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Victoria's Family

Page 7

by Kimberly J Muse-Holliday

  Chapter 8

  August 1902

  “Uncle Rock, I do not see Joseph. I expected him to be here to showcase the first house being completed.”

  “Victoria is there something the matter with your eyes these days. Joseph is right there.”

  Victoria looked where Uncle Rock was pointing and saw a dark tanned man with nearly buzz cut hair and clean shaven in his best finery sporting a gray suit accented with a burgundy tie. He looked nothing like he did three months prior. Victoria had been mentally more stable since not seeing Joseph. While her heart still longed to be with him, she was coming to terms with now was not the correct time for them to be together. There was much more that the two of them needed to accomplish before they could have a life together. This home became her life and the people living here by the end of the year her future family.

  Uncle Rock was true to his word about teaching her the business aspect. It was amazing how many contacts he had with wealthy entrepreneurs willing to invest in a home for the feeble-minded the way Uncle Rock wanted to run it. There was so much hate in the world for those who were different, not just feeble-minded, but also poor. In her studies on feeble-minded, she read about children being abandoned at institutions by their parents. Some children were left because the parents could not care for them and others it seemed the parents did not want them. These stories were a reminder of what she had done and she was thankful that she could atone for her own sins.

  After several visits from Dr. Benjamin, visits with Pastor Mary, and hours of prayer the nagging guilt of leaving her daughter was starting to lessen. Dr. Benjamin told her there were not enough case studies to know if she would have ever bonded with her child. He assured her that a loving home was more important than a home with the birth mother. Pastor Mary reminded her often that the Lord has a plan and he needed her to be just the way she was. There was a reason for everything and that she needed to be open to everything he had to offer.

  Joseph caught Victoria staring and chuckled softly. He had looked her way several times since she had arrived for the opening of the house and she kept looking right past him. While he knew he looked different then she had ever seen him, it was purely by accident. His parents would likely have a difficult time picking him out in a crowd. Normally he would have never requested such a look. Mr. Rockford had insisted that he have his hair professionally cut for the event and informed him where to go. Since Mr. Rockford was paying, he could not object. There would be a photographer present and he needed to look his best. It was very important that they receive positive publicity and he did not want to do anything to make Mr. Rockford look bad. Joseph arrived on schedule and requested just a little trim to his hair and beard. The rugged look kept him from having to have it cut more often. The barber had a different idea. Before Joseph could object, almost all of his shaggy blond hair was removed. With the hair removed from his head, he had no choice but to have his beard shaved off. When the barber had completed his task, he commented that Otis would surely be pleased with the results he requested. Joseph could not wait to have a talk with Mr. Rockford about setting him up. After all, he was a grown man and should be able to choose his own look.

  Joseph waited until Victoria blushed and looked away before proceeding with the conversation he was having with Samuel. The last three months had been so busy he hardly thought of her during the day. The nights were a very different story. He woke many mornings panting for breath from yet another wild dream with the lovely Victoria.

  “Joseph are you feeling alright?”

  “Yes Samuel, I am just fine.” He knew that he had blushed bright red in his cheeks. He after all was a man with only experience in his mind. He made sure to keep company with men that did not discuss such personal matters. It certainly was not proper to be discussing what happened in the bedroom.

  “So, she is the lady you have told me about.” Samuel grinned from ear to ear. He had heard a few stories about the lovely yet frustrating Mrs. Victoria Winslow. She certainly was lovely with her blond hair blowing gently across her lightly tanned shoulders. Her curves would turn any man’s head.

  “It is not polite to stare, Samuel.” At least he was not the only one that looked at her that way at first sight.

  Samuel jumped and gave Joseph a knowing look.

  “I told you what she looked like.” Joseph grinned and chuckled softly.

  “I know. No wonder you have had trouble getting her out of your mind.”

  “Do not let Eve hear you saying things like that.”

  “Like what?” asked Eve as she approached the gentleman. She eyed her husband intently waiting for a reply.

  “We were discussing Victoria.” Samuel lowered his head. He knew better than to discuss things of this nature around others, not that they were doing anything wrong. Just best not to so others would not get the wrong impression.

  “Where is the lovely Victoria that I have heard so much about? I am looking forward to meeting her.”

  Joseph nodded his head in the direction and Eve followed his look.

  “The short blond next to Mr. Rockford.”


  “She is lovelier than I imagined. You two need to find something else to discuss. I am going to introduce myself.”

  Eve left without a backward glance. The men smiled as she walked away. She was such a charming woman. Joseph could not have found a better couple to spend Sunday's with. Wise beyond her years in the ways of the Lord, she provided weekly scripture based advice on how to handle his feelings with Victoria.

