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Dare Game

Page 9

by Lexi Archer

  "You know perfectly well it's not okay, that it isn't just a dance with him," she said. "You know full well…"

  "Would you shut up and let me talk?"

  I put my hand over my mouth. I was surprised I was yelling at her. Here I was worried about people walking by outside and hearing our argument and I was being just as loud as her.

  "What?" Sarah asked, her voice muffled behind my hand.

  I wrapped her in a hug, then I pulled away and looked her square in the eyes. It occurred to me that we were almost as close as she'd been with Eric, but I chased that thought away. She was just my friend. That's all she would ever be. Sure there’d been that one occasion when we shared that…

  No. I wasn’t going to think about that. I was going to focus on this cluster I’d well and truly fucked.

  "It's about Todd," I said.

  I wanted to keep going, but once more she interrupted. Her face screwed up in obvious anguish and she looked like she was about to start crying.

  "Oh God! Todd saw all of that! I need to…"

  She was looking over my shoulder to the door, I felt things spiraling out of control again, and so I took her face firmly in hand and pulled her back so we were staring eye to eye. And once more I noticed how dangerously close we were. How I could feel her breath on me, and once more I viciously stomped down on those thoughts. I needed to concentrate on getting her under control. On getting rid of this panic.

  "Todd was into it," I said.

  That caught her attention. Her eyes went wide. Her mouth worked but no words came out, and it was all I could do not to giggle.

  "He was what?”

  I rolled my eyes. "Did you go deaf in the last five years? I'm telling you your future hubby was totally into hearing about you and Eric! He was even more into watching you dancing up close with him. Did you see the way his eyes never left you?"

  "I didn't…"

  I sighed. "Right, of course you didn't see how he was staring at you. You were too busy leaning against Eric's chest and sighing and closing your eyes and…”

  Sarah blushed and looked down, then back up. "Was Todd the only one who noticed us dancing?”

  It seemed like an innocent question, but in this town I knew what she was really asking. Were people going to be gossiping about what she’d done with Eric? I frowned and shook my head slightly. She sighed.

  "I'm afraid not," I said. "Your little display with Eric is going to be fueling Tiffany and the rest of the gossip mill for the next year if not longer. It's a good thing you don't actually live here and have to deal with the fallout."

  Sarah sighed, then surprised me with a smile. "I suppose you're right. That is the advantage of being out of town! One of many advantages!"

  "You have no idea how jealous I am," I said.

  Sarah locked eyes with me. "You say he was interested. How do you know?"

  And with just a few words our roles were reversed. I blushed and looked away, suddenly afraid to meet her eyes as I thought about exactly how I'd known how turned on her fiancé was. I'd been caught up in the moment. I don't know what I was thinking.

  I wasn't thinking. That was the problem.

  Sarah's hands brushed my cheek. She pulled me so I was looking right at her. She stared at me with a half serious face that said she wasn't going to put up with any of my bullshit.

  I hated when she looked at me like that.


  "I might have touched his cock…" I muttered.

  Her eyes went wide again. "Come again?"

  I grinned. “It was only through his pants. That thing is every bit as huge as you said!"

  She kept up her stare until I started to get uncomfortable. I shuffled my feet. I didn't think she’d be too upset based on the past, but as she stared at me with that hard unblinking gaze I was painfully aware that the past was just that. The past.

  Maybe she wasn't feeling as accommodating as she had when we were younger. Then her face broke into a smile and she devolved into a fit of giggles as she hugged me close.

  "Oh my God you slut! You worked fast!"

  I enjoyed the fuck out of that hug on more than one level. Sure there was the joy of feeling my friend against me again after so many years, but I also felt something else. A small twinge of something I'd first noticed when I saw her dancing up close with Eric. When I found myself wondering what it would feel like to be that up close and personal with her myself like that one night so long ago.

  Those were crazy thoughts though. Once again I quickly pushed them away. I was into guys, and I didn't have time for that sort of existential crisis right now.

  "So he was pretty hard while he was watching?"

  "Rock hard," I said. "There's no doubt."

  Sarah leaned back against the sink, only this time she was almost sitting on it instead of leaning over and staring at her face. A smile was back on her face, that bubbly personality had returned, and I realized I was staring at the girl I'd been friends with all those years ago. The girl who had one hell of a wild streak. The girl who was willing to get up to some mischief and fuck the consequences. And there had been some very real consequences, at least where it came to Eric.

  She tapped her finger against the sink, a sure sign that she was thinking.

  "So what prompted him to let me go out on the dance floor in the first place?" she asked.

  My face lit up. "Because I dared him!"

  That finger tapped even faster. She must really be thinking now. I wondered what she was up to. I wondered if this weekend was going to be a return to some of the wild old days, and I found myself looking forward to it more than I'd been looking forward to anything in a few years now. Life just hadn't been the same ever since my partner in crime decided to go off to college, and I had to admit I'd been secretly hoping something like this might happen when I heard about the five year reunion.

  "So he knows all about the dare game?"

  "He knows enough," I said.

  "Not everything?" She said, her voice suddenly sharp.

