My Not So Fake Boyfriend

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My Not So Fake Boyfriend Page 14

by Raquel Belle

  “Go away, Adam,” she said.

  He shook his head slowly. “No.”


  Taking a deep breath, he repeated, “No. I was jealous. I saw you with that man and I … panicked just like I panicked when I saw you with Bryce. I wish I could have decked Dragon in the face too.” Wiping a hand over his face tiredly, he sighed. “You’ve managed to turn my world and my emotions upside down, Jenna. That’s never happened before, and I’m kind of petrified.”

  Jenna’s mouth hung open. “You were jealous. I’ll be damned. She was right. It worked.”

  Adam frowned. “Who was right? What worked?”

  “Uh … never mind that.” Jenna glanced around the hallway. “Maybe we should go inside and talk. I don’t want to provide any entertainment for my neighbors.”

  He didn’t move, just continued to stare at her in his brooding manner, as if he was still trying to figure something out. Finally, he pulled her to him and covered her mouth with his. Instantly, her body went pliant, melting against him just like the times before, and he was relieved to know that he hadn’t completely ruined things with her. As always, the kiss that was intended to be quick, turned into something much more. The taste of Jenna was like a drug that he couldn’t get enough of, and he couldn’t wait long enough for the privacy of her apartment.

  It was her small moan that brought him back to his senses and reminded him that they were still standing in a hallway. Reluctantly, he pulled away. “You’re not seeing Dragon again.”

  “Okay,” she said. Her eyes were glazed, and she swayed slightly, making him smile.

  “And you’re not wearing this dress again, unless I’m present.”

  Her brows shot up and a small smile formed on her swollen and glistening lips. “For some reason your arrogance is turning me on.”

  “I thought you hated me giving you orders.”

  “Not in this context.” She pushed him away with a teasing grin and turned to open the door. “I was going to toss the dress after tonight, anyway.”

  Adam closed the door and grabbed her by the waist. “Don’t do that. I need to see you in it again.” He ran his palms over her hips and up to the underside of her breasts. When one hand caressed her bare back, she sucked in a breath. “But the next time you wear it will be only for me.”

  “Okay, I’ll keep the dress.” His response was to push her hair aside to plant a kiss on her bare shoulder. “Aren’t we going to talk?”

  Adam grunted. “We’ll do whatever you want to do, Jenna.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Having any kind of discussion was out of the question with Adam still feathering kisses along her shoulders. When his lips touched the column of her neck, she moaned. “We can talk later.” What she really needed was a reprieve from the burning need she’d had for Adam for the past two weeks. It had become almost unbearable, and she felt that his next touch would lead her to combustion. She stepped out of his grasp, and the low growl of protest he made sent a delightful shiver down her spine.

  “I want you in my bed, Adam,” she stated with a glance over her shoulder.

  His eyes darkened, like ashes left after a blaze. Without a word, he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside, then reached for the buckle of his belt. His eyes danced with amusement and underlying heat, as he took in her flushed face.

  “Such a bold statement, and yet you’re blushing.”

  Jenna tossed her purse and keys onto the couch and headed towards her bedroom. “The sight of you undressing does things to a girl.”

  His grin was hot enough to melt her on the spot. “Things like what? Are you getting wet already?” He followed her—more like stalked her as a predator would do to prey—as she retreated.

  Her heart jolted, her inner muscles clenched, and her underwear was suspiciously wet. If she saw him naked and made love to him a thousand times, her body would always react the same way. “I guess you’ll find that out soon enough.” His eyes ran over her hungrily, lingering on the area that pulsed and ached for his touch. She loved the way he looked at her, the way he touched her, the dirty things he said to her that made her entire body burn with excitement. Adam had officially ruined all men for her. Or maybe he’d done that since they were teenagers.

  He caught up to her just as she stepped into the bedroom. He was already naked and her eyes ran over him appreciatively. He was like a Greek god that she wanted to lick from head to toe. The thought caused bright patches of red to burn in her cheeks.

