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My Not So Fake Boyfriend

Page 12

by Raquel Belle

  She trailed his mouth with her fingers and held his gaze. “Do you trust me, Adam?”

  He froze, his brow dipping. Wasn’t he supposed to be the one asking her that? Last he checked, he was the alleged womanizer who was about to have sex with his best friend’s sister after promising to keep his hands off of her. And she wanted to know if he trusted her? With a blink, he stuttered, “O-of course. Why?”

  “I don’t want any barrier between us.”

  Adam was dumbfounded. Never had he gotten such a request, and if it was anyone else, he would have laughed. But, as he gazed down at her, suddenly, it was what he wanted, too. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m protected against pregnancy, I promise. And I’m clean. I wouldn’t lie to you.”

  “I know,” he said without hesitation. “And you trust me?” He didn’t know why she would with the reputation he apparently had. He knew that he never failed to be careful and responsible.

  Her smile was sweet, much too affectionate, and it should have worried him, but instead, he basked in it. “You know I do.”

  His heart turned over and warmth flooded him. The unmistakable trust in her eyes should have urged him to stop and take her home, but it only made him want her more. He could feel the steady beat of her heart with his body stretched over hers, and he could swear his heart beat in the exact rhythm, as if their bodies were in tune. He wasn’t the sentimental type, but he liked it.

  Unable to resist the call of her body any longer, he shifted and settled between her legs. The smooth, shapely limbs wrapped around his waist and almost immediately he sank into her welcoming warmth. Her breath caught in her throat, and her fingers dug into his biceps. The sound of his name tumbling from her lips as a soft moan was almost his undoing. He was still for a while, giving her time to adjust until she started to wiggle her hips, and he lost all control. Their low sounds of pleasure mingled, and their bodies moved in unison, with her meeting him thrust for thrust. The skin-to-skin friction was a new level of intimacy for him, and it was mind-blowing. He was afraid he would never want to go back to using protection again but he wouldn’t dare do that with anyone but Jenna.

  “This is incredible,” she said. “I’ve never …” She trailed off, and he wondered what she was going to say … and about the fear he saw skitter across her face for the briefest moment.

  “I’ve never either,” he said, and her expression lightened. He rolled over, so that she straddled him “Fuck, you look even better on top. I wonder how you’d look from behind, on your knees. Incredible, I bet. I want to do that, Jenna, fuck you from behind.” Jenna’s eyes widened, and her face flushed scarlet and again, he couldn’t get enough of her innocent reactions. “Don’t you like me telling you what I want?”

  “Not accustomed to it,” she said, steadying herself with her palms on his chest.

  “You’ll have to get used it.” Only with me, he almost blurted. “Ride me harder.”

  She complied, and before he knew it her muscles were tightening around him and pulling him over the precipice of pleasure right along with her. She collapsed against him, and he held her close, possessively. His breathing steadied before hers did and each deep rise and fall of her chest pressed her breasts against his chest, striking up a new flame inside of him. He would want her again soon. With her, he felt insatiable.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Every move she made, reminded her of her night with Adam and, of course, each time a memory pushed through, her face heated, or rather, her entire body. After the first time, she thought they were done until he roused her from her light doze with incredibly skillful fingers, and he had taken her again and again. With her prior mediocre sexual experiences, she’d been left in awe of Adam’s sexual prowess and appetite. And she was deliciously sore and exhausted. If he hadn’t woken her at dawn to take her home, she’d still be sprawled in his bed, snoozing.

  Reality had kicked in when he insisted he needed to get her back to her parents’ place before Noah arrived, and she’d suddenly felt like his dirty little secret. With a sigh, she slipped into the plum mermaid dress. The halter dress was incredibly stylish and she had to commend Sarah for her great taste.

  “Sarah, have I thanked you for not choosing ugly bridesmaid dresses? These are gorgeous.” Jenna sent a grinning Sarah a thumbs up.