  I blushed again. "Almost everything. I didn't tell him everything about … You know…"

  Sarah sighed.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I was just thinking," she said. Though I could've told her that much from the way her fingers were drumming against the sink.


  She smiled a sexy little half smile. "I think I knew when I decided to come out here for this reunion that something like this was going to happen. I think part of me was hoping to get a chance to relive some of the old days…"

  I shrugged. "You don't need an excuse to do that. You're still the person you were five years ago even if you do try to act respectable."

  "I don't know about that," she said. And then that half smile turned into a huge grin that lit up her face and made her look beautiful. "But even if I'm not that person anymore I'm thinking it might be fun to be the person I was for the night, don't you think?"

  I grinned. "So what's the plan?"

  "Well you said that Todd liked to watch, right?"

  "There's absolutely no doubt of that," I said. "Either he stole a cucumber from a vegetable tray or he was very happy to see how close you were dancing with Eric."

  “Maybe we can all have a little bit of fun, and maybe I can make up something to Eric at the same time, but it's going to involve bringing back the dare game in a major way…"



  I couldn't believe I was doing this. Ever since we first came out here I promised myself I wasn't going to let Kylie drag me into our old hijinks, but now it looked like I was just as responsible for this as she was. And still I couldn't believe I was actually going along with it.

  At the same time I couldn't deny how excited I was. I felt so alive. Sure I'd done some wild partying in college, I'd let loose a couple of times with Todd, but nothing compared to how wild I used to get. Particularly that fateful summer after we all graduated. We were all waiting around for life to start with not
hing to do but party, drink, and do what comes naturally to a bunch of horny eighteen-year-olds when they get drunk down by the lake.

  I blushed as I thought of a particular memory. Of a dare. Of Eric staring at me with a worshipful expression as though I was the most beautiful woman in the world. His hands moving…

  I pushed down that memory. It was a fun memory, a fond memory, but it also led to some pretty painful memories that naturally followed in that particular narrative. Things I'd rather forget. Things I didn't think I was capable of and yet I'd gone ahead and hurt him in a major way.

  I looked across the room and sure enough Eric was sitting at a table holding court. Though it wasn't his old group of friends. I noticed Jake was sitting next to him as he talked and laughed so easily with the new group surrounding him, but Jake didn't seem to be having as good a time as Eric was. It was a study in contrasts. One of them had adapted and thrived after graduation, and the other one still seemed to be trapped in that age-old us versus them narrative that some people bought into that was bullshit back then and even more so now.

  Eric and his friend weren't y main concern that though. Not yet. That would wait until after I'd had a chance to talk with Todd.

  I pulled my gaze away from Eric and the incredible changes that had come over him in the past five years and focused on Todd. Gorgeous Todd. Loving Todd. The man I was planning on marrying. I needed to keep in mind that he was here, that above all I didn't want to hurt him even if it did seem like he might be up for a little bit of the sort of fun we used to get up to.

  I looked to Kylie and smiled. I was going for a confident smile. The kind of smile I used to have back when we were getting ready to launch one of our schemes. I just wished I felt half as confident now as I did back then. No, right now I was feeling positively sick to my stomach as I thought about what we were about to do. Sick to my stomach and also very turned on. It was a confusing mix.

  When we'd played the dare game before it was low stakes. Sure we were friends, sure people dated and broke up, but it's not like any of those relationships that last summer were going to last anyways considering everyone was getting ready to ship out for college or settle into the comfortable life of a townie.

  Things were different now though. There were real stakes. This was my fiancé. I had an engagement ring on my finger that felt like it was burning as I thought about where the dare game could potentially take us if Todd decided to go along with it. If Kylie was right about how excited he was at the idea of playing the game.

  We sat down on either side of him and he looked at me with an uncertain smile. Then he turned to Kylie who was leaning in entirely too close. I was conscious of people around the room turning to look at us, I had a feeling that people were going to be paying more attention to me than they normally would have considering the dance with Eric, but I didn't care. Let them look. Let them gossip. I didn't live here anymore, and so anyone who thought I was being a little crazy just like the old days could go fuck themselves. This is the show everybody wanted anyways. Kylie and Sarah getting back up to their usual tricks.

  Well, we were going to get up to our old tricks in one hell of a major way. As long as I had one thing. I looked at Todd. Before I did anything I needed his permission.

  "To what do I owe this pleasure ladies?" he asked.

  Kylie snaked a hand around his neck and started massaging. He closed his eyes and let out a quiet grunt of surprise, and then he opened them back up and stared at me, wide-eyed, and tried to pull away from Kylie's touch.

  Well then. He'd been so caught up in Kylie massaging his neck that he'd forgotten himself for a moment. He'd forgotten that he was supposed to act like a man who was taken. Not that I could blame him for forgetting himself. Kylie was a major hottie, and I could understand where a massage would be a bit of a distraction. Particularly considering what she said she'd done with him just moments ago, but he didn't know that I knew about that. He didn't know that I was okay with it. Mostly.

