The Shadow of Death
Page 2
Seeing her obvious annoyance at his answer, in an attempt to change the topic, he pointed out towards a house on the far side of the village where the villagers had been gathering.
Theo: “I can see them now.” Right next to the crowd were two foreigners.
The strangers stuck out like a sore thumb, as they were easily noticeable by not only their colorful clothing, but also their physical appearance. The foreigners also wore strange, but magnificent garbs, the likes of which Cherise had never seen before. One of the newcomers was a middle aged woman. And she was accompanied by what seemed to be her son, who looked to be only slightly older than both her and Theo. From the distance it also appeared she was pleading with the villagers gathered in front of her.
After getting a good look from afar, Cherise became increasingly curious of the visitors, as she pointed out the strange young boy.
Cherise: “I see them too, and there’s a boy there. He’s almost our age.”
The boy she’d pointed out was looking down at the ground. Even from the distance, with the boy’s sad expression, it was safe to say he was in deep thought over other matters entirely. The boy had jet black hair, and upon closer inspection of his physical appearance, both the boy, and his mother appeared to be from the Toride clan in the east.
The young boy then slowly started to glance up, and caught Cherise staring back at him from the distance, but even upon making eye contact, his expression didn’t seem to change in the slightest. He only showed her grief before once again looking down.
He looks so sad. What could’ve happened him to make him look so miserable?
Too excited at a visitor’s arrival to even notice or care to check the boy’s demeanor, Theo gestured for Cherise to follow his leader to meet the newcomers.
Theo: "Well, come on. Let's go meet him already." He said optimistically before running off ahead.
After seeing the boy’s sullen expression, Cherise now followed Theo primarily in hopes to cheer up her village’s guest. As the two were heading towards the foreigners, Cherise overheard two women discussing the new outsiders.
Elder woman: "Did you hear?" An elderly woman said to her younger counterpart, with a clear desire to spread some gossip.
Younger woman: "About what?” The other woman said, her interest clearly piqued.
Elder woman: "You didn’t hear this from me, but from what I hear, they’re apparently both from the Toride Clan." Her comment made the younger woman gasp, and widening eyes in surprise at the comment, she replied.
Younger woman: "I knew they looked different, but are you sure? They're really from the Toride clan?" She asked anxiously, and with a slight yet knowing nod, the elderly woman stated firmly.
Elder woman: "Yes! And it’s a terrible shame really, even if you have the most optimistic outlook on the matter, with what must've happened to them and all... These two may even be the last remaining survivors since the Aelaans war on their people." She said solemnly, as the young woman gave the old lady’s words a moment to fully set in before responding.
Younger woman: "That's just awful…-" Her voice trailed off, and with concern in her eyes, she said further, "-Those poor dears. We need to help them somehow."
Inadvertently slowing her pacing to a sluggish walk while eavesdropping on their conversation, their words helped reignite Cherise’s will to run. Now more than ever, she was determined to make the boy feel welcomed.
Catching up to Theo at the edge of a crowd, Cherise noticed that the other villagers around her were also just as curious as they were with the foreigners. It made sense, after all it wasn’t every day Acorn village had a guest. After all, there was hardly any reason to come to this quaint farming village, with the small exception of a few merchants arriving from time to time, and buying the villages wheat in hopes of selling at an up charge in the more significant towns or cities.
The two siblings then slowly approached the foreigners by circling around the ever-growing gathering. But as they were doing so, Cherise couldn’t help but overhear loud arguing amidst the crowd. In particular, there was one boisterous young man among the ruckus who stood out from the rest outside of his haughty behavior.
The rowdy villager’s name was Mikael, and he had a very tall yet slim figure, with ever tired eyes, but there was something far more unusual about his appearance that Cherise noticed. She froze in astonishment and fear.
What is that?! What is that thing?!
With her eyes completely fixated on Mikael, Cherise shrieked in terror before falling backward onto the ground.
