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Devil In Exile: A Scifi Alien Mates Romance Novel (Warriors Of Elysius Book 1)

Page 23

by Fiona Jayde

  And that bite. Holy hell. I was in no way expecting that ferocious kind of claiming, so barbaric, so primitive, so damn sexy. And it hurt so damn good. That kinky kind of stuff isn’t usually my thing, but his fangs in my neck somehow managed to heighten every sensation, bringing my orgasms to an explosive level that literally left me seeing stars.

  Somehow, I gave my heart over completely, even more so than our first time together. I’ve let him in on a level I never even allowed Carl to experience, and I feel incredibly vulnerable right now.

  I shouldn’t have told him I was his. I shouldn’t have let myself get so carried away. As much as I might like to settle into life as the mate of a green alien on a strange planet, I need to know, truly know that this is what he wants. Tarian still has to discuss the alliance and mating program with him.

  So many females. So many different species.

  I know he said it only happened once for an Elysium, but what if it’s possible for him to find multiple bond mates between species?

  I am freaking the hell out right now.

  It would literally break my heart in two if his horns suddenly burned black for another human, another female. I know my insecurities are riding me hard here, but my fears are starting to take over as my heart pounds in my chest. I’ve given him everything. Shit! I’m already in so deep, and I can’t turn this off now. If I confess my love to him and he walks, I’ll never recover.


  I slide out of his arms, and dress, knowing I need to find Tarian and figure out a way home before I lose my resolve and lock Kyllell into a relationship that he’ll eventually lose interest in.

  I cast one last, longing look at my alien devil before leaving the room, blinking away the tears.

  I get about three feet before I feel it. A tug, right below my heart. It feels like a thick rope is tied there, and the other end is back in that damn bedroom. I pause for a moment, wondering if I’m imagining it. I must be. I keep walking, and the tug grows stronger. The rope feels taut. Digging into my mind, I try to severe the connection. A strong nausea overwhelms me, and I can feel a deep sadness in my soul. I sit down on the stairs and try not to cry.

  “Hello, little sister,” comes a voice from the bottom of the stairs. Tarian appears, his face solemn for the first time since I’ve met him.

  I wipe the tears from my face as quickly as I can, embarrassed to show this level of weakness. “What do you want?” I ask grumpily even though he’s the exact alien I’m looking for.

  “To know what is making you so sad.” He climbs the wide staircase and sits down next to me. His hulking build looks almost comical as he tries to squeeze between me and the wall. I swallow down the insane urge to laugh. Not really the time for that.

  “You need to tell your brother about the other females. He thinks I’m his only option. You need to tell him why he is here. That this alliance depends on the overthrow of the current council and his election as head councilman…or chancellor…or whatever. He needs to be an example and take a bond mate who can help him put his people back together.”

  “He already has a bond mate.” He looks at me pointedly.

  “I know nothing about politics. I doubt I would be very helpful, and he’s going to need a mate who can support him in his new role. He doesn’t know he has options. I’m the first available female he encountered during those years of exile. Those black horns of his could be a fluke.”

  His brow ridge narrows in utter confusion. “They are not, Ada. Why are you so ready to dismiss this?”

  “He could show the same signs with other females of other species.”

  “But he will not.” He appears even more confused. “Did he not explain this to you? You are the only one meant for him. There is only one bond mate for an Elysium male, no matter the species.”

  “You don’t know that for certain. These alliances are rather new.”

  He gives me a sad look. “That is very true. There is no way of knowing for certain that it couldn’t happen with another female of another species. We don’t exactly understand the science behind it since, up until a few solar orbits past, we had never been faced with the pressing matter of mating another species, but I will tell you this with total confidence, Kyllell has chosen you, and he will have no other.”

  “Males are fickle.”

  His eyes widen in understanding, a great sense of sympathy emanating from the shift in his position as he places an arm around my shoulder. “Ah, then I suppose you have had experience with a fickle male. Who hurt you, little sister? Kyllell and I will punish him severely for breaking your heart.”

