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Daizlei Academy Omnibus Collection

Page 25

by Kel Carpenter

  She nodded once, and I walked out onto the sidewalk. Not even a hundred yards from where we’d landed was a warehouse, just like the one Bella had described.

  Chapter 51

  The metal was cold as ice. I placed my hands on the edge and pulled, and the door creaked open. I stepped into the warehouse. Darkness enveloped me, apart from a lamp in the corner.

  “Lily,” I called out. I knew that wasn’t the best idea, but how else was I going to find her?

  I took another step into the warehouse before I saw them. The picture in the book didn’t do them justice. Their hair was just as black, and they were every bit as attractive as the picture showed, but their beauty was cruel and seductive; their eyes fathomless.

  I pulled my shoulders back, narrowing my eyes. I never got the chance to get closer. Pain exploded in my head, and my vision faded as I fell to the ground. I never found out if I hit it because the blackness closed in.

  Well, damn.


  When I woke, images were blurry, and I could only vaguely hear voices. After a few seconds, things became clearer, and I remembered what had happened. Without thinking, I shot up, only to hit something. I rubbed my forehead and bit back the urge to hurl as the nausea overwhelmed me.

  “Ow,’’ Lily complained, clutching her head.

  “You’re alive,” I breathed and crushed her to me. Her face was smeared with grime, and her brown eyes were exhausted, but she seemed unharmed. “What’s going on?”

  “Shhh,” someone else whispered.

  I looked across the small room to see Elizabeth sitting against the wall.

  “They can hear us,” Lily whispered very quietly in my ear.

  I nodded slowly then looked around the room. If it weren’t for my Supernatural vision, I wouldn’t have been able to see anything. The room was small and dark, with no windows and only the shattered remnants of a light bulb above. On the far side, Elizabeth sat next to the metal door. A wooden desk was pushed up against the wall where Blair sat, watching. It was unnaturally warm—the only thing even vaguely cool was the concrete floor. We were trapped.

  “I need you to explain what’s going on,” I whispered against her ear.

  She nodded, trying to hold back tears. When she leaned close and tried to talk, mainly sobs came out, and the few words she managed were far too loud.

  I quickly placed a hand over her mouth. “Shhh . . . shhh . . . it’s okay now. I’m here. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise,” I whispered. She clung to me like a frightened child, and I held her, rocking back and forth until she fell asleep.

  I slowly removed my arms from around her and unclasped her hands from my waist. Without waking her, I leaned her against the wall and silently slipped over to Blair, who looked the most stable of the three.

  I bent my head and whispered to her, “How long have you guys been in here?”

  “Almost fifteen hours,” she rattled off without glancing at her watch.

  “Do you have any idea what they plan on doing with us?” I asked.

  “Nope. We can’t hear anything through the door,” she answered.

  “Well, whatever it is, it’s going to happen soon,” I said.

  “How do you know?” She shot me a sideways glance.

  “Just a feeling,” I muttered, rubbing my stomach to keep the nausea down.

  She looked skeptical.

  “Look, I’m not your favorite person. I get it. The feeling’s mutual. But we’re trapped in a warehouse with some of the most dangerous creatures known to our world. If we want to get out alive, I’m going to need your help, so you can drop the tough girl act because this isn’t a movie. This is real, and our lives are at stake.” I laid it out for her because I didn’t have time for bullshit. “Do you want to die?”

  “No,” she murmured, her icy composure breaking just enough to let me in.

  “Okay, so work with me,” I said.

  She thought for a second before nodding.

  “I need to know everything you know,” I whispered.

  “There are seven demons, all male. The leader’s the tallest, and the other six do everything he says.” She spoke so softly that I had to read her lips.

  “Is that all?” I mouthed.

  She shook her head. “I don’t know if this helps, but they were looking for someone. A girl. I don’t know who.”


  “How did you guys even get here?” Their story was choppy. Someone was lying, and I had a feeling it was going to get a lot worse.

