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War for Maicreol

Page 13

by Dawn Chapman

  Jessica looked around the room to those she had with her. “There’s not one person in this room who I wouldn’t give my real life for.”

  I shivered. Here, right now, this was everything, and to see it also meant everything to them made my heart soar.

  Dahlia was next, and she moved forward, her sisters with her. “I wouldn’t have been able to save myself or my friends if we hadn’t learned to work together and to save those around us who we cared for. Whatever is coming, I want you to know that we’re still here.”

  The three sisters took hold of each other’s hands, united.

  I swallowed. I’d never seen this display of loyalty and friendship from Alex and the Tromoal. But to see this was really encouraging from them, the Visitors and other NPCs around me. I wanted to do everything I could for them.

  Candice stood, and so did Steve, Able, and then everyone in the room too. “I think we’re all pretty solid people to be here, and to be with you, Maddie.”

  I looked to Akillia who wasn’t standing yet. She squirmed in her seat before she stood. I wasn’t sure if she just didn’t like me, didn’t trust me, or all the above.

  “I think there’s a lot going on here,” Akillia said. “And even I’m not sure what is and what isn’t real. I’ve been given a lot of quests to do. I’ve been talking about keeping some people alive and in doing what’s right for Puatera, and yet it’s also right for me. The body I’m in isn’t mine. It’s not even supposed to be alive anymore, should have died in an accident that happened to her, and yet I/she isn’t dead because I’m here, and I still have some of her life and her quests to do. I don’t know why, and I can’t even try to understand it for all the reasons in the world.”

  “You don’t trust me though?” I asked her. I could sense this, and I knew she didn’t.

  Her eyes met mine. “Maddie, I don’t know you. This isn’t about what I think or what I feel. It’s just what it is.”

  I swallowed. “I want you to trust me.”

  “And maybe I will, but these girls and the people I have around me are who I know are real. I have no proof you are.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I know I’m being told you are, but I...” She paused. “I guess I don’t believe it just yet.”

  A couple of the others agreed with this, and it hurt. I didn’t really know how to respond to it. Abel looked shocked that some had said this, but there wasn’t anything any of us could do or say to alleviate their fears. They were theirs to own, and I still respected them all for it.

  Akillia was also right on many levels, and I didn’t want to push her or to break up what I had right here.

  “What can I do to change your mind?” I asked.

  “I don’t kow.” Akillia shrugged, looking around the room. Knowing she wasn’t the only one who felt like this. “I just need to get through these next few quests to see where and what we’re supposed to do in Puatera to help. Then maybe working together will be exactly what I need to feel you on that level.”

  I forced a smile, and it really was a forced one. “What’s your next quest?”

  I hadn’t had any readings. Nothing, Tibex hadn’t given me anything. So, I was a little in the dark here.

  Akillia’s eyes faded, and I knew she was internalising the things that only she knew about. She pushed a message to me, a quest.



  My insides churned.

  She stared at me as if waiting to see if I could do this.

  There was no way I was ever not going to. Alex was down there. And I knew I had to do everything in my power to protect them.

  “What kind of creatures will we be against?”

  Akillia shrugged. “I have no idea. You’ve been the one down there. I never have been, but you’re queen or matriarch, right?”

  I didn’t want to admit to it. I mean I still wasn’t sure. After all, I wanted Riezella to be here, to take control of everything, but has she really lost her life?

  I sighed. I could only hope not.

  Tibex then came to me.

  Maddie, you know it’s true. Please don’t fight that anymore.

  So, I really am the leader?


  “I need some space,” I said aloud. And I pushed away from my spot, from the meeting.

  “Hey!” Akillia called out. “We’re not done yet.”

  “Let her go,” Abel replied.

  I ignored her and all of them. I rushed from the room and out into the open space of the world before me. I looked up into the night sky and saw the beautiful night for what it was, just amazing. I sucked in air, and as cold as the evening was, I felt hot. Sick. Bile rose up my throat, and I leaned over and vomited.

  Tears streamed down my face, pain ached from the depths of my soul, the world around me, so beautiful yet so raw.

  I looked out to the other creatures that were surrounding the place, and I could see the undead Tromoal. His hide glowing in the dark just enough that I could make out his feelings if what was coming was actually true.

  I moved out into the space outside the wagon, and I plonked myself down. I felt the ring in my hand, and I twirled it around and around, needing much more than what it could give me because I needed my family home.

  I couldn’t ask this of them, but I knew I really needed to ask.

  So I did. I called forth everything I had, and the beautiful pinks and amazing colours of the ring started to envelop me. I heard the demon Tromoal let out a bellow into the night sky, and he took flight from where he was. He was really going out into the world, but then, no, I knew exactly what he was doing. He was coming for me, and I wasn’t sure to what extent. Was he going to take my life or was he answering my call?

