The Shadow of Death
Page 43
Razkaul: "There's no way this foe would be the end of us. Not when the gods had promised us the Ehya.-" And pointing to one of his officers, The Chosen quickly ordered, "-We will set the plans we discussed into motion. Send word to the Aijin Riders. When the battle ensues, you know what to do." Prepared for the command, the officer saluted before promptly leaving to follow through on his task.
With everything in place, Razkaul took a moment to before continuing to speak further. And having a distant look in his eyes, he shared some of his lofty goals with those who stayed.
Razkaul: "This will be the beginning of the end. In one fell swoop, we’ll bring down this so-called Beast of legend, and we can continue where we left off…“ His voice trailed off before he spoke again with fierceness.
Razkaul: “We’ll demolish any last remnant of resistance the West has left to offer. Once we put down those vermin who seek deny our rightful claim of dominion, it'll only be a matter of time before we bring the other races to heel." He said with unflinching confidence, inspiring all those gathered around him.
The fateful day had arrived, as the sun had shone overhead for many hours, as both the armies of the Free Peoples and the Aelaans stood guard, waiting anxiously for the coming fight. They waited for much longer then they bargained for, as evening was approaching while the armies still just stood by in their formations.
The endless sea at their backs, the two forces were only a few yards apart from one another, with the bridge to the temple grounds being a dividing point between their armies. As Raddington planned, the Army of the Free Peoples of the West was on the northern front of the grasslands, and the Aelaan forces were to their south. There, both armies faced west, where their enemy would likely appear from atop the hills. However, the hills not only were to their west, but also stretched out to the north, and northeast, rising up to the mountain ranges of the Dwarven realm, concealing the presence of what may linger beyond. Both armies were anxious of the coming conflict, and both were likewise just as wary, if not more so of one another than any other impending threat.
Stationed slightly further north of the army of the Free Peoples was Obi. And accompanying him were the dwarves, which were grumbling incessantly amongst each other for a multitude of reasons. They were in a large freshly dug out hole, as the dwarves were continually constructing their wooden machine inside. Due to the dwarfs’ impressive digging prowess accompanied with the army of the Free Peoples obscuring the view, the dwarfs’ efforts remained hidden from the Aelaan army.
Bickering and arguing with one another, Boldin in particular complained to Obi.
Boldin: "That damn pointy ears thinks she's so clever! Making us dig in the middle of the night before we were even sober! Well just you wait, and see this beauty in action! It’s truly a marvel of Dwarven ingenuity!-" And pointing at the mostly constructed machine, the dwarf continued bragging, saying, "-I can't wait to see the look on her smug little face! She won't think herself so high and mighty once we get this baby going!" And Obi, who had been curious about the whole ordeal, finally felt compelled enough to ask the dwarf in return.
Obi: "Why are you complaining about the elf for anyway? When she asked, you could’ve just said no.” Stalling for time, Boldin rubbed the back of his head, and decided to leave out a portion of what actually happened.
Boldin: "Listen ere’, the elf somehow convinced the general to have us dig up this hole in the middle of the night, and construct our weapon in secret. The dainty princess apparently schemed up some crazy plan from what I hear. All I’m saying is, a little warning would’ve been nice." He said while shrugging, and leaving the story at that.
Boldin: "Anywho, you must all have your heads in the clouds, taking this fairy tale so seriously and all." Obi just rolled his eyes at the dwarf’s comment, fully intending to ignore it.
Soon after, he heard murmuring from the army just beside them, which only grew louder. Peaking his head over the edge of their hole, Obi's fixated his eyes towards the west. Boldin walked up behind Obi before asking.
Boldin: "What's all this commotion about?-" and seeing the same sight, the dwarf spoke in sheer amazement "-Oh, Bollocks!..."
To the west, was an unnaturally low hanging dark cloud. It was vast, and it stretched out of sight towards the west, north, and south, as it continued heading its way east. The massive cloud was rapidly heading their direction, and like a thick blanket it covered the land behind, and underneath it, in its darkened shade.
As the cloud was starting to cover the grasslands of the coming battlefield in front of the two armies, their adversary had finally appeared within sight.
At the top of the hills in front of their forces was Ira, who stood in opposition to this unlikely alliance. He was too far out from the armies for anyone among them to make out any discernable features of this lone man.
The Aelaan Emperor and Chosen were on their horses, beside one another. Both of them took notice of this one man arriving from the west. The Chosen's grin quickly escalated into outright laughter, as he looked over to the Emperor to proclaim.
Razkaul: "This is a second time now where one man stands against our might! It's just as my men have said!-“ He said confidently, making sure Mesolum eagerly listened in before continuing, “-We have nothing to fear from this! This isn’t even worthy of being described as a threat for us to dispatch!" And relishing his next words, with a twisted smile, the Chosen continued to say.
Razkaul: "I've already sent word to my men! The Aijin Riders will attack the vermin from their northern flank!" The Emperor was speechless at such a rash action, as Razkaul continued to speak with a delight that became increasingly more deranged as he spoke further.