Mikael had a ghastly pitch black figure emerging from his back, that’d best be described as a living shadow. As if belonging to the man, the shadow took the form of Mikael’s upper body as it hovered just behind his back. The otherworldly figure was slightly off centered as it clung onto him, emerging only barely from his side. The point of origin of the unnatural shadow seemed to come directly from Mikael’s heart.
The living shadow’s eyes and mouth were the unexplainable being’s only discernable feature, as they glowed white. The rest of the dark figure’s form was nearly pitch black, making it near impossible to tell the depth of its features. Cherise saw that the shadow fashioned a wicked grin on its face, as it leaned over Mikael’s shoulder, appearing to be whispering instructions into his ears.
Along with some of the crowd beside them, Theo looked back at Cherise. Every single one of them were genuinely surprised at her sudden fright.
Theo: "Cherise, what's wrong?! What’s the matter?" He said with a curious inflection, matching his equally perplexed expression.
Lifting her arm, she started pointing directly at the shadowy figure.
Cherise: "Don’t you see it?! Behind him! There's a monster!" She said frantically, with wild eyes.
Her older brother, and the crowd nearby looked in the direction she’d pointed. Theo moved his head back, and forth towards the direction of Mikael, and back at Cherise continually, his confusion growing ever more by the moment.
Theo: "What are you talking about? I don't see anything." He said in complete sincerity.
What are you talking about?... This isn’t funny!
She then noticed the wholehearted expression on Theo’s face, as she asked in return.
Cherise: “What do you mean you don’t see it?...” She said, pale faced, with a prolonged long silence before continuing.
Cherise: "What are you talking about? Why can't you see it? It's right there, on that man's back! It's a monster!" She persisted, insistently pointing towards the figure, trying to sound more determined so the others would take her claims more seriously, but it just came off sounding more frenzied instead.
With a combination of annoyed grunts and dismissive hand gestures, those in the nearby crowd decided to outright ignore the young girl’s sudden outburst. Her brother looked at Mikael one last time and back at her before saying.
Theo: "What are you doing Cherise? There's nothing there. Is this some kind of game?" He said almost unconvinced himself on the merit of his own question, seeing the state of his sister.
Astonished, she turned her attention back to Theo. And she saw the complete sincerity on his face, and asked him with a slight sense of dread.
Cherise: "Why can't any of you see it?” her voice nearly trailed off in disbelief on the whole situation, as thoughts frantically flooded into her mind.
The monster, it’s not even trying to hide… Why can't they see it?! What is it, and what does it want?! And why won't anyone believe me?!
Seeing that she was visibly unnerved, Theo slowly helped Cherise to her feet before keeping her close beside, in hopes to settle her nerves. And once to her feet, he said.
Theo: "I don't know what's gotten into you all of a sudden, but there's no monsters here. After all, it’s not like this is the wildlands… And if there were, you don’t have to worry because I’d protect you!" The young boy said innocently enough, with a whole heaping of unea
rned bravado to comfort his sister, all the while being completely oblivious to the true nature of what she bore witness to.
But after seeing his reassurance did little to settle his sister’s worries, Theo pointed towards Mikael before saying.
Theo: "Look, we won't talk to the outsider until that tall man leaves, okay?" With an affirming nod from Cherise, the two then kept some distance from Mikael.
Holding onto Theo's shirt nervously, Cherise not once took her eyes off the tall man. While the two siblings were keeping their distance, the tall man was yelling over the crowd. But Mikael was particularly loud when he said pleadingly.
Mikael: "Friends! I can understand why you all want to help these strangers, but we must not be rash and make such an important decision too quickly! We must tread cautiously!... As you can already see for yourselves, they're from the Toride clan! If the Aelaans ever hear word of our village harboring these two, we all know what’d come of it! It’s not like we can possibly hope to stand against the might of the Empire!"
There was bickering in the crowd as another man in the gathering retorted back, "So what do you expect us to do then?! Nothing?!"
