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Dare Game

Page 3

by Lexi Archer

  It seemed like he was having something of an epiphany about the way the world worked, and I decided it'd be best not to ruin that epiphany by pointing out that the only reason I'd come over to talk to him was a dare. If it wasn't for Kylie I wouldn't be sitting here. Maybe. I just didn't know.

  Maybe I was just a little confused about what my intentions were concerning Eric. Of course what better time to be confused about things than when you're young, stupid, and have a drink in your hand? Only I didn't have a drink in my hand. I frowned and looked at his.

  "Mind if I have some of what you're having?" I asked.

  He shrugged and handed over the red plastic cup. "Sure. Bottoms up!"

  Bottoms up indeed. I raised my glass in salute, I figured he deserved at least that much for being nice enough to share his drink, and took a swig of the stuff.

  And immediately started coughing and spluttering. Damn! This was stronger than anything I'd ever tasted before. It tasted almost as though someone had mixed in a bunch of whiskey and then tossed a little bit of soda on top for good measure. I pulled away and looked at it as the burn tore down my throat and settled in the pit of my stomach.

  "What the hell is this stuff?" I asked.

  Once again Eric shrugged, only this time it looked like his shoulders were shaking as though he was trying very hard not to laugh. I suppose my reaction to his drink was just a little funny. I almost laughed myself. Almost. That burn in the pit of my stomach was keeping me from enjoying the joke too much.

  "It's whiskey and a little bit of soda," he said.

  I looked at it again. Now that I was used to the kick it wasn't entirely unpleasant. Just unexpected. And different. It seemed Eric and his drink had a lot in common on this particular evening.

  "Whiskey? Where the hell did you get whiskey? They usually just have beer at these things!"

  Although soda was also on offer for people who didn't feel like drinking. Eric grinned and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a decent sized metal flask with his name engraved on the front.

  "A gift from my dad on the occasion of my graduation. He also gave me a little bit of his whiskey with the promise that I wouldn't tell my mom about it. Said if I was going to a wild party for the first time then I might as well enjoy it with real alcohol and not whatever cheap swill they were offering here."

  As he looked out across the beach towards the keg that was set up brazenly in the middle of the beach in violation of just about every state law and municipal ordinance on the books, not that the cops were going to bother anybody on this particular beach, he grimaced. "Seeing what they're drinking, I'm inclined to agree."

  "Oh? So you're a connoisseur of alcohol now?"

  "Not really," he said. "I just know that swill they're trying to pass off as booze in that keg isn't worth it."

  I gave a shrug of my own and took another drink from his cup. It still burned as much as before, but I was expecting it so it didn't seem as bad. It actually seemed almost pleasant. It was certainly a hell of a lot stronger than any beer I'd ever had.

  "That is pretty good," I said.

  And then I started to feel the effects. Damn! I considered myself pretty able to hold my booze, but that was when I was drinking 5% alcohol by volume cheap beer that was the choice at these parties.

  I'd only taken a couple of drinks of this concoction Eric had worked up and I was already feeling a little lightheaded.

  The trouble was I wasn’t sure if it was the booze or the company that was giving me that feeling!



  "This stuff is strong!" I said, giggling and leaning into him.

  I told myself that leaning into him was the booze doing the thinking, but honestly I enjoyed leaning into him. An electric jolt ran through me finally touching him. I wasn't sure what it was about him that got me going, that was drawing me in tonight of all nights, but I couldn't deny how he made me feel.

  Judging from the way he reacted to me brushing up against him he was feeling the same way! His eyes squeezed shut and he shivered. I shivered in response to his shiver. It was like we were creating some sort of fucked up closed feedback loop where I was turning him on, he was getting turned on, and then I was getting turned on by turning him on.

  Convoluted, fucked up, and it didn't make any sense. Yet I couldn't deny how I felt.

  "Nice to hear you're letting loose a little bit. Actually having a good time for a change," I said.

  "Yeah, it is a pretty good time," he said.

  And then he got bold. At least, it was bold for him. His arm reached out and wrapped around my shoulders. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. His arm wasn't as big, he wasn't as strong as the guys I usually dated, but it felt nice. It felt right. So we sat there, his arm around my shoulder, staring into the fire and enjoying being pressed up against one another. I could feel the material of his T-shirt as he leaned against my mostly exposed body, and in my mind I was getting flashes of his bare skin pressing against mine. Of him on top of me, pressing in and out of me…

  What the hell was I thinking? This was a dare. The last thing that I needed was to get carried away and do something silly like that. If I was going to have any fun like that at this party then it was going to be with one of the guys from the football team maybe. As soon as I decided I'd done enough to satisfy Kylie and her dare.

  Well, to be perfectly honest I'd probably already satisfied the terms of the dare. She got to see me getting up close and personal with this guy, and that was enough. But I decided to stay here for another few minutes. To enjoy feeling him against me.

  What could it hurt, after all? It’s not like I’d have to worry about what any of these people thought after this summer.

