Figured you knew this by now, but I’ll spend the rest of my life doing everything in my power to make you happy. A house. A car. Kids. No kids. Whatever you want, as long as you’re mine.”

  “As long as I have you, I already have everything I want or need.” I leaned up and kissed him long and hard. When we finally came up for air, I giggled as I told him, “Well, I am going to want kids. Two. Maybe three. And I want them to have your eyes.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “I love you, Noah. I really, really do.”

  “That’s good, ’cause you’re stuck with me.” He motioned his head behind us. “And the house.”

  “I’m good with that.”

  He kissed me once more, showing me in the best way he knew how much he loved me, and I knew without a doubt in my mind he would stay true to his word. He’d do everything in his power to make me happy, and I’d do the same for him.


  Five Years Later


  After spending most of the morning preparing for the guys to come over for a cookout, I went inside to help Remington finish things up in the kitchen. We’d just finished a second remodel of the place, adding in new countertops and a different paint color, and Remington was putting it all to good use. She’d cooked up quite the spread. Hell, she’d baked three kinds of pies, made potato salad, homemade dips, and her mom’s famous baked beans, and she’d done it all while keeping an eye on our two boys—Colt and Tyler. That was no small feat. Our four-year-old twins were a handful and always getting into something—just like they had earlier today. While Remington was trying to get the potatoes peeled, the boys started fussing over some game they were playing.

  Remington and I were busy getting things ready, so instead of stopping to make sure they both understood “the importance of sharing” and all that bullshit, we sent them up to their bedrooms to think about things on their own. Normally, they would’ve just gone up to their room, and after pouting for a bit, they’d be back at it again. I was just about to go check on them when there was a knock at the door. Knowing the brothers were here, Remington looked over to me with wide eyes and said, “They’re early!”

  “It’s all good. We hav
e everything ready.”

  “But I just put the beans in. It’ll be at least forty-five minutes before they’re done.”

  “Don’t have to worry about that. There’s plenty of beer in the cooler. That’ll keep them entertained until everything’s ready.”

  I walked through the foyer and opened the door to find Rafe and Country standing on the porch, each with an additional twelve-pack in their hands. “Looks like y’all are ready for some football.”

  “Hell yeah, we are, but first...” Rafe gave me an odd look as he asked, “You got any idea where your boys are?”

  “Yeah, they’re upstairs in their rooms. Why?”

  “Ummm...You might want to come outside.”

  “Oh, fuck,” I groaned. “What is it now?”

  Rafe chuckled. “Just come out here, brother. Trust me, you’re gonna wanna see this for yourself.”

  When I stepped outside, I found Viper, Axel, and Widow standing in the front yard. Each of them were snickering back and forth as they looked up at my roof. I knew then I wasn’t going to like what I was about to see. With great apprehension, I stepped out into the yard next to my brothers, and when I looked up on the roof, I spotted Colt racing from his bedroom window over to his brother’s. He had no idea we were all out there watching him skirt across the shingles like a tiny ninja. Nor did he seem to know how dangerous it was for him to be up there. Fearing he might fall, I decided not to draw his attention down to us. Instead, I raced inside.

  As I started up the stairs, I shouted, “Remington!”


  “Gonna need you upstairs!”

  “Why?” she asked as she started up the stairs behind me. “What did they do now?”

  Instead of answering, I opened Tyler’s door and motioned my hand inside. Remington’s face grew pale when she saw our small son trying to climb through the window into his brother’s room. “Oh my God! Colt! What are you doing?”

  She raced over to the window and pulled him inside, cradling him protectively in her arms. As terrifying as it was to see my son doing something so dangerous, I knew her well enough to know she would blame herself for their actions, but I, on the other hand, was well aware my boys knew better than to pull this shit. I walked over and knelt down next to Tyler, looking into a pair of blue eyes that were just like my own and asked, “You wanna tell me what you two were just doing?”

  “We was just playin’.”

  “And what did your mother tell you?”

  “To ‘tay in our rooms.”

  “Um-hmm, but instead of doing what you were told, you two decided that climbing on the roof was a good idea?” A guilty looked marked his little, round face as I told him, “You could’ve fallen and really hurt yourself.”

  “I sorry.”

  I looked up at Colt as I asked, “And what about you? What do you have to say for yourself?”

  “I sorry too, Daddy.”

  “Well, no more climbing out windows or your mom will have your hide.” I could tell by the look on Remington’s face she was still pretty wound up and wasn’t ready to close the door on the conversation. Knowing we had guests waiting downstairs, I said, “I’ll go down and check on things with the guys.”

  “Okay, I’ll be down in a minute.”

  I trusted she’d get the boys lined up, so I stood up and headed for the door. I’d just started down the stairs when I heard the guys talking in the kitchen. From the sounds of it, they were pretty pumped about the first Tennessee game of the season. When I walked in, Rafe and Jax were sitting at the counter with Hawk and Axel, while Delilah and Krissy were busy putting out the food they’d brought over. I walked around and grabbed a beer from the cooler as I asked, “Where are the others?”

