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Reno's Journey: Cowboy Craze (The Wild West)

Page 45

by Sable Hunter

  * * *

  “How was the soup?” Reno picked up the tray. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “No. I’m good.” She indicated the nest he’d built for her on the couch. Blankets. Pillows. Magazines. The remote. Two dogs and two cats. “I think I have everything I need.” To go crazy.

  “Good. I’ll take care of these dishes and check with you in a few minutes.”

  “Okay.” Journey threw herself back against the pillows. Reno was a man devoted to his cause and he was driving Journey crazy. “There’s nothing wrong with me. I feel fine!” she whispered to herself. Now, all she had to do was convince Reno.

  …At the sink, Reno stared into the soapy water where he’d been washing dishes. He couldn’t get the hang of the automatic dishwasher, so he just didn’t try. Hanging his head, he wrestled with his decision. He’d known it was coming, but he’d kept putting it off and putting it off.

  There were times when he would practically convince himself it would be safe for her go with him. If he held her tight enough in his arms, everything would be okay. Now, to learn she was pregnant and might have health issues? He just could not see putting the two most precious things in the world to him at risk.

  Letting out a long sigh, he finished the dishes. The decision could wait one more day. There was something else he needed to do. Propose. The ring he’d purchased was burning a hole in his pocket.

  …In the living room, Journey flipped off the television. She’d never realized there were so many dang infomercials on TV. “Mindless entertainment doesn’t entertain me,” she grumbled as she threw the blanket away from her knees. “I need to use the bathroom.” Standing up, she tested her footing. “Reno, I’m going to use the restroom!”

  When he didn’t answer, she decided to go on her own. There was nothing really wrong with her. She was merely pregnant, that’s all. Stepping over Blackie, she padded toward the hall. If she hurried, he might not even realize she was gone.

  Upon making it to her room, Journey decided to make the trip count. Stripping off her clothes, she took the world’s fastest shower. Once she was toweled dry, she used some of her special lotion, then slipped a fresh, clean gown over her head. Not anything too sexy, just feminine with lots of eyelet and lace.


  She made a face. “Busted.” Taking one extra moment, she brushed her hair, and dotted on the minimum amount of makeup. “Now, I’m ready for anything.” Starting to the door, she answered him. “I’m here, Reno. Just needed to go to the little girl’s room.”

  When she entered the living room, she found Reno waiting for her. In his hands was a huge bouquet of roses from Myra’s garden. She recalled the last time he’d picked flowers for her. Something told her he had more in mind than a courtship this time. “Those are beautiful.”

  “For you.” He gave them to her, pointing at a vase he’d already filled halfway with water. “I thought you could look at them while you rested.”

  “How thoughtful.” She lifted them to her face and inhaled deeply. “Old-fashioned roses have the best fragrance.”

  “Would you like to sit down?”

  “Do I need to?”

  “I don’t know. You might.”

  As Journey took her seat, she almost felt sorry for him. He looked like he was going to a hanging. “Are you nervous?” To see this brave proud man so apprehensive just melted her heart.

  “A little. Yea, I am.”

  “You don’t have to be. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do.”

  He went to one knee before her. “Oh, I want to do this. More than anything.” He opened the box to show her the plain gold band. “I wish this was a big, fancy diamond. This was all I could afford.”

  “It’s beautiful. Classy. Timeless. I love timeless.”

  He wiped his own eye. “Lucky for me.”

  “I know this isn’t an engagement ring, but…will you marry me, Journey? Will you be my wife?”

  Journey didn’t hesitate, the moment just expanded and grew and built – until it was the brightest, shining moment in history. Reno Black, the love of her life, was asking her to marry him. Talk about dreams coming true. “Ummm. Let me think. Was the courtship satisfactory for me?”

  Reno laughed, then reached up to frame her face. “You’d better say yes.” Holding her gaze, he lowered his face until their lips touched. Then – he kissed her with all the love in his heart. Showing her through the perfect, age-old expression of devotion how very much she meant to him.