  I shake my head, choking on a pathetic laugh as moisture fills my eyes.

  He reaches into my lap and takes my hand. “Accept this, Ada, because I know my brother. We could parade an entire line-up of females from various species across the galaxy, but it won’t change his head or his heart. The choice is very much up to you, and even if you reject him, I doubt he’ll let you go. My brother is a persuasive bastard when he wants something.”

  My heart grows weary as I think about my options.

  “Just tell him why he’s here and what you’ve sucked him into. No decisions can be made until he knows the full scope of this. And while you’re at it, please find a representative from Earth who I can speak to. There’s a good chance I’ll be going home soon.”

  “You really have no idea,” he says. “Don’t you feel it?”

  “Feel what?” I ask, taken off guard by his intense scrutiny. He hesitates for a moment before opening his mouth to speak, but the sound of laser blasts echo from the living quarters below.

  Tarian shoots to his feet, pulling me with him. “Damn the council and their infernal spies.”


  “Someone must have leaked Kyllell’s presence and location to the council. This isn’t exactly the plan I’d been prepping, but here we go.”

  “What was your original plan again?”

  “It involved the highest ranked members of our military backing him as he showed up unannounced during a council meeting…among other things. ”

  It sounds like a flimsy plan to me. If they didn’t want him ruling when his father was assassinated, they won’t accept him now, even if he does arrive with military members backing him. This was why I wanted us all to sit down and talk the damn thing out. Kyllell’s insane jealousy and overall horniness, not to mention my own, really fucked that opportunity to pieces. We lost precious time while having mind-blowing sex.

  Can’t say I regret the sex, though.

  I keep my thoughts to myself and allow him to herd me up the stairs.

  “Kyllell! Quickly!” He follows close behind me and into the room, closing the door.

  Kyllell is already on his feet getting dressed. “What’s happening?” As his eyes rest on me they soften with a show of love that makes my chest ache.

  “They’re here,” he says. “Guards from the council know you’re here. I thought we would have more time than this. Someone from the landing pad must have talked…”

  “Derwag’s men?” Kyllell asks.

  Tarian nods. “Don’t worry. This may not have been the original plan, but it will still suit our purposes.”

  Kyllell growls. “You haven’t even briefed me on what the plan is.”

  “You were otherwise occupied,” he says, giving us both a lecherous smile. “I can fill you in later. Just remember I’ve managed to convince Derwag you are an asset, the only thing standing between him and a full mutiny among our warriors. He has no idea I’m trying to depose him and put you in his place, so please behave as if you’re repentant and wish to pledge your allegiance to Derwag or we will have a shit storm on our hands the likes of which you have never seen for all your experience in combat.”

  “I’d rather be exiled all over again.”

  Tarian gives me a pained look that prompts me to intercede, otherwise, everything Tarian has attempted to do for his brother over the years will be a complete and
total waste.

  “Don’t be a stubborn ass. If we have any hope of making this work then you need to cut the warrior crap, swallow that massive ego of yours, and adopt some humility here.”

  Tarian fists his hand to his mouth to stop himself from laughing even though I can tell he’s worried, especially when a loud bang and shouting from below reaches our ears.

  Kyllell grabs me around the waist and pulls me close, a small smile turning the corners of his full lips.

  “As my mate commands, so I must obey. I will be the most humble Elysium to have ever walked the face of Elysius.”

  “You are going to be so good for him, Ada,” Tarian says as he slowly opens the door and peeks out. “They are coming for Kyllell. Say goodbye now, lovers. It might be a day or two before you see each other again. I’ll keep them outside the door as long as I can.” He opens the door and speeds into the hallway before pausing at the top of the stairs and starting a slow saunter down. “Greetings! Did you come for my cook’s famous morning meal?”