  Adam grinned knowingly. “Having dirty thoughts?”

  “Yes,” she said. “You incite dirty thoughts.”

  “I’m having very filthy thoughts about you, too. Remember how I said I wanted to fuck you from behind?” He leaned closer until his lips brushed her ear. “I’m going to do just that.”

  Her breath hitched, and she nearly swooned. Perhaps if she’d had lovers like Adam before who were unabashedly verbal in the bedroom, she’d be more prepared to handle him. Or maybe there was nothing and no one who could have prepared her for his kind of love-making.

  Her dress dropped to the floor before she could recover from the shock of what he said he was going to do to her. A strangled groan escaped him, as he studied her in only a lacy thong. “You went out on a date wearing practically nothing. Well, now I’m going to have to kill the biker.”

  She burst into a fit of giggles. She was sure he was joking, but he somehow always managed to make her feel cherished. Her amusement dissipated when he didn’t even crack a smile. “You were joking, right?”

  He sighed. “You make me think crazy things, Jenna.”

  She was lifted in a swift, smooth motion and tossed onto the bed. Adam didn’t bother to remove her heels and even that sent excitement coursing through her. “I feel like a porn star right now in only heels.”

  Adam’s eyes lit up teasingly. “Jenna, you dirty girl. Don’t tell me you watch porn.”

  “I don’t, but I’ve seen some things,” she said.

  Adam’s hot gaze on her made her heart skip a beat. He lowered himself to hover above her. She assumed he would kiss her, and she waited for it, but he bent his head to kiss her neck instead. The lower his mouth went, the higher her body temperature went. She moaned and writhed under the sweet torture of his mouth on her sensitive nipples. Every swipe of his tongue sent electricity coursing through her. Soon he peeled off her underwear, and his mouth lingered over her nether lips. She held her breath and waited. To her disappointment, he planted a kiss on the inside of one thigh.

  “Adam,” she said. “What are you doing?”

  “Waiting for you tell me what you want.”

  Peering down at him through her lashes, she swallowed. She was much too timid to tell him exactly what she wanted. She wasn’t as brazen and uncensored as he was. “I want you to … kiss me.”

  “I am kissing you,” he said, planting another kiss on her inner thigh. He tried to hide his smile, but she caught it. The devil.

  “You know what I mean.” She could feel her face heating up. When she could take the raging need no longer, she laced her fingers in his hair and pulled him toward her. “I want you to kiss me here.”

  His eyes swirled with satisfaction before he fastened his mouth to her. Her hips lifted eagerly, and she gave herself over to the pleasure. She’d never been comfortable enough with anyone to really enjoy such an intimate experience before and, to be honest, she’d never seen the appeal before as no one she’d been with was ever so skilled at the art.

  It didn’t take long for her to dissolve into a screaming, useless puddle. Muscles lax and barely able to get a word out, she gasped, “I think your tongue is magical.”

  Adam’s head popped up, and his mouth twitched before he let out a rumble of laughter. “I aim to please.” He flipped over effortlessly and pulled her to her knees. Jenna moaned before he even touched her. Her cells buzzed with anticipation. “Do I still get the privilege of being inside of you barri
er free, Jenna?” His fingers trailed over her back, making her shiver.

  “Yes,” she whispered. Why did every word that Adam uttered make her fall deeper in love with him? Who asked so politely to have sex without protection yet make it sound so seductive? While she pondered if Adam was too good to be true, he grasped her hips and pulled her back to meet his gentle thrust. Slowly, he made her his. Again. She would always be his no matter what their future held. He would always have her heart. She’d never felt so connected to someone. It was more than a physical connection, and she wondered if he felt it, too. He sped up, setting a pace that was quickly driving her to another peak. Fire burned its way through her bloodstream, the pleasure robbed her of breath and all good sense until she nearly blurted out that she loved him.

  Burying her face in the sheets to muffle her cry and whatever words threatened to escape, she rode the waves of pleasure and listened to Adam’s satisfied groans. He even groaned sexily. He was as perfect for her as she was for him. If only he would see it. He collapsed beside her, breathing as hard as she was.