  Just as Blair was starting to answer, the door unlocked with a quiet click. Before they opened it, I shot across the room to Lily. I didn’t know what to expect at this point, but I was not leaving her on her own.

  The door flew open, and one of them strode in. He glanced around the room, then his eyes rested on me.

  “Get up.” His voice was deep and far too lovely.

  I started to get to my feet, but Lily tugged at me.

  “Don’t go,” she cried. The sound of the door hitting the wall must’ve woken her.

  “I have to,” I told her, pulling away as she screamed at me to stay.

  I pulled my hand free, but that didn’t stop the demon from slapping her.

  “Stop,” I yelled at him.

  He laughed wickedly. “Come with me,” he said with a sadistic smile. He wrapped a strong hand around my arm and dragged me out of the room. I went freely, not wanting them to hurt Lily anymore.

  Wooden crates were scattered randomly throughout the room, and a single oil lamp sat on a crate near the metal door I’d come through. Blair was right; there were seven. Most of them were shirtless, sporting scars and tattoos, and the smile they wore told me what was coming would not be pleasant. The tallest one wore black slacks and a white button-down shirt. His hair, long by modern standards, was worn in a low ponytail. He watched me with interest.

  The demon gripping my arm stopped a short distance in front of their leader. The others closed in as well, ruling out escape as an option. The leader walked toward me and took my chin, moving my face from one side to the other while he examined me. I kept my eyes on his every second. I would not show fear. I would not bow to these beings. I would conquer.

  “What’s your name?” His voice was deep with a slight accent I couldn’t place.

  I didn’t answer.

  “What is your name?” He studied me.

  Again, I didn’t answer, and his eyes flicked to the side for a second.

  The demon behind me removed his hand from my arm and pulled off my jacket. I tried to stop him, but he was much stronger than me.

  “Interesting,” the leader murmured, eyeing the long knife strapped to my arm. “I’m only going to ask you one more time. If you don’t answer, there will be consequences.”

  Behind him, one of the demons held up something shiny. A knife.

  “What is your name?”

  “What’s yours?” I spat. He was going to threaten me with knives? Please. He wouldn’t do it. He wanted something from me.

  That didn’t stop the demon from walking up to him and offering him one. Instead of taking it, he reached up and slid the one on my arm out of its sheath. He stepped closer until I could feel his breath on my face. Then, in a gentle, almost caressing way, he ran the tip of the knife over my skin.

  “Do not test me, child. I have been around far longer than you.” He whispered the words in my ear so tenderly, like a kiss. His closeness scared me more than the blade.

  “Selena Foster,” I said. My voice was calm and gave away nothing.

  “Good.” I could hear the smile in his voice. He moved his face back so that he could see my eyes. “What are you doing here, Selena?” He said my name lovingly, like a term of endearment. What was he playing at?

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?” I answered sarcastically.

  He smiled slightly, clearly amused by my defiance. He took a step back and grasped my hand as if he was going to hold it
. Instead, he buried the knifepoint in my skin. Starting at my shoulder, he dragged the knife down my arm. When he got to my bicep, he let it wind around my skin, encircling it down to my wrist. It hurt, but I’d endured worse over the years.

  “Now, what are you doing here?” he repeated calmly as though we were friends and he wasn’t torturing me.

  I didn’t give in.

  He ran his fingers across my skin and down to my other hand then repeated the carving with perfect precision on my other arm. The pain was excruciating, and he wasn’t going to stop. I had to drag this out and hope that Lucas was coming for me.

  “For Lily,” I said through gritted teeth, still refusing to show weakness.

  “Lily? Who is Lily?” He ran the knife across my throat, barely touching my skin.

  I didn’t answer. Unfortunately, someone else did. “One of the blondes begged me not to take this one. That must be the girl,” he supplied, far too proud of himself.

  I will kill you.

  “Is that true, Selena?” the leader asked me.

  I refused to look at him.