  Kyllell closes the door as quietly as he can and turns back to me.

  “Why all this muscle and show of force if Derwag wants you to come back here to appease his military?” I whisper.

  “Elysium politics are tricky. He may want me here, but he may also need to show he has all the power before he can allow me to be seen publicly. He knows Tarian brought me back without informing him of my arrival. This is now a power play. He will want me to beg for forgiveness and solemnly swear fealty to him.”

  “Will you do that?”

  He pauses for a moment, then shakes his head. “I cannot answer that question because I do not know. I’m still unclear as to how my brother thinks this will all play out. I will take my cues from him. You must stay here out of sight,” he says. “Promise me you won’t do anything reckless.”

  I narrow my eyebrows in annoyance. Why the hell would he automatically jump to that unfounded conclusion?

  “Like what?”

  Kyllell grins. “Like breaking me out of a prison cell. You braved an adult chuktah below the ocean’s depths. There is no telling what kind of madness you’ll blindly throw yourself into if given the opportunity.”

  I open my mouth to lash out with some scathing retort, but he quickly grabs me, bowing me back as my chest brushes up against his muscled pecks. My breathing immediately see-saws out of control.

  His lips possess mine. He grips my arms and pulls me tight against him. His forked tongue slips into my mouth, claiming me. It is a kiss of passion, but it conveys so much more. I feel as if he is trying to seal us together by branding me with the searing heat of his kiss. His mouth is brutal against mine as it slants over me. He pushes me up against the wall. His hands are all over me, touching my hips, then my ass, then they curve around and touch my mound, massaging me through my clothes.

  “Kyllell,” I moan.

  “Ada,” he grinds out, as he thrusts his hand between my thighs. It is a rough embrace, and I love it.

  Then the door breaks open. Kyllell immediately whips around, placing himself between me and the two guards.

  “I am very sorry, Kyllell,” says one of them. “We are merely here on Derwag’s orders.”

  Kyllell takes a step forward and places a hand on the guard’s shoulder. “Jortah, it is good to see you. I understand you are here to take me before the council.”

  Jortah nods. “Please know we mean no disrespect.”

  Kyllell nods and holds out his wrists, which are immediately shackled, encased in a brown material that looks flimsy at best but seems to be capable of subduing the strength of an Elysium Warrior.

  Kyllell turns back to give me one last heated look—the two guards stare at me, curiosity burning brightly within their eyes—before he faces them and gestures to the door.

  “Let’s get this mess over with.”

  My heart aches, and that strange pressure at my chest intensifies as Kyllell is quickly led out of the room.

  Tarian and the others will take care of her, I know. It comforts me as I feel us being pulled ever further apart. The soldiers say nothing to me as they escort me into the railcar.

  As it moves forward, I can feel Ada’s distance gnawing at my chest. I worry that she will not know what to do about the discomfort. I know that for Elysiums, it does not hurt to be apart, but it feels uncomfortable in the same way sleeping too long on your arm and waking up with that itching, vaguely unhappy sensation does. Ada calls it pins and needles, as I recall.

  My brother will guide her through it. I am surprised that I have so much faith in him after spending so much time hating him, blaming him for my exile. But without that exile, I never would have met Ada. In fact, because of Tarian’s betrayal, I was there to save Ada’s life. She would have died in the waters of Draioch without me. Or perhaps the Chassaks would have grabbed her and sold her as a slave. Either way, my mate is better off because my brother’s foresight was clearer than my own.

  I’m very glad we bonded before I was taken. Otherwise, I would have been on the verge of raging, thinking about Tarian’s crew and their interest in her. I feel a sting of jealousy at the thought, but it is tempered with the knowledge that they would never try to steal a bonded female.