  “You’re incredible, Jenna.”

  “I bet you say that to all the girls,” she said, in post-sexual bliss.

  “No, I’ve only ever said it to you.”

  The seriousness of his tone had her lifting her head to look at him. She stared into his eyes, which were cloudy with emotion. Wonder and uncertainty were easily identifiable. She was shocked by the fact that that his expression wasn’t schooled into an emotionless mask. She’d never seen Adam in a such a state of vulnerability before, and she wasn’t quite sure how to respond. She was almost afraid to utter a word for fear of saying something to cause him to shut down. He broke eye contact, when he jumped up. For a minute, she thought he was ready to leave, and her heart plummeted. But, he returned and urged her to turn over. Something warm was placed between her thighs, and he proceeded to clean her up.

  “Hmm, you’re not blushing.” He met her gaze with twinkling eyes. “Does this mean all shyness around me is gone?”

  Jenna blinked. She’d been so busy being moved by the gesture and thinking about how much more she just fell in love, that she forgot to be embarrassed. The reminder caused her face to flush. “I guess not.”


  Jenna’s eyes fluttered open, and she stretched languidly. Even after hours of sleep, she was exhausted. Last night had been a reminder of Adam’s ravenous sexual appetite, and she was beginning to think he wasn’t human. Either that or he had a lot of pent-up, sexual frustration. Even after her year-long dry spell, she could barely keep up with him. She was drained and sore, and it was incredible. A smile lit up her face.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  “Adam,” she said and jackknifed into a sitting position. Clutching the sheet to her bare chest, she eyed him standing in the doorway, until she remembered that he couldn’t read her mind. Shoving her hair out of her face, she smiled weakly.

  His brows shot up. “Expecting someone else?”

  “No. I just … I’m surprised that you’re still here.” He looked good standing at the entrance to her bedroom in nothing but his jeans, which were unbuttoned and revealing the dusting of hair that lead to his magic wand. And it really was magic. Jenna had to force her gaze back to his face.

  He frowned. “Shit. Was I not supposed to spend the night? I’m still not sure how to navigate this relationship thing.”

  She froze in the process of trying to finger-comb her hair into some semblance of order. Forgetting about how awful she must look, she gaped at him. “R-relationship?”

  He tilted his head. “Of course. After I made it clear that I’ll off any man you ever think to date again, and after I didn’t sneak out before dawn this morning, I decided that you’re now mine, and I’ll never let you go. We’re practically married now. I gave our relationship some serious thought while watching you sleep for two hours. You’re mine, Jenna. Forever.”

  She continued to stare at him slack-jawed. A sliver of fear began to seep in. She wanted Adam to look her way for years, and now she was starting to think he was a little too possessive and maybe a tad crazy. Her concern mounted, until she detected the crack in his stony expression. Laughter began to swirl in his eyes, until he could no longer keep a straight face, and the corners of his mouth kicked up. Jenna grabbed a pillow and hurled it at him, as she snickered. “Very funny.”

  He dodged another pillow with a grin and walked back to bed. Before she could grab another weapon, he caught her and pinned her beneath him. “Did I scare you enough for you to never allow another man into your apartment? There are a lot of crazies out there.”

  “Asshole,” she said. “You had me worried for a minute there.”

  “Mission accomplished.” He nuzzled her neck and nipped her earlobe.

  “First you break into my apartment, and then you pull an American Psycho moment.” She batted his shoulders playfully. “I don’t need any more lessons in safety.”

  Adam lifted his head to grin down at her. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself.”

  “I know.” Trailing the outline of his lips with her index finger, she whispered, “I love seeing you like this. You’re the wicked tease once again.”

  “As opposed to?”

  “The serious version of you. I suppose that has a lot to do with the military training, so I usually give you a pass.”

  “There’s more to it that military training,” he said.

  “I know, and I’m here to listen whenever you need to talk.”