  I watched as he circled overhead, and I heard a voice in my mind.

  Are you okay? a familiar voice asked. Dalfol.

  No, I’m not, and I know you’re not either.

  I suddenly felt his emotions wash over me, and I almost lost balance, though I was actually already on the floor

  No, I’m not, he said. I’m sorry, Maddie.

  You don’t need to be sorry, I replied. I need to ask you something, though.

  What is it? His voice was questioning, but I also knew and felt how sad it was.

  Where are you? I need my clan to come back to Maicreol.

  We are home, another part of Trofoth, not visited. I felt his shift in mood. Xanou has made his position clear. Some of the clan is already divided. It’s caused us great pain. You have no idea what you’re asking of us.

  I thought about it. I thought about how much they had already lost, about what else they could lose. No, I know exactly what I’m asking of you. I know this means there will be many more deaths.

  As long as you’re sure.

  I need you. I looked deep inside myself. I saw it. I knew this wasn’t just the war for Maicreol; it was the monster beyond the portals. Puatera needs you. We can’t win this on our own. we all need to stand together.

  Then I will ask them.

  Will they follow me? With Sakril and Riezella gone, will they listen?

  Honestly, Maddie, I do not know. There was a long pause. If you were here to really guide them, yes.

  I sucked in a breath, calmed my racing heart, slowly breathed out. I had to go to them. Now more than ever, I had to unite them and bring them back, all of them.

  The demon’s Tromoal landed right in front of me, and I startled. Hand to mouth. I opened my eyes and looked directly into the stinking and rotting flesh that was his.

  Maddie, you’re asking too much of them.

  I didn’t know what I could say to him. He’d never understand I was sure. “How much do you know?” I paused not knowing his name.

  I am called Oragor.

  “Well, Oragor, you don’t know everything that’s going on here. You’re undead, dis

  He placed his nose down before me, and his solid dark orbs stared at me as he spoke. You’re correct. I don’t know everything because of the choice I made. Riezella’s clan, your clan, leaving to birth their young here has been the reason that Xanou’s clan survives there. With them returning home early, and with Sakril challenging Xanou, it turned to war. I swallowed as he continued, it was my turn to hear the truth. Xanou would never give up leadership of all to Sakril. But he might have no choice if you return.

  I hesitated in an answer. I wasn’t sure what I could tell him. I needed more from this world. To save everyone, I had to bring everyone together.

  “You seem to know what I’m asking. What would you suggest?”

  I do have a solution for the time being if you’ll accept it.

  His eyes flickered, and I watched his. “You think you can help here with more of your own kind, the undead?”

  The chuckle from deep within seemed to resonate within me. I didn’t think you would be averse to a little undead action. You did bring the demon lord back with you.

  “No, I just didn’t think any of you would be interested in helping Maicreol.”

  Why not?

  “Because of your nature, because of what you are in this world?”

  Maddie, you need to understand that not everything that appears bad is actually bad. You see, I do a service to this world that most wouldn’t and couldn’t understand. I can, and I will protect the Queen of the Skies. My duty still lies with you as do those of my brothers.

  I swallowed again, feeling cold settling into my bones. I shivered.

  Yes, Maddie, you’re that queen. You think of yourself as living flesh and more, and you are. You’re also ingrained into my system. I am Tromoal, through and through. I am not just the means to an end in this digital world. I choose a different side to my brother, but I am just as real, and my decisions inside here are just as real.

  I thought about this for just a few moments, and I saw the wonderful creature that he really was. I placed a hand on his nose. “If you can help in any way, then I accept. As long as you’ll have Kamaal’s blessing.”

  That’s when I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked down to see the thin black spindly fingers of the Tromoal’s owner.

  “Please rise, Maddie. We must talk.”

  I stood and looked up into the eyes of the demon lord of all. Kamaal.

  “You’re it, aren’t you?” I asked him. “You’re the darkness to everything that is in Puatera?”

  “I am. You know nothing about me or this side to the world that you occupy, of what we face.”

  He knew. He knew of the Portal Monster, the thing that came from the mists. I glanced to his Tromoal, who’s deep belly rumble spread toward us. “I need help,” I said to them both. Then watching Kamaal’s reaction, I added, “Help me save them and save Puatera.”





  “To do that, we must go where you’ve never been before.” Kamaal held out a hand for me to take. “Where most never come back from.”

  My mind reached for the Y, but then hesitated as Kamaal said again, “Where most may never come back from.”

  “But somehow, you think I can?” My mind drifted to the creatures that were coming for the eggs, the new quest… Could I go with him and let the people deal with that? That was my decision to make, and I felt for Puatera that I needed to know more. To leave Alex, my family to do this was big. But if he knew the real monster, if he could help us… it would be worth it. I’d do whatever it took.

