Victoria's Family

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Victoria's Family Page 13

by Kimberly J Muse-Holliday

  Chapter 14

  “Victoria. Henry. I am so glad you are here. Did you have a good trip?”

  Victoria and Henry looked at each other and smiled before Victoria replied to Mrs. Johnson.

  “We are happy to be here. The trip was uneventful.” Victoria sounded happy, but tired. She shifted her bag from one hand to the other. The weight was starting to get to her.

  “Where are my manners? I have not even given you a chance to set your stuff down. You are in your usual rooms. Go make yourself at home. I will be in the kitchen.”

  After watching Mrs. Johnson leave them at the front door without another word, they wasted no time in bringing their bags to their separate rooms. Victoria would stay in the Johnson's daughter's room. As she entered the room, she noticed it was the same as it was when she was there for Easter. The flowery bedspread and light colored drapes gave a warm feminine feel. Keepsakes and books adorned the three-shelf pine bookshelf. Victoria set her bag down on the floor and plopped on top of the bed. Feeling a bit tired; she kicked off her shoes and laid back. She was thankful for the uneventful train ride and for the hospitality of the Johnson's since she did not want to spend the holidays alone. Even though she spent a great deal of time with Ada, she did not wish to spend the holidays with her and her family; however, it also meant she would not spend the time with Joseph either.

  When she asked, he replied that it was not a good time to leave the home since there were now several residents and he had not trained anyone else to oversee the establishment. While her feelings for Joseph grew stronger, she felt that Joseph feelings had lessened. He did not look at her the way he used to and did not know what to think about it. Trying not to let sadness take hold she decided that the distance would do her some good and besides Henry was always wonderful company. Victoria yawned deeply, curled up into a ball, and closed her eyes to take a short nap.

  Henry entered the small room at the end of the hallway and sighed as he dropped his bag on the tiny bed.

  “Is there something wrong with your accommodations?”

  Henry blushed bright red.

  “Forgive me, Mr. Johnson. I do not know why I was saddened by the small room.”

  “We will talk later tonight.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Johnson.”

  Victoria woke an hour later to the smell of fresh baked bread. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that it had been hours since they ate a light snack on the train. She stood and stretched her muscles, which were still tight from the train ride. A brisk walk after dinner if the weather was warm enough was what she needed. Hopefully, Henry would be available. Victoria entered the kitchen just as Mrs. Johnson was taking bread out of the oven.

  “Did you enjoy your nap?”

  “Yes, ma'am. What may I help you with?”

  Mrs. Johnson did not reply. She picked up the bread knife and sliced a generous portion, placed it on a small plate, and handed it to Victoria.

  “The butter and jam are on the counter. Help yourself.”

  Victoria knew from past experiences that if Mrs. Johnson was providing her with food that she needed to eat at least some of it before being allowed to help. After lightly buttering the hot bread and then spreading a thin layer of strawberry jam, she sat down at the table and closed her eyes in delight as she took her first bite. Mrs. Johnson made the most delicious sweet yeast bread she had ever had. She offered her assistance only after consuming her second slice.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Johnson. The bread was wonderful as usual and just what I needed. What may I help you with?”

  “You may cut up the carrots and potatoes to go with the pot roast. Once they are added, it should only be about an hour until we eat.”

  Victoria expertly peeled and diced up the vegetables, placed them in the pot, and put the dish back into the oven to finish cooking. Meanwhile, Mrs. Johnson had sliced herself some bread, and was enjoying it at the table with her feet prompt up on a nearby chair.

  Henry entered the kitchen quietly in search of something warm to eat or drink. He had decided to take a walk after they had arrived to loosen up his stiff muscles and to clear his head. Noticing the steam rising from the half eaten loaf of bread, he made his way to the counter, sliced two think pieces and applied a thin layer of butter. Sitting down next to Mrs. Johnson, he ate in silence savoring the flavor.

  Victoria poured Henry a cup of coffee and placed it next to him. She waited until he was finished with both slices before intruding into the silence.

  “Henry, will you escort me on a walk after dinner. I could use the exercise.”

  Victoria gathered the plates from the table and began to wash them in the sink waiting for Henry's reply.

  “We will see. I just came back from a walk. It may be too cold after we eat.”

  Mr. Johnson entered the room and took a seat at the table. Mrs. Johnson stood, walked to the counter, sliced a piece of bread, and brought it to her husband. He thanked her with a warm smile.

  “If Henry is not available, I will take you for a stroll.”

  “Thank you Mr. Johnson. I appreciate it.”

  Mr. Johnson finished his plain slice of bread in a mere four bites, stood, walked up to his wife who was seated at the table, and kissed her gently on the lips.

  “Henry I could use your assistance in the barn.”

  Mr. Johnson left the kitchen without waiting for a reply, grabbed his heavy coat, and shrugged into it on his way out the door. Henry nearly had to run to keep up with his fast pace.

  / / /

  “What is Victoria doing for the holidays?”

  Joseph walked away from the window he had been staring out of. His plans to find a wife, marry, and return home by Christmas had never happened. However, the woman he thought he loved was there now staying with his parent's neighbors.