  When his lips finally stilled on hers, he rubbed them back and forth gently. “Ah, I love you. I love you so much. Will you marry me?”

  “Reno. There is nothing I want more in the entire universe than to belong to you. So, yes. Yes! Absolutely. I want to be your wife forever.”

  With tender feeling, he slipped the ring on her finger. “We’ll get married as soon as it can be arranged. Before I leave.”

  “Yes. A small ceremony before we leave. I know Aunt Myra and Lou will want to be there.”

  “I think that would be wonderful. Let’s do it the night before the fundraiser. That will give your aunt as much time as possible to spend with her brother if he is still lingering.”

  “I’ll make the preparations. Nothing fancy. A small cake. A justice of the peace?”

  “Sounds perfect.” He cupped the side of her face, drowning in her eyes. “Now, for the main event question. Do you feel like making love?”

  His question was almost her undoing. “Please. I need you so.”

  Sweeping her up into his arms, he carried her to bed. With reverence, he slipped the gown from her head, going to his knees once more to worship at her feet. He placed his face to the place where their child lay sleeping. “I am the luckiest man in the world.”

  She wasn’t inclined to argue, she felt pretty damn lucky herself. “Come up here so I can touch you.”

  He stood and she took her time, undressing him slowly – kissing every luscious inch of him she uncovered. “You have a beautiful body, Mr. Black.”

  “It’s pretty scarred up and callused.”

  “I fell in love with a man. I wouldn’t want some soft, smooth pretty boy.”

  “You don’t think I’m pretty?”

  He asked this about the time she pushed his jeans to the floor. “Oh, there are parts of you that are very pretty.” She reached out to cover the huge ridge of his manhood with her hand.

  “You’re making me blush.”

  She tugged down his briefs. “This part of you maybe.” Inspired by what she saw, she went to her knees to love on him. Grasping his thighs, she took him deep, giving him the gift of her acceptance and her love.

  Reno held her head in his hands, his hips, bucking slowly. Unable to contain a moan of pleasure, he threw back his head in enjoyment.

  Journey indulged herself until he lifted her to her feet. “I want to come inside you. My turn now.”

  He kissed her until she sank to the bed and he followed, easing her to a lying position. With exquisite attention to her needs, Reno kissed her breasts. Lifting one to his lips, he suckled at the nipple until she was whimpering, arching her back for more. “You like that, don’t you, love?” he whispered as he moved from one breast to the other.

  “God, yes,” she moaned, pulling on the nipple he’d just left. “I can feel every tug of your lips all the way to my…”

  He lifted his head to lick her areole, nipping at the succulent flesh. “All to the way to this?” As he claimed her nipple to suck it deep, his fingers found the pearl of her sex. She was so slick – so hot. He swirled his fingers round and round, rewarded beyond measure when she exploded in his arms.

  Going to his side, he drew her to face him. “Put your leg over mine.”

  Journey snuggled close to his big body, burying her nipples in the light dusting of hair on his chest. “Like this?” she asked as she draped her thigh over his.

  “Oh, yea. Just like that.” He felt between her legs, rubbing the smal
l slit, and dipping his finger into the well of her sex. “You’re ready for me.”

  “Past ready. Aching. Empty.” When he fit himself to her and pushed in, she groaned from the ecstasy. This was more than just sex to Journey. This was a completion. A fulfilling. The sweetest connection she could have with the one she adored above all others. Clinging to him, she accepted every thrust with joy.

  Journey held him to her as he loved her. He’d never call it anything else. This was sacred. This was eternal. How in God’s name could he ever give it up? How could he give her up? Every fiber of his being rejected the thought. She was his. His. “Mine. Mine. Mine,” he chanted the word as he drove deep within her.

  Hearing Reno claim her the way he did, Journey couldn’t hold on. The love that built and built in her heart, just overflowed. She clung to his shoulder, her nails digging in. Cries of ecstasy burst from her lips as she succumbed to the sweet convulsions of her body.

