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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1

Page 17

by Ursula Lovelace

  We were escorted by a few of the mob enforcers. They wore dark suits with guns bulging under their jackets. These men were dangerous and it showed. They didn’t want to have any trouble during the event.

  Sometimes, these negotiations could get out of hand. I’ve been in my fair of heated exchanges that ended up in bloodshed. Alcohol and guns didn’t help these dealings. I had almost been hit by stray bullets in deals gone sour. The others girls looked pale at the sight of the mob enforcers. They knew their reputation for violence and how they jumped on any opportunity for a good fight.

  Soon, a large group appeared through the staircase and into the showroom. About five men entered the room and sat in the guest room outside of the showroom. Most of them looked like businessmen who had more money than morals. However, one of the men caught my eye.

  He was tall and dark-haired with the unmistakable swagger of a trained killer. His thick leather jacket hid his well-muscled torso. He looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties. However, the man wore the expression of an older man who seen so much throughout his life. Even in the distance, he stood out like a movie star amongst everyday businessmen. Soon, he walked alone into the showroom with an enforcer accompanying him.

  The mob enforcers kept their distance from this dangerous man. It said a lot if these mobsters were apprehensive about this mysterious man. Yet, there was a look of weariness in his piercing blue eyes. If he had come here to buy a prostitute for the night, he looked completely disinterested in this brothel.

  “Afternoon, Mr. Sirico,” Tony said to the dangerous man. There was a strange nervousness in his voice. I knew the man was a hitman but the mobsters were showing him quite a bit of courtesy. “We’re letting you have the honor of getting the first pick. Follow us to the main room. However, first you must hand over your sidearm. House rules.”

  Giving a brief half smile, Sirico opened his jacket and slowly handed over his gun. It had a small profile but looked as though it packed quite a punch. It was the perfect tool for an assassin. “Like you said, house rules.”

  The sight of the gun sent a chill down my spine. I never got used to seeing them waved around so casually. I had also seen my fair share of violence during my time here.

  One of the mobsters held onto Sirico’s gun. Tony smiled at the disarmed man. He liked being in control of the situation. “Thank you for your cooperation. We would hate to be on the receiving end of that thing.”

  “It’s twelve of you and only one of me,” Sirico replied. “I didn’t think I had that bad of a reputation.”

  “People tend to get nervous with you around here. These negotiations can get heated and you’re the best hitman in this half of the country after all.”

  Sirico glared at Tony as though he were an assassination target before becoming stone-faced. “Of course.”

  “Anything to drink, Mr. Sirico? Wine?”

  “No,” he said curtly. “Let’s get down to business.”

  “Have a seat,” Tony gestured, sitting down next to the hitman. He then motioned to me and the other girls. “See something you like? These are my best girls and I’ve given you the first pick. It’s a little something of everything in case something strikes you. It’s not something I do very often. We have important politicians and lawyers on a wait list.”

  I took a look at the other girls standing beside me. I didn’t get an opportunity to talk to them since we were all kept separate. I knew none of them were transgender like me. They were for men who wanted something a little more vanilla. Nonetheless, they were all very young and attractive.

  However, I seemed to stand out from the other girls. Sirico’s eyes were focused on me. He must him figured out I was not like your average woman.

  His gaze was burning a hole through my body. My skin was ablaze with desire for this mysterious man. I had always feared being with a man, even the ones that pretended to act nice. Yet, I wanted him to hold me and make love to me. This desire was alien as it was alluring. I was always the recipient of a man’s sexual desires. I had never been the initiator of such encounters.

  Despite my price tag, I didn’t think of myself as the most beautiful girl in the lineup. I was some oddity for people who had a fetish that needed to be taken care of. Nonetheless, Sirico continued to focus his piercing blue eyes on my body and asked questions about me and the other women. “The two on the right?”

  “Yes, some of the finest we have.”

  He turned to face me. “And this one is… extra special?”

  Tony looked a bit nervous. “Yes… she’s packs something a little extra between her legs! Normally, she also costs extra.”

  Sirico nodded his head. “I see…”

  Tony decided to change the subject. “Would you like to see all of them in the nude?”

  Before Sirico could answer, one of the enforcers ordered us to undress. They motioned their arms and shouted at us to take off our robes.

  The four other girls immediately disrobed as if their lives depended on it. It probably did. I was too focused on Sirico to follow suit. He looked at me as though I was a long lost love.

  One of the mobsters yelled at me to undress. “Hey, even you! Strip down, now!”

  I slowly stripped the robe off of my body. In seconds, all five of us stood completely nude for the viewing pleasure of the men before us. Tony looked at the woman next to me and eyed her with devious intent. The man liked to try his own products.

  Sirico, however, was transfixed with my body as if I were the Virgin Mary given flesh. He leaned forward in curiosity. I didn’t know whether it was curiosity about my cock or something else.