  His finger started tracing up and down my shoulder and I felt goose bumps rising. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was feeling him against me, but I enjoyed the hell out of that. It was giving me goose bumps on my shoulder, but the shiver that touch elicited ran up and down my entire body. Damn!

  "That feels good," I muttered as I leaned my shoulder against him and moved an arm around him. I wondered what the hell I was doing. I glanced around the bonfire and saw people staring at the two of us, no doubt wondering what the hell made me decide to get up close and personal with Eric like this. But I couldn't deny how good it felt. I couldn't deny how turned on I was getting thinking about how turned on he was.

  I even found myself wanting to maybe reached down and run a finger along the length of his cock. I wondered how long it was. How it would feel in my hand. What it would feel like pressing in between my legs and…

  Damn it. Why did I keep getting carried away like that? I was so goddamn wet!

  Let's just say it was probably a damn good thing it was getting dark so people wouldn't be able to get a close look at my bottoms. Otherwise they might notice a very embarrassing situation between my legs. A situation I wasn't ready to admit to considering it was Eric Thomas who was causing that situation!

  Guys like Eric, cute though he was, didn't get that reaction from girls like me! Was it a conceited thought? Maybe. But there it was.

  And yet, it felt so damn good feeling his finger tracing along my skin. Everywhere his finger was trailing that forbidden line it trailed a line of electric pleasure right along with it. It was all I could do not to really give everybody sitting around the bonfire something to talk about.

  I looked over to where Kylie had been standing, but she wasn’t there. I wondered if something like this was what she'd planned all along. I wouldn't put it past her, the sneaky bitch!

  "I can't believe this is actually happening," Eric said.

  His thoughts echoed mine, though I had a distinct feeling his thoughts were echoing my own for very different reasons. He probably couldn't believe this was happening because I’d always been unattainable. Something about knowing I was the unattainable girl for at least one guy, though given my reputation I was probably the unattainable girl for lots of guys, got me so fucking hot.
  Not only was he trailing electric fire with his finger, but it seemed to be going straight down between my legs. Feeling his finger tracing along my shoulder was a giving me one hell of a treat down between my legs, almost to the point that I worried I was going to come against him right in front of this bonfire with all these people watching!

  And yet I found that idea so fucking hot. It would be so incredible if I were to…

  Oh God. Oh fuck!

  I didn't know how this was happening. Maybe it was the sheer naughtiness of what I was doing . Maybe it was knowing this man worshiped the ground I walked on. Maybe it was that strange new confidence he had along with that hint of command earlier. Maybe it was all of the above.

  Whatever it was, it combined to create one hell of a feeling . I held on for dear life. I found myself gripping his waist, and not just because it felt nice. No, I suddenly very much needed the support. I suddenly very much needed something to hold onto reality as I felt an impossible but undeniable orgasm crashing over my body.

  My breathing picked up. My nipples against him and I had no doubt from the way his eyes widened that he could feel them even through his shirt. I was gasping and breathing heavily. I whispered his name over and over as my fingers gripped his shirt, as my fingernails raked down his body through that shirt.

  "Oh fuck," I finally whispered, and then it was over, leaving me an even more confused mess than I'd been moments ago. How the hell had that just happened? Normally it took a little bit of work for a guy to get me to that point, and Eric had just done it with a single light touch!

  I looked up at him and there was shock plain on his face. Shock and something else. He looked turned on. So fucking turned on.

  As turned on as I was, now that I could admit those feelings to myself. Impossible feelings, but there they were. I needed him more than I'd needed any man before in my life, though admittedly that was a short list considering my sexual history didn't go back too terribly far and I hadn't actually done the deed.


  Eric licked his lips, and then he smiled. He seemed to be thinking something over.

  "What would you think of going to find someplace a little more private?”

  It was a crazy echo of what I'd just been thinking. It was also crazy because it was coming from Eric who’d looked like he was going to puke on each of the three occasions he asked me out to prom and got shot down.

  It was a move that went along with this newer more confident Eric that I was suddenly finding so alluring because of a combination of that confidence, the admittedly egotistical boost it gave me sitting so near to him, and the toned body I was feeling under his shirt that was definitely a change from what had been there before.

  I felt as though I was a having an out of body experience as I said yes. I couldn’t belive I was actually agreeing to go someplace more secluded with Eric Thomas. And yet I had the evidence of what he'd just done to me, and the promise of so much more.

  Sure I had no way of knowing just how skilled he was, or if he was even skilled at all considering I didn't know anything about his dating history, let alone his prowess between the sheets. Or on a lounge chair in a quiet dark part of the beach away from prying eyes. But something told me that if it was anything like what’d just happened then I was in for one hell of an amazing experience.

  So I ignored the disbelieving stares of everybody around the bonfire as I stood and took Eric's offered hand. This was crazy. This was insane. I would be the first to admit to that, and yet at the same time I couldn't deny what had just happened. I couldn't deny how fucking good it felt leaning against him. I couldn't deny that I wanted so much more.

  No, that I needed so much more.



  One of the nice things about this beach, about most of the houses along the beach being owned by parents of people I went to school with, was there were plenty of secluded spots that were actually parts of the properties that ran down to the beach. People had set up beach chairs and sofas and lounges which made it convenient to go off and have some alone time.