  “Victoria and Henry went to spend the holidays with the Johnson's.”

  “You do not seem happy about it.”

  Eve and Ada entered the parlor carrying trays with coffee and sandwiches for a light afternoon snack. Eve sat down next to her husband and he circled his arm around her. Ada sat in the other wingback chair opposite of Joseph.

  “Samuel you know me so well. I should be the one with Victoria not Henry.”

  “Victoria and Henry,” stated Ada.

  “Ada, Victoria and Henry are friends. They only traveled together. Henry went to visit his family and Victoria went to see the Johnson's.” Ada nodded her understanding. Samuel turned to look at Joseph. “Joseph you know we have not seen anything romantic between them.”

  “How can you be so sure? Not that it matters. She is still married.”

  “Joseph perhaps it would be best not to have this conversation in front of the ladies. We should go take a walk.”

  “You will do no such thing. Ada and I have just finished preparing a light snack. You will stay inside and enjoy it. This is a time to celebrate or have you both forgotten.”

  Samuel was the first to stand and began serving his wife and Ada coffee and sandwiches. Joseph on the other hand left the parlor without a word and headed outside. What he needed was time alone with the Lord. He was well aware that this was a time to celebrate, but he could not find his normal joy for the season. He missed Victoria and his family.

  / / /

  After the evening meal, Mr. Johnson kept his word and took Victoria on an evening stroll. The weather was quite cold, but bearable with the heavy coat Mr. Rockford had bought for her earlier in the year. The moon, nearly full, shined the way as they walked in silence down the dirt road. By the time they returned back to the house, she felt relaxed, peaceful and secure in her love for Joseph. The Lord would sustain her until such time as he planned for her to be divorced and move on. She smiled as they entered the house; the Johnson's were such a blessing.

  Victoria lay in bed looking out the window Christmas Eve watching the sunrise. It had been several days since Victoria and Henry arrived at the Johnson's to celebrate Christmas. Victoria s
pent the days assisting Mrs. Johnson with the cooking and cleaning while Henry spent the days with his family and his nights at the Johnson's. They had very little time together and Victoria was beginning to wonder if she had feelings for Henry since she missed him more than she thought she would. Thoughts of Joseph also invaded her mind day and night, but not with the same longing. Perhaps the difference was that she spent time with Henry daily and only saw Joseph typically twice a week. She certainly would never have a relationship with Joseph's cousin. He was already concerned about whether or not she would leave if they were to marry and have a child. Of course she could not blame him since she was not sure she could trust herself. Lord, I need your guidance.

  As snow began to fall, her thoughts drifted back to the day before when she spent the day decorating the house and tree with red bows and evergreen branches. She thought it would make her homesick to be with her mother; however, it was surprisingly enjoyable. Her mother had a certain place for everything but Mrs. Johnson let her decorate however she pleased. To some the parlor may have looked disorganized and unbalanced; nevertheless, the randomness had an elegance that Victoria felt brought out the true meaning of the season.

  The smell of coffee propelled her to get out of bed, dress, and begin the day. She walked into the kitchen and was greeted by Henry, who was already enjoying a cup of coffee.

  “Good morning Victoria.”

  Victoria smiled and blushed slightly as she remembered her earlier thoughts.

  “Good morning, Henry. What are your plans for today?”

  Victoria did not wait for his reply and busied herself with making breakfast. Henry watched Victoria clang pots and pans around as she began breakfast preparations.

  “If you are cooking breakfast, only cook for yourself. Everyone else has eaten.”

  Victoria turned around with a surprised look on her face.

  “The Johnson's woke up earlier than usual. I was only in the mood for bread and cheese this morning. I just finished. If you would like, I will fix you some eggs.”

  Victoria blushed again.

  “Are you feeling well this morning? Your face is flushed.”

  Victoria too embarrassed to speak dashed out of the kitchen not stopping until she was in the bedroom with the door closed. She slowly sank down to the floor with her back leaning against the door. Furious with herself for such lack of control, tears sprung from her eyes. Henry followed Victoria and he too leaned against the door and waited until her tears subsided.

  “Victoria I prefer to talk face to face. Will you please join me in the kitchen? The Johnson's will not be back for several hours.”

  Henry waited for a reply, but none came. After waiting for what seemed like half an hour, he stood, walked to the kitchen, poured himself and Victoria a cup a coffee and brought both back with him to her door.

  “I brought coffee if you want some. It is outside your door. I will walk away for a few minutes and then I will be back to talk.”

  Victoria waited until she heard Henry walk away. Opening the door just a gap, she grabbed the coffee and a plate of bread and cheese. She was not ready to talk, but she knew she would have to. Henry did not let any issue linger. By the time she finished her breakfast, Henry returned.

  “I know the last few days have been difficult for you. I know you are enjoying your time here, but you are spending very little time with me and you are not with Joseph. I do love you Victoria.”

  A gasp was heard on the other side of the door.

  “I know you love me too, but do not confuse a family love with one of intimacy. I do not know what I would do with you out of my life. I know it will happen one day. You will divorce and remarry. I will then be alone again. There is no reason to blush in my presence. I know you love Joseph and wish to marry him. If things were different.”