  Taking Sirico’s action as a mark of interest, Tony gave another order. “Turn around and show your asses.”

  We turned around hundred and eighty degrees and showed off our backs. I could sense their eyes scrutinizing our bodies. I wondered if Sirico was genuinely interested in me. He didn’t seem like the other perverts. Besides, I figured he would pick the other girls over me.

  The woman next to me was a slim Latina with curly hair and small but firm breasts. There was a confidence in her face that I lacked.

  The next one was rather plain but had large breasts and curvy hips. She had a very nice figure.

  The woman after her was a short woman with dark hair. She had a cute face and sharp eyes. However, she was skin and bones as if she had been underfed in her entire life.

  The woman at the other end was a knockout with full breasts and sharp facial features. Surely, Sirico would choose her.

  Tony grew a bit impatient. He wanted to close a deal and get this hitman out of his gentleman’s club. “I’m sure one of them suits your needs.”

  Sirico was unmoved by Tony’s pestering. “I’d like to get to know them a little better before I commit to a purchase.”

  “We don’t have a ‘try before you buy’ policy here.”

  Sirico was unfazed. “I’d like to ask a few questions before I make my final decision. I hope that’s fine with you.”

  “They’re not exactly the conversational type.”

  “I can get them into the mood for a good talk,” Sirico replied coolly. “I want to make the right choice for both of our sakes. Understood?”

  Tony knew a threat when he heard one. He sighed and pointed to a nearby bedroom. “Okay, you can talk in the private room there. However, keep the door open.”

  Sirico turned to face me. “Send this one in.”

  “I didn’t think you would be interested…” Tony said before catching his tongue. He didn’t want to sound too judgmental about the hitman’s tastes. “Are you sure? She can... be a bit temperamental.”

  “That won’t be a problem,” he answered with a half-smile. “I like temperamental.”

  Tony cursed under his breath and spoke to me. “Go with him.”

  Wordlessly, I dressed in my robe and followed Sirico to the bedroom. Sirico closed the door half way and sat across from me at a table. For good half minute, we stared at eac
h other. I didn’t want to do anything that would make him choose another. It was Sirico who spoke first.

  “Hello, my name is Jack Sirico,” he revealed. “If you don’t mind, could you tell me your name?”

  “Hello Jack, my name is Alex,” I replied, surprised he was so courteous. It did much to alleviate the tension in the air and inflame my desire for him. I wanted to be bought by this man as if I were an everyday item at a convenience store. “What do you want to know about me? Other than I have a cock?”

  “How long have you been with this crime family? Tony told me that he picked you up from a homeless shelter. It’s an older than dirt racket…”

  He seemed to disapprove of that practice.

  “I was running away from home and I had nowhere else to go,” I answered. “They offered me a bed and a hot bowl of soup. They also said they would pay for my hormone treatments. I just didn’t realize how much it would cost.”

  A flash of anger appeared on Jack’s face. “Jesus, they took you when you were a kid and all alone…”

  “It’s the only life I know,” I said, somewhat lamely. I looked away from Jack’s look of anger. I was ashamed of my life. “Do you want to take a look at me? You know teeth or skin? My tits or cock?”

  “You’re a person, not some pack animal,” Jack, said dropping his voice to a whisper. “How badly have they hurt you?”

  I gave a nervous look outside past the half open door. “I don’t want to get in trouble.”

  “You won’t get in trouble,” he reassured me. It didn’t seem like a trap. “We’ll keep out voices down. I won’t tell those bastards a thing. Have they abused you?”

  “They don’t like to have members of the family mess with the merchandise,” I began. “But sometimes an enforcer gets drunk and forgets…”

  Jack examined my face as searching for any marks of abuse. Most of my past buyers treated me like some car they could take out for a test ride. There was a lot of money exchanged during these negotiations. Clients didn’t want to make an expensive mistake.

  Nonetheless, there was compassion in Jack’s crystal blue eyes. He saw me as a person rather than as a vehicle for hire. I knew a killer when I saw one but he was different from the others. “So, I heard you’re a hitman. You kill people for anyone who is willing to pay.”

  He shrugged at the description. “I’m a bad man… and I kill bad men. Win or lose, there’s less bad men in the world.”

  “Are you working with this mob family?” I inquired, feeling goose bumps on my skin. It was hot as hell in the room but I was still shaking. “I thought the mobsters didn’t like hiring hitmen if they could help it.”

  Jack shook his head. “I normally avoid people like Tony and his men. Unfortunately, one of his mob enforcers got drunk and attacked me in a bar. I made short work of him but tensions ran high. The mob brought me here to smooth things over. I don’t normally waste my money on booze and sex. However, I couldn’t exactly refuse in case they took it as an insult and escalated things.”

  I leaned forward in confusion. “Why do you want to buy me if you’re not interested?”