  I had no idea if the people who owned those beach chairs had any idea what happened on them when people were partying on the beach. Considering most of the owners had children around our age or in college, and considering that most of them had been our age once upon a time, I couldn't see how they didn't know what was going on.

  All I knew was that I desperately needed to find one of those secluded spots. I desperately needed some alone time with Eric. And I was desperately frustrated as we walked to all the usual spots and found them already occupied.

  So we had to walk a good distance to find a spot where we could be alone. And yet I wondered if we were truly alone. I thought I'd see movement out of the corner of my eye, but when I looked in that direction all I saw was shadows. I convinced myself there couldn't be anyone following us.

  I didn't know what had come over me, but I was so fucking turned on that I didn't give a damn what had come over me. All I knew was I desperately felt the urge to do some corrupting.

  And so I didn't think about shadows in the darkness following us when we finally found a secluded spot. I didn't think about how crazy it was that I'd gone from barely talking to this guy to going to a quiet spot on the beach with him. All I thought about was my incredible need to feel him against me, and so I did just that.

  For a moment I was the aggressor. He looked surprised as I pushed him down on a lounge chair.

  My mouth descended on his and then his mouth was open to mine. His tongue was snaking inside my mouth even as I thought about how intense it would be to feel that tongue snaking into other parts of my body. His hands roamed up and down my body, and they were magic as they danced up and down.

  It wasn't because of any sort of experience or skill he had. He was fumbling in the dark like a man who was exploring a woman for the first time, and that actually might very much be the case. Only it was precisely because he was fumbling as though this was the first time he'd been with a woman that I was feeling so fucking turned on.

  The idea of being his first, the idea that he was fulfilling one hell of a fantasy by running his hands all over me, was sending me into overdrive.

  In short, I loved the attention, and getting that attention was wired straight to my pussy which sent me into a sexual frenzy the likes of which I hadn't felt before. I couldn't explain it, I didn't understand it, but all I cared about was how goddamn good it felt as he moved a hand up and under my top. Pure pleasure shot from that spot where he was groping my tits directly to my brain. Directly to my pussy. I gasped in surprise at the intensity of that almost orgasmic feeling.

  Who knew I could get so turned on with a touch? Sure he was cute, but what I was feeling was completely outsized compared to the cuteness factor. It was so far beyond anything I'd ever felt for a guy before, so much more intense than anything I'd felt before. That's the only thing that could explain how much I was getting off on how much he was getting off on me.

  His hands moved down and he rolled me to the side. He was going for access between my legs. Usually that was a second or a third date kind of thing, but I was losing control. I let out a quiet moan of encouragement as his fingers slipped inside my pussy. As I felt them move up inside me in an inexperienced exploration that was so hot precisely because it was so inexperienced.

  I wondered if this was the first time he'd ever fingered a girl, and that made me feel even more lightheaded. That made stars dance in front of my eyes as much as the feeling of his fingers inside me.

  "Oh fuck," I said. "Oh fuck…"

  I continued repeating that mantra as his fingers continued their exploration. As he worked them in and out, moving faster and faster as I moved towards my second orgasm of the evening.

  I went over that edge, only it was so much more intense now than it had been back at the bonfire. I held myself against him, held his fingers buried deep inside me, as I came harder than I had last time. As I felt like I
was about to lose consciousness.

  The only sound was my heavy breathing, his gasps, the sound of waves hitting the beach, and the distant sound of music from the bonfires as I rode a deliciously impossible wave of pleasure that I never would've imagined coming from Eric Thomas.

  Then I was coming down and my hands moved like they had a mind of their own. I pulled up on his T-shirt. I moved my hands down into his pants. I traced the length of his cock that I'd been wondering about earlier at the bonfire, and damn did it feel big!

  I suddenly counted myself lucky that I might be the first girl to explore his body, because that was one hell of a monster between his legs! I was going to be one hell of a happy girl here in a few moments if I let things run their natural course! Surely if another girl had felt that monster before word would have spread what with small town gossip being what it was.

  Wait. Was I really thinking in terms of feeling that thing inside me? That would be farther than I'd ever gone with any guy, despite any sort of a reputation that might’ve popped up concerning my purity after some vicious rumors that had been spread by Matt Arnold when he was pissed off that I hadn't given him said purity.

  And yet here I was thinking about how nice it would be to give Eric one hell of a surprise. I was thinking about the look on his face as he sank his cock inside me, as he fulfilled a fantasy that had no doubt been filling his head for so many years.

  Other guys might want to fuck me, but with him it had been an all-encompassing passion. It had been a constant desire. And suddenly I very much wanted to fulfill that desire for him. I wanted to fulfill that desire for me, too, if I'm being honest. Because I couldn't explain it, but I sure as hell was getting something out of this!

  For the moment I concentrated on his cock though. On unzipping his pants and yanking them down so I could have better access to his dick which was already twitching in my hands. Which seemed like it was very much in danger of blowing, and we hadn't even gotten to the real fun.


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