  There was a rumble of agreement from the other women. “I have to say, I was a bit worried because I’ve worn some ugly ones,” Marcy, who was mostly silent, said. Laughter filled Sarah’s living room. “But Jenna’s right, these are lovely.”

  Adjusting her garter belt, Sarah sniffed, “Only insecure brides choose ugly bridesmaids dresses. I knew none of you bitches could outshine me today.” Another chorus of giggles erupted and when everyone went back to getting dressed, Sarah nudged Jenna. “Except maybe you, Miss Radiant. Please, tell me why you’re glowing more than I am. I’m supposed to hold the title of blushing bride, not you.”

  Jenna’s mouth opened and closed. She glanced around the room, to ensure no one was listening. “I’m not glowing, I’m just … satisfied.”

  “Why you little hussy,” Sarah said and clapped her hands gleefully.

  Jenna rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help smiling because that was something her best friend, Ashley would’ve said. “Can we not discuss it? Especially here.”

  “Tell me it was Adam, and I’ll shut up and leave you alone,” Sarah whispered.

  “Oh, my God,” Jenna said, hiding her face. Peeking between her fingers, she smiled. “Promise not to tell my brother, and I promise to not kill him for all the messed up things he’s pulled recently.”

  Holding up a hand, Sarah said, “I promise. Okay, I’m just going to say, I knew something would happen between you for real because the freaking blind can see the chemistry between you two. And I’m shutting up and leaving you alone now.” She turned to reach for her flowing white gown, leaving Jenna stunned and speechless.

  Jenna recovered fast enough to help Sarah into her dress, but she was practically pushed out of the way. “That’s my job.” Caroline appeared between them and shouldered Jenna out of the way.

  For Sarah’s sake, Jenna decided to bite her tongue and remain silent until Caroline crossed the line. “Jenna, I heard the bachelor party got wild last night. Aren’t you worried that your handsome boyfriend dipped his hands into a few cookie jars? You know, since you two aren’t that serious.”

  Jenna sent Caroline a disgusted look. Were they in high school? The woman’s jealousy was so obvious, that she was practically green. “Why would I be worried when he had his hands in my cookie jar all night, Caroline? Thanks for your concern, though.” Jenna gestured to Sarah who was still struggling into her dress. “Don’t you have a job to do?”

  Sarah’s mouth dropped open, and she turned to study Jenna with shock and a hint of pride. Coughs and stifled giggles filled the room and Jenna watched with satisfaction as Caroline’s face turned pink and then flaming red. She hated playing the bitch, but she had no idea what Caroline’s problem was. Ashley would have been so proud of her for not allowing another person to walk all over her. Jenna smirked when she caught Sarah’s secret wink in the mirror.


  The wedding ceremony was beautiful. Jenna found herself dabbing at a few stray tears more than once and each time, she caught Adam eyeing her with raised brows and amusement. Every time her gaze locked with his, she quickly looked away. How did one act with a man one had spent a steamy night having casual sex with? She’d had no experience in that department. It was made more awkward by the fact that they both stood on opposite ends of an altar during a wedding.

  She wondered what he was thinking. Was he thinking about having more sex with her? She most certainly wanted more. It was dangerous … fooling Adam and herself into believing she could continue sleeping with him and be fine when they went their separate ways. The thought created a dull ache in her chest, and she completely zoned out after that. Thunderous applause sta
rtled her, and she looked up to see Noah kissing his bride.

  She let out a breath. Her brother was married. Shoving aside her concern for her heart, she grinned broadly when Noah glanced at her over his shoulder. He looked so happy, that she instantly forgave him for every irritating big brother stunt he’d pulled their entire lives, including inviting her ex-boyfriend to his wedding. If he hadn’t pulled such a stupid move, she never would have talked Adam into being her fake boyfriend, and she probably would never have landed in his bed.

  Jenna applauded and forgetting she was in a church, stuck her fingers into her mouth and let out a deafening whistle. She received a few surprised glances, and her mother gasped and clutched her chest. Martha reprimanded her endlessly for the unladylike behavior growing up, and she always blamed Noah and Adam for teaching it to her. Adam’s shoulders shook with laughter, and Noah sent her a thumbs up. Grinning sheepishly, Jenna lowered her gaze to study the tip of her strappy heels.