  “Because I’ve helped put innocent people like you here,” he said to my surprise. There was a pained look flashing across his sorrowful blue eyes. “A long time ago, I assassinated a man looking to shut down that homeless shelter you stayed at. He was a corrupt politician and wanted his share of the profits from that place. He threatened to shut the place down if he didn’t get his kickback. That was why I was sent to silence him.”

  I couldn’t believe it. “Oh my God…”

  “He was supposed to be just another corrupt politician I could take care of,” Jack continued, regret tingeing his words. “I should have said no but I only thought about the job and never the consequences of killing a target. He could’ve shutdown their whole operation down if I had let him live.”

  I held my head in my hands. It was a good thing, too. Otherwise, my hands would strangle that man. “I’m here… because of you…”

  “I’m sorry Alex,” he groaned, placing a callused hand on my shoulder. His hands shook as if he was holding onto a hot stove. I was evidence of the consequences of his violent actions. “I don’t expect you to forgive me but let me help you. I can’t give you back the life that was stolen from you… but I can get you out of here.”

  So many emotions were overwhelming my senses.




  He had robbed me of my freedom. I wanted to kill him for destroying my life. Only the sincerity in his eyes stopped me.

  This was an act of redemption for him. He was a ray of light in this frozen wasteland. I couldn’t keep this from him anymore than I could hold onto my misguided anger. “I-I… thank you, Jack. I knew that this day would come.”

  “Alex, you seem so strong,” he said in admiration. “I’ve seen a lot of poor girls who get worn down by this terrible business. But you’re not like most of the other women here.”

  “I can’t give up hope,” I replied. “It’s the only thing I have. It’s what kept me going after they forced me to pay them back for my treatments.”

  “The oldest mob trick in the book,” Jack muttered, cursing under his breath. Then, his eyes narrowed. “What happened exactly?”

  “They took me when I ran away from home,” I answered. “They tricked me into thinking that they would help me become a woman. Instead, they made me rack up a debt.”

  He looked horrified at my story. “Jesus, I didn’t think they would sink so low.”

  I briefly broke eye contact. “That’s my life now.”

  “It doesn’t have to be,” Jack replied. “You’re smart, more compassionate than the monsters around you, and you have your life ahead of you. I’ll get you out of here.”


  “Because I’ve hurt and destroyed my share of innocent lives,” he answered with a tinge of sorrow in his voice. “If I’m going to be selfish, then let me save a life for once.”

  “What is your plan?” I asked. “What if they decide to keep me here-”

  “Just let me handle the negotiations,” he replied, a strange smile on his face. I hope he didn’t plan on shooting his way out of this place. “I always get my way. Whatever happens, I’ll make sure you get out of here alive.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I only gave him the sweetest smile I could muster at the time. My goose bumps went away but my heart thundered like a jackhammer.

  We exited the room and joined the others. The women were kneeling with the others as Tony got ‘the paperwork’ ready for Jack’s upcoming purchase. The receipt he had in his hand was a sick joke. In case it got into the hands of the police, the bill wouldn’t implicate either party. However, it indicated that I would become my buyer’s property for the night. I knelt with the other women while Jack went back to the others.

  Tony drank a glass of wine he had poured for himself. “Would you like to talk to another girl, Mr. Sirico?”

  “No need, I’ve made my decision,” Jack answered, pointing to me. “I’ll take her.”

  “That’s good to hear,” Tony said with glee. “For how long? We have a discount if you keep her the whole weekend.”

  “Forever,” Jack replied with a smile. “I’d like to buy out her contract.”

  Tony stared back in disbelief. “Buy out her contract?”

  Jack nodded. “There’s a price for everything.”

  Regaining his composure, the mobster replied. “She brings in good money. It would hurt my books to lose her.”

  The hitman wore a poker face. “I can make it worth your while.”

  “Are you certain?” Tony’s asked, his eyes narrowing. “All purchases are final. Are sure you don’t want to take a look at the other girls?”

  “I’m certain, Tony,” he growled, a dangerous edge to his voice. “Give me the damn paperwork.”

  “She’s like family,” Tony lied, trying to draw out the affair. If I was f
amily, then he treated me like some red-headed step child. “I would hate to part with her but I’ll make an exception for you... for the right price. How about $150,000… in cash or a cashier’s check?”

  For a while, no one said anything. Even for ownership of a human being, it was a ludicrous sum. Jack stared down Tony and reached into the pocket of his leather jacket. I gulped as I knew killers always had a backup plan. This could end in bloodshed at any moment. Sirico said he wanted to get me out one way or another. He meant it as he slowly moved his hand out of his pocket.

  The mob enforcers immediately drew out their guns. One of them even pulled out a shotgun from under a cocktail bar. Tony dropped the wine glass onto the floor. It fell and shattered into countless pieces. Things were about to get heated.


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