  Reno clutched her to him, adoring how in the moment of sweet surrender, her body gave him the greatest rapture known to man. As he emptied himself into her, he poured out his love as well. “I love you, Journey. I’ll love you forever.”

  * * *

  Looking back, Journey knew the moment things began to change. It was the severe bout of morning sickness that hit the day after he proposed that sent her world spiraling out of control. Such a simple normal thing shouldn’t have been so huge, but that was the hour things began to fall apart for her.

  They didn’t argue. Journey would’ve welcomed an argument. She even tried to start one a time or two – but her hard-headed man wouldn’t cooperate.

  This wasn’t to say he was inattentive, Reno made triple certain she had everything her heart desired. He took care of her like she was made of spun glass. And he talked to her about anything and everything.

  Except for the one event that loomed large in their lives.

  What killed her was that he talked about the future – some vague, nebulous time of togetherness – but not one word about what would happen on the full moon.

  She really could voice no complaints about anything specific. Especially the bedroom. The man was insatiable in the bedroom. Tender. Loving. Passionate. He was making love to her like a man at a banquet who knows he’s having his last meal.

  And – that why she was afraid.

  Reno hadn’t said so yet, but he didn’t want her to go with him to the past.

  Oh, she knew that wasn’t really a correct statement. He wanted her to go, he just was desperately terrified it wasn’t safe for her or the baby. And God knows, she could never resent her own child, much less a child she’d made with Reno. But Journey knew the baby and their health was the straw that broke the time traveling camel’s back.

  So, one day bled into the next. They went on walks and horseback rides. They enjoyed picnics at the creek. Several times, they went into Austin to visit her apartment and to pick up oils. He helped her with some of her recipes, telling her about different herbs and plants that his mother used to bank on. Once, they even made a daytrip to Houston. Reno loved visiting NASA, especially after everything they’d learned from Lou. Another time, they drove to Galveston Island. He’d never seen the ocean before and he stared at it for hours.

  One of the first nights after their engagement, they sat down to answer Myles list of questions. Some of them were serious – like what was Reno’s opinion of General Lee and he wanted to know any memories the original Sojourner shared with him about her time on the Trail of Tears. Other questions were odd – like did he regret coming forward in time. Journey was especially interested in his answer. Of course, he’d given the right one by saying he wouldn’t change a thing.

  Other nights, they would read together. Or watch television. He quickly settled on the History Channel as his favorite, especially enjoying any program concerning events that he would consider to be from the future. Some he argued with, especially documentaries about his own time. “Why can’t they get things right?” he’d say.

  Last Saturday, they attended the practice session for the Hill Country Cowboy competition. Journey didn’t know what to expect. Reno had been moody, and she’d expected him to back out. Instead, he’d jumped in with both feet, charming everyone. She shouldn’t have worried, he seemed to enjoy himself. And she was glad to learn that he wasn’t the only one who had to rent a tux for the evening. Most of the others didn’t own one either. At one point, she saw him speaking intently with Heath and Tennessee McCoy. She was curious about their conversation, but Reno didn’t offer any details and she wouldn’t ask.

  In some ways, the rehearsal was hilarious. Seeing Libby McCoy try to teach the whole slate of cowboys a choreographed number was a sight. The unruliest contestant was her own husband, Aron. He had a blast and kept everyone in stitches. The only thing they saved for the big night was the talent competition. Skye wanted it to be a big surprise. Journey still didn’t know what Reno was planning on performing. That was another thing he didn’t seem to want to discuss.

  As for the wedding, he left everything up to her. She took a trip into Fredericksburg to order a small cake and buy a wedding dress. Nothing seemed to suit until she noticed a simple shift overlaid with handmade lace. To her, the beautiful garment seemed timeless. With a little work, she could wear it for many occasions. Her hope was to pack it in a small bag and take it with her when she and Reno left.