  “Ahh, yes. So, who is this Lily?” He pressed the knife to my throat.

  “My sister,” I answered icily.

  “Sister . . . interesting. That would make you the brunette’s cousin. You’re the one . . .” he announced with obvious delight.

  “What do you know about that?” I said, stalling for time.

  He laughed cruelly. “So you know? Then tell me, why do they want you?”

  “Why does who want me?” I demanded, but he only laughed.

  “I’m the one asking questions here. What makes you so special? You’re beautiful, yes, but that’s not a reason. You must be a Supernatural, which makes me wonder if they want you for what you can do . . . ” He pondered this, examining my face. “What’s your gift?”

  This time there was no budging. I didn’t have room to haggle.

  “No answer? Fine, let me show you something.” He unbuttoned his shirt and dropped it to the floor. “Many years ago, when the world was still very aware of our existence, I was hunted. They caught me once. They trapped me and tortured me for information, trying to break me. One of the many things they did was this.”

  He turned and showed me his back. In between his shoulder blades, a giant six-pointed star had been carved into his skin.

  “I never gave in. When I escaped, I murdered every single one of them. We’re going to see just how strong you are, little one, and I can promise you that when I’m done, you will wish you were dead.”

  He snapped his fingers once, and someone lifted my shirt. I watched him walk behind me, and in seconds, the blade of my own knife was pressed against my skin. Slowly, oh so slowly, he carved, and I was his canvas.

  There has to be a way out of here.

  The thought vanished as he continued. The pain was so acute, so raw . . . and blood ran down my back and arms. I wanted to scream, but I wouldn’t give in. I went to a place in my mind where there was nothing but rage. Nothing but power. He was going to pay for this. I focused on that power until he stopped carving into me and walked back around to face me.

  “My dear, are you ready to talk now?” His voice was gentle, but the threat behind it was clear.

  I didn’t say a word.

  He took my hand and carved another hexagram on my palm, connecting the tip of the star to the cuts on my already bleeding arms. When he finished it, instead of asking me again, he just began on my other palm.

  I tried to fight it, but his grip was so strong.

  “There’s fire in you, Selena. I like that. It’s a shame I have to kill you.” He ran his fingertips down my cheek. “You really are lovely.”

  I didn’t flinch. I held my ground. I refused to let him see fear.

  “Just answer me, little one. What are you? Why do they want you?” His voice caressed my bleeding skin, the tingle of his breath soft on the wounds.

  “Bite me,” I spat.

  Flames consumed his eyes, and he wrapped his fingers around my throat. He tilted my head back and sliced through the skin just below the hollow of my throat. When he was finished, he released me, but the anger hadn’t left him.

  “You will tell me, Selena, even if others have to suffer. I’m going to make you beg. I’m going to break you. And before you die, you’re going watch me kill the others one by one, starting with you sister.”

  “No,” I gasped, but they were already dragging them out.

  “Selena,” Lily whimpered.

  “So, you weren’t lying . . . good to know,” he murmured. He left me to examine Lily. “No knives. Not for this one.” I saw the wheels turning behind his devil eyes. He grinned at me. No, he had a whole other method of torture for her. He set the bloody knife on the crate.

  “Hold her.” He pointed at me.

  Two of the demons moved forward, each taking an arm.

  Slowly, he ran his fingers along her arms and neck like he was looking for something. Then—faster than I would’ve thought possible—he struck. Grabbing her hand, he extended her arm and used his palm to snap it in half at the elbow.

  Her scream pierced my ears. It was the same arm I’d broken three weeks ago.

  “No,” I shouted, anger rolling off me in waves. My heartbeat had skyrocketed. Heat. I felt heat, as if I were standing on the surface of the sun.

  He picked her up by the hair and threw her against the wall. Her body crumpled, and she moaned. I had to stop this.

  “Last time. Why do they want you?” he demanded.

  “I don’t know,” I answered in truth.

  He laughed wickedly, but I had no idea whether he believed me.