The ruckus in the crowd only grew ever louder as there were arguments being yelled back, and forth, on what to do with the outsiders. And yelling at the top of his voice yet again, he answered.
Mikael: "Yes!! It’s none of our concern! If we shelter these outsiders, then we'll be putting our own families in danger! Our women and our children! Everybody knows of the Aelaans declared intentions, they mean to wipe out the Toride clan, and all who grant them refuge! You know this! There’s far too much to lose!"
Immediately after the tall man had said these words, Nolan pushed his way through the crowds. Stepping out from amongst the other villagers to stand only a few feet away from Mikael, he spoke.
Nolan: "You're nothing but a coward!!" He declared with a pointed finger.
Mikael: "What’d you call me?!"
Coming from such an imposing looking man, the pointed finger seemed all the more threateningly. And if there was any doubt to Nolan’s intentions, he made it crystal clear as he continued speaking in a stern voice.
Nolan: "I said you're a coward! Hiding behind the pretense of protecting the woman and children here, because you can’t stomach the thought of putting yourself at risk for the sake of others! Saying we should leave these strangers to their fate?!” And he spit on the ground in disgust before continuing to speak.
Nolan: “As you said earlier, you've heard the news like everyone else here! If we abandon them, we might as well be saving them the heart ache of a false hope by sentencing them to death here! Or do you not have the stomach for at least that small mercy?!" He scowled, knowing the unpleasant challenge he presented had some hint of truth in it.
Infuriated, Mikael swung his arms wildly as he yelled in return.
Mikael: "What would you have us do?! And you say I don’t have the stomach?! You'd sacrifice everyone in the village just to appease your guilt! All because it is you who doesn’t have the will to do what is necessary!"
Being unable to restrain himself, Nolan lunged out at the tall man, sending gasps from among the crowd, before grabbing Mikael firmly by the collar. With amazing strength, Nolan practically lifted Mikael off his feet before bringing him face to face. And through gritted teeth, Cherise’s father said.
Nolan: "I will not abandon them to die!" Helpless in the imposing man’s grasp, Mikael suddenly wasn’t feeling so talkative, saying nothing in his defense.
Way to go Dad!... That wasn’t exactly a polite way to talk things through, but good job anyway!
After a few seconds Nolan regained his composure, releasing the Mikael. And looking back to the crowd to appeal his case.
Nolan: "I know you’re worried, but as long as no one goes parading the fact that they're here, no one will come to harm."
Considering both sides of the arguments, the murmurings in the crowd continued for only a few minutes until it appeared a consensus was almost unanimously decided.
One elderly man amongst the villagers spoke on behalf of the majority when he said, "Now settle down everyone, It’s been decided! I’ll see to the necessary arrangements… Our two guests here can stay."
After hearing the town’s verdict on what to do with the two, the woman from the Toride clan fell to her knees and began to weep openly. Her words were muffled through her hands as she said wholeheartedly to the crowd, "Thank you. Thank you... Thank you!" She cried continually, to the smiles of those who looked on, with the exception of Mikael who had a concerned expression.
With a wide sweeping hand gesture, the tall man said.
Mikael: "Whatever comes of this, I am blameless!" He proclaimed before storming off.
Even after hearing all that had transpired, the boy from the Toride clan somehow remained unfazed at the news. He continued looking down until he felt a tiny comforting hand on his shoulder. Looking up to his side, to his surprise, he saw an innocent looking girl who had no concept for personal space, smiling directly back at him. With a cheerful sincerity, she said.
Cherise: "Isn't that great news! You get to stay with us!" Her pleasant disposition, and gentle demeanor was able to pull a reluctant smile from the boy in return.
Backing away slightly, Cherise then gestured her hand towards Theo to say further.
Cherise: "Let me introduce you to Theo, my big brother." Just behind her, Theo gave a slight wave and an exaggeratingly large grin, and full of excitement, Cherise continued.