  Tears began to flow down Henry's face. He had not realized until that moment how much he longed for a wife of his own. How he longed for that woman to be Victoria.

  “I do not think he wants me anymore.”

  Henry quickly wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. This was not where the conversation was supposed to go. He would not be responsible for taking the love of Joseph's life away from him.

  “I am sure you are mistaken.” Henry stood and began to pace.

  Victoria hearing his restlessness knew that her change in feelings toward Henry where mutual. She did not want to hurt Joseph, but she also did not want to hurt Henry. Slowly opening the door, she peered out into the hallway. Henry looked just as much a wreck as she did with eyes red and puffy. Only a second went by before running to him and flinging her arms around him. With their bodies pressed against one another, primal emotions began to stir. Henry was no longer able to resist and began to passionately kiss Victoria, first on the neck and then moving to her lips. She was unable to resist his passion and kissed back with such fire that Henry responded by moving his hands down her back grasping her plump buttocks and picking her up. With her legs wrapped around his waist, he carried her back into her bedroom, laying her down on the bed on top of the quilt and climbed on top.

  “Oh, Henry!”

  Henry froze, realizing what he was about to do. He slowly climbed out of the bed and sat down on the floor, placing his hands over his face and began to cry again.

  Victoria realizing what had just happened climbed out of the bed and sat on the floor next to Henry. They were still sitting on the floor, leaning on each other hours later when the Johnson's returned home.

  It was Christmas morning before anyone went to bed. They spent hours sharing and seeking forgiveness. The Johnson's stayed up with them and encouraged them to express all of their thoughts and feelings. Henry for the first time accepted the fact that it was time to find a wife and that his love for Victoria went beyond brotherly. He had spent years flirting with ladies, but never actually courting anyone though everyone thought otherwise. That was the first time he had ever been intimate in any way with a woman. Victoria felt shame for allowing her urges to take over. She loved Joseph, but clearly also had feelings for Henry that went beyond brotherly love. Without a doubt, it was time to seek out a divorce. Before returning home, she would visit with Mr. Holmes to see if he had any word on Lawrence.

  Victoria and Henry had agreed that they would refrain from any relationship beyond friendship until she was divorced. Both agreed that they had feelings for each and it would take time to see if it went beyond brotherly love. A moment of weakness did not mean they were meant to be together. They would confess their sin to Joseph together upon their return. Later that morning, the four had a huge Christmas breakfast before going to church.

  / / /

  Christmas morning Joseph woke to the sounds of cooking. Ada had been spending her nights with her sister since Eve scolded him about not keeping with the spirit of Christmas. He walked for hours that night thinking about Victoria and Henry and concluded that it was not unlikely for Henry and Victoria to fall in love. They spent a large amount of time together and Henry was able to calm and steady her emotions, as he never could. She needed a man like Henry as a husband since she was able to share more of herself with him. He was not sure when it happened, but his feelings had changed. Maybe it was because Victoria had become independent and strong. Nothing like the young lady he met when she was running away from her troubles. A part of him still had concerns about having a family with her. The longer he walked, the more he realized it was time to end the waiting. There would be no future with Victoria. It was time to move on.

  The smell of eggs frying brought him back to the present and he quickly dressed to see who was in the house cooking. He had planned to cook in about an hour for the residents that did not leave to visit with family. It was going to be a large celebration of twenty for food and gift exchange before holding their own small service. Since their numbers had grown, it was too complicated to coordinate bringing all the residents to church. They did not have the funds to establish their own church on the p
roperty, but he would look into having a preacher come by once a month.

  Joseph walked into the kitchen to find Ada in the kitchen with her hair down and still in her nightdress. He had not heard her come in. Assuming she arrived early to surprise him, he leaned on the wall, taking in the sight before him. This was the first time he allowed himself to drink in her beauty and her lovely curves were more visible in the thin dress. Moments later she turned to see him standing there, but was not at all startled which surprised him. Turning back around, she finished cooking without a word. Once everything was complete, she set the table, lit a candle, placed it on the table and turned off the other lights. Slowly she approached him and reached her hand out to him. He took her hand not sure what her intent was. She pulled him into her, pressing her body onto his and wrapping her arms around him.

  “Merry Christmas Joseph. I wanted to give you your gift before anyone else arrived.”

  She released her hold on him and stepped back. Her hands went to the front of her gown and began to unbutton the buttons. She had unbuttoned to her waist before Joseph took her into his arms and kissed her passionately with his hands running through her unbound hair. Just as suddenly as he acted, he withdrew, his breath heavy.

  “Ada we cannot do this.” Joseph increased his distance, but could not draw his eyes away from her.

  “Why?” Ada looked puzzled, not sure what she had done wrong. Her gown was open, exposing more skin as she tried to move closer to Joseph.

  “We are not married.” Joseph closed the distance and began to button her nightdress.

  “We marry.” Ada looked hopeful as she gazed into his eyes.

  “We will discuss that later. For now we will eat and then prepare for the others to join us.”


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