Razkaul: "What’s the matter, Mesolum? Don’t have the stomach for it?... The fate of the world will be decided in these next few hours, and we few will bear witness to the coming of a new age! I will personally see to it that all will serve the gods’ or be crushed underfoot, and I will be the herald of the new world!" And by this time, Razkaul looked up to the sky, as if he were speaking to the gods’ themselves, sure in himself that his words would soon become a reality.
The Emperor just stared on in disbelief at Razkaul before replying back.
Mesolum: "You're completely insane…"
Contrary to his character, Razkaul was not upset by the remark when he turned to face his Emperor. Ever confident in himself, he spoke with an assured grin.
Razkaul: "Before the sun sets, even you will see the signs of the new age, which is to come." And with this, the Chosen looked back towards Ira, amused that his dream would come so easily.
Standing alone, and looking down the slope at both armies, Ira held his hand upon his sheathed black fangs’. Showing no emotion, he said to himself in disgust.
Ira: "How many more intend to stand in my way? The Aelaans were to be expected, but even the West would ally themselves with those scum?!" The thought of it boiled his temper.
He then ferociously yelled at the top of his lungs, loud enough that it could be heard slightly by the front lines of both armies in his path.
Ira: "I will not be denied my revenge!" A moment of pause came after Ira said this, but soon after, laughter erupted from the Aelaan army’s ranks.
Looking at the empires army, with his head slightly slanted, the lone warrior said to himself.
Ira: "Those damn Aelaans think this is funny? They think they can make a joke out of it?-" And with a grin, he further said to himself, "-Well that's just fine! I'll send them to their graves laughing!”
Arising from beyond the peak of the hill just behind Ira, hundreds then thousands of men and woman walked into both armies’ sights. The unknown force then started making their way ahead of its leader. Most of the men, and women of this newfound army were wearing clot
hes normally associated with that of Aelaan villagers, while some of the men were unmistakably in the attire of the Order of the Light itself. In total, there were only a few thousand, which were still vastly outnumbered by the hundreds of thousands of the two armies at their front.
The laughing in the Aelaan ranks had completely subsided, after seeing that there was actually a force behind the lone man. Although the sudden appearance of the small army in front of them worried no one in their army in particular, its mere presence infuriated Razkaul.
The Chosen then outstretched his hand to his men, demanding to see Ephir, and the remainder of his scouts. When the captain, and his five men were found, they were roughly placed in front of their two leaders. Razkaul looked down from his horse in disgust, before demandingly asking of his captain.
Razkaul: "If I remember correctly, you said the Beast’s threat was greatly exaggerated. That you, and your men alone were able to escape this-single-threat!-" And looking out, and pointing to the opposing forces, he yelled out, "-Do my eyes betray me?! Does that look like one lone entity?!" The captain and his men looked down, without saying a word in their defense, which only infuriated the Chosen even more so, who yelled further.
Razkaul: "Speak, worms!! If you like to keep your head attached your shoulders, you'll answer my questions!"
The captain starting twitching violently, as him and his men all in unison started laughing as one, which only grew louder, as Razkaul exclaimed back in disgust.
Razkaul: "What arrogance!"
After he said this, in unison, the men all stopped laughing. And their captain started speaking in a unfamiliar yet monstrous voice, which seemed to come from all directions as it spoke.
Ephir: "That's exactly what I was thinking!... The arrogance..." As the captain was saying this, a dark essence enveloped around him and his men, stoking fear into the hearts of those who witnessed.
Letting out a few more seconds of monstrous laughter, Ephir stopped to look up. His eyes were pitch black, darker than coal, as he glared at Razkaul. With a confident grin, he continued speaking in his inhuman and unnatural voice.
Ephir: "You think you can stand against me?! Your arrogance, it truly knows no bounds! You contend with a being beyond your understanding! Since time immemorial, I've roamed this world! In ages long since passed, I've seen nations rise, and fall, greater than that of your own! None of which, could stand against my might!"
As the captain was saying this, his scouts collapsed behind him, as he himself started to be choked from an unknown force, but the voice remained. The sound still lingered in the air, as it continued speaking.
Darkness: "Everything you hold dear will be blotted out! The world as you know it will end!”
To the horror of all witnessing, Ephir was being lifted off the ground by an unseen force. The captain desperately grasped at his throat, and with a loud booming voice, the malicious presence continued to say.
Darkness: "The skies will blacken, and all will fall into ruin! When hope becomes nothing more than a fleeting memory, only then will I reveal my true power." And laughing a truly monstrous and sinister laugh, the foul entity yelled out.
Darkness: "THE WORLD WILL FALL INTO DARKNESS!" And with these parting words, in a violent jerking motion, Ephir’s neck snapped before the invisible entity released his lifeless body, letting it fall to the ground.
All around, people were shaken to their core after what they just witnessed. Regaining a sense of himself, Mesolum looked to Razkaul, whose fear stricken eyes remained fixated at the captain’s corpse. And in dismay, the Emperor said to him.
Mesolum: "You already sent word for the Aijin Riders to attack the westerners?-“ the Chosen’s lack of an answer was telling enough, as the Emperor continued, “-What have you done?..."