  All in all, the last couple of weeks had been both wonderful and frustrating. In most ways they’d drawn closer than any two people could hope. In this critical one, they’d drifted apart. Here they were, less than a week before the full moon and she wanted to shake him and make him tell her what to expect. Her heart was literally breaking in two. It was as if an abyss of time separated them. And Journey was very afraid that was exactly what was about to happen.

  So, all that uncertainty was leading up to what she considered to be a now or never moment.

  “Would you like more pie?” Yes, the way to a man’s heart and all that.

  “What a lunch!” Reno begged off. “No. Berry is my favorite, but two pieces was plenty. I used to pick dewberries for Mother, and she’d bake them in a cobbler with a biscuit-like dumpling dough.”

  “I bet that’s good. I’ll have to hunt a similar recipe to make for you.”

  “That’d be great.”

  He let out a satisfied sigh. The smile on his face would’ve seemed real, but Journey noted that it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  “So, how do you feel?”

  “Fine.” That was always his question, and this was always her answer. She’d even visited the doctor again and been told all looked better than he’d hoped. What more could Reno want?

  “Good. I have a surprise for you.”

  “You do?” His announcement was completely unexpected. And incredibly bad timing. She was probably being unreasonable, but she’d worked her courage up to a frantic level and she didn’t want anything to get in the way of her big plan. Not even something good.

  “I do.” With a genuine smile this time, he rose and went toward the front of the house. “I left it just inside the front door.” The now familiar clicking of his boot heels on the Mexican tile sounded as he moved across the kitchen and dining area. The two cats and two dogs frolicked along beside him. She closed her eyes to record the sound in her memory. A smile came to her face as he mumbled something. He had a habit of talking to himself. She found it endearing, like she found everything else about him endearing. “I can’t imagine what you have up your sleeve,” she announced as she heard his footsteps returning.

  “Shut your eyes, please.”

  She did so, ignoring her impulse to peek. “Tell me when.”

  “Not yet. Just hold on. I know you’ve been wondering where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing.”

  “Avoiding me?” Oh, the devil made her say it.

  “Not at all. I have been busy making something. Open your eyes.”

  When she did, there was Reno stand
ing next to a beautiful crib. “Oh, Reno. I can’t believe it!”

  “It’s for the baby,” he announced the obvious. “I made it myself.”

  Her exasperation forgotten, she ran to give him a kiss, then knelt to run her hands over the beautiful baby furniture. “This is gorgeous. Such fine work. I didn’t know you could do this.”

  “I didn’t either. It’s been a long time since I tried. Before the war, I apprenticed with this furniture maker for a few months. That seems like a lifetime ago,” he mused.

  “Well, this is exquisite. Thank you.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I wanted the baby to have something special.”

  “This is indeed special.” Although not as special as having a present father. Taking a deep breath, Journey called up the needed nerve. “Can I ask you something?” She clasped her hands tightly at her waist.


  Funny, he didn’t look like he meant that.

  Journey opened her mouth, then closed it. Dammit, the right words wouldn’t come. Instead, she asked another question that had been on her mind as of late. “Reno, do you still want to get married? I can understand if you don’t want to. I mean, our situation is beyond strange.”

  Reno looked taken aback. Offended. “Of course, I want to get married. More than anything. Don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do. I just…”

  He dry-scrubbed his face. “Then no more talk like that. We’re getting married the day after tomorrow.” He backed away from her. “Now, I need to go. I promised Kota I’d meet him.”

  “You’ve been spending a lot of time with Kota.”

  “Only since he returned from Arizona. He’s really helped me.”

  “I’d love to help you.” She held her hands out to him. “If you’d just talk to me.”

  “I will. I mean I do.” He backed away a few more steps. “Lou’s coming today, isn’t she? And your aunt?”

  She nodded. “In time for the wedding, yes.”

  He glanced toward the kitchen, seeing two pots on the stove. “I know you must be busy. If you need anything, just let me know. I’ll be right outside.”


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