  “Outside checkin’ the ribs with Viper.”

  Until Rafe had mentioned it, I’d forgotten about all the meat I’d put on the grill. Worried that I might’ve fucked up, I rushed out to see if everything was okay. I should’ve known that Viper would’ve had it all handled. He and Ransom usually did all the grilling at the club parties, so I wasn’t surprised when they started giving me hell the second I walked up. Ransom shook his head as he said, “Don’t know what’s worse. The fact you almost burned up our dinner or that you had your four-year-old twins up on the fucking roof.”

  “Definitely the twins on the roof,” Remington answered as she walked up next to us. She let out a frustrated sigh as she glared over at me. “You know, I blame you for this.”

  “Me? How is this my fault?”

  She smiled and said, “I don’t really know, but it’s still your fault.”

  “Yeah, that’s not gonna stick. Those two are just as much yours as they are mine.”

  “Well, I never fell off a roof when I was kid. Just saying.”

  Before I could counter back, Madeline’s car pulled up in the driveway. As soon as she and Thomas got out of their car, Remington rushed over to say hello. She hugged them both, then led them over to us. Viper was the first to extend his hand to Thomas and say, “Hey, brother. Good to see ya.”

  Normally, the brothers wouldn’t have been very keen on the idea of having a cop around, but on a day like today, there was no reason for any of us to be on guard. We were just grilling out and watching a football game, so there was no problem with him being there. Besides, he was married to Remington’s best friend, and a good guy too. As he shook Viper’s hand, he replied, “Thanks, man. Good to be here.”

  “Hope you’re hungry.”

  “I am.” Thomas leaned over to check out the meat on the grill. “Looks like quite the spread.”

  Ransom jabbed me with his elbow as he snickered. “It will be if we can keep Shotgun from burning it all up.”

  “You’re not gonna let that go, are ya, brother?”

  “Not a chance.”

  Remington took hold of Madeline’s arm as she said, “Come on inside. The food’s almost ready, and I need to check on the boys.”

  With that, the girls disappeared into the house, and as soon as the ribs and brisket were done, we went inside with them. Country had already turned on the game and claimed his spot in my recliner. I thought for sure that I’d get it back when Viper announced that the food was ready, but Country didn’t budge. Instead, he called out to Krissy and asked, “Hey, darlin’, they’re about to kick off. You mind fixing me a plate?”

  “Sure, no problem.”

  If it had been anybody else, Jax might’ve had a problem with Krissy tending to another man, but after her experience with Rafe, Krissy had made it clear she was done with bikers. She made his plate and made another for Jax and herself while Remington fixed a small plate for Tyler and Colt. Once they were done, the rest of us followed suit. We all piled up in the living room and watched the game. It was no surprise our Vols lost. They’d had a pretty rough go of it the year before, and it looked like this year would be more of the same. It didn’t matter to us. We had our beers in hand to help ease the scorn of their loss. By the time the guys started rolling out, most of the food was long gone and there was little left to clean up. The girls helped Remington get the dishes put away, and then they were on their way, leaving Remington and me alone to catch our breaths.

  After we’d given the boys their bath and put them to bed, we went to our room and collapsed on the bed. I glanced over at Remington and smiled. She was lying on her stomach with her arms under her head, and she looked beautiful as always. Her hair was splayed out across her back, and her sweater had inched up around her waist, revealing the curve of her ass. Damn. Even after all this time, she still got to me like no other. She let out a deep breath as she asked, “That went well, don’t ya think?”

  “Yeah, it most definitely did.” I closed my eyes as I said, “I think everyone enjoyed themselves.”

  “I know it seems silly, but I still can’t believe Madeline and Thomas are married. Don’t get me wrong, they’re great together, and she’s really happy with him, but why did she try to set me up with him when she had a
thing for him?”

  “Maybe it took almost losing him for her to see how much he meant to her. Either way, I’m glad she set you up on that blind date.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  I rolled over to look at her. “’Cause if you hadn’t gone on that date with him, then I might not be lying here with you right now.”

  “You’re such an old softie.”

  “Softie, huh? Well, I tell you what. I’ve got something that’s not exactly soft right now.” I gave her one of my looks. “You up for a go? Maybe start working on baby number three.”

  Her dark eyes narrowed with disbelief. “Your boys were just on the roof a few hours ago, and you want to try for another one?”

  “Absolutely.” I leaned towards her and started kissing along the nape of her neck. “We need us a little girl to balance all the testosterone in this house.”

  “And what happens when we have another boy?”

  “I’m sure we’ll make it just fine. We always do.”

  After a few more minutes of teasing, she rolled over to face me. The second I saw the lustful look in her eyes, I knew I had her. She pressed her lips to mine, and it didn’t take long for things to get heated. It was always like that with Remington—possessive, hungry, eager. Riddled with need, I reached for the hem of her sweater and slipped it over her head. I was about to unfasten her bra when I heard Colt call out, “Momma?”


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