  He stared intently at her for a long while, until he smiled. “Thank you. You’re okay with me spending the night, right?”

  “Of course.” She was more than alright. She was ecstatic. They were making significant progress. “You didn’t really watch me sleep for two hours did you?”

  “Of course not. It was more like thirty minutes.”

  Jenna groaned and attempted to pull away. “I must have looked horrible. I must look horrible now. Did I drool? Snore? I don’t talk in my sleep do I?”

  Laughing, Adam tightened his hold. “You’re adorable when you sleep, and there was only minimal drooling.”

  She gasped, horrified, but the twinkle in his eyes told her that he was teasing again. “I hate you.”

  “No you don’t.” He was teasing her in a different way now, with his hand between her legs and his fingers stroking her center. Her breathing became more ragged with each stroke.

  “Sh … shower,” she said.

  He grinned. “You want to do this in the shower?”

  “No, I mean I need to take a shower.” One finger breached her entrance, and she gasped. “I guess you can join me if you wish.”

  “I wish,” he said, kissing the corner of her mouth. “We’ll take a shower after I watch you come right here.”

  She was already melting for him, her hips grinding wantonly against his hand. “I’ve never been like this with anyone.”

  A slight smile formed on his lips. “Neither have I.


  Jenna practically floated into Ashley’s shop, wearing a huge grin. She glanced around and noted that there were no customers. “I brought lunch as promised. I see you have time to enjoy it with me today.”

  Ashley swiveled her chair around. “I’ve got a whole half hour before my next client.”

  “Great. I have to get back to work in an hour.” Jenna pulled the chair out next to Ashley and plopped down. “Have I mentioned how awesome it is to work so close to my best friend’s tattoo parlor?”

  In the process of pulling her smoothie out of a paper bag. Ashley paused to give Jenna an amused glance. “Have I mentioned that you’ve been behaving like you’re on happy pills for the last two months?”

  Pursing her lips and curbing the excitement that always threatened to spill over, Jenna nodded. “I am happy, and you know pills have nothing to do with my mood.”

  “I know … A dick is responsible.”


  “Oh m
y God, how can you still blush over the word dick when you’ve been having so much sex?”

  “Who told you I’ve been having that much sex?”

  “The world can see it on your face, honey.”

  Jenna’s eyes widened. Surely, Ashley couldn’t be serious. Did she really walk around looking sexually satisfied? Unwrapping her sandwich, she took a huge bite and mulled over her appearance some more.

  Ashley’s soft laughter seeped into her mind. “Relax, I was exaggerating. The world can’t really look at you and tell that you and the hot sailor have been going at it like rabbits. I just have very sharp sex-dar.”

  Sending a glare her friend’s way, she said, “This is the first I’m hearing about the phenomenon called sex-dar.” She pulled in a breath and smiled. “I’m happy, Ash. I’m in love.”

  “No shit,” Ashley said.

  “Have I thanked you for getting me to go out with that biker?”

  “Only everyday you’ve seen me for the last eight weeks.” Taking a sip of her smoothie, Ashley grinned. “I knew seeing you with another man would knock some sense into Adam. And you’re welcome. Again. Now, please stop thanking me. So, have you two put a label on your relationship yet?”

  Jenna took a few more bites of her sandwich and quickly lost interest in it. She wrapped it up and set it aside. “Well, we’ve been inseparable for two months. If he doesn’t sleep at my place, I sleep at his. So, I guess we’re lovers. I helped decorate his new house. He let me pick out just about everything. Girlfriends do things like that, right? Maybe I’m his girlfriend.”

  Ashley sipped from her cup in silence and studied Jenna with raised brows.

  “Oh, shut up,” Jenna said.

  “I didn’t say a word.”

  “You’re looking at me with judgmental eyes. We haven’t discussed what we are yet. Okay? We sort of just fell into a routine, which I’m perfectly fine with. Adam is working through his emotional issues, and I’m patient enough to wait and help him. We’ve made incredible progress because he actually expresses himself with words now.”


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