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Victoria's Family

Page 19

by Kimberly J Muse-Holliday

  Chapter 20

  “Thank you all for coming tonight. I have been meeting separately with each of you over the past few days to discuss the transition of Hugh back to his mother. Isabel has shared her story with me and she would like to share with you tonight. Please have a seat.”

  Quietly taking a seat across from Isabel, Victoria looked through red puffy eyes at the fragile trembling young woman. Uncle Rock and Joseph sat down next to Victoria and Pastor Mary took a seat next to Isabel. Isabel kept her eyes lowered as everyone waited for her to begin. Without thinking, Victoria stood and began to pace about the room as the others watched in silence.

  “I am sorry,” whispered Isabel.

  Victoria continued to pace.

  “I am sorry,” Isabel stated again louder.

  Victoria continued to pace.

  “I am sorry,” yelled Isabel.

  Victoria suddenly stopped pacing and fell to her knees and began to cry in earnest. The other's waited at the table looking at each other, but not saying a word. After several minutes, Isabel went to Victoria and wrapped her in a hug. Isabel did not let go until Victoria signaled that she was ready to stand. Both ladies returned to the table.

  “Isabel. I cannot accept your apology.” Victoria wiped her eyes with her handkerchief and looked at Pastor Mary with pleading eyes.

  Pastor Mary stood and motioned for the men to leave the room. Quietly they left not asking any questions. Silence hung over the room as Victoria tried to gain her composure.

  “Isabel, I cannot forgive you because there is nothing you have done to me for me to forgive. I do not need to know your story. You have shown your love for your child.”

  “Then why all the tears?”

  “I was crying for myself. I want to share my story with you.”

  Placing her hands on Victoria's shoulders, Isabel silently prayed while Victoria over the next hour poured out her heart sharing all the emotions and fears she had then and now. The past days of fear and anguish started to diminish as each minute passed. Isabel's unwavering kindness and the obvious bond with her child made it possible for them to quickly agree that it would be best for Isabel to move in and share a room with her and Hugh and let Hugh provide the guidance on when it was best for Isabel to take over complete care.

  The men spent their time silently praying and after an hour decided to check on the ladies. They returned to find the ladies joyfully talking while drinking coffee. Isabel no longer nervous about sharing explained what they had agreed upon.

  “Pastor Mary, how are we to proceed with the wedding?”

  “I would like to meet with you and Victoria weekly for the first month and then possibly monthly thereafter.”


  “Joseph we must do what is best for Hugh. You have waited this long to marry Victoria. It is all in God's perfect timing.”

  “Joseph, I need time to prepare my gown anyway.”

  “Just do not take too long.”

  “Do not worry.” Victoria grinned. She too did not want to wait. She was ready to start her own family with Joseph and did not want to spend months letting go of Hugh.

  / / /

  “You look lovely Victoria,” stated Isabel as she finished the final touches of Victoria's hair and placed the veil on her head.

  “Thank you.”

  “I am glad I did not delay your wedding.”

  “Me too, Isabel. I am thankful Hugh took to you so quickly. I had feared watching you with him for months to come.”

  “I am thankful too. I thank the Lord every day for giving me the courage to return for him and that Hugh wants to be a part of my life.”

  “I just hope the Lord wants me to have another child and that this time I am to raise him.”

  “I hope so too. You have more support this time. God willing, things will be different. I do hope our children will be able to grow up together.”

  “I pray that as well.”

  A soft knock sounded at the door and Miss Jenny let herself in.

  “Uncle Rock is ready to bring you to the church.”

  Victoria stood after looking at herself in the mirror one last time. Her face radiated the peace and joy that she felt.

  At the church, Henry took care of ensuring all the guests were seated while Joseph anxiously paced in Pastor Mary's office. His parents and the Johnsons had arrived that morning to witness the blessed event and his siblings sent their love.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Uncle Rock. I am ready. How did you know the day we meet that I would be marrying Joseph?”