  The railcar stops at the main government complex. I know this building well from happier days. I remember working here alongside my father, planning future projects, making deals with the leaders of the council. I know my way around, so I am not surprised when I am brought to a small, side door where prisoners are kept. A guard meets us there and takes me inside, and I am escorted to an empty, gated cell and ushered through. The metal used to create these cells is one in which no weapon we possess can cut through or penetrate. When dealing with Elysium Warriors, extra security measures must be taken. Jortah places his hand on a pad just outside the gate that reads his bio signature. His gaze is one of apology as he exits the area, leaving the other guard behind to keep vigil.

  I do not blame Jortah. He has family to consider. The other guard picks up a chair and sets himself in front of my cell, settling in for however long it takes Derwag to summon me. I imagine the charksis scum will make me wait for as long as possible.

  Between the dank, dark cell, the hard bed, and the endless pull of my bond with Ada, I do not sleep much. I spend most of the night thinking of my time with Ada; the incredible feeling of being inside her tight, smooth folds. I worry that she is suffering without me. I worry that she may be confused with the new sensations our bond brings.

  I wish I could be there to help her. I wish I could hold her. I vow to both of us that I will hold her again.

  But that may require me to swear fealty to an enemy who robbed my father of his legacy and last wishes.


  The soldiers come back for me in the morning. They do not say anything, and I do not try to talk to them. They add more chains before they bring me upstairs to the main assembly room. I see the faces of the new leaders for the first time, all facing me, sitting in a semi-circle on a raised platform. I scan the faces and fail to find Tarian. Where is he? I need him here now more than ever.

  The Elysiums who betrayed my father react to my presence with varying expressions of guilt, outrage, and anger. I try to look at them with calmness in my heart, but I feel a rage I am not sure I can contain.

  Some of these men were my father’s best friends. Hynaf, for instance, stood by my father’s side when my brother, sister, and I were born. He brought mead and clapped my father on the shoulder, telling him war stories to distract him from worrying about my mother. Bwyell was there too, cracking jokes and getting too drunk on Hynaf’s mead, and Graig would chase after the older children. He always loved to tease us, telling us scary stories before bed.

  I look at these men and try to reason with myself; they did not betray my father on purpose. They were caught between two warring forces and chose the force they thought would win. It was not personal, I try to remember. It could not have been personal.

/>   They are talking among themselves, trying not to look at me. They appear nervous, almost as if they did not expect to see me here. I realize that Derwag may have failed to inform them of my return.

  None of them say anything to me.

  We wait for what feels like hours before Derwag appears. I suspect he kept us waiting on purpose; a power play in absentia—a cowardly way to show his authority. When he finally enters with a swoop of his ridiculous cape, he trails sycophants in his wake, all of them looking serious and worried and carrying stacks of paper that are probably blank. I’m surprised he did not have a chorus of voices singing him into the room. I imagine Ada would roll her eyes, and it makes me feel better.

  “Who have we here?” he asks, his voice echoing in the quiet room.

  I step forward and bow deeply, though it nearly kills me to do so.

  “Chancellor Derwag, I am Kyllell, son of Koeth. I come before your council to ask your mercy. I have been in exile on Draioch, considering the choices I made, and I would like to come home.”

  There. This is about as much grovelling as I can muster, and Tarian, the bastard, isn’t even here to appreciate it. By the Goddess, where is he? I’m in this predicament because of him.

  “Home!” Derwag says. “How interesting that this is still your home. And what is here that you would like to come home to?”

  “My brother, a loyal citizen of your court, is here. And this is my home, where I grew up, where the last of the Elysiums reside.”

  Derwag leans forward, his eyebrow raised. “But you fought against the Elysiums in the war.”

  This is not good. I would rather avoid explaining the past since my opinions have not altered.

  “I fought against those who attempted to disrupt the natural order of our government, and I fought alongside those who wished to uphold the old ways.”

  “Those others are traitors,” Derwag says, his voice dripping with disdain.

  “We are all traitors when we are at war with our own people.”

  “Ha! Now you are a philosopher. I thought you were a warrior.”


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