  / / /

  Mr. Rockford saw Eve approaching and thought it would be best for him to do the introductions. “Victoria, I would like you to meet Mrs. Eve Fredrick. She is the wife of Samuel, our carpenter on the project.”

  Victoria did not know what to think. Eve was strikingly beautiful with her chestnut colored hair, golden brown eyes, and slender figure. She could see why Joseph enjoyed spending time with her. Jealousy sparked. Just because a woman was married did not mean she was faithful.

  Mr. Rockford placed his hand on Victoria's shoulder to prompt her for a reply.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Fredrick.”

  “The pleasure is all mine. You should both come for dinner tomorrow evening. I insist. It has been far too long since we have had a gathering. The construction has kept Samuel very busy. We are personally invested in the project. My sister, Ada, will be the first resident. She will be moving in next week. The entire crew is delighted to have someone to cook on site.”

  Victoria was not sure how to reply. There would be a woman on the job site every day. She needed an excuse to get away for a moment to collect her thoughts, but how. Joseph and Samuel had been watching the exchange and quickly made their way to them as they watched the color drain from her face.

  Joseph wrapped his arm gently around Victoria's waist and placed a gently kiss on the top of her head. She still refused to wear a hat. “Victoria, I am delighted you are here. We should go take a walk and talk before the festivities begin. May I interest you in a glass of lemonade?”

  “That would be lovely, Joseph.” Victoria allowed Joseph to escort her to a more secluded area beneath a row of southern pines.

  “Samuel have I done something wrong?”

  “Think nothing of it, dear. From what Joseph has told us about Victoria, she tends to be overly emotional when it comes to her feelings for him. I would gather she is jealous of your sister being able to spend time with him.”

  “I believe you are correct in your statement, Samuel.”

  “Considering the new circumstances, Mr. Rockford, I believe it would be best to withdraw the dinner invitation.”

  “Eve it would be for the best. I will let you know when it is a good time.”

  / / /

  Once they were in a secluded place amongst the trees, Joseph stopped walking and faced Victoria.

  “Are you feeling better?”

  “Joseph why do you as
k that? I am perfectly fine.” She was nothing but fine. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him and her knees grew week at his touch. The thought of him being near another woman angered and frightened her at the same time. Today was proof that Mr. Rockford knew best that they keep their distance. After all, she was still married. She prayed daily on it and still the only answer she felt God was providing was not yet.

  “You were white as a ghost when Mrs. Fredrick was talking with you. What did she say that upset you?”

  “Nothing.” What was she to say? She was jealous of someone she had never met. She had no claim on Joseph.

  Joseph watched as she closed her eyes and took several breaths. He knew she was not telling the truth and he would just have to ask Mr. Rockford. This was not the place or time to press her.

  “You look lovely, Victoria. I have missed you.”

  Victoria remained silent. Her voice would betray her if she spoke. Joseph could see the torment of emotions crossing her face.

  “I can see by your expression that you missed me too. I noticed you did not recognize me. You can blame Mr. Rockford for that. He set me up with the barber. Do you like the new look?”

  Victoria moved her head side-to-side taking in his new look. She had not allowed her eyes to linger too much before. Now that he was asking, she would take advantage of being close, wanting to lock the new image into her mind. It certainly was different. He looked older than she remembered and stuffy. The rugged look was what originally attracted her to him, especially when he had the full beard.

  “Does your lack of response mean you do not like it?” Joseph leaned in close, only a few inches from her face. Their eyes locked and they held each other's gaze. Her stomach began to have butterflies and her mouth began to water. A rush of emotions filled her. Before she could get a handle on them, she grabbed Joseph by the suit collar and pulled him in for a passionate lingering kiss. He kissed her back just as passionately wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in close. For a moment, they were not aware of anything or anyone around them. Victoria released her hold slowly and laid her head on his shoulder. Her senses returned a moment later and she quickly moved away, brushing her hand on her lips.

  “I am terribly sorry about that Joseph. I did not have any right to do that. Please forgive me.”

  Joseph sighed deeply.

  “I forgive you Victoria. I need you to forgive me. I should not have been so willing. It is best that we keep our distance.”

  “I am so sorry Joseph. I do forgive you and agree with you.”

  “We should be getting back. I am sure the ceremony will be starting soon.”

  “Before we go, I need to tell you something.”

  “It can wait Victoria.” His tone was harsh. The longer he stood near her, the harder it was not to whisk her away. His body was telling him one thing, but his heart knew better.