  “Just a feeling. I did have my doubts along the way. I am thankful the Lord put you in my life Victoria. I never married and had children of my own. I see you as a daughter and Joseph as a son. You have made this old man very happy.”

  “And you have given me peace, direction and love that I thought I would never have again. I do miss my father, but if he had lived then I would never have met you.”

  “I love you Victoria.”

  “I love you too Uncle Rock.”

  Uncle Rock checked his watch. It was time. He got out of the car, went to Victoria's side and assisted her out. Isabel was waiting on the steps for them by the time they reached the door. Uncle Rock opened the door and Isabel, who was delighted to be the maid of honor, walked back in. Miss Jenny was waiting at the back with Hugh. Isabel picked up the basket of rose petals and cradled Hugh on her hip. The two slowly walked up the aisle as Hugh clumsily tossed the petals. When the wedding march began to play, Miss Jenny opened the door. Victoria took Uncle Rock's arm and they walked in. It took only a moment for her eyes to adjust to the lower light and when they did, her eyes fell on Joseph. He was grinning from ear to ear. She was so taken by his joy she had forgotten to move. Uncle Rock tugged gently and she began her walk up the aisle with him.

  An hour later, Pastor Mary pronounced them husband and wife.

  / / /

  “Stephen, stand still please.”

  “Yes, Mama.”

  “Why dress up?”

  “Aunt Isabel is getting married today.”


  “You have to wear it because you have to toss out the rose petals as we walk down the aisle. Her son did it at my wedding.”

  “Hugh do it.”

  Victoria knelt down and looked at her four-year-old son, eye to eye.

  “Isabel asked you to do it. Do you want to make her unhappy?”

  “No.” Stephen continued to squirm as she finished buttoning the last button on his jacket.

  “Go tell your father I am almost ready.”

  Stephen ran out of the bedroom as fast as his little legs would take him.

  “Ma most ready.”

  “Thanks son," replied Joseph as he finished putting on two-year-old Sarah's dress.

  “Watch Sarah for me for a moment while I take care of Ruth.”

  “Yes, Papa.”

  Stephen grabbed his sister's hand and brought her into the parlor. After settling her on the sofa, he plopped a picture book on their laps. He was showing her the pictures when Joseph, Victoria and Ruth entered in the room.

  “Stephen, thank you for caring for Sarah for me.”

  Stephen looked up at his father and smiled.

  “Let me take a picture Miss Victoria.”

  “Do we have time Miss Jenny?”

  “Of course, if we are quick about it.”

  Victoria and Joseph quickly sat on the sofa placing the picture book on the nearby table. It was the first formal family picture since Ruth had been born a year earlier. The older two stood in front of their parents while Joseph held baby Ruth. Victoria's belly protruding showed her seven months of pregnancy. Miss Jenny snapped a picture just as a single tear slid down her cheek.

  “Mama cry.”

  “I am OK Stephen. I am just so happy to have all of you. We need to get going or we will be late.”

  / / /

  Later that evening after the child
ren were in bed, Victoria and Joseph sat relaxing in the parlor.

  “Joseph, do you ever regret marrying me?”

  “Of course not. Why do you ask?” He moved from his favorite chair and sat next to Victoria on the sofa placing his hand lightly on her stomach.

  “I am just thinking about how it has been with each child. It has been a struggle each time. You have been so patient with me.”

  “I love you, Victoria. I knew going in the risk I was taking.”

  “You do not regret it.”

  “Miss Jenny and Henry will be with us just like the last three. You will have all the support you need. I have not regretted marrying you for one minute.”

  “I feel so ashamed that I struggle with this. It takes months for me to bond with them.”

  “It is God's will, my love. The struggle passes and you have bonded beautifully with all of your children.”

  “Knowing that does not ease my fears.”

  “Ask God to ease your fears. He is in control.”

  / / /

  Victoria gave birth to a beautiful baby boy two months later. To her delight, she bonded instantly with the child. It had been a difficult delivery and the doctor advised her not to have any more. She was content with that since she now had five children total. She only hoped that one day her youngest four would be able to meet their older sister.



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