  I felt a stab of jealousy that was unlike anything I'd felt back when we pulled something like this with our boyfriends. Back then it was usually just to make them uncomfortable. Just a joke to make them think they'd been transported to some sort of male fantasy dimension. The stakes were a little higher now though, as I've already said, and so I figured it was only natural that I would feel more jealousy than usual.

  "What's the matter honey? Are you worried I'll be upset if you're getting a backrub from Kylie?"

  He spluttered and it looked like he was trying to say something, but he couldn't quite get the sound out. He had a hilarious deer in headlights look on his face, and it took every ounce of my control not to giggle. It was time to really make him freak out though. I leaned in to whisper in his ear, making sure to stick my tongue out ever so slightly and lick to give him an extra jolt before I dropped the bomb.

  That got his attention. He stopped spluttering and sat absolutely still.

  "Why would I be upset that you're getting a backrub from my friend when she's already had her hand on your cock?"

  He turned and his eyes were wide. "Sarah, it's not…"

  I waved a hand. "I'm not mad," I said. "After all, I was out there practically dry humping Eric on that dance floor while you were over here getting felt up by my friend, wasn't I?"

  He paused for a moment, but I could tell he clearly agreed. He was probably just trying to think about how much he could agree with me without potentially getting in trouble.

  "Well… Yeah?"

  "And it seems only fair that if I was grinding up against a guy that you would get to have a little bit of fun yourself, right? And Kylie is pretty hot, isn't she?"

  Once more he had that look as though he was trying to figure out exactly how much he could admit to without getting into too much trouble. He had that look that screamed he thought this was a trap, and he wasn't sure how to get out of it.

  "You can answer honestly," I said. "I'm not going to be mad. I promise."

  He swallowed. "She is pretty damn hot!"

  I looked over to Kylie who was grinning. Todd turned to look at her as well. He swallowed again, suddenly very unsure of himself. Good. I wanted him to be just a little off balance.

  "What… What's going on here?" he finally managed to ask.

  I took his chin in my hand and pulled so that he was looking at me. "It's simple. Kylie and I want to play a game this weekend…"

  "This weekend?" he asked. "But I thought we weren't staying the night…"

  Kylie took over. She pulled his head so he was facing her. So his face was inches from hers as she smiled at him. I could only imagine the confused jumble of thoughts that must be running through his head, though I had a pretty good way of testing whether or not this was having the desired effect. I reached under the table and ran my finger up and down the length of his cock which, as I expected, was rock hard and throbbing in my hands.

  "Don't you think you could stay for the weekend?" Kylie asked.

  He jumped first at the feeling of my hand on his cock, and then at Kylie's words. He licked his lips and looked back to me. It was obvious he was asking for some sort of permission with that look as much as I was asking for a sort of permission with this whole song and dance, and so I smiled and nodded.

  "That depends," he said. "What exactly did you have in mind?"

  "I was hoping we might be able to bring back the dare game this weekend." There. I'd said it. It was out. "Though I understand you and Kylie have already brought it back in a small way with that dance…"

  Todd's breathing was coming in quiet gasps and I could feel his cock pulsing under my touch. Usually it took a lot more than jerking him off to get him off. Usually he was more of a blow job or fucking kind of guy. Only the way his cock was twitching in his pants just from me running my finger up and down its length made it obvious he was on the verge of blowing a load in his pants without any of that added stimulation!

  Yeah, someone was definitely very turned on. Very, very
turned on.

  "The dare game? Like what Kylie was telling me about?" he asked.

  "Exactly like that," I said. "But you have to realize that the dare game takes trust, and there are rules."

  He licked his lips again. "What sort of rules?"

  "It's simple enough," Kylie said. "Whoever gets a dare has to do it. That seems simple enough, doesn't it?"

  "Very simple," Todd said.

  "So what do you say honey? What do you think about playing the dare game? I think we could have a lot of fun together with Kylie…"

  I didn't think he was going to say no. I could only imagine what was running through his head. This reunion had gone from a boring evening being introduced to a bunch of people he didn't know and was never going to see again unless they came to the ten year reunion to a door to a realm of forbidden fantasies. I kept running my finger up and down the length of his cock. Kylie was so very close that he could no doubt feel her breath against his cheek as she reached down and her hand joined my own as we moved our hands up and down his cock together.

  Yeah, I don't know what man could resist that.

  "I suppose that could be fun to try," he said.

  Kylie positively beamed and I smiled as well, and then I quickly pulled both of our hands away as I felt his cock really starting to twitch with a vengeance. I looked over my future husband to my old best friend and grinned.

  "We don't want him to pop too soon," I said.

  "I agree," Kylie said. "Especially with all the fun we have planned. Wouldn't want him to miss out on any of that!"

  Todd groaned and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. I would have given a pretty penny to know what was running through his mind, even if I could make a pretty good guess based on the way he was gasping. Based on the way he was obviously trying to keep it under control.

  "So how are we going to start this game?" he asked.

  I felt a thrill run through my body that went straight down my spine and around to the front to my pussy. I felt so wet. I felt an indescribable pleasure down there, and we hadn't even really started with the fun yet.


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