After Mesolum asked this, the shock started to fade for Razkaul, as the reality of their situation slowly started to sink in. Clenching his fist, and gritting his teeth in rage, the Chosen defiantly spoke aloud to those around him.
Razkaul: "It's a bluff! This Beast only has a few thousand men compared to our half a million!-" And he continued speaking with a genuine confidence, and hatred, saying, "-This creature will be put in its place! The plan remains unchanged! Today we will wipe out both this ancient threat, and the Army of the West! The prophet wills it!!"
The Chosen seemed more than assured in himself when he said this, giving confidence to the soldiers around him. But it did nothing to shake the feeling of uncertainty Mesolum was now overcome with.
Looking back at the army of the Darkness, which stopped its advance forward, the Emperor pointed outward towards the unnatural force when he spoke.
Mesolum: "By the gods! What’s that?!" He said in a renewed fear, bringing the attention of those around him to the west.
Before the two armies, was a new unnatural black fog to add to the cloud that now lingered overhead. The new phenomenon was just arising from behind the hill in the west, as the first cloud had finally covered the entirety of the landscape under its wide shade.
Shortly after its appearance, the black fog slowly crept up from behind Ira, and his small army. The unsettling mist was only a few feet high, nearly hugging the ground as it made its way. And as if it were a living entity, the dark vapor seemed to be clawing its way across the ground as it headed eastward.
Now passing Ira and his army in front of him, the unnatural fog continued making its way across the open field, purposefully heading to both forces ahead. Having the ocean at their backs, the soldiers in both armies were all on edge, as this undeniably unnatural occurrence approached ever closer, with no possible form of escape.
Eventually, it was upon them. The dark essence of the fog leapt outwards towards the men in the front lines, enveloping the soldiers as it continued moving further into their ranks. Panic ensued, as the warriors who were engulfed in the mist started having violent coughing fits while it continued pressing forward.
The dwarves looked on in disbelief after seeing all of it take place. And the Dwarven prince admittedly said to Obi.
Boldin: "Might be owing ya an apology. Looks like they weren't all fairy tales after all.-" And as the fog approached closer to the dwarf, he nervously continued to say, "-This reminds me of the battle of Ogres hill."
Scruff seemed to protest that comment, saying something back to Boldin, which naturally, only he understood. And defending himself from the hairy dwarf’s comment, the prince exclaimed.
Boldin: "I am not exaggerating!" Almost worried to find out, as he looked on at the fog, Obi asked Boldin.
Obi: "What are you two talking about?" The proud dwarf looked back at Obi before answering.
Boldin: "This hairball ere’ says I always exaggerate the battle of Ogres hill, cause I’m the only survivor to say anything about it." The dwarf had no idea how unsettling his remarks were, as Obi could only respond half-heartedly.
Obi: "Oh, I see. So you’re saying we're all going to die… I really appreciate the reassurance." Boldin just gave Obi a mischievous but, worried response.
Boldin: “Well, if it’s anything like last time, at least I’ll make it.” After saying this, the unnatural fog was almost upon their little group.
The unnatural fog was creeping its way through the ranks as it, continued lunging at every soldiers’ face, making them erupt into violent coughing fits. Only the elven guard, including Almahiel, were unaffected by the unnatural substance. And the black mist continued moving eastward, only stopping after reaching the ocean’s edge, unable to cross the bridge to the island.
After several minutes, the violent coughing fits had finally subsided, but the fog remained. Its presence lingered only a few feet above the ground, all around the surrounding plains. As the men got back to their feet and into their formations, everyone in both armies found it strange that the black fog only seemed to give them a coughing fit. A
nd as fate would have it, the unnatural mist helped to obscure the dwarf’s presence in their hole, as well their prized weapon.
With the groundwork laid, the small army of the Darkness began to charge forward. And following shortly after, Ira slowly started walking behind his forces, as he headed straight towards the bridge to the temple grounds.
After the fogs effects had seemed to pass, and the dark army had started its charge, the Chosen remained unimpressed. Looking back to his men, he waved for their attention as he proudly yelled out.
Razkaul: "Is this all the Beast can muster?! I expected more!" His assurances to his men were not quite having the same effect as they did before, as the Darkness's army approached ever nearer.
When the dark forces were close enough to be seen more clearly, everyone could tell that their entire army was also unnatural. The men, and women, all had blackened eyes, with unmistakable wounds across their bodies that no one could live.
Fear set in, as the unnatural force set itself upon the armies of Aelaans, and the Free Peoples of the West. As the dark forces started clashing openly with the two armies, the corpse-like humans were all murmuring aloud peculiar things; depravities of their inner-most natures, their unsated greed in life, their hatred, and their vile cursing for the world they deemed unfair. All of them were reliving the misery of their former lives, and revealing their most corrupted thoughts.
As the battle raged on, Almahiel noticed something that instilled an even greater fear. Soon after one of the soldiers of the Free Peoples had been struck down, and fallen into the fog, they would shortly rise again to join the ranks of their enemy.
Looking to Raddington, the elven princess frantically cried out.