  Victoria held her breath for just a moment, ignoring his tone and then grabbed his arm. “Joseph it cannot wait.”

  Joseph removed her hand from his arm and waited for her to continue.

  “I pray daily for when it will be best to divorce Lawrence.”


  “And. The Lord is telling me, not now. I am ready to move on Joseph. I love you. This is bigger than just the two of us. It is not time yet.”

  Joseph searched her face intently, trying to see if he could read the truth in her eyes.

  “When did you realize you were ready to move on and that you no longer wanted to be married to Lawrence?”

  “I believe I have been ready for a long time. I knew for certain the moment I kissed you. I know I am a sinner Joseph. I am married.”

  Joseph smiled from ear to ear. He was now certain that he would have Victoria as his wife, someday. He was willing to wait even if it took years.

  “What are you smiling at?”

  “I am smiling at you. I love you too, Victoria. I can wait. However, we need to keep our distance. We should join the others.”

  As they approached the group they went their separate ways with Victoria in search of lemonade and Joseph in search of Mr. Rockford.

  “Is Victoria alright? I appreciate you removing her from the situation.”

  Mr. Rockford was studying Joseph trying to figure out what was out of place when Samuel walked up.

  “Fix your tie, Joseph. You look like you were rolling around on the ground. How is Victoria?”

  Joseph consciously adjusted his tie and confirmed his suit was still in order.

  “Victoria is just fine. She just needed something to drink. What was Eve talking about Mr. Rockford when we walked up?”

  “Eve was informing us that Ada would be moving in next week. I believe Victoria was jealous. It was a good thing you walked up when you did. I do not think she is very fond of your wife Samuel.”

  “They just need some time together,” replied Samuel.

  “I do not think that is a good idea right now,” replied Joseph. He needed their friendship and time away from Victoria. Victoria, becoming friends with Eve was not something he wanted at this time, later when she was divorced and free to marry.

  Samuel took a moment to take in Joseph's response looking at him intently in the face and noticed his lips were more red than usual. Something else happened that the two of them needed to discuss and pray about in private. He would not out him.

  “Very well Joseph. I understand. I assume we will still see you tomorrow for dinner after services.”

  Joseph was flooded with relief. He certainly did not want to explain himself in this crowd.

  “Yes, Samuel. I am looking forward to it. Be sure to save some time for us to talk.”

  “Will do.”

  / / /

  Victoria kept her distance from Joseph as much as possible the rest of the afternoon. There were a few tense moments when she had to squeeze in close to Joseph for a few photographs. The newspaper was covering the opening since it was big news for the area. The only other option besides the streets or family was a local public institution that was serving the feeble-minded. Here they would have more freedom. They would still do some farming, but not nearly the amount of hours required at the public facility because they would only be growing enough for themselves. There were no plans for them to grow food for profit. That was why Mr. Rockford was doing this. He wanted each of the residents to have the freedom to come and go as they liked, yet with the responsibility for maintaining the facility.

  Controlling her jealous feelings needed to be a priority. She knew she overreacted to hearing about Ada living at the home cooking for the men. What if Joseph started to fall for her? What then? But, what was she to do. It was not time yet. He said he would wait, but she could not hold him to it.

  Joseph was certainly in his element. She had not realized this about him. He mingled with ease amongst all of the guests and answered the reporter's questions with flare. Victoria stumbled on most of her words and had to repeat herself more than once. It appeared the reporter was just being difficult with her. After all, it was not the norm for a woman to be so involved in the business side of such an endeavor.

  The home was beautiful and practical. It was almost exactly how she had designed it. As you walked in through the front door the area was open. There were a few wooden chairs and long plain tables on each side and the kitchen was along the back wall of the front room. This was where all the residents would eat each day. Behind the kitchen, there was an office, two bedrooms, and one bathroom. It still troubled her that Joseph would be staying here, along with Ada. She had no choice in the matter. Mr. Rockford had insisted that to move the project along faster, it had to be this way.

  “Are you ready to return home, Victoria?”

  “Yes, Uncle Rock. I am a bit tired. I am thankful the day was a bit overcast; otherwise, the heat would have been overwhelming.”

  Uncle Rock smiled and looked down at her lovingly.

  “I believe seeing Joseph today was a bit overwh
elming for you to. Do not worry. You will not have to see him again until you are ready. There will not be another gathering like this until the project is finished next year.”

  “Thanks Uncle Rock.”

  Victoria's heart thudded in her chest. Even though she knew in her mind that they needed to be apart for now, she was ready to move on with her life and could still feel Joseph's lips on hers. Thankfully Uncle Rock was making sure they would not be together before they should be.


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