  “This is it, Selena, and I want you to know that I’ve enjoyed every second of this.” His voice echoed in the warehouse. He picked her up by the neck. “I’m getting excited just thinking of the reward I’ll get for her soul. She’s going to burn for all eternity. Because of you.” He laughed.

  I snapped.

  Chapter 52

  My control was gone in an instant, replaced by cold fury. Power exploded from me, and I let my wrath rain down on them. The warehouse shook as everything was thrown away from me. Glass shattered. The door ripped off the warehouse, revealing the lights of L.A. It didn’t take me time to recover. I had the upper hand now.

  I pulled the knife that was tucked into my waistband and stabbed the demon closest to me. He hissed and his eyes flared before he dissipated into black smoke. I turned to see another approaching me. His eyes were wicked, and he smiled cruelly. Death was too kind for them, but my body was not strong enough to take my time. I needed to kill them before I passed out from blood loss.

  The knife from my boot came to my hand with a thought. Letting my instincts take over, I threw. It landed with deadly accuracy, and he disappeared.

  Three others were closing in on me. I slammed two back against the wall and faced the remaining one. He went for my neck with his hand, and I slit his wrist. He hissed in pain, but didn’t back down. He grabbed at me with the other hand, and I sidestepped so that I could snap his arm. The wound only distracted him for a moment, but it was all I needed to decapitate him with one swipe.

  As he disappeared, the other two were already on me. I wasn’t as quick this time. The blood loss was weighing on me; my energy was waning with every passing minute. There was a sharp pain in my thigh, and I glanced down to see a knife planted in it. One of them had thrown it. I swore under my breath and wrenched it from my leg as it bled profusely.

  Bad idea.

  I needed to end this soon.

  I summoned another dagger to my hand and threw both of them at once. Before I saw if they’d hit their targets, another five knives were flying at me. I dropped onto all fours, and they narrowly missed me. When I looked up, the black smoke told me that my attackers were dead.

  I turned on the last two demons, immediately going after the lesser—I was saving the leader for last. The demon grabbed me around the neck in an attempt to suffo
cate me but realized too late that he’d gotten too close. I lunged and bit his nose, clawing into his eyes. He tried to push me away, and I took his eyeballs out altogether. Stumbling, I kicked him in the sternum hard enough to send him flying back, and a knife appeared in his chest. Ash. His skin turned gray and dry as he left the world. The body hit the wall, leaving only smoke.

  The leader watched me at a distance as I killed all six of his companions in my rage. There was more than just interest in his eyes—but no fear.

  “Telekinesis,” he said.

  This was the first time someone outside the family had named my gift. It was telekinesis, in a way. I could move things with my mind, but at its core, I could do so much more. I could control matter itself, manipulating anything and everything to my will.


  “I understand now. Yes . . . you are far more special than I thought.” He smiled.

  “What are you talking about?” I demanded, closing the distance between us. He couldn’t move; I had ensured that. But did he have to look so fucking cocky?

  “I’m curious to see how this plays out. You’re the first telekinetic in a thousand years. Of course, that’s why they want you.”

  A thousand years . . . why did that ring a bell? I shook my head, dismissing the thought. He was screwing with me.

  “Who wants me?” I demanded. I needed to make sure this never happened again. No one was ever taken again.

  “You really don’t know. Hmmm . . . everything will become clear in due time.” He cackled, and the wicked gleam in his eye was both knowing and insane. I couldn’t trust a word he said.

  “You’re crazy. And you know what else? You won’t be keeping your promise because I have several of my own to keep. Starting with your death.” I aimed for his heart.

  His hand closed around the knife. “You are strong, like me. You are beautiful and clever, yet you have no idea what you are capable of.” He motioned to the ash that covered the floor with a lazy grin. “I bet you struggle with your sanity, don’t you?”

  He shouldn’t have known that. Maybe he wasn’t so insane . . . My vision was getting blurrier by the second. The fatigue weighed on me.


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