Cherise: “And my name’s Cherise! It's a nice to meet you......"
She delayed her sentence in an obvious attempt at urging the boy to reveal his own name. And he may not have felt inclined to do so, if not for Cherise having stared him down anxiously for a couple of awkward seconds.
He said flatly, "Iranagi."
And pausing only for a second or two before deciding to finally give up on his reluctance on talking with the two, he said further.
Iranagi: "Iranagi Ishida. My friends call me…" His own words trailed off, as if he had rekindled some of his own unpleasant memories before regaining his composure to finish his thought.
Iranagi: "My friends called me Ira." Still trying her best to brighten the strange boy’s mood, Cherise kept up her warm smile as she leaned uncomfortably close towards him.
Cherise: "It's nice to meet you, Ira! I can tell we're going to be best friends!"
After hearing how easily he was accepted, Ira's sullen demeanor genuinely brightened, as he let out a earnest smile. It was an heartfelt smile that Cherise considered Ira likely hadn't been able to show for quite some time.
Time came and went, and the seasons continued to roll on by over this humble village. As Cherise had optimistically hoped for upon her first encounter with Ira, it was just over a year in time that both she and Theo had grown to become best friends with Ira. The pains of the strange boy’s past seemed to have been slowly fading away, with every passing day he was able to spend alongside them. Likewise, it was just over this year in time, that Cherise had started to doubt her own memories of the living shadow. After all, how could such a creature that no one else could see possibly exist.
Cherise had also already fully made up her mind on Ira over the time spent together. She’d determined him to be a strong, charismatic, and a reliable friend she was lucky to have.
On one fateful day like many others, the three children were near Cherise’s home, as they played and enjoyed each other’s company. Nearly dusk, the suns light was slowly receding upon the outskirts of the village. The comfortable warm glow over the golden fields would make even those with the most restless of hearts yearn to take a moment and enjoy its peaceful scenery.
In spite of the setting sun, Ira was determined to continue playing with the others.
Ira: "You see that oak tree over there?" He asked while pointing to the solitary tree in the distance for which the village’s name was
The lone tree in the area that produced acorns was further up the mountain side, and had quite a view to overlook the village below.
Theo: "Yeah? What about it?" And with a smirk overflowing with confidence on his face, Ira said in return.
Ira: "I challenge you both to a race to climb that tree, starting from here. Even though I’m sure I’ll be the one to win again."
Theo: "Bring it on!" He hotly proclaimed back, as with a nearly gut level reaction.
As always for the two, Theo was easily provoked to any challenge Ira would make. Already positioning himself into a runner’s pose, Theo was completely oblivious to Ira’s triumphant grin, as to how easily he had his way again. Cherise on the other hand, shook her head in disapproval at the plan in general.
Running, why’s it always running? And right before the sun’s about to set too.
Cherise: “Are you sure we should?... It’s going to be night any time now.” She said while particularly looking at Ira.
And mistaking her for being scared, he said reassuringly back.
Ira: “Don’t worry Cherise, we’ll be back before nightfall. You can count on me.” He said with a comforting smile.
Aw, why’d you have to say it like that?. I can’t just say no, after that.
Exhaling in defeat, Cherise seemed convinced to let the others have their way. Always more than willing to accommodate them, she got into a runner’s position. To the average onlooker, to stay this was becoming a trend for Cherise, would’ve simply been a severe understatement.
Cherise: "Okay. Let's race." She said with an unconvincing smile.
Slightly proud of himself after successfully convincing the siblings to go along with his plan, Ira got into position. Counting down from three for the others, Ira made a mad dash to the tree. It wasn’t long after before he left the others trailing far behind him.
By the time either of the two arrived, Ira had already been lying down on one of the top branches of the oak tree. He couldn’t help but look down smugly at Theo, after seeing he arrived in second. And finally, Cherise made it in third place, after casual her rather casual jog.