  With the reception in full swing and all attention on the bride and groom, Jenna inched her way towards Adam.


  “For the love of God,” she said. She had managed to avoid Bryce since they arrived at the reception hall, but he had hunted her down. Turning around with a tight smile, she said between her teeth, “Bryce, you’re here. When I didn’t see you, I thought you skipped out on the wedding.”

  “I thought you saw me at the church. You looked my way a few times.”

  “I didn’t see you,” she lied. Fortunately, for her Bryce couldn’t read her like an open book the way Adam could, so he bought the lie. It amazed her how little someone she’d been with for two years knew of her, while someone else who hadn’t seen her in years could pick out every nuance of her expressions and emotions. “Where’s your girlfriend?”

  Bryce rubbed the back of his neck and glanced around the crowded room. “She’s around here somewhere.”

  Jenna's brow rose. Asshole. “What do you want?”

  “We didn’t get to talk the other night. Your boyfriend interrupted.”

  “Um … no, I remember walking away because I didn’t want to talk. And speaking of my boyfriend, I should get back to him.”

  Bryce didn’t allow her an easy escape. Blocking her path, he held up both hands. “Come on, Jen. Five minutes of your time. For old time’s sake.”

  With a sigh, she relented. Anything to get him off her case. “Fine but after that, you leave me alone.”

  Bryce pouted, but she didn’t find it cute like she once did. She followed him through the crowd until they were in an empty hallway. Muffled music and laughter could still be heard coming from the ballroom, and Jenna wanted to turn around and go back to the party. She felt uncomfortable, conversing with Bryce in private. “Won’t your significant other have a problem with us interacting like this?”

  Bryce turned to her with a saccharine smile. “Why would she? We’re just talking.”

  Folding her arms defensively, she snapped, “Say what you have to say. You only have three more minutes.”

  Bryce seemed taken aback. “You’ve changed Jenna. You were never this hostile.”

  “This isn’t hostility, Bryce. This is called annoyance. I can’t imagine what you think we have to talk about. I don’t know why you would think I’d want to hear anything you have to say after the way you treated me.”

  “You were always so forgiving.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You can’t be serious. You expect me to forgive you for cheating? I knew you were seeing other women in the end, probably since day one, but I was too blind and stupid to realize it. You really expect me to forgive you for spending the better part of a year criticizing my appearance and every single thing I did? Get real, Bryce.”

  “I behaved like an ass, but I’ve changed Jenna. I swear.”

  “You couldn’t have changed that much if you left your girlfriend inside to try and get me back. I’m not the foolish, naive girl, you met two years ago, Bryce.”

  Bryce’s repentant facade disappeared before her eyes, revealing the spiteful man she knew he was. “Don’t act like I wasn’t the best thing to happen to you, Jenna.”

  “Oh, there’s the narcissist we all know and hate,” she spat. Bryce’s eyes bulged, and if she wasn’t so furious, she would have laughed. She used to let him get away with saying the most hurtful things to her without retaliation. “Actually, the best thing to ever happen to me was you breaking up with me.”

  Bryce’s face twisted into a mask of fury. She took an involuntary step back when his hands clamped around her shoulders. “You’re not thinking straight right now, Jen. It’s that man isn’t it? Adam. You’ve spread your legs for him, and he has totally gotten into your head.”

  “What?” She’d never met a more delusion individual. “Get your hands off of me, Bryce.”

  “You heard her. Get your hands off of her, Bryce, or you’ll lose both of them,” Adam said. Immediately, she was freed from Bryce’s tight grip. She took backward steps in Adam’s direction, grateful for the interference because Bryce was obviously off his rocker.