  “I know you can because I will allow it, but I also wish for one more to come.”

  I looked back to where I’d come from. The meeting had obviously stalled, and then I saw the golden gown of one of the sisters. Jessica, I thought. I wasn’t sure. I’d only met her briefly, but her attire stood out.

  She looked to me, and she smiled as she approached with another demon by her side.

  Kamaal glanced at him. “Maroc,” he said. “You wish to join us too?”

  “Yes, Father,” he said lowering his head. “If you’ll have me.”

  “I’m not scared,” Jessica said.

  I pushed myself up and took Kamaal’s hand, and then I held out mine for her.

  “Where we are going you might never see your sisters again,” Kamaal said.

  He was saying that Jessica could really die, to never see her sisters again when she could just respawn, log out… Instead, it meant some kind of permadeath?

  Jessica looked back to the main building her, gaze thoughtful. “I know this, and I understand the reality of it.” When she looked at me, she smiled. “I also know I need to see it, and I need to be with Maddie. The glitches aren’t fixed, Puatera isn’t fixed yet. We need to stay, we need to see it through. Together.”

  That was when both her sisters came out and stood with her. They looked at the Tromoal and me, and they grasped a hand each, then they hugged her.

  I knew that I saw in them what I always wanted from family.

  When they let her go, I felt a pang of guilt.

  We were going out to the uncharted lands of Puatera. The quest popped up once again.





  I didn’t know how to answer at first. I had other quests to complete.

  That’s when I saw Akillia stride out of the building. She stepped beside Jessica. “You’re not the only one who has to do this.”

  Kamaal regarded Akillia, but he didn’t deny her.

  I watched as they both moved to the Tromoal and me. “So, this is it. We’re leaving?”

  Akillia held my gaze when she took a step forward. I wasn’t sure she would follow through. So, I held out my hand for her, and for Jessica.

  “Together, we’ll do this,” Jessica said. “We’ll go to Trofoth, and do what the game wants.”

  Akillia grasped onto me. “Maddie, I don’t have a clue here, but I do know I need to do this, and I need to follow you. I just don’t…”

  “Trust me?” I finished for her.

  She shrugged.

  I knew she didn’t. I also knew that I had to prove to her that I wanted everything that was right for the world.

  So there was really nothing else to do but to take that leap of faith.

  Jessica looked to both of us and back to Maroc.

  “I see that somehow you’re both real, I don’t understand it, but I’m glad,” she said. “You’ve gone above and beyond for us, and I don’t think anyone else would have.” I tried to beg to differ, but she held up her hand and said, “No, you really have no clue what either of you did for us, and I accept that. But I also know you both need me here, right now, you need my backing.”

  “You’ll fight to the death?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I will. For Puatera. For everything here.”

  I could do nothing but nod and look to Oragor. “To Trofoth.”

  I clicked the Y and accepted my—no, our fate.

  Part II


  Chapter 14

  I watched as my older sister Jessica took to the skies above the base camp with Akillia and Maddie. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to go with them. I really did, but we couldn’t all leave. It would have left the camp in dire need. Even I could see that.

  I looked to Noc and to the others that were with Dahlia, Jarvin, and Taegen. It had been overwhelming at first, all the people and the names. But it was also good to be reunited. Yet now as I watched the Tromoal vanish, I had slight pangs of separation anxiety as we were once again split up.

  At least this time it was by choice. There was something going on that had our full attention and needed our full commitment.

  I wanted to follo
w through here with something tangible. I could see there was a huge operation going on, something that would require a lot of control and a lot of people. Having Maddie jet off to complete a quest of her own wasn’t what these people needed right now. And if they’d seen her leave, then maybe it would be much worse.

  However, it was just us, and we watched and understood.

  I looked at Dahlia. “You ready for this?” I asked.

  She had been this shell of a person over the school year. I had tried to get her to stick with me and do things, but she became even more of a recluse. Now, looking at her, and seeing not just how much she’d packed on, weight here was probably a game thing, but she held herself totally different. She didn’t seem as afraid of things, especially that damned shadow of hers.

  “I’m ready,” she said. “Think we’ve a lot to do out there, though.”

  I could only nod and look behind me. There stood some of the other Visitors, Abel and Candice were most noticeable.

  That’s when the ping went off in my mind.




  GOLD x 1000


  Gold was a bonus, so was the status in their country. I mean I’d have done it anyway without the gold. The Tromoal and Maddie meant a lot to this world. I glanced back to Dahlia. “I don’t know if we’re up to this task, but I’ll do everything I can to carry on Maddie’s quest while she’s not here.”

  Dahlia’s face fell. “I know, and I’m willing to help as much as I can too, but I want to see Mum, as well.”

  I knew I felt the pull to go home too. “Do you have any ideas that can help here?” I asked her. “You’re probably better at cultivating anything than I am.”


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