  Instead of walking away, Bryce made the mistake of turning on Adam. Moving towards them, fingers pointed, face bright red and nostrils flaring, he roared, “This is none of your business. I have more right to her than you do. What? You think because you’ve been fucking her for like … a minute you can …”

  The sickening sound of Adam’s fist connecting with Bryce’s jaw made Jenna gasp. Wide-eyed, she watched Bryce hit the floor. He was motionless for a few seconds, and she feared he was dead. But he stirred, groaned, and began to pull himself up.

  Adam was tense with rage, but it was so controlled, that his expression gave nothing away. It was his eyes, flat and cold, that made her slightly worried for Bryce’s safety. “Get back inside, Jenna,” he said, softly, still holding Bryce in his icy stare.

  “I-I think we should both get back inside.” No way would she leave him to kill her ex and end up behind bars. “Please?”

  Adam’s shoulders visibly relaxed, and he turned to look at her. “I’m not going to lay another finger on him if that’s what you’re worried about.” He placed a palm on her lower back and pushed her towards the sounds of the reception. When he didn’t step inside with her, she grabbed his arm.

  “Adam, where are you going?”

  Briefly, a mocking grin formed on his lips. “To finish Bryce off and hide the body.”


  “I’m heading outside to take a breather. I need a minute.”

  “I’ll come with …”

  “Stay inside,” he said with a scowl and then stalked off.

  She watched him walk away and was relieved when he went in the opposite direction of Bryce who was leaning on the wall and rubbing his jaw. She was certain he wouldn’t go after Adam because he was a coward, and he knew Adam would do more damage to his face. Bryce’s vanity would ensure he stayed far away from Adam and his fist. Letting out a breath, Jenna rested her head against the door. “I can’t believe that just happened.”

  “What just happened?” Her eyes popped open and there Noah stood, frowning at her.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be dancing with your wife or something?” A new wave of annoyance rolled through her.

  “I saw you and Bryce head out here and then Adam followed shortly after. Is everything alright?”

  “No. Adam had to defend me and now he’s upset, and it’s all because you had to invite my asshole ex to your damn wedding.” Jenna jabbed at his chest. “If you say another word, I’m going to forget that I’ve forgiven you. So, just shut up and get back to enjoying your reception.”

  With a huff, she stormed off, leaving Noah to stare after her.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Jenna’s apartment building came into view, and Adam’s uneasiness grew. The thought of being alone with Jenna was enough to make him sweat. The drive back to her home had been excruciatingly long and silent, and way too a
wkward, but at least he had driving to focus on. Once they got into her apartment, she would expect him to say something. They hadn’t talked about his behavior at Noah’s and Sara’s reception where he’d lost his cool and decked her ex, and they hadn’t discussed what would come next after their very passionate and incredible night together.

  She was dying to talk, and he could feel it every time her eyes flitted to him and then quickly away again. The last thing Adam wanted to do was have any kind of discussion. What he wanted was to get another taste of her because he hadn’t gotten his fill the first time. Letting out a breath, he slid out of the car and walked around to her side. Jenna hastily jumped out before he could open her door. She held the small cage, containing her cat, which they’d collected from Ashley.

  “I can carry a bag,” she said.

  “No need. I’ve got them.”

  With a nod, she wheeled around and practically sprinted up the stone steps. Adam stared after her with a frown before retrieving their bags.

  The second he stepped into Jenna’s apartment, Angel, jumped out of her travel cage, and sprinted towards him to run her body against his leg.

  “Look at that,” Jenna said. “She’s more happy to see you than me.”

  “She missed her sleeping buddy. Didn’t you girl?” Adam laughed. “It’s back to the couch for us, Angel.” The cat’s purr sobered him, and his laughter faded away. Back to Jenna’s couch? What he needed to do was to get out of her apartment. “Or maybe, I should go.” He hadn’t meant to say it out loud and only realized that he did when Jenna’s smile turned into a frown.

  “Go? You don’t have to. I told you that you could stay here as long as you needed.”

  He placed the load he carried down and sighed heavily. “I know you did, and I’m grateful for the offer but, it’s time to get my life started. Find a